A Bride for the Billionaire Bad Boy (The Romero Brothers, Book 2)

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A Bride for the Billionaire Bad Boy (The Romero Brothers, Book 2) Page 7

by Richards, Shadonna

  She pulled away from the door. Dazed. Lucas? Oh, my God! Lucas was standing outside the door to her room. How did he know she was there? Maxine thought she was hallucinating for sure. He looked so stunning. In a suit and tie. That much she could see from the peephole.

  Maxine looked in the mirror by the door quickly and used her hands to brush the sides of her damp tendrils of hair so that she wouldn’t look so…unbecoming.

  “Who is it?” she called out routinely.

  “It’s Lucas, Maxine.” Lucas’s deep voice sounded curt yet soft. She just didn’t want to whip the door open first without hearing his voice.

  She inhaled a deep breath, her heart pounding in her throat. She opened the door and her heart nearly leaped out of her chest.

  “Lucas? What are you doing here? How did you-”

  “Shh,” he said softly. “Can I come in?”

  Her body tingled from head to toe when he spoke softly to her. It almost sounded seductive. His words, his voice alone was sexually charged. Oh, this must be a dream.

  She opened the door wider. Of course, they had to keep it down given the time of night and she wouldn’t want to alert anyone else that she had often-infamous company at her door. Lord knew who was in the room across from her or next door. One could never be too careful. Though it looked as if the lodge was barely half full tonight.

  Maxine was buzzing. All sorts of weird and wonderful thoughts whirled through her mind. Secretly she’d hoped and wished that Lucas would be there with her, alone. But never in her wildest dreams did she think the universe would present her with her dream man right there, in arms length.

  “What are you doing here?” she said, incredulously. Deep inside she was hiding her gratitude. She also subconsciously tightened the belt around her robe and hugged herself, feeling that he would be able to see her tightened nipples under her robe. Of course, he would have to have x-ray vision for that.

  “I heard your apartment was broken into. I wanted to see if you were alright,” he answered her in a low voice, gazing intently into her eyes. Oh, those delicious dark eyes of his. So sexy, so inviting. The man oozed sex appeal from every inch of his body.

  Her eyes surveyed his hotness. He stood so tall that his head almost touched the top of the door frame. He sported a dark suit and looked as if he’d had a rugged day at the office. His sexy stubble was more prominent than she had remembered from a month ago and his dark hair was tussled in a rock star fashion but looked good nevertheless. He had the highest, defined cheekbones she’d ever seen on a man.

  “You did? You came here just to see if I was alright?” Maxine was pleasantly surprised. In disbelief. Was she that important to him? Appreciation tickled her inside. She wanted to reach out to hug him but she dared not.

  “I told you,” he said in a low, deliberate voice. “I take care of those close to me.” He arched a brow to make his point. He looked into her eyes and Maxine quivered with delight.

  The words sent a rush of shivers down her back, a pleasurable sensation. She was naked under her robe and her sex was throbbing uncontrollably.

  “I didn’t know we were that close,” she teased him, breathing hard. A grin played on her lips.

  Was she flirting with him? What was with her?

  “Can I get you anything?” she breathed, her voice hoarse. It had been way too long since she’d been with anyone, meaning her ex. Her only real boyfriend. Oh, the curse of being celibate so long. Now she felt as if she was ready to explode for the one guy who made her heart go pitter-patter. She felt a close indescribable connection to Lucas. She couldn’t really rationalize it or understand it but it was just what it was—kismet.

  He leaned in closer to her and she caught the sweet, irresistible scent of his cologne. He was delicious in every way. Maxine was dying to be with him. She was about to lose her inhibitions—or her mind if he didn’t take her there and then.

  “Just you,” he said as if reading her silent invitation. He lowered his head to hers and pressed his sinfully sexy lips to hers causing a rush of sexual currents to race through her body.

  Her body’s response was automatic as she moaned in delight and hungrily kissed him back. She’d been dying for this moment for so long. To feel the silky touch of his lips on hers. His firm arms were wrapped around her body as he held her close to him. Her arms reached up to his broad shoulders.

