Sweet Cinderella (A Christmas Novella) (The Klaus Brothers Book 4)

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Sweet Cinderella (A Christmas Novella) (The Klaus Brothers Book 4) Page 1

by penny watson















  Klaus Brothers Series Cheat Sheet

  Glossary of Terms

  About the Author

  Other Works by Penny Watson

  The Klaus Brothers Series #4

  Sweet Cinderella

  A Christmas Novella

  Penny Watson

  SWEET CINDERELLA (A Christmas Novella)

  Copyright © 2015 Nina Roth Borromeo

  Cover Design: Stone Lily

  Cover Image: 123RF, Tatsiana Tsyhanova

  Editorial: Helen Hardt

  Ebook Production: QA Productions

  All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means is forbidden without the express permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Quick Note from Penny Watson

  This is the fourth installment of The Klaus Brothers, a fantasy romance series based in the North Pole (and a few other locations). SWEET CINDERELLA is a novella that takes place at the same time as SWEET ADVENTURE.

  Order of Series

  #1 SWEET INSPIRATION: Nicholas’s story

  #2 SWEET MAGIK: Oskar’s story

  #3 SWEET ADVENTURE: Sven’s story

  #4 SWEET CINDERELLA: Gregor’s story

  #5 SWEET DESTINY: Wolfgang’s story (coming 2016)

  For those of you not familiar with this world, I have provided a handy-dandy cheat sheet and glossary of terms.

  Chapter 1

  Ice. Cold.

  Gregor Alric Klaus, fourth son of Nicholas and Alena Klaus, Director of Finance for Klaus Enterprises, knew what his colleagues whispered behind his back.

  Cold, calculating, ruthless.

  Unemotional, detached, relentless.

  There was a reason he was a formidable opponent in the boardroom, and it wasn’t because he was a nice guy.

  Gregor Klaus never lost the game. He played to win, every time.

  Because of his financial expertise, Klaus Enterprises had established itself as a powerhouse in the industry. The company that produced handcrafted toys was unparalleled in quality and distribution. The company that brought so many children happiness owed its success to the most coldhearted brother in the Klaus family.

  Even as a child, Gregor displayed an uncanny talent with numbers. While his brothers baked gingerbread and carved toys, he pored over the books with their elfin accountant, assessing each season, calculating ways to cut overhead, predicting trends. His father didn’t know quite what to do with him, so he set him up as Director of Finance and moved him to New York.

  It was a perfect fit.

  Gregor thrived in the urban environment. He loved the architecture, the cutting edge technology, the competition within the industry. He lived in a sparse apartment, adorned with a minimalist décor. He dressed in the height of fashion and enjoyed his gadgets. Even his dates—when he found time to squeeze in a social life—were elegant, tasteful. Cold. His brothers enjoyed an old-fashioned lifestyle in the North Pole, but Gregor had assimilated into the affluent world of Manhattan, a world away from Pfefferkuchen cookies and elfin Magik.

  He lived for two things—his job and his family. Family loyalty was everything. He knew how much his parents and brothers depended on him. He was a rock in a sea of chaos. And how could Glasdorf—their town in the North Pole—be anything but chaotic? They lived within a magical ice wall, hidden from the rest of the Sudenwelt, with hundreds of elves. His brother Oskar did his best to control the unruly bunch, but it was a daily challenge. Between unpredictable spells and an unlimited supply of eggnog, the elves in Glasdorf were quite a handful.

  All of their lives were currently mired in turmoil. Nicholas and Lucy had just welcomed their first baby into the family. Sven was secretly planning to open a furniture studio—and only Gregor knew the truth. Oskar and Kiana had adopted an elfin Bändiger and were building the North Pole’s first library. And his parents—Santa and Alena—had a full schedule packed with triathlons and philanthropic projects. Tonight was one such event, which his brother Wolfgang had been organizing for months. The New York Children’s Literacy gala promised to be a huge success, thanks to Gregor’s financial support and Wolf’s attention to detail.

  Gregor wove through the crowds on Fifth Avenue, dodging shoppers and Salvation Army buckets. Bitter winds tugged at his coat and reddened his cheeks. He stopped and glanced at a window display. A fat Santa smiled at him and waved, its robotic arm twitching with Christmas cheer.

  Mocking him.

  It stood to reason that the Klaus family had some natural holiday generosity in their DNA. His father was filled with compassion, his mother was sympathetic to children all over the world, his brothers poured their hearts and souls into the toys and sweet treats and acts of philanthropy and caretaking of the elves.

  Emotional, kind, and thoughtful—those were traits appropriate for the Klaus family. Those were traits nestled firmly in the genetic code of his parents and siblings. In some ironic twist of fate, those characteristics had skipped right over him. Nothing about Gregor Klaus was warm or cuddly.

  He was the polar opposite of Santa Claus in every way.

  He’d promised to meet his family at the affair. He needed this walk first, striding along the icy Manhattan sidewalks. He did this every day. The bracing wind reminded him he was still alive, not a robot but a man. He kept hoping that immersing himself in a sea of humanity would help him to find his own humanity.

  He kept hoping.

