Into the Dark

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Into the Dark Page 6

by T A. McKay

  “This one's on me.” She says with a husky voice as she pushes a napkin in my direction.

  “Well, thank you, beautiful. What can I do to say thank you?” I watch as the smile on her lips grows and her eyes twinkle.

  “Why don’t you just call the number on that napkin after my shift ends at five and we will see if we can think of something.” I look down at the napkin and notice she has put her number on it. I pick it up and fold it in half before putting it in my back pocket.

  “I’m sure we will think of something. My names Mason, I will call later.”

  “Victoria ... and I’ll be waiting.” With a parting smile to Victoria, I move away from the counter and head back to the table where Makenzie is. Now I have my evening entertainment sorted it's time to sort out what's happening with Rocco, and I think this may be harder to do. Sitting down again I take a huge gulp of my coffee, it burns my tongue but it’s worth the pain.

  “I so need this. Rocco is walking about like someone kicked his God damn puppy. I have seen the man in a bad mood but not anything like this in a long time.” I watch Makenzie out of the corner of my eye and see she is avoiding eye contact. Well, this should be interesting.

  “It’s actually Rocco I asked you here about.” I should act surprised, but I'm not in the slightest.

  “Ok, that explains it.” Her head whips up and she shoots me a look that could make any grown man shiver. I can’t help but smile at her, obviously Makenzie isn't the push over that I think she is.

  “What? What does it explain?” Oh God. Neither of them honestly have a clue, I’m going to have to spell it out to them slowly.

  “The man has been having a hard time since you came into his life. He was just going about his life, living it like he has gotten used to, and then one day he arrives at work with a smile. An actual real smile. I don't want to tell you how long it’s been since I have seen one of those on Rocco’s face. But since that day he has been tied in knots over you.” She gets a confused look on her face and she asks softly,

  “Then why does he keep pushing me away? I know I shouldn't be asking you, but he won't talk to me. He confuses me with the things he says and then avoids me.” I don't know what to say to her. I can't tell her everything that Rocco has been through, that wouldn't be fair to him to tell his secrets, but I can't let her keep believing that he doesn't like her. I need to give her something.

  “He doesn't mean to, he just doesn't know what to do. How to cope.”

  “Ugh! Do you both take classes in talking in riddles?” She grates back at me, followed by a frustrated sigh. Oh, this is definitely a side of Makenzie I haven't seen before, and it just makes me think she is more perfect for Rocco than before, she won't let him away with any of the shit he usually pulls.

  “I have said before, this isn't my story to tell you Makenzie. It needs to come from Rocco, if and when he is ready to tell you.”

  “Please help me, Mason.” God damn it! I wish Rocco would just get his head out of his arse and talk to the woman, I know that she would never look at him the way Elle did. She just saw him as a meal ticket and when he could not longer be that she lost interest very quickly. Elle was a deep down to the core bitch, I don't see that in Makenzie, I mean the girl is willing to chase him even when he keeps running away.

  “I like him, like really like him. I don't want him to keep running from me, but I need to know if he likes me or if I am seeing something that isn't there.” Those are the words that make it clear to me that I need to say something more, I refuse to let Rocco miss out on the only good thing that has happened to him in a long time. Even if he is too stubborn to see it I am going to be damned if he lets Makenzie slip through his fingers because he is being stupid.

  “He likes you Makenzie, like really likes you. But there is the problem. It has been so long since he felt anything for anyone he isn't sure what to do with it. All I can say is he has been hurt in the past, hurt to the point I wasn't sure if he would ever find himself again or not.” I will myself to stop talking, this subject upsets me even after all this time. The thought of being without Rocco still fills me with dread. I look at Makenzie and I see that she has lost the red glow that is normally on her cheeks and she is looking a little like she is going to be sick. I think about not telling her anymore, but the look she has in her eyes tells me that I need to continue, she needs to know what she is up against and what she will gain if she gets her man, because he really is the greatest guy out there. He is nothing like me, he isn't an arsehole. I treat women like shit because I can, it’s what works for me, and I like the chase. Rocco isn't like that, he likes to be with one woman and give her everything, so I keep talking.

  “He was in an accident, we nearly lost him but he fought to stay. He is the strongest guy I know, but while he fought to build his body again, I saw his spirit break. His ex Elle, she was a bitch, but again I say that’s his story. I have said too much already. Know it’s not you, if you want my advice, I would push him to open up before he pushes you away.” Mackenzie's eyes are glistening slightly and I pray to God that she doesn't start crying because I cannot deal with crying women! Just when I’m about to make a run for it she smiles slightly at me, looking more settled than she has the entire time we have been talking.

  "Thank you, Mason. You have no idea how much you have just helped me."

  "Well, I don't know why you're shocked? I am a helpful sort of guy. Any other problems I can help you with?" I give her a wink. I can’t help it, I think flirting with women is actually in my blood. Put me in front of any female and I will have to flirt with her, even if she’s like Makenzie and I know she has absolutely no interest in me at all.

  "Mason, You really are disgusting aren't you?" She replies with a laugh, I give her a shit-eating grin because, well let's be honest, she isn't wrong.