  Oh, his lips were so soft and sexually potent. Lucas’s kiss made her forget who she was and where she was. His soft lips caressed and sucked on hers sending shivers of delight down her spine and a rush of blood to her thighs. She felt the hardness of his erection behind his zipper while his hips pressed to hers as he leaned her against the wall.

  Lucas slid his smooth hand beneath her robe and she felt a delicious explosion of butterflies in her stomach. His hand made its way to her mound of flesh and he stroked and teased her hard nipples bringing moans of ecstasy through her lips.

  Maxine pulled away breathless.

  “What is it?” Lucas’s deep voice captured her.

  Yes. What was it? What was she afraid of? This was what she’d always fantasized about, wasn’t it? Lucas’s erotic touch on her body.

  Maxine adjusted her robe. She was still throbbing mercilessly. Oh, heavens, she wanted nothing more than to be with Lucas so what in Pete’s sake was she afraid of?

  “I’m…sorry I…Lucas…”

  “It’s okay.” Lucas was out of sorts, breathless himself. “I should apologize. I didn’t come here for that. I don’t know what got over me just now.”

  Maxine looked up, startled. Oh, no. That was the last thing she wanted him to feel—regret! My God, the man came over there—all the way over there to see if she was alright. He certainly didn’t need to do that. As big and important as Lucas Romero was, he went out of his way to track her down after she’d been victimized. How noble was that?

  So was he changing his mind? Who could blame him? She was probably sending mixed signals. Heck, she felt as if she was a mixed signal right now.

  Oh, how her body craved his touch. She desperately wanted to feel his hardness inside of her. But not right here, in some…upscale motel. It just didn’t feel right. And she hadn’t seen him in over a month—at least not outside her private fantasies and online.

  Maxine went over by the bed to sit down.

  “It’s okay, Maxine. I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve wanted you the moment I laid eyes on you at the wedding. But I’m not a creep. I’m a gentleman—despite what you might have read about me in the tabloids.”

  Maxine couldn’t help but break out into a smile. It was the way he said it. Charming. Humorous. Was he mocking himself? She always thought it attractive when a man could make light of his troubles. Good for Lucas.

  She didn’t know if she could have such strength with people saying all sorts of stuff about her and just keeping a cool head about it as if it meant nothing. But such was the life of a celebrity, wasn’t it? Or at least someone in the public eye from time to time.

  Speaking of public eye, Lucas was truly a man who could bring a whole lot of media attention. And there he was, in her motel room. Oh, heavens. Maxine could just see the headlines if anyone found out.

  She swallowed hard. That would be disastrous. The last thing she needed.

  “I know,” she said quietly, “I didn’t think you were a creep.” A charming gentleman and sex god, yes. A creep, no. Far from it. She was just terrified of the situation right now. Terrified of letting herself get to close to him only to find out that he didn’t want a long-term relationship. He was almost thirty and according to what she’d read or learned about him, he’d never really had a steady girlfriend. At least not since adulthood.

  “I think, I’d better get changed,” she murmured softly. She didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of it sooner. There she was naked under a bathrobe and inches from the hottest man she’d ever laid eyes on. It was no wonder something almost happened between them.

  “If you need
to get ready for bed-”

  “Oh, no. I’m not tired at all. I can’t sleep,” she spewed out quickly. Then she caught herself, feeling sheepish. Gosh, did she just come off as…desperate?

  “I mean, I’m just going to change into some clothes. You know, street clothes.”

  He grinned, a sexy boyish grin that dimpled his cheek and oh, she wanted to melt. “Should I leave?” he asked quietly, looking into her eyes. He stood erect with his head slightly tilted and his hands shoved in the pockets of his dress pants.

  “Oh, no!” she said almost too quickly for her liking. She covered her face with both hands and giggled. “I mean, I’ll go and change in the bathroom.”

  Moments later, Maxine emerged from the bathroom dressed in a black pair of leggings with a long fitted designer t-shirt. She wore her black soft leather sandals and grabbed her knitted cardigan from the chair. It was summer but the nights could be a little on the cool side with the breeze.

