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Requiem Page 33

by E L Strife

  Anger and fear flooded his body. It’s a dream. Wake up. Wake up!

  Bennett clambered up in bed, sweat steaming from his skin, clouding the room. Waves of nauseating heat registered in his awakening brain, sending a guttural gasp raking his sore throat. He was burning up yet cold with dread. The images he’d seen were fading too fast for him to grasp them, but they left him feeling desperate.

  Smoke wafted up from the glowing edges of a hole forming beside him in the mattress. A flame licked up at his face. Startled, he grabbed a boot, stomping it out.

  His hands seared like he’d stuck them in a pot of boiling water. At the scent of burnt leather, he dropped the singeing shoe. Lifting his fingers to inspect the damage, the red-hot iron of them snapped alight.

  “Gah!” Bennett thrust his fists away from his body in a panic. He leapt up and carelessly flung his door open, stumbling outside to search for the one person he figured could help.

  Brittle pieces of his charring clothes broke off in a dusty trail, following him across the hall to Atana’s room. Noticing the holes in his uniform, exposing more skin every second, he spun back to his door to grab another set. Placing his left hand to the metal panel, he watched the edges of his wristband warp from the heat. The screen flickered and darkened. He was locked out of every closed door in Home Station.

  Crap! Bennett rammed a shoulder into the steel, knowing it was futile but hoping, on the off chance, it hadn’t latched. The panel didn’t budge.

  Across the hall, he slapped a palm repeatedly against her door. Seeing his handprint glow orange in the metal, he lurched back.

  “Nakio?” Please be in there.

  He scoured the other doors in his hallway for one that might be open or ajar. If he could get himself locked behind a watertight hatch, any room, he had a chance to contain his potential energy.

  Every one was shut.

  Bennett’s face screwed up. Oh, why didn’t I think of that earlier and stay put?

  Two shepherds passed by the end of the hall, causing him to slink into the deepest corner of the dead end. To his relief, they didn’t appear to notice.

  A firestorm was bad enough. A shitstorm was a whole other matter.

  He tensed his shoulders and tried to visualize what had held back his fire on Agutra, days earlier. Atana and Azure’s shield bubbles. He’d managed crucial pieces on instinct when guarding her but never manifested one in entirety.

  Flames from his fists crawled up his forearms with renewed fuel. Heavy needles of alarm wove through his limbs. He shook his hands out to awaken his body. Orange wisps flared off his fingertips.

  “No!” That’s the opposite of what I want! He spun an angry circle into the hallway. Taking a deep breath, Bennett narrowed his eyes on the floor.

  They can do it. Why can’t I? Focus, idiot.

  He wanted to grab his head in confused disbelief but stopped himself when he saw the melted wristband again. Growling, Bennett curled his fists up before him. A bubble was too delicate to handle with the chaos brewing inside. He needed something that felt as if it were unraveling, like him. When we were naked, they made me a tornado.

  Envisioning the whirling ribbons came easier.

  The door swung open as golden bands inched to life around his hips and chest. He grimaced, shying back a step.

  Atana’s fingers splayed in shock. Firelight reflected in the glossy surfaces of her eyes as she surveyed his condition. The bottom lip she’d been chewing on slipped from her teeth. “Uh, Jameson?”

  “Please, tell me you can help.”

  Apprehension flitted across her face, knitting her brows together. She looked no more confident than he felt.

  He hung his head inside his patchy cover and cursed.

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  Let us remember our common vulnerabilities and strive to have Atana’s integrity,

  Azure’s sense of commitment, and Bennett’s eye on the future.

  We can build a world at peace.

  Sneak Peek at Book 3

  My spark within burns bright and dark:

  A blend of heaven's innocence and hell's wrath, a storm of colliding galaxies.

  I am in the water you drink, the air you breathe, the land that houses you,

  And the stars you look toward for hope.

  I see and know all, from the cosmic fringe to the spirit inside.

  There is no conviction stronger than mine, nor sense of duty.

  I have been called upon to do what angels won't and the meek cannot.

  From the shadows, I fight for the future of the universe, the future of us all.

  I am a prospector.

  The Prophesy: Part 3

  An infinite loop is broken by time. New links will hold the line.

  The deepest vein must pay the price and be the thorn that fuels the knight.

  The dust of stars our lone guide, we must find hope where shadows lie.

