Our Season (Lifetime Love Series)

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Our Season (Lifetime Love Series) Page 2

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “I won’t keep you, but I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you.”

  His comment took me completely off guard. Where was this coming from? Could he sense I might be finally accepting my life and finding happiness?

  I didn’t respond because I couldn’t. I didn't know how to say what I needed to say, and I didn't know how to hold back what I wanted to say.

  “Have you ever done things you wished so badly you could take back? That you maybe could make right if you had a chance?”

  “Who hasn’t?” I muttered, taking another sip of my wine. I fought the urge to chug it.

  What was it about him that made me so weak?

  “I have just been thinking of the regrets I have for the way I had treated you. I wish I could take them all back.” He paused. “Well, anyway, I hope you’re doing good.”

  “You as well.” Then I said what I knew I shouldn’t. “When you are back in town, give me a call, and maybe we can get together.” I hated myself as soon as I said it.

  “You can count on that, Emma. Take care.”

  “Bye.” I hung up my phone and wanted to hit my head up against the bar. Instead, I stared into space thinking of the man I had wished would be the one for me, like Wyatt was for Breigh.

  The same man I had prayed would be a better man one day, but then I realized I was wishful thinking.

  I had to make myself blink to disengage from the spell.



  Somehow, someway I had been able to persuade Emma to have a dinner with me, and I was ecstatic. I had wanted to see her, but I could tell by our last conversation she wasn't going to go easy on me.

  I had run her through the gamut, and I couldn’t say I blamed her. You could only hurt someone so many times without them telling you to go fly a kite. I had hoped she wasn't only going out with me tonight so she could tell me to kiss her ass. Time after time, I had called her, slept with her, and disappeared, ghosting her. We both had successful careers and busy lives, but she had always made time for me.

  Did I prey on her knowing I would have my way with her? Probably. Was it wrong? Of course.

  When I had phoned Wyatt to tell him, which in the past I wouldn't have, he didn't seem too pleased either.

  I guess the last time I had seen her I had really done a job on her.

  “You think you might want to stop leading her on?”

  “I am not leading her on, Wyatt.”

  “Okay, so you are looking for a night in the sack?”


  “I don’t believe you,” he said begrudgingly.

  He did know me though, so I had to give him props.

  “Cash, it’s Breigh.” She must have pulled the phone from Wyatt.

  “Don’t you think enough is enough? I mean really, she has been through enough with you playing games with her.”

  “I’ve always been honest with her.”

  “And you have come in and out of her life, and made her think there could be a future. God knows why because I wouldn’t…” I could hear Wyatt in the background, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

  “Anyway, for the love of God, she’s finally happy. Please don't hurt her anymore.”

  “I don’t intend to.”

  “You don’t intend to do any of the things you do, Cash. That’s the problem.”

  “All right, well, I gotta go. I will talk to y’all soon.”

  I hung up the phone, not waiting on any other comments.

  Frankly, I couldn’t argue with the truth now, could I?


  When Cash asked me out for dinner, I had to think about it for a minute. I wasn't sure I wanted to open that door again, but then I reminded myself what a strong independent woman I was. I was steady enough to not let him bother me any longer and play with my emotions. Four years was enough.

  Okay, so he wasn't the one, I got that in my head now. I could move on.

  I insisted on Cash and I meeting at Vincent’s, so I had my Mercedes and could leave should I want to. I was betting I would.

  I had pulled up and walked in with my head held high. I happened to be wearing a stunning dress I had bought not long before tonight, maybe just yesterday during my lunch hour at Nordstrom's. I had on one of my pairs of Jimmy Choos that fit my foot like it was designed around it. I felt confident and ready to take on the world.

  I spotted him sitting at the table in the corner, tapping on the tablecloth waiting. I began to walk his way and he met me placing a sweet kiss on my cheek. I was hyperaware of his every move, trying to resist my body’s response. He looked fantastic with a pair of dark jeans and a pressed button-up shirt. Cash always looked the part, always a dessert for the eyes. His smell, don’t even get me going. The mixture of musk and clean would make any female stop and whiff.

  He put his hand on the small of my back like it was home, guiding me.

  Man, did I love that.

  “It’s good to see you.”

  “And you,” I returned. I hoped he didn’t see my goosebumps that erupted to his touch.

  We sat at the table and ordered our drinks with easy conversation about little nothings. My work, his work, Wyatt and Breigh, and of course our goddaughter, Olivia.

  We opted for appetizers instead of a full meal and ordered another round of drinks. I was relaxing but also had my guard up, just like I knew I would have to.

  Keep all the soldiers on the line ready to resist, Emma. You can do this.

  “I was glad you agreed to see me. I know I wasn't the nicest the last time we spoke.”

  ‘You were a complete prick but you’ve showed me a lot of that side, I guess.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” He took a drink and I watched him. “Why do you always give me another chance?”

  I smiled and felt confident with my response. If he would have asked me this, say, two times ago when I had seen him, I would have probably said the chemistry between us. When we kissed we were fire, and nothing could put us out.