  I’m just arriving at work when my mobile phone beeps letting me know that I have a message. I pull into my parking space, cut the engine and pull my phone out of my pocket. Opening it up, I scan over the message quickly picking up the most important points. Night out. Drinking. Dancing. Women. Tomorrow. Yeah, I’m all for that. Have a little fun tonight with Victoria and then a night out tomorrow to get a little more action. Thinking about Veronica, I reach into my jacket pocket and take out the napkin with her number on it and add her number to my contacts before sending her a text. Well, you never know when I might need it again.

  'Hey sexy. Are you still wanting a little company tonight after work? I think I could help you with that if you’re interested at all.'

  I press send and shove my phone back in my pocket. Getting out of the car, I lock it and walk back into the garage shouting out to Ben as I reach the work area.

  "Hey Ben, did you get that belly pan fitted to the red Kawasaki?"

  "Yes I did, not that you stuck around to help at all. Must be great being a boss and only having to work part time." I know the fucker is trying to be funny, I just don't find him funny in the slightest.

  "If it’s making you upset that I left, I could always fire you and then you won’t have to ever worry again about seeing me leave for a few hours." I watch his face as he struggles to come up with a witty answer, I know Ben, if he can't think of something to say quickly he will be in a pissy mood for the rest of the day.

  "Fuck you, Mason"

  "Great comeback, Ben. Great comeback." I walk away laughing and I can hear him bitching under his breath. I make my way towards my office, needing to check some paper work for the bikes we have booked in next week. I know we have an appointment with a prospective new client tonight, but I'm not sure what time.

  The new client is due any minute. I hate having to wait around the garage after hours. I refuse to work on any of the projects, I know once I get started I may not stop. I love my work and I tend to get engrossed in it a bit too much at times, and tonight I have a date with a very hot blonde. I’m checking over the work orders for the next day when I hear a bike arriving outside the double garage doors
. I pull the chain opening up the left side of the roller doors, waiting for the bike and rider to make their way inside. The rider cuts the engine and sit’s looking at me, or I think they are but it’s hard to tell behind the tinted visor. I give the rider the once over and I am surprised at the slight build of the guy, usually men on bikes have a bit more muscle to them, a bit more strength. Maybe it’s just the guys I normally see, the ones with the sports bikes that are bigger need strength to handle them. I wait until he gets off his bike and then I take a closer look at the bike it’self. It’s a beauty. A Kawasaki Ninja 250 and it’s in immaculate condition. It isn't a new bike, but you can tell that it has been cared for by someone who loves it. I walk around the bike continuing to look until I reach the owner again.

  "Hi there, you must be Knight? I’m Mason, the owner of the garage. Your bike is amazing, are you really sure you want to do anything to it?" I watch as the owner reaches up to pull off his helmet, and get the shock of my life as when it clears his head a mane of dark hair cascades down their back. I stand there open mouthed for I don't know how long before the owner speaks.

  "No, my name isn't Knight, my surname is Knight. My name is Niamh Knight. It’s nice to meet you." I stand for another minute before I realise that I am standing looking like an idiot. I just don't know what to say. The paperwork had been filled out by one of the guys and it had said the customers name was Knight. Since there was no other info, I had just taken it that that was the customers first name. Now I’m standing here in front a woman with the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen, sparkling green but they seem to shine. Ok, so not only am I standing here like a mute, I’m now thinking thoughts that have never entered my mind before. I'm getting all-poetic over the colour of her eyes. Fuck me...get a grip, Mason!

  "Sorry, the paperwork just said Knight so I just took it that was the name." I walk over and reach my hand out in front of me to shake her hand. She looks down at it with a look of disgust and I have no idea why. I look down at it wondering if I missed some oil or grease, but they look sparkling clean to me. She looks very reluctant when she reaches over and takes my hand in hers. I feel a rush of heat from her hand, one that I have never felt before and I look down to where our hands meet. What the fuck is wrong with me? Maybe, I just need to get laid more. Maybe, my body is telling me that I need to up my game. I feel her tug slightly at my hand bringing my attention back to her and I realise that I am still holding her hand.

  "Sorry. Em... why don't we go to my office and we can discuss what you are looking for from us." I walk away from her just expecting her to follow me. I need to get a grip and fast.


  I can’t believe it’s him. Of all the garages, I could have taken my bike too I had to bring it to his. I know he doesn't remember me, but I remember him, how could I forget. When I caught him sneaking out of Talia’s room, I had been torn. Part of me was pissed at Talia for bringing yet another guy home, we share the flat and I really hate coming face to face with her conquests in the morning. Another part of me had been pissed at him, or at Mason, now that I know his name. Why do men think it’s ok to use women as playthings? And sneaking out while she was asleep is low! And part of me and this is the bit I hate to admit, couldn't turn away from the man who stood in front of me with his top off. I see a lot of naked and half naked men being a nurse, but he had held my attention, even if I hated that he did. He had stood in the entrance hall looking like all kinds of sin. Topless with his jeans button still undone, it took all my effort not to walk over and push him against the wall. His body is like something out of every woman’s fantasy, hard, toned and tattooed. He obviously works out a lot, or if he doesn't, he needs to thank his parents for some amazing genes. I had been a bitch to him that morning, but I needed to be to save my dignity. If I had been nice to him, there was a chance I would have invited him to my room next, and that's not something I want to lower myself to. He may look amazing, but I have met his type before, beautiful and used to getting what he wants, or should that be who. So no, he can look as amazing as he wants, he will not be getting into my bed. I follow behind him towards his office trying not to watch his arse, but it’s just so hard not to. He is wearing jeans that look like they were painted on and with every step he takes I can... stop Niamh. Oh my God, what is wrong with me? I really need to find a nice guy to settle down with. I don't do one night stands and finding a nice guy when I work so much is hard, but this just goes to show that I need to get out there and look.