  “You look stunning,” Lucas murmured, his look of approval warmed her heart.

  “In this?” she growled. “You’ve got to be kidding.” Maxine cocked a brow.

  “Now why wouldn’t you think you’re stunning?” Lucas smiled. “You see, you don’t even have to try.”

  “I just thought you’d be more into super models. I’ve seen your girlfriends, you know,” she teased.

  “Where? In the tabloids? That I've probably never even met?” Lucas grinned as he arched a brow.

  Okay. He had her there. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to judge,” she flushed.

  “Don’t be. Come, I’m taking you away from here.”

  “Where to? I…I’ve already paid for my room.”

  Lucas glanced around the compact room. “Do you really want to stay here?”

  Maxine frowned. “Hey, listen, I may not have as much money as some people but a place like this isn’t half bad for someone who needs a roof over her head for the night.” She folded her arms across the chest. “Besides, I’m not going to just go to your place.”

  “Hey. Whoa. Wait a minute. Who said anything about going over to my place?”

  “Oh,” Maxine said, heat rising to her cheeks. Why was she always getting ahead of herself? Was it because she was in the presence of a gorgeous, prominent businessman who made her feel giddy and pleasantly disoriented?

  Maxine shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Where were you thinking of taking me?”

  “Away from here. We need to talk but not here.”

  Maxine swallowed hard. He needed to speak with her? But not there? She grabbed her purse off the counter and held her chin up.

  “Okay, I could do with a hot drink about now,” she said. The truth was, the lodge might have been an upscale motel but it had no room service and no access to a restaurant. The only close eatery was a few blocks down the road. It was dark and cool during the night. And not in the busiest places in town. Lucas was right. She needed to get away from there.

  The drive out of the city was a welcome sightseeing excursion. They drove along Lakeside Drive capturing a breathtaking night view of the lake under the twilight stars. Lucas drove his BMW at the speed limit, for which Maxine was grateful. She disliked when guys tried to show off by pushing the speed limit. Another plus for Lucas, she mused with delight. He had the driver’s side window opened slightly, and the breezed rustled his dark, mousy hair.

  “Are you cold?” He turned to her. “I can close the windows.” He noticed her hugging herself. But it wasn’t because she was cold.

  “I’m good, thanks,” she said, sheepishly. She was in awe. She was with Lucas, alone in his car. Just the two of them driving along a long practically isolated road. And she was feeling all sorts of emotions swirl through her body. Mostly that of lust and amazement and curiosity of how the night would end.

  Her eyes scanned her surroundings. Lucas kept his ride immaculate, Maxine noted with pleasure. Or, perhaps his staff kept it well. Who knew? She felt guilty for passing such judgments about him when in fact, she knew little about him outside of what she’d read about him or from little snippets from his cousin-by-marriage, Lucy.

  “Very nice,” she commented.

  “It gets me from point A to B.”

  She grinned at him and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it could be better, I agree. But what can you do with an old piece of metal on wheels, right?”

  Lucas grinned. “You’re a cheeky one, aren’t you?” he teased her.

  “So where is this mysterious place you’re taking me?”

  “Just a hideout I frequent at times. It’s perfect.”

  “Oh. Does it have a name?”

  “The Place.”

  “The Place?” She looked at him incredulously.

  “There are places, Maxine, that very few people know about.”

  “Oh, wait a minute,” she said, turning to him in her seat. “I’ve heard of these places. A lot of…” she was about to say rich, snobby people but caught herself. “...celebrities or public figures go there to unwind or eat in peace, right?”

  “Something like that.”

  Maxine’s heart leaped in her chest. She’d heard of these places for the elite few. It was usually not in a marked building so it wasn’t obvious. There was some secret code to enter or a secret password. It appeared simple on the outside but once you entered through its secure doors, it was a world in and of itself. A world of luxury beyond the imagination. Upscale everything. Menus on iPads with no listed prices. Plush, expensive seats and booths, exclusive everything. Elite staff to tend to your needs twenty-four-seven. Was he really going to take her to such a place? And to talk? Just to talk, of all things.

