Business is Business PT 3

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Business is Business PT 3 Page 5

by Silk White

  Eric stepped out the room dressed in an all-black Armani suit and a large duffle bag in his hand.

  “I just saw, Kelly leave, want me to assign a few men to trail her where ever she goes?” Pistol Pete asked.

  Eric waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “Nah I ain’t got time for her shit right now. I’ll deal with her when I get back.” Right now Eric had to be totally focused on the mission at hand not only did he have to worry about the Columbian hit men trying to blow his head off but he also had to worry about the law. Eric and Jimmy’s face was all over the news and at the moment, Eric didn’t need any setbacks. Him and Pistol Pete hopped in the back of the truck that awaited them curbside.

  “I think Miami will be a nice new change of scenery,” Pistol Pete said.

  “I got some club asshole out in Miami that’s been begging me to come out there for months,” Eric shook his head. “Wants me to invest in some big night club.”

  “Don’t think that would be a bad investment,” Pistol Pete said. “I have about $30,000 I know it’s not much but hey it’s yours if you need it.”

  Eric looked over at Pistol Pete and smiled. “If I decide to do this deal, I’ll be sure to make you a silent partner.”

  “My man.” Pistol Pete smiled as the two men bumped fist.

  Chapter 17


  Derrick stepped foot in the intake area of the jail with a smile on his face. He had just been informed that he made bail. Derrick didn’t know what was going on, he was just happy to be being released.

  “Get this asshole out of here so all these damn reporters and media can get the fuck out of here!” The sergeant barked with an attitude. He was sick and tired of all the attention that Derrick Mason was bringing to his prison.

  Derrick stepped foot out into the hall that led to the exit and was immediately met by his lawyer Mr. Goldberg.

  “Hey the judge just set your bail for $400,000 about an hour ago,” Mr. Goldberg said. “I put up my own cash to bail you out so be expecting an invoice.” As soon Derrick stepped foot outside of the prison he was immediately swarmed by the media. Reporters pushed and shoved to question the infamous Derrick Mason.

  “Is it true that there’s a hit out on your entire family?” A white female reporter asked shoving a recorder as close to Derrick’s mouth as possible.

  “Are you afraid for your life?” Another reporter asked.

  “Is it right back to business for you Derrick?”

  A big security guard pushed his way through the crowd until he reached the Cadillac truck that waited curbside for their arrival. Derrick and Mr. Goldberg quickly slid in the back seat of the truck and it instantly pulled away from the curb in a hurry.

  “Now what the hell is going on?” Derrick asked. For the past two weeks, he hadn’t been able to get anyone on the phone and it was really starting to piss him off.

  “Where do I begin,” Mr. Goldberg huffed. “Chico’s men found Alvarez’s body and put a hit out on the entire family.”

  “You’re joking right?” Derrick said not believing what he had just heard.

  “I’m afraid not,” Mr. Goldberg said quickly. “A hit squad burned your mansion down to the ground a few days ago. Eric and Jimmy made it out of there alive but over eighty bodies were found; now every cop and agent in the world are looking for them right now.”

  “Fuck!” Derrick cursed loudly. Just from what Mr. Goldberg just told him he knew that he was fucked. “I don’t even have no place to stay.”

  “Eric owns a hotel. We’re headed there now. He’s got a suite set up for you I spoke to him an hour ago he told me to tell you that he’ll be off the radar for a few days,” Mr. Goldberg said. “Everything you need will be at the hotel; money, clothes, security, you name it.”

  “Aight cool but as soon as you hear word from Eric you tell him I said to call me A.S.A. fucking P,” Derrick said as the Cadillac truck pulled up in front of the hotel. Derrick stepped out of the truck and he was immediately met by a member of Eric’s security. Derrick was quickly escorted upstairs to his room where the first thing he did was hop in the shower. It had been months since the last time he took a real shower in a real bathroom. Derrick held his head under the faucet and let the water massage his scalp it had been a rough few months but Derrick was built for this business and knew how to survive.