  Torrential rain had nothing on us.

  “Cash, let’s be honest. There are parts of us that are really good together. Just not the parts that are the most important, being you have commitment issues and are selfish.” I took a long sip of my wine feeling it go down my throat, craving more.

  “I completely agree.” He took a drink of his whiskey keeping his eyes on me, judging my response.

  “You do?” Is this a trick?

  “I guess you could say I have come to a crossroads. Things aren't right at work… I really don't have the energy to date anyone anymore, and to be perfectly honest, you’re the person who always comes to my mind.”

  “Well, that is crazy. You need to do something about that,” I remarked, not feeling an iota of sympathy. Although, I was feeling the same way, there was no way on God’s green earth I was going to cop to it.

  We both laughed. I loved being the one with the upper hand. I usually was when out with a man… Cash was the only exception.

  “I feel like every free moment I have I’m living flashbacks of my life. Things I did wrong, dishonest things, the few good things I have done, and all these damn things I wish I could change.”

  “Like?” I was intrigued.

  “I have always acted selfish.”

  I took a sip of my drink, the second dirty martini, and another bite of my appetizer, taking in every word he was saying. I studied the way his green eyes looked as he talked, showing remorse and pain.

  I couldn’t lie and say I wasn’t enjoying it.

  “For example, the relationship I could have had with my brother. Instead, we have wasted so many years fighting. I’ve hurt him by sleeping with his past girlfriend, always trying to take his girls, hell, I even tried to ruin him and Breigh.”

  “You sure did.”

  “Not only did I get slapped for that one, but remind me what you did to my Land Rover…”

  “If I recall I did several things. That pretty dent for one. Coffee I acci
dentally spilled. Your poor Rover. Whoops. And then you helped me perfect my slapping technique. I still have you to thank for learning exactly where to slap a man to make it sting the worst.”

  We both started to laugh. It seemed like ages ago.

  “In all fairness, you deserved more for getting information from me about Breigh and her ex and then blackmailing her, then kissing her to hurt your brother! You were a piece of crap.”

  “Were being the important word there. I made so many poor decisions. I knew my father was unfaithful to my mother. I treated my mother like crap. I had an aunt who tried to be a part of my life and I was a complete ass to her. I just feel like I have wasted so much.”

  “What do you think is bringing this all on? I mean, I’m not complaining, I think it’s great you’re having an epiphany.”

  “I don’t know and that equally scares me as much as it excites me.”

  I think he did know though and just wasn't sharing. Either way, I liked watching him processing wrongs he had committed.

  “You aren’t dying, are you?” I laughed a little after I said it, somewhat scared.

  Cash met my eyes and I froze. I began shaking because I knew he was going to kiss me, and God help me, I wanted it so badly.

  But he didn’t. He moved close to speak softly what he wanted to say. “I am so sorry for everything I’ve ever done wrong to you.”

  Those words might have been more powerful than any kiss I ever had.

  I began to tear up and there was no way I was going to let this night end this way.

  I had the upper hand, remember?

  “I believe you’re sorry, Cash. I really do. But I have to be strong enough now that I don’t let it happen any longer. We’ve great chemistry… that is undeniable, but my heart can’t take it any longer. It really can’t.”

  “Is there someone else? Are you dating someone serious now?”

  I considered lying, I really did, but I didn’t. Not this time. “No. But I haven't given up yet.”

  “Good for you, Emma. Good for you.” He smiled sweetly and then we toasted to making wrongs right.

  Then I got up and left and went home by myself, smiling. I spoke the truth and I got to spend the evening with Cash Galloway.

  I had my dignity for the first time ever when leaving him.



  The worst part about finding out your father was stealing money, for himself might I add, was when you were told as your office was being closed by federal officials. I had no warning, and was caught off guard just like everyone else. I was his son, for God’s sake. That apparently didn’t mean anything to him.

  I was sitting in the conference room talking with a few of our associates, Robert and Dan, when they came in. My secretary came flying in with a frightened look on her face, as if the place was on fire.

  “I tried to tell them to let me come get you, sir, but they didn’t allow it.”

  “It’s okay, Gayle. Thank you.”

  I stood up, buttoning my tailored, dark Armani suit jacket, confident I would deal with any issue that had come up. I had before. But I had no idea what I was getting into.

  “Mr. Galloway?”

  “Yes. Cash Galloway.” I held out my hand to shake his but he ignored it. He was all business, not entertaining my gesture at all.

  “Do you happen to know where Wesley Galloway is?”

  “I’m afraid to say I don’t. Can I help you with something?”

  The other businessmen in the meeting were staring at me, trying to compute what was happening. Our oldest associate, Robert, one of my father’s personal friends, had a look on his face like he wanted to run for his life. He definitely knew more than I did.

  “As of this moment, this company is being seized by the United States Government for fraud and theft. As of now the theft amount is upward of two million dollars.”