  His family hadn’t noticed that anything was wrong. They were distracted by life’s adventures, and none of them knew what Gregor hid behind his impeccable clothes, well-trimmed goatee, and self-confident expression. That now, in addition to ice cold, he felt numb. He peered into the frosted holiday windows on Fifth Avenue and felt absolutely . . . nothing.

  Yes, it certainly was ironic.

  Santa’s son was a cold, hard bastard with nary an ounce of Christmas cheer anywhere to be found.


  Hannah De Luca Andersen slapped her hands over her ears. “Anthony, there’s no need to scream. I’m standing right here.”

  Her five-year-old son blinked at her. “Why are you so fancy tonight?”

  Hannah glanced down at her gown. For the first time in a year, she was dressed for a special occasion. Her heart raced with excitement. She felt like Cinderella getting ready for the ball. “I’m going out with my sister. To a formal gala.”

  Anthony’s twin, Matteo, bounced into the room waving a dime-store tiara. “Here it is! I found it!”

  Anthony frowned. “What’s that?”

  “A princess crown. Granny gave it to Mom for Christmas last year. She has to wear it tonight.” Matteo slumped against the sofa, trying to catch his breath. “Mom, don’t forget this.”

  Hannah’s heart lurched. The tiara was a sweet gesture from her mother. A crown for her princess.

  If princesses were thirty-year-old single moms who lived in Hell’s Kitchen.

  “Thank you, sweethe
art. I won’t forget.” She took the plastic toy from her son and kissed him on the forehead. “You two boys need to be well-behaved tonight for the babysitter. Promise?”

  The twins offered her blank stares.

  Hannah held out her pinky.

  “Pinky shake. Now.”

  Both boys shrugged and held out their pinkies for a solemn promise.

  “We promise to be well-behaved.”

  “Thank you. Auntie Andi and I are heading to the New York Public Library for a fund-raiser. I shouldn’t be too late.”

  “Is Auntie Andi going to be dressed up like you? I can’t imagine her being all . . . girlie.” Matteo giggled.

  “Yeah. Andi’s not that girlie. She wouldn’t wear a tiara,” Anthony said.

  “I’m sure she looks beautiful. She doesn’t always look like . . .”

  “A bum?” Anthony finished her sentence with a smirk.

  Hannah pursed her lips. “Not. Nice. Auntie Andi works hard for a living, and being glamorous is not part of her job.”

  “What are you guys doing at this thing?”

  “Talking with people. Drinking champagne. Maybe even . . . dancing.”

  “Dancing! Who would you be dancing with?” Anthony tugged on his mother’s dress and shot her an accusing look.

  “I don’t know. It’s just a possibility. Anything could happen tonight.”


  Well, something. Something different. Something that didn’t include scouring pots after dinner, picking up dirty socks, or correcting term papers. Anything was a welcome diversion from the mundane details of her life. Not that she would miss a moment with her boys. They were a gift, truly. But the past year had been brutal. David had finally succumbed to his battle with cancer. They lost their home after an error with the insurance. Hannah was juggling a stay-at-home job, the twins, her disabled parents, and her autistic uncle. There were days—many days—when the idea of escaping for a bit was tempting. Andi’s push for this celebration was just what she needed.

  Just one night.

  Thanks to a favor from one of David’s colleagues, Hannah had secured two tickets for the gala and a limo for transportation. Klaus Enterprises was sponsoring the event to raise money for the New York Children’s Literacy Program. Andi insisted she was working on a free-lance article about the charity. Hannah hoped that was true. Her sister—a tabloid reporter for The Scoop—had initially believed the Klaus family was hiding a huge secret. Nothing got her sister more excited than the prospect of uncovering dastardly deeds. But Andi had promised she’d dropped the Klaus investigation and tonight was just for fun.

  Hannah was desperate to believe it, and so she did. She needed this night of magic. She twirled in her gown, and the boys laughed. Layers of chiffon skirts floated around her ankles and brushed against silk stockings. Thanks to Maddie’s Second Hand Bridal Shop, Hannah really did feel like Cinderella. Her emerald green gown was suspended by two satin straps and boasted the most glorious beaded bodice. Even her pointy-toed pumps matched. She was feeling positively giddy about the prospect of attending this affair. She’d heard that the Klaus family threw quite the party. It promised to be an extraordinary evening. Elegant. Refined. The beginning of an enchanting holiday season.

  Andi often teased Hannah about her love of all-things-Christmas. In fact, no matter how dire their circumstances became, Hannah managed to keep a positive outlook, particularly during the holidays. It wasn’t always easy. She and Andi had endured many difficult moments, including her father’s accident, a childhood of near-poverty, and the loss of Hannah’s husband.

  Nevertheless, Hannah cherished Christmas and was determined to make it special for her family. She’d scrimped and saved to make sure the boys would experience that magic on Christmas morning. She loved baking sugar cookies and singing carols while her Uncle Dominic played the flute. She adored watching Christmas movies with the kids. She spent hours crafting homemade wreaths from fresh juniper and pine, and pomander balls dotted with cloves. Andi asked her every year how she could be so jolly in spite of life’s hardships. Hannah knew the answer to that question, but never told.