  Excitement gushed through Maxine. She’d almost forgotten about how she’d felt a few hours ago. Lost. Alone. Helpless. Violated.

  And now for some strange reason, she felt as if maybe, just maybe things would be okay for her after all.


  Maxine’s eyes captured the beautiful surroundings of the restaurant of where Lucas took her. The place was cozy and the environment was oddly soothing. Lucas had parked outside a marble-facade building and taken the side entrance to enter their destination. Strangely enough, it was an unmarked door. It appeared that video cameras were hidden within because a voice over the intercom sounded and acknowledged him. “Good morning, Mr. Romero,” the disembodied voice offered.

  At first, Maxine was confused about the greeting until she realized it was four o’clock in the morning. The words drifted back to her mind “it’s the friends you can call at four o’clock in the morning that count.”

  A warmth crept into her stomach. Lucas was a true friend in her time of need, wasn’t he?

  “Are you okay, Maxine?” Lucas asked her in a low voice. His tone was silky, smooth and deep. But the way he said her name. The way Maxine rolled off his tongue sent shivers of delight rushing through her.

  “Yes, I’m good, thanks,” she replied as she captured his beauty from across the table in the plush, cozy booth. The dim light of the candle and ambiance was soothing, romantic and calm. So inviting. Oh, God! This place was way too inviting. Anything could happen right there and then. There were very few people in the establishment except when she’d entered she noticed a few men dressed in the finest of suits. A discreet place where elite hang out. Who would have ever thought that she, ordinary, unknown Maxine, could be at a place such as this?

  When the waiter took their orders after she’d made her selection from the iPad menu on the table, they were finally left alone.

  “Nice place. Do you come here often?” she questioned in a hushed tone, trying hard not to gaze into his dark, sexy eyes. Every time their gaze met tingles would erupt between her thighs and she could feel moisture pool between her legs. She had to get her mind off sex. Off how sexy Lucas was.

  “Sometimes. When I need to get away from it all.”

  “I see.”

  He sighed and leaned back into the leather seat of the booth. Lucas cocked a sexy boyish
grin that melted her inside, yet again. The place looked elegant and rich, everything seemed elite, expensive from the art work on the walls to the soothing music in the background to the ambiance but it was all nothing compared to the vision of loveliness before her. Lucas.

  “No freelance photographers, no onlookers, no hassles.” He grinned.

  “I get it. I should have known. It must be awful being chased by…reporters every time something…um…”

  “Every time a girl makes a claim against me in the media?” he finished for her, a grin of amusement played across his sexy lips.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—"

  “Don’t be. I’m pretty much used to it by now.”

  The waiter came back to the table in no time with Maxine's Caramel Macchiato. A rich blend of sweet steamed, deliciously frothy milk with a shot of freshly brewed espresso and creamy caramel. A filling hot beverage and one of Maxine’s favorites when she could afford it. What really grabbed her was the fact that when she brought the drink to her lips, it tasted more rich than she’d ever remembered. Holy! Was the milk from a sacred cow or something?

  She’d heard of rich folks going to places like this where it appeared that the chef took extra care with preparing their meals. This gave new meaning to the term expensive taste. Mind you, she’d also read online that some rich people went to places like this to pay $400 for the world’s most juiciest, tastiest hamburgers with the most expensive organic beef. Imagine that! That was a week’s worth of wages for most people.

  Lucas enjoyed a steaming cup of freshly brewed black coffee. Strong and dark. Like him, she mused.

  They engaged in small talk about sports and other issues before the waiter came back with their breakfast. Maxine delighted in his sense humor during that time.

  She enjoyed an exquisite queen sized plate of soft scrambled eggs, mushrooms, shredded cheese and Pico de Gallo toppings and American fried potatoes. She also had Cinnamon Swirl French Toast with warm maple syrup to the side—unsure of how she would accommodate the proportions. Maxine had no idea how huge the dish would be when she ordered.


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