  My mouth dropped, unsure of what was going on. I was trying to process what was being said.

  “Right now two people are being arrested, Wesley Galloway and Robert James.”

  I turned to look at Robert and his eyes told me everything I needed to know. The color left his face and the paleness was undeniable. He was guilty and so was my father. Robert put his hands to his head and left them there, as if he was in a horrible nightmare. I had a feeling he was wishing they would disappear when he looked back up.

  “There is no way this company has stolen anything. This is a legit company. We invest money and always take care of our clients,” I stated with the upmost seriousness, trying to stand my ground.

  “Negative, Mr. Galloway. As of this time, you are not under arrest, only because throughout the investigation your name was never brought up. We have every reason to believe you weren’t aware of what was happening.”

  I swallowed hard. Arrest? I thought I was tough, but this wasn't even in the same neighborhood that I was thinking.

  “However, if there was to become proof that you were involved in any way, shape or form, I will be bringing you in as well.”

  The agents motioned for Robert to come to them and he slowly stood up from his chair and looked at me.

  “How could you do this, Robert? People trusted us with their money.”

  He didn't shake his head to confirm, only had a look on his face of shame. The look confirmed any doubt I had.

  “I knew when we were doing it, it was wrong, but your father and I aren't getting any younger, and we have so much debt, so very much.” He put his head down. “You get accustomed to a certain lifestyle and the thought of not having it was very difficult to fathom.”

  The agents placed cuffs on Robert. “We have six agents who will stay here while your employees get their personal effects and leave. It will be locked up until further notice. Absolutely nothing will be leaving this office with the exception of personal things.”

  “Okay.” I had no leg to stand on and argue.

  They led Robert out of the conference room and I watched as he walked down the hall. Our employees were looking at him and then me, trying to figure out what was going on.

  I made the announcement as the agent instructed and pointed to the remaining agents who were in the office. I loosened my Roberto Cavalli silk tie as I began to talk. “Everyone, please don’t panic. Please get your personal belongings and once I figure everything out, I will be in touch with each and every one of you to update you and make sure you are paid for your work,” I said sternly, not sure why the comment came out of my mouth. I had no way of actually following through on that statement.

  I wasn't much liked at the office, and most people tolerated me strictly because I was a Galloway. They weren't going to want to cross me, but I doubted they took serious anything that was leaving my mouth. They probably assumed I was just as involved as Robert and my father. I found myself feeling like I had been punched in the gut, but unsure of the reason why.

  My secretary stood up beside me. “I will help in any way I can,” Gayle said.

  “Thank you.”

  Gayle had known me for as long as I had worked at Galloway Investors. I knew it was going to be just as hard for her as it was for me.

  My father had done a lot of things wrong, more than I care to remember—but this—this is something that didn’t just affect him.

  I just hoped I could make good on my promise. It would be the first time in my life I had done something for someone else.

  Pretty sad, wasn’t it?

  As soon as the two agents took Robert out of the office and I advised the staff to pack up, I went back into my office and called my mother.

  She answered on the second ring, “You aren’t going to believe what just happened.” I slammed my hand down on my dark timeworn, leather-topped wooden desk out of frustration. My desk alone could have paid a month’s salary for some of our employees.

  “I already know…”

  “Did you know this was happening?” I asked her at my wits’ end.

  “I had my suspicio
ns. Your father had always looked for a way around things, or a way to benefit him. But no, I didn’t know they were going to shut down the company.”

  “Why didn't you warn me? Or at least tell me what you were thinking?”

  “You wouldn't have listened to me… that job was your bread and butter. Hell, you hardly check on me in the first place, always up your father’s ass. You think me telling you would have made any difference or made you quit?”

  I growled to myself. She was right and I loathed being wrong.

  “That’s what I thought,” she said. “I knew they had been investigating for a while. My father would be so disappointed. I’m sure he is turning over in his grave.”

  Galloway Investors was my grandfather’s company. After he passed, my father pushed for it to be renamed under a new LLC and grew it to what it had become. Or lack thereof, I gather. My mother hated what he was doing, and so did my aunt, Rhonda. But as he was a master at manipulation, he convinced Mom it would help him make a good living to support his family. She ended up bending.

  “Do you know if they have found him yet?”

  “I don’t. I expect he will call me from jail. I don't know who else he would call to help him, other than you. He sure wouldn’t call Wyatt.”

  “I don’t want to hear from him either. I want to punch him in the jaw or strangle him. Or both. I have been working my life away for him and he did this….”

  She let out a little laugh that got my attention. “You haven't been working your life away, Son. You have wined, dined, and entertained and made a damn good living doing it. But you didn't work your ass off. You wouldn't know where to start if you had to do that.”

  I wanted to tell her she was being a hard-ass, throwing me under the bus. My mother had never been a hard worker either, had always been privileged.

  I realized she was going to feel like I had a part of this.

  I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t know of things my father had done that were wrong, but nothing to this extent. Businessmen made deals under the table. That wasn’t new.


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