  Derrick stepped out the shower, dried off and walked throughout the suite in the nude. On his king sized bed rested a mox-berg pump shot gun along with a dessert eagle he had requested the two weapons from the security that stood outside the door. Derrick was no fool and wasn’t big on taking chances. He pulled out his cell phone and called one of his old security friends, a man named Oscar. Oscar used to be one of Derrick’s best body guards, but had to quit when a sudden death in the family occurred now with his life in danger. Derrick figured if he was going to have someone watching his back it might as well be Oscar.

  “Yo who this!” A deep voice bark into the phone.

  “Hey Oscar this Derrick. Can you talk for a second?”

  The sound of, Derrick’s voice instantly brought a smile to Oscar’s face. “Derrick Mason, last I heard they had you under the jail. What did I do to deserve this call?”

  “I’m in big trouble Oscar. Some very important people put a hit out me and my family,” Derrick told him. “I need a little protection until this thing dies down.”

  “Man I really wish I could help you but I don’t live like that no more,” Oscar said in shame. Back in the day, he used to be one of the baddest men on the streets but now he had a wife and a family to think about. “I’m a family man now.”

  Derrick laughed. “So you finally settled down huh?”

  “Had too once my wife got pregnant. She started to put the pressure on me,” Oscar joked.

  It hurt Derrick to hear that his main man was out of the game, but he respected Oscar’s decision. “What type of work are you into now?”

  “I’m working security at this club,” Oscar said. “But it’s funny you called cause I just saw your brother Jack.”

  Just the mention of Jack’s name brought a frown to Derrick’s face. “You just saw him right now?”

  “Yeah he just walked in the club with two fine ass bitches,” Oscar said letting the word “Fine” roll off his tongue. “He looking good too, like he came up on a couple of dollars.”

  “I’m on way right now whatever you do don’t let him leave that club!” Derrick barked into the receiver.

  “I got you,” Oscar said. “Is something wrong?” He looked down at the phone and saw that Derrick had already hung up.

  * * *

  Oscar stood close to the VIP section that Jack and his crew occupied. Oscar knew if Derrick told him to keep his eye on Jack it had to be something serious. From first glance, Oscar counted four goons and six women in the VIP section. Back in his day, he would have been able to take on all of them at the same time, but now that he’s been out of commission for a while, he wasn’t too sure about taking a chance like that. Oscar’s phone buzzed notifying him that he just received a text message. He looked down at the screen and read the message from Derrick letting him know that he had just entered the club. Oscar walked over to the bar where he met, Derrick. Behind him stood a heavyset man with dark shades and black leather gloves on his hand. From experience, once Oscar spotted the heavyset man dressed in all black he already knew what time it was. “This gon get messy?”

  Derrick nodded his head as he slipped his hands into a pair of black gloves. “Where’s the best exit?”

  “The side door over behind the stage,” Oscar nodded his head over towards the right. “Make it quick and not too messy.”

  The heavyset man walked over towards the VIP section with his .45 down by his side. He walked up, grabbed the velvet rope that separated the VIP and regular people, and stepped inside the section like it was his VIP section. Immediately a man with a shiny baldhead approached him and placed a strong hand on the big man’s chest.
“Where the fuck you think you going?”

  The heavy set quickly pulled out a gun and shot the baldhead man in the leg.


  Immediately partygoers scrambled and stumbled over one another when the sound of the shot echoed over the music. The heavyset man stepped over the bald headed man he aimed his gun at Jack, pulled the trigger, but Jack quickly, and desperately pulled one of the women that sat on his lap in the line of fire forcing her to take the bullet that was meant for him. Jack quickly ran and hopped over the rail, scrambling towards the exit as his crew got involved in the shootout with the heavyset man. Jack ran towards the exit when out of nowhere Derrick tackled him sending the two men tumbling violently down a flight of stairs. Derrick landed on top of Jack and began pistol-whipping him as if he was a stranger instead of his brother. He hit Jack repeatedly until one of Jack’s henchmen finally tackled Derrick off of him. The henchman landed two blows to Derrick’s face before two shots exploded in his stomach. Derrick tossed the wounded man off of him just as he saw Jack get off the floor and take off in a sprint. Without thinking twice, Derrick opened fire on his brother.

