Twice Bitten (New Moon Series Book 1)

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Twice Bitten (New Moon Series Book 1) Page 9

by Belle Harper

  Saturday was now my favorite day of the week. I never had the chance to just sleep in and I was loving it. Especially after my nightmares kept me up half the night. My room was different now too, Jack had put new sheets on my bed. All my new clothes hung in the closet. There was a fluffy purple pillow and a black throw rug that I had looked at. I needed to remember shopping with Jack was a “touch it and its bought” kind of guy. But my favorite was he bought some string lights and hung them on the headboard. They twinkled and looked so cute.

  The best part was last night when I got home after school last night, there was a new bookshelf. And it had a couple of new books. Romance novels, not ones I would usually read—I love my historical romance. These ones were of werewolves falling in love with humans. But I was really enjoying the one I picked up.

  I was sitting back on my bed, reading this intense fight seen when there was a knock at the door. I called out that it was open.

  “Oh my gosh, Grayson and Jack said you can go to the party. You didn’t even ask them, silly.” I jerked upright in surprise, my now forgotten book falling to the floor. Ada bounced into my room and plopped herself at the end of my bed, beaming ear to ear. She had a bag with her… and a suitcase. What the hell? I told her she could come over in the afternoon, but this looked like a sleepover. And I didn’t agree to that.

  “Lexi, you are not tied to this house, love. You can go to the party. You should have just asked… we knew about it. The Lovells’ have a party twice a month. It would be good for you to get out… meet some of your classmates.” Jack smiled and nodded at me when I didn’t answer, closing the door behind him.

  “This is so great.” Ada squealed in excitement. I turned back to Ada and shook my head. No, this was not.

  “I don’t want to go.”

  Her mouth dropped, then closed, then opened again. I could see the wheels turning in her head before she nodded.

  “Okay… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you so much, I sometimes get fixed on something and I don’t consider others thoughts, my parents tell me this all the time. And I did it again… I don’t want to do that with you. I’m really sorry, Lexi.”

  My chest felt light, I was glad she wasn’t pushing me anymore. And well I guess maybe she was just as new to this friend thing as me. I had an urge to hug her. So I did, she smelled nice. When I pulled away, she giggled.

  “Did you still want to watch romantic comedies and eat ice cream and chocolate?”

  I smiled, “Yeah, it’s gonna be awesome.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I decided I wanted to go to the party, ugh I just couldn’t stop running it over in my mind. I wanted to show Ranger and Maverick that I wasn’t afraid of them. Well, mostly Maverick. Ranger I still needed to avoid. Plus, we had started watching Twilight on the iPad Ada brought with her. I decided I had seen this movie one too many times and honestly, I wasn’t a fan of Robert Pattinson. He just didn’t do it for me or the character.

  The suitcase Ada had brought was filled with clothes to try on for the party. Apparently, she had come over with it just in case. And she asked Jack as soon as he opened the door, trying to get a yes from the parentals by sucking up to them… only to find I never asked them in the first place. And they were more than happy for me to go.

  Ada owned more than just button-up shirts. She had a whole range of clothes suitable for this kind of party. But we were leaving early, and I wasn’t getting into some pool. It was too cold to be swimming. That and I couldn’t swim.

  Ada promised she would take me back to the house when I was ready to leave or by nine, and just being there would be great fun for both of us. I hoped so.

  “Lexi, did you want to borrow one of my tops? I brought all this to share with you. That’s what friends do, share clothes and secrets…” She winked at me and giggled.

  I stared at the mess she had made of my room—sequins and colorful tops and dresses spread out everywhere. No way was I wearing those, it was too cold out. This was an outside party and I wasn’t going to freeze to look dressed up. I grabbed my black skinny jeans, which were starting to get a little tight now that I had put on some much-needed weight. Cupcakes and muffins everyday did that to you. And I wasn’t complaining. I now had some curves back.