  Connect With Elysia

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  Pronunciation Key


  Amianna – Ah-mee-ahn-uh

  Amora – Uh-more-uh

  Azure – Uh-zoor

  Balie - Buh-lee

  Dequan - Day-quahn

  Glato - Glah-toe

  Gruégon - Grew-ae-gone

  Hyras – Hi-rahs

  Imara – Ih-mahr-uh

  Jorjan - Jore-juhn

  Josandizer – Yohs-ahn-di-zur

  Krett – Kreht

  Lavrion – Lahv-ree-ahn

  Miskaht – Miss- kaht

  Mratus – M-rat-uhs

  Nakio Atana – Nuh-key-oh Uh-tahn-uh

  Nalli – Nah-lee

  Nephma - Nef-muh

  Omut - Oh-mutt

  Paramor – Pair-uh-more

  Prixxa – Pricks-uh

  Ramura – Ruh-mur-uh

  Remmi – Rem-ee

  Rimsan – Rihm-sahn

  Ronux - Row-nucks

  Saema – Say-muh

  Tivar – Tie-vahr


  Dagganak – Da-gahn-ahk

  Euli – E-you-lee

  Kojaqx – Co-jacks

  Kriit – Kreet

  La’kian – Lah key-ahn

  Linoan – Lih-noh-uhn

  Linéten – Lihn-ay-ehn

  Marakou – Mahr-uh-koo

  Mirramor – Meer-uh-more

  Noriamé – Nohr-ee-ah-may

  Picree – Pick-ree

  Primvera – Pryhm-vair-uh

  Simmaro – Sim-ahr-row

  Suanoa –Sue-ahn-oh-uh

  Warruk – Wahr-uhk

  Xahu’ré – Zuh-who-ray


  Agutra – Uh-goo-truh

  Arasu – Uh-ray-sue

  Ether – Ee-thur

  Nuiive – new-eve

  Lizra – Lye-zur-uh

  Semilath – Sehm-ill-ahth

  Vioras – Vee-or-us

  Zephyr – Zef-fur


  Hatoga – Huh-toh-guh

  Kyra – Kye-ruh

  Japous – Juh-poos

  Jesiar – Jess-ee-ahr

  Marusa – Mar-ooh-suh

  Doku – Doe-koo

  Kiatna – Key-aht-nuh

  Rhizoras – Rise-ohr-uhs

  Verros – Vair-ohs

  Zusha – Zoo-shuh

  UP Code of Appropriate Actions

  Any violation, as presented with adequate proof to Command, will subject that shepherd to a complete evaluation to determine if the shepherd in question is capable of continuing with the Uni
versal Protectors. If a violation is confirmed, the shepherd will be sentenced to early retirement and begin out-processing immediately. Technical details are listed under Home Station’s C:Shepherds’ StandardsMandated Codes.

  Rule 1: Never Get Involved.

  Your duty is to respect your job, your responsibilities, and others.

  Any personal relationships (ie: friendship, family, intimate) are strictly forbidden.

  Rule 2: Serum for Stability.

  Without it, our cause is lost.

  Rule 3: Plan, Prepare, Perform Perfectly.

  Error is not tolerated.

  Rule 4: Treat All Earthlings Equally.

  Do not place the value of one individual, no matter their affiliation or worth, over that of the masses.

  Rule 5: Be Proactive.

  Maintain physical health, skills, and knowledge and adapt to the evolving needs of your position.

  Rule 6: Do Not Disclose Identifying Information,

  Allowing Others to Know You as Different From the Masses.

  Information concerning the UP program shall not be shared with any civilian, under any circumstances.

  Release of information about your personal self/life is to be kept to a minimum,

  Disclosed only as essential to successful performance of missions.

  Rule 7: Honesty Prevents Failure.

  Be upfront and forthright so tasks may be completed with minimal interference.

  Rule 8: Lead by Example.

  Guide less-experienced shepherds with idealized performance and explanation of expectations.

  Rule 9: No Shepherd Left Behind.

  A fallen shepherd will not be left in the field to fall into combatant possession without due cause.

  Rule 10: Respect Command.

  They protect us as we protect the people.

  We Are Kindred IN Death.

  It is only in life, that we can be different from others.

  Let us use this time to make a positive impact.

  We are all equal, united as one.

  Shepherd’s Oath

  My strength comes from those before me. I honor them now and forever, as I continue their tradition.

  I solemnly swear: to be honest and fair.

  With integrity and a balanced mind, for this vocation, I was designed.

  Not akin to any zone, we call Earth our only home.

  We’re the last true armor for the vital spark.

  We disarm evil and preserve peace for every heart.

  The greed of others will not sway our actions but fuel the purpose for our reaction.

  Our decisions remain unbiased and objective. In this state, we shall be effective.