  Pow! Pow! Pow!

  Jack finally reached the exit when he felt a hot slug tear through the back of his thigh. The pain almost caused him to hit the deck, but he knew if he would have hit the floor, he was as good as dead. Jack willed himself to keep moving he wasn’t expecting Jack to run down on him in the club. Jack exited the club, pulled his 9mm from its holster, and ran up to the first car he saw. “Bitch get the fuck out the car!” He yelled as he forcefully snatched a skinny chick out of the driver’s seat, roughly tossing her down to the unforgiving concrete. Jack slid down behind the wheel just as Derrick and the heavyset man came spilling out of the club.

  Jack gunned the engine as bullet assaulted the car as he pulled recklessly out into the street.

  Chapter 18


  Mike cruised through the streets in his unmarked police car, silently listening to the consistent tapping of the rain. He had been thinking long and hard, and had finally decided that he no longer wanted to have anything to do with the family business. He was ready for a new chapter in his life. Mike knew that Derrick and Eric wouldn’t like his decision, but it was his life and at the moment, he wasn’t happy with the way his life was playing out. Mike had thought long and hard about his decision and now it was time to let the rest of the family know. Mike pulled into the parking lot of a small rundown diner at a place that rarely had many customers. He pulled his hood over his head and drew the strings tight before stepping out the car and entering the small diner. Sitting in the back of the diner, Mike spotted Derrick sitting, pretending to be reading a newspaper. Mike sat down across from Derrick and smiled. “Good to see you again old man.”

  “I’m just glad to be out of jail,” Derrick sipped his coffee. “I’m glad you agreed to meet with me. I need you to tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “They found, Alvarez’s body and now there’s a hit out on the entire family,” Mike said.

  “Well I’m back home now so trust and believe I’ll get all this shit squared away,” Derrick began. “But first I’m going to need you to do a few things for me; first I need to let me know when....”

  “I’m out.”


  “I said I’m out,” Mike repeated. He was tired of living like a criminal it was time for him to move on with his life and start to enjoy all the money he had been risking his life for, for so many years.

  “You can’t get out at a time like this, the family needs you,” Derrick began. “Think about the family.”

  “Fuck the family!” Mike spat with venom in his tone. “This family has done nothing but stopped my growth as a person.”

  “Son listen,” Derrick said trying to gain back control of the situation. “The family is in a bind right now and we need you more than ever. I know things have been a little rough but think about the family.”

  “Fuck the family!” Mike growled. “This isn’t about family,” he said with his face crumbled up. “This is about business and I’m done with both this family and this business!” Mike stood up to leave. Derrick quickly grabbed his arm.

  “Son if you walk out that door you’re on your own!” Derrick growled standing nose to nose with the man he raised since he was a kid. “You better think hard about what you’re about to do!”

  Mike flashed a smirk. “It’s not personal pop, this is business.” He turned and exited the small diner leaving Derrick standing there.

  Chapter 19


  Derrick stood in the diner with a sour look on his face as he watched Mike slide into his car and pull out into traffic like a mad man in the pouring rain. A part of him was upset with Mike for abandoning the family at a time like this, but the other part of him understood why. Mike was making the decision he was making. Derrick knew this life could drain a person mentally as well as physically. Derrick went to sit down when he noticed five motorcycles zoom pass in the same direction that Mike had just headed.

  “Aw shit!” Derrick cursed as he ran out of the diner into the rain. He quickly hopped behind the wheel and burnt rubber out of his parking spot. Derrick wasn’t sure about the five motorcycles at first but when he saw the bikes run a red light, he knew immediately that they were a hit team. Derrick stomped down on the gas blowing through a red light trying to catch up with, Mike before it was too late. Derrick beeped the horn like a mad man trying to get Mike’s attention as he weaved from lane to lane.