  “You are going to wear that? But you wear it every day.” She groaned when I slipped my head into my favorite black hoodie, flicking my hair out as I pulled it down to my waist. So warm, but not as soft as it once was. The tear now all sewn up, thanks to Grayson’s help. You couldn’t tell it was damaged at all unless you looked really close.

  “Don’t you have like… a different one? In color?”

  I shook my head and laughed. She laughed as I sat down on the edge of my bed and watched her try to pick something to wear.

  “Okay… I have something that my big sister had given me. It’s not my style.” She pulled a black leather jacket out of her suitcase. “When I was packing for tonight, I saw it in my closet and just knew it was meant for you. I will never wear it and it will go on living in there until my parents give it to goodwill or something. I want you to have it. That’s if you want it, of course.” She placed the soft black leather jacket in my lap. There was silver zip and buckles. It was a fitted jacket. I wasn’t sure if it would even be my size. But I quickly threw my hoodie off and put my arms into the jacket. I instantly felt the warmth from the leather.

  “Oh my God, see I knew it! It was meant to be yours. This is like destiny.” Then she cracked up laughing, slapping her thigh and trying to breathe through the bouts of laugher. I stood and moved around, it melded to my body so perfect. This jacket was made for me.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She was now starting to calm the giggles and tried to breathe normally, but the giggles started up and she snorted, and that made her giggle more.

  “My sister—” she giggled and snorted, “her name is Destiny.” And she cracked up laughing again. I couldn’t help the rise in my chest and started to laugh at the silliness that was Ada. I had to remember to thank her sister for this jacket. Her giggles slowed down.

  “Okay, I’m good now. You look hot, I look hot.” She pointed down to her blue jeans, she wore a sequinned baby pink top with a black jacket. It looked great. It really suited her.

  “Let’s do our makeup. I can do yours.” She offered. I just blinked a few times before I realized she was serious.

  “Ah, that’s okay. I can do my own.”

  After an hour of getting ready and all the make-up done. Ada had curled her beautiful blonde hair, and she offered to do mine. Something I had never done before. But it looked good on her, softened her look. So I shrugged and let her have at it.

  My hair was a lot longer than Ada’s but it gave the same effect. I smiled and giggled as she twirled around and grabbed her iPhone out.

  “Selfie time.” She pulled me close to her and I could see us on the screen, she did the kiss pout and I copied her, then a few others. I was feeding off her energy and I loved it. This was the best idea.

  “Oh I will upload this to Instagram. What’s your username?” I raised my brows at her and she laughed. “Oh man, we need to fix that.” We walked out the bathroom and into the living room where all the boys were, Jack and Grayson, watching a movie.

  “Oh wow ladies, your look stunning.” Jack beamed. Grayson stood up and came over, his smile was so genuine.

  “Lexi, you look so beautiful. And Ada, too. I hope you both have a great night.” He stood there, looking a little awkward when Ada wrapped her arms around him.

  “Thank you, Grayson. We are going now.” When she released him she walked over to the door. Joshy ran over and hugged me.

  “Don’t go, I will miss you.” I hugged him back. His words hitting me right in the chest. I would do anything for this kid.

  “I will only be gone for a little while, I promise I will be back.” He smiled and nodded before running back to watch the movie. Jack came over and stood
beside Grayson, his arm wrapping around his waist. They were both smiling at me.

  God, why was this hard. I took a deep breath, bent my head and went for it. I wrapped my arms awkwardly around them both before moving away quickly.

  “Bye.” I called out as I rushed out the door. Ada was standing next to her blue sedan, I looked up and down the street. I hadn’t seen Raff all day, and I kind of wished he saw me right in this moment. As I slipped into her car, she giggled again.

  “We are going to have so much fun, what should we listen too?” she played around with her radio, a Rhianna song came on, and Ada started singing… of key.

  We drove slowly up Kiba court—the townsfolk have really thought long and hard about what they were going to name the streets around here. It was a long court and the houses were big and fancy. All these manicured lawns with huge houses. No, they were definitely mansions. Where the heck did they get the money for them? For a tiny town, there were a lot of millionaires.