  Chapter Seven


  I couldn't get out of the garage fast enough tonight. After meeting with Niamh, I felt, well actually I’m not sure how I feel. It’s hard to explain what’s going through my head at the moment. I know women, I know how they react to me and how to get what I want, but that woman, well she threw me for a loop. I don't think there has ever been a time when I didn't know what to say, when I couldn't form words at all. Now, I’m on my way to meet Victoria with a hard on in my trousers and only one thought on my mind...release.

  I had arranged earlier with Victoria to meet in a local hotel. I don’t often do this but there is no way in hell that she is coming to my house, no girl gets to know where I live and she says she has a roommate that, in her own words 'she can't let them see her bringing someone home with her'. To me that means she has a boyfriend waiting at home for her, but that has never worried me in the past so I’m not going to let it bother me now.

  I need a distraction and she is it for tonight.

  I’m now sitting in the room waiting on her, hoping that she can get the thoughts of Niamh out of my mind, but the more that I actually try to not think about her the more she is there. The way she seemed to look at me with pure hatred one minute and then with heat the next had me really confused. I may have mistaken the look of heat, it could have been another level of hate that I was reading something into, maybe I wanted to see that look there so I was imagining it. The main thing I wanted to know was, why the hell she was looking at me with the anger in the first place? Was it really because I had gotten her name wrong? I mean if it were the reason for her acting like a bitch then she had a serious problem, can't a guy make a simple mistake?

  I am so stuck in my head that it takes me a few minutes to register the soft knock against the room door. I stand, making my way quickly to the door, I didn't know how long Victoria had actually been knocking and I didn't want her to leave thinking I wasn’t here. I need a release tonight so there was no way that I am letting her leave. Opening the door, I find her standing in the hall wearing a knee length jacket that is buttoned up to her perfect breasts, with just enough of them showing to catch my attention. Another thing that catches my attention is the shoes on her feet. She is wearing knee length, black high-heeled boots. I found out a long time ago I had a thing for women’s shoes, now I'm not talking about just any shoes, I am talking about sexy high heels. Those ones that women wear and it makes their legs look like they are five foot long. Those ones that shape their legs perfectly and the ones that if they leave on, can give you one nasty injury if you aren't careful where she sticks them. It’s not the first time that I have had a very nasty cut on my leg or arse when a girl has gotten a little carried away.

  "I’m happy you seem to like my feet, but I was hoping that you might like the whole package." I look up quickly with a smile pulling at the corner of my lips.

  "Oh, you have no idea how much the whole package is to my liking." I reach my hand out towards her and she takes it. Pulling her into the room, I let the door close behind us. I can think of nothing else but peeling her clothes from her body and forgetting my shitty day in between her legs. I grab the back of her neck, pulling her lips towards mine.

  “You have no idea how much I need this, I just want to have fun. Is that ok with you?” I brush my lips against hers as I speak and I feel the little breaths she is panting against my lips. I know she is here for the same thing I am, a bit of fun with an amazing orgasm at the end but I need to r
emind her this is all it is for me. This one time only, nothing more.

  “Trust me, the only time I want with you is now. I have someone at home that I love, she just doesn't have what I need just now.” I pull back from her and look to see if she is being truthful.

  “A girlfriend?” She smiles at me with a very erotic look on her face. If my dick wasn’t hard before it would definitely be after watching her lips curl up. I knew she had someone at home, I just thought it was a boyfriend. Very wrong on that assumption...very wrong.

  “Yes, a girlfriend. And she doesn't have the equipment I am craving today.” With those final words she unties the belt holding her jacket closed and drops it to the floor, leaving her standing there in nothing but her boots. I stand slightly open mouthed and just take in the view. I have seen this happen in movies but never in real life, well not in my life anyway and I thought I had seen most things.

  “You really are just fucking perfect, aren't you?” I say as I move quickly towards her. When my body is flush with hers, I don’t stop moving, I push mine against her so she has to walk backwards or fall over. Her back hit’s the wall I was moving us towards and a little gasp comes from between her parted lips. Her eyes widen and she licks her lips, I don't know if it’s out of nervousness or arousal. I move against her body, pushing my leg in between hers. I rub gently, knowing the denim will now be rubbing against her clit, this is confirmed when she moans and her head rolls back and hit’s the wall. I think she was maybe under the illusion that she was in control of what is happening, but now it’s time to show her how wrong she is.


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