  We will continue to safeguard the innocent until every last drop of our blood is spent.

  Though our bodies may weary, as long as they’re warm,

  We’ll stay calm and controlled, amidst the storm.

  We are a symbol, for those who see, no matter our pain, we will set them free.

  Even on the darkest night, we are their shepherds, their guiding light.

  We fight for each other, ‘till the wicked succumb. We are all equal, united as one.

  We are the Universal Protectors!



  A – li

  Again/repeat – orsa

  All – é

  And – im

  Are/Be – vi

  Baby – amiimi

  Bad (situation) – mriikrii

  Bastard – ehrun


  Beams (light) – viiar

  Beautiful – lisano

  Bed – veruliat

  Bird-like creature – Calila(n)

  Blessings – pelaeso

  Body/single being – giatmano

  Boots – duan

  Bread – mok

  Breath – vehr

  Broken – teglik

  Brother – marrat

  Can – yui

  Careful – sisano

  Child/ren – amras

  Cold – sua’o

  Come/follow – ruaha

  Comfort – veruusia

  Control – grekrat

  Cruel – sua

  Day/cycle – vimora

  Deal/manage – sakimo

  Death - niveriia

  Desire/need – tus

  Different – ja’aht

  Do/perform - tahtu

  Door – gromat

  Dreams – lianar

  Dry – hesse

  Each other/our masses – giat’ii

  Eternity/forever – iveron

  Family – Veriat

  Father – miipa

  Fear – eskrii

  Feeling – trus

  Female/Her – miia

  Fight – nux

  For/present/gift – dakan

  Friends – layha

  Freedom – avituvey

  Get – tuess

  Give – dak

  Go/be over there – avi

  God/spirit – Diete

  Good – siisa

  Have/hold – iitues

  Heart – tannas

  Here – shirrahs

  Hey/attention – asii

  Honor - pelamiit

  Hot – grat

  How/explain – suriah

  In – amah

  Is – il

  It – ras

  Item/something – it’yan

  Kiatna – life form (general, mamallian)

  Kill/murder – krat

  Know/aware – ku

  Leader/ruler – noa

  Let – lakat

  Life – veriia

  Lifeforms/ beings – kiatna

  Light – viia

  Love – verons

  Luck – mamua

  Male/He – marra

  Mate – ituviia

  Me/myself – sim

  Moon – mora

  Mother – miima

  Mutiny – ongkrat

  Naked/bare – liatti

  No – aht

  Not – ahtz

  Of – zi

  On – sur

  Open – rhassa

  Out – ruut

  Pain/ed – mriitrus

  Peace/rest – tivalla

  Please – niema

  Promise/swear – verso

  Protect – mitras

  Protector - mitron

  Purpose – mocohas

  Resist (fight back) – ongx

  Sacred Mother – Saema

  Sad – su

  Safe – mitrasso

  Separate – grom

  Sky – evus’ii

  Sleep – lian

  Something – it’yan

  Sorry /heart cries out– sutannas

  Soul – veriisa

  Soulless – veriisaht

  Stay/be here – virrahs

  Stop – nigh

  Strong – tiisa

  Suicide – simkrat


  encompass – ’ii

  Sweet – susse

  Thank(s) – eih

  The – du

  They/them – roa’ii

  This/that – yan

  Tired – Liat

  To/Directional – vey

  Together/united – alatus

  Triangle – etiizano

  Unfamiliar/Unkn – Kuuah

  Until/Pending - veyha

  Up - evus

  Us/we (our group) – ria’ii

  Until/pending – yanir

  Use – tusan

  Warm – sussia

  Warrior/sir/sgt XA – Martiis (male)

  Martiisa (female)

  Wash/clean – zeeja

  Welcome/hello – asiivé

  What – hu’te

  White mush meal – Izanot

  With – itu

  Worry – Iyanimi

  Wrong – naaht

  Yes – tsu

  You – ahna

  Yourself – ahnasim

  About the Autho

  Elysia Strife was born in the U.S. in 1986. Since she was a child, she's been making up characters and stories in her free time. Discovering her passion for science fiction, futuristic dystopias, and conquering impossible odds, the mix swirled together into the vibrant world of fantasy she creates today.

  Adopted by two educators, she developed a love of learning. She holds two Bachelor's of Science Degrees: Exercise Sport Science and Interior Design. Her past wears fatigues, suits, and fitness gear, sprinkled with mascara and lace. She likes the kick of a 30-06, the rumble of a hot, 350-ci V8, and snow and sand beneath her tracks.

  Strife loves connecting with readers and welcomes all feedback and questions.




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