  “These are the houses most the Kiba boys all come from. Well, their parents’ houses. I know the Lovell house is at the end and it’s the biggest. I have always wanted to go inside.” I could see how excited she was, she was bouncing a little in her seat. Maybe she was nervous? It was hard to read Ada, but I was starting to feel nervous now we were so close. I didn’t expect them to have a mansion.

  All these mansions were all surrounded by the forest—every single property backed onto it, just Jack and Grayson’s house. It was nice, it felt protected by the trees, even though it was getting dark. And the forest cast some long dark shadows.

  I thought over what she had said. The Kiba boys—the ones she was talking about when we first met—all lived on the same street? The ones that fight with the Rawlins boys and Kenneally boys for no real reason. I wondered if they lived on the same streets, too. When the huge white mansion came into view I gasped.

  “I can’t wait to see inside. I heard there are like ten bedrooms and they all have their own bathrooms. Can you imagine?” I didn’t reply, I didn’t know what to say. This was where Ranger and Maverick lived? This was bigger than all the other mansions we just passed.

  A little farther down on their property, to the right was a smaller house. It matched the large one but looked more like a small cottage. The lights were on inside. I wondered if they had a gardener who lived there. That would be a huge job to do these lawns and I didn’t see Ranger being someone to mow the lawn.

  There were a lot of cars parked in the circular drive, and Ada made sure to keep her car just outside the front fence and parked on the court.

  “Just so we don’t get block in and can leave when you’re ready, or when the clock hits nine.”

  I nodded, thankful she was thinking ahead and being so understanding about wanting to be out of there by nine. I was still in awe of this house. If being a mayor of a tiny town got you a house like this… Well, where do I sign up?

  I closed the car door and could see two people walk toward us. When they came into view, I realized it was that cop, Nash. I groaned. Fuck my life. I forgot he was Ranger’s brother.

  “Why, hello there Alexis. I heard you were coming.” I didn’t know where he heard that from. I sure made it very clear with Ranger and Maverick that I wasn’t coming. The guy beside him was just as tall as Nash, but he had a darker complexion and short brown hair. He gave me a once-over before turning his attention to Ada. I could feel her squirm beside me at his attention. His piercing gray eyes flicked back to mine and he smiled. I wasn’t sure how to take him,

  “This is Elijah, we are on security tonight. Don’t want no trouble coming in here. If you have any problems, please come to us.”

  I nodded. I guess with the cop here, this would be a little safer than parties I had been too in the past. I stepped around him, the night had really snuck up on us and it was now almost dark. Lacing my arm with Ada, we took ourselves up the driveway to where we could see the lights and hear the music and people talking at the back of the house.

  When we rounded the corner, I realized I was out of my element. Girls and guys were in a huge pool, splashing and play fighting. There was a whole table filled with alcohol and some beer kegs.

  “I am not drinking. And neither are you, don’t take drinks from others. Only pour your own.” I warned Ada under my breath. She squeezed my hand and nodded.

  “I wasn’t going too. I am driving.” I was glad she agreed. I wrapped my arms around my waist, feeling very out of place. And the eyes… so many guys were looking at me now.

  I shouldn’t have come here.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I knew she was here when I felt the change in the atmosphere. There was no other explanation for it. She said she wasn’t coming. Nash said that she was, and I didn’t believe him.

  I didn’t want her here. I wanted her to leave. Leave Kiba. Ranger was obsessed with her. He wouldn’t stop talking about her, and at dinner last night, it became very obvious that my father was taking his claims that he believed she was his mate very serious. And I didn’t like that.

  Because as much as Ranger thought she was his mate, I knew she was mine, too. I wouldn’t do that to her. I had decided long ago that I wouldn’t take a mate, I refused to be part of it. I wouldn’t change her; she would never be a shifter. And that was what was expected of me, by my family and my pack.