  That was Hannah’s secret. The reason she would always love Christmas. The reason she would always believe things would turn out all right.

  A tiny hand in the shadows. Offering a single gift. Offering hope. One night that changed everything, that ensured her optimism would never waver.

  Sometimes Christmas magic was a private thing. A dream? Wishful thinking? Or perhaps something else. Something too difficult to explain.

  Hannah crouched down on the floor and hugged her boys. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She prepped the babysitter with emergency numbers and appropriate snacks. Finally she was ready to go. As she headed out of the apartment, Hannah caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes glittered with excitement. Tonight she would live in the moment.

  And maybe, if she was really lucky, a handsome prince would sweep her off her feet and ask her to dance. She tucked the plastic tiara into her clutch and quietly left the apartment.

  Chapter 2

  Gregor sipped his Lagavulin and surveyed the crowd.

  The New York Public Library had been transformed. The stately interior danced with candlelight. Gourmet hors d’oeuvres, sparkling cocktails, and elegant music greeted the guests at this affair. Wolfgang had outdone himself once again. The library had come alive under his guidance.

  The attendees were just as Gregor expected—wealthy New York couples, dressed to impress. The women glittered with diamonds. The men smelled like expensive cologne. A sea of color enveloped him. People laughed and argued and exchanged holiday greetings. All around him guests were interacting with each other, connecting. Gregor watched the scene like a voyeur. No one approached him. No one attempted to speak to him. His frosty demeanor ensured his isolation.

  He glanced at the clock. He could do this—play the game for a couple of hours to make his family happy, all the while knowing he was an enormous fraud.

  A Klaus brother with no Christmas spirit.

  He took another sip of scotch and relished the burn down his throat.

  His siblings chatted next to him, and he was vaguely aware of their conversation. Everyone in his family contributed to their successful empire. His oldest brother Nicholas created holiday treats at his bakery, Klaus Küche. Sven was the toy-builder and designer. Oskar managed the elves, and Wolf was in charge of philanthropic projects. His four brothers spent most of their time in Glasdorf while he rarely left Manhattan. They spent their days surrounded by Magik and elves, and he spent his days crushing competitors.

  Ho, ho, ho.

  “Are you okay, bro? I’m worried about you. You don’t look too cheery.” Oskar patted Gregor on the back.

  “Fine. Just had a tough week.”

  “Yeah, things start getting crazy as Christmas approaches. Sometimes I wish I could spike all the eggnog with Prozac. That might help to kick it down a notch in Glasdorf.” Oskar smirked.

  Gregor barked out a laugh. “God bless you, O. I honestly don’t know how you do it.”

  Oskar narrowed his eyes. “You sure you’re fine? You look . . . I don’t know. Resigned. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Really. Just have a lot on my plate between now and December twenty-fifth. Just like all of you.” Gregor rattled the ice in his glass. He didn’t want his brother to worry about him.

  That was the last thing he wanted. That was the last thing they needed.

  Oskar began to tease Nicholas about fatherhood, and the conversation was redirected. Gregor smiled absently as they discussed the drawbacks of new babies. All the while he darted his eyes around the room, noting colleagues who were there, and local celebrities, and the party set who made the rounds and opened their checkbooks for a cause. It was all good for Wolfgang.

  His eyes skipped over the faces, one after another after another.

  And stopped.
r />   She turned, and he viewed her in profile.

  Sweet. Soft. Beautiful.

  She was surrounded by hard edges. Brittle laughter. False eyelashes and thick make-up. Masks everywhere.

  Her smile was pure joy. Not one of the tight fake smiles from the party set. But a genuine smile, filled with excitement and wonder.

  Her gaze also swept around the room, but unlike his icy glare, her eyes were filled with warmth. She looked totally enchanted with her surroundings. Her eyes grew wide, and her lips parted. She laughed with her companion, and Gregor wondered what it sounded like. She was too far away to hear her voice. Too far away to see the color of her eyes. But he could see her face sparkling with innocent delight.

  She was delicate, feminine, with subtle curves and understated sexiness. Her dress floated around her, creating a spell. Her natural sweetness stood out in stark contrast to the women enhanced by plastic surgery and flashy costumes.

  Her quiet beauty shone from across the room like a beacon of light. Tempting him. Calling to him.

  Dark hair, like bronze silk, was swept up on top of her head, and a few strands floated in front of her face.

  He had the irrational need to brush those strands aside and look into her eyes. He curled his fingers into a tight fist.

  Gregor turned to his family. “Lots of heavy-hitters here tonight. Wolf will be happy. The Literacy Program should get some serious donations after this event.” He paused. “Does anyone know who the brunette is across the room? Green dress?” He tried to sound nonchalant, as though his fist wasn’t clenched, and his heart wasn’t beating right out of his chest.

  Oskar glanced across the room. “Nope. I barely know anyone here . . .”

  Lucy and the new baby appeared and became the stars of the show. While his family passed around the newborn, Gregor kept his gaze glued to the woman across the room. She continued to chat with her companion—a woman who was dressed to kill. But he wasn’t interested in that. There was something about the woman in green—her sweetness—he couldn’t ignore.


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