  Chapter 20


  Mike cruised down the street in complete silence. He felt good about the decision he had just made maybe now he could live a normal life, a life where he didn’t have to look over his shoulder every five minutes, a life where maybe he could start a family. As soon as Mike was just starting to feel good about himself his thoughts were interrupted when the sound of a car horn blowing repeatedly grabbed his attention. Mike glanced up at his rear view mirror and spot several motorcycles creeping up on him at a fast speed. Before Mike knew what was going on, his back window shattered forcing him to duck down out of reflexes. Mike quickly stomped down on the brakes causing two of the bikers to crash into his back bumper he then quickly moved his foot from the brake back to the gas pedal. Mike ducked his head down as the sound of rapid gunfire ripped through the air. Mike quickly grabbed his walkie-talkie and called for backup. The heavy rain made it hard for Mike to see clearly. Out of his side mirror, he spotted another motorcycle coming up on his passenger side. Mike quickly cut his wheel to the right forcing the biker to collide straight into a parked car. Just as Mike was starting to feel good about himself, one of the bikers shot out his back tire, which caused the car to swerve out of control. Mike grabbed the wheel with both hands trying to regain control but when he looked up he saw a minivan. “Oh shit!” Mike yelled as his car and the minivan collided like two rams. The air bag exploded violently smacking Mike in the face shattering his nose in the process. Mike lifted his head up in a daze and saw two figures dressed in dark clothes walking towards his car. He could see what was going on, but at the moment, he was too dazed to do something about it. Mike reached down for his gun but froze when he saw Derrick’s car run through the two gunmen like bowling pins.

  Mike looked over at Derrick and said thank you with his eyes just as Derrick pulled off in a hurry.

  Chapter 21


  Jimmy and Cherokee sat camped out in a low-key hotel out in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t what Jimmy was used to but it would have to do he was trying to stay off the radar but didn’t know how long this would last for. Pennsylvania was cool but Jimmy was used to being around the hustle, ripping, and running. He sat on the couch as he watched Cherokee’s head bob slowly up and down on his pole. Cherokee’s mouth was wet and loud just as Jimmy liked it. He watched her struggle to try and get the whole thing in her mouth.

  Cherokee looked up from in b
etween Jimmy’s legs with a seductive look on her face as she let saliva drip sloppily all over his dick. Cherokee worked her hands and mouth a hundred miles an hour until finally Jimmy couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up and bent Cherokee over then went up in her forcefully from behind. Cherokee placed her hands on the wall and threw her ass back matching Jimmy’s thrust stroke for stroke. Cherokee craned her neck looking back at Jimmy as she bit down on her lip. She enjoyed the site of Jimmy’s pole sliding in and out of her.

  “This all me?” Jimmy asked as he grabbed a hand full of Cherokee’s hair forcing her head to snap back.


  “I can’t hear you!” Jimmy growled as he slapped Cherokee’s ass, making it jiggle.


  “I can’t hear you!”

  “Oh god yes! Yes! Yes!” Cherokee moaned as Jimmy forced her to cum for him yet again. Jimmy grabbed Cherokee’s waist firmly and sped up his strokes as he tried to pulverize her insides. “Ugh!” Jimmy groaned as he pulled out and released himself all over Cherokee’s huge ass.

  “Damn,” Jimmy huffed as he headed to the bathroom and cut the shower on. He tried to think about several positive things to take his mind off the fact that he and his girl were hiding in a hotel room out in the middle of nowhere. Jimmy was the hothead in the family and he being stuck up in a room wasn’t sitting well with him. He stuck his head under the shower and enjoyed the hot water running down his head and back. Jimmy jumped when he felt a pair of hands rub on his chest from behind.

  “It’s me baby,” Cherokee whispered in Jimmy’s ear as she grabbed the soap and began to clean off his penis. “What’s on your mind I can tell that something is off.”


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