  I had never told anyone about my plans to never take a mate. And now she was here, ruining my plans to protect her from all of this.

  “Hey, she is here, I can smell her. Are you sure Ranger thinks she is his mate? ‘Cause, dude… I can smell and feel that too, like maybe she is my mate.” I looked over to my childhood, and best friend Saint. He graduated last year and now worked for my father. He had recently cut his dark blond hair short, but it suited him and the hard line of his jaw. I had always thought he would be the first to get a girlfriend, but he was still single. I always wondered if he felt the same way I did about turning the women we love into shifters to continue our pack. But I never voiced that, I was worried if he didn’t feel that way, that he might accidentally tell someone, and it get back to my father.

  It just wasn’t right. So many women died during the transition that it was just horrific to hear the stories. Last year there was a failed transition with some packmates. That was all the pack called it, failed. It wasn’t failed. The woman died. That was a life that didn’t need to be lost like that. It was bullshit, is what it was. And right now, I wanted to slap Saint for even thinking that of Alexis.

  “She smells like that for everyone. So unless she has over a hundred mates, then it’s just all messed up. We are not even supposed to smell our mates, that’s just one of those old wolf tales.” But with her… it didn’t seem like an old tale anymore.

  He poured some more bourbon into my red cup as we watched her from the windows. She had those skinny jeans on again, but the leather jacket was different. Her hair was down and wavy. She was dressed up, and she looked so good. Fuck.

  Her friend walked toward us. I moved away from the glass door and she opened it and walked right into the house like she owned the place. One look at me and she smiled and made her way over to me.

  “Oh hi, you would know this place well. I need two cups and your nearest tap for water.” I was a little stunned at this bossy little blonde-haired girl right in front of me giving me orders. I looked over to Saint and found he was still watching Alexis. My eyes narrowed on him, my wolf starting to come to the surface which wasn’t good.

  There was some clicking sound and we both snapped out of it. We were both now glaring at the girl in front of us, who was clicking her fingers in my face.

  “Oh sorry, you and your friend need some water? Let me help you.” Saint gave his megawatt smile and the girl giggled. What was her name? Annie? Audrey? Ava? I couldn’t remember, but she talked a lot and I tried to block her out at school.

  She thanked Saint, who took her into the kitchen. I watched Alexis as she s
tood there, so many eyes on her but she didn’t seem to notice. Or she was really good at not giving a shit. That last thought almost had me smiling. When Saint and the girl returned, he strolled right past me holding a cup of water, the girl chatting away as she held hers. He winked at me as he followed her outside.

  All the shifters at school wanted to get to know Alexis. And Saint was acting exactly like them all. Was it wrong I wanted her to reject him, he was my closest friends and I should want him to be happy, to find someone. Just not her. Anyone but her.

  I was standing there staring openly at her, hoping she would tell him to fuck off, that she wasn’t interested in him. Even though I knew she didn’t like me—I made sure of that… but still. A part of me deep down, still wanted her to pick me.

  To choose me.

  She had to leave. Now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Ada was headed towards me with a guy, he had a big smile for me. I wanted to roll my eyes, he was holding two cups in his hands. Ugh, I hope that one was not mine.

  “Hey Lexi, this is Saint. He graduated last year.” The guy looked the same as the rest of them, built, tight white tee showing off all his muscles… the dark blond hair was neat and gelled. He was cute, okay he was hot. I nodded hello to him as he passed the cup of water to me. I took it and turned to a plant in a pot beside me and poured it out. I didn’t trust anyone, and I wasn’t joking about that. Ada didn’t question anything, she gave me her cup and took a sip then handed it back to her. I watched as he cocked his head. Confusion written over his face at what I did.

  “I didn’t do anything to it, it’s just water. I swear.” I shrugged, I didn’t care. I learnt that lesson long ago about taking a drink form someone I thought I could trust. Never want to repeat that again in my lifetime.


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