Two Sirs, with Love [McQueen Was My Valley 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Sirs, with Love [McQueen Was My Valley 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Karen Mercury

  And it was also thrilling to be able to feel Ian’s groans reverberate the length of his fat cock. Victor gripped Ian’s sinewy hips and slurped away while Felicity uttered words of encouragement.

  “That’s good. Suck away on that big penis. You know you love it. You know you’ve been dying to pleasure another man for years. You’ve never sucked on a penis before, have you? Well, enjoy every inch of that long, fat meat. I’m familiar with this horribly twisted young man. He’ll be shooting off in your mouth in a matter of seconds because he loves a big, hungry man’s mouth loving his fat cock.”

  Victor temporarily disengaged his mouth in order to lick his longest middle finger. He swallowed the cock again and ventured his wet fingers behind Ian’s balls, sliding across the bulging perineum to tickle the puckered asshole. Victor knew from past experience that he came in a heartbeat when someone slid a finger or a dildo up his ass, and Ian was no exception to the rule.

  Except that devious Felicity got there first.

  Plastering the front of her body to Ian’s side, Felicity must have been shoving the handle of the riding crop up his ass. Victor felt it, hard and slimy beneath his fingertips as she slid it inside the CFO. Her whispered words were nasty even by Mistress Felicity’s standards.

  “You love this, don’t you, you nasty boy? Your only wish is that this rod was another man’s cock. Another man’s thick, throbbing penis driving up your ass as he humps you uncontrollably, being driven wild by your beautifully muscular ass—”

  “Oh, bugger,” whispered Ian.

  “That’s right,” Felicity purred. “I’m buggering you with the riding crop while this nasty, dirty doctor sucks every last drop of cum from your fat cock.”

  That was it. Felicity jiggled the riding crop deep inside Ian, rubbing against the prostate gland that she milked expertly. Victor’s lips buzzed with the vibrations of Ian’s deep, guttural groan as he exploded in his mouth.

  He guzzled as fast as he could, but couldn’t keep up with the force of Ian’s orgasm. He was pleasantly surprised to taste the warm salt. It was gratifying to drink it down, but some dribbled down his chin. The cock pulsed out its sweet seed, and Victor was glad he didn’t embarrass himself or Ian by spitting it out.

  “That’s right...” Felicity whispered, working the riding crop slower and deeper now. “Let him swallow your delicious seed, Ian. Surrender to our ministrations. Let us guide you into a long, deep orgasm. Let your senses shut down...feel only Victor’s blissful, sucking mouth...”

  The rest of the room actually began to fade out for Victor, and at length he had to detach his mouth from the cock and fall back on his ass, panting. He blinked several times to orient himself. Felicity was uttering soothing sounds into Ian’s ear, and he slumped down the wall as she eased the riding crop from him. The buttons of his shirt looked as though they had been torn, and she stroked his chest, comforting him with her motherly words.

  Shit. I don’t know about Felicity, but I’m horny as the devil. How can she just stand by and watch this and not jump right in? Wrenching himself to his feet, Victor slithered his torso up Ian’s, capturing Felicity’s hand between their chests. He gripped Ian’s hip between his thighs, humping his throbbing cock against Ian’s bare hipbone like a dog. Taking Ian’s slack jaw in his palm, he planted a sucking kiss on the other man’s sweet mouth. Ian seemed grateful, weakly licking the residue of his own semen from the underside of Victor’s tongue.

  Ian kissed like someone under the influence. He must be mightily controlled by the surge of dopamine after a powerful orgasm. Victor’s bit and licked Ian’s mouth with arousal. Victor’s palm slid down the flat abdomen to fondle the ball sac, and he twined his body around the shapely white ass to poke his hard-on between the globes.

  “No,” said Felicity, pulling on Victor’s arm. “He needs to come down. We need to let him down easy.”

  Victor drew back, looking with curiosity at the woman. “He needs to submit some more,” he said, as though Ian wasn’t even in the room. “I just want to fuck him up the ass.”

  Felicity shook her head, her mouth a thin line. “That’s not how it works, Victor. Where’s the cuff key? Right now we need to protect Ian. He needs to feel the warmth of embraces surrounding him, not to be assaulted. Besides, he’s uncut. Uncut penises are more sensitive.”

  “Okay.” Victor found the cuff key on his key chain. His eyes flickered up to Felicity’s face. She had such radiant, flawless skin. “I want to fuck you, then.”

  She giggled like a girl. “Oh, boy. That’s really not how it works! It’s not all about gaining your own satisfaction, Victor.” Was it Victor’s imagination that she looked highly intrigued by the idea, though?

  * * * *

  Felicity helped Ian pull up his pants. He was just starting to come around to reality, and he took several bracing, deep breaths as she removed the makeshift cock ring. The sting when she snagged a few hairs woke him up.

  “Wow,” he breathed, as recent memories flooded back into his brain. He tried buttoning his shirt, but it seemed that at least one button had been torn asunder. He looked to Victor to see if he could discern any shame in his lover’s face, but Victor just looked boldly back at him, unashamed and horny. Wow. What a three-way scene. Already I’m addicted. I’m going to need a lot more cocksucking from this arrogant asshole. But I want to suck his cock as well.

  He was also feeling quite romantic toward the Dominatrix who had whipped his cock with a riding crop and slid its handle up his rectum. He knew he should treat both his play partners as trivial, casual hookups. Once Sasha and Rowan were safely wed and on their way to Ireland, this trio would split up and go their separate ways. Sure, Victor still needed to find enough evidence to make charges against Todd Beard stick, so he might hang around. But Ian couldn’t keep helping him much longer. He had to get back to Hawkeye Corp. if it wasn’t already being run into the ground in his absence.

  He pulled Felicity down onto the couch next to him. He stroked her face with the back of his hand. “Damn, you’re good, woman. What chance in hell do I have of ever being allowed to make love to you? I know you don’t let men touch you”—this was somehow cause for chuckling on Victor’s part—“but I’d love nothing more than to bury my face in your lovely snatch.”

  “You need to calm down, Ian,” Felicity said patiently. “Live right now, in the moment. Don’t think of the future, of what you want to do to me or anyone. You just had a huge, monumental experience. Feel the warmth of our embrace, sheltering you, making you feel secure.”

  “That’s part of what I like about being a submissive. I was savagely beaten constantly as a kid, and I think this is my way of taking control, of taking the trauma and owning it, of feeling in control of the pain. Does that make sense?”

  Felicity nodded. “Yes. It does. Although Victor and I were just saying the opposite, that we can’t remember any childhood trauma that has contributed to making us such domineering tops. It’s just in our makeup, plain and simple. But it’s constantly evolving. For instance, Victor wasn’t such a top right now. Were you, darling?”

  For the first time Victor looked a bit sheepish. He buried his fists deep in the pockets of his camo pants, and his cock didn’t bulge so lustily anymore. “That’s a first for me, you’d better believe. I have no idea what got into me. It was Mistress Felicity’s instructions. I was just following them.”

  Ian smiled. “I’m glad. You suck cock better than any woman I’ve ever had. Maybe you’re a switch and didn’t know it.”

  “Yes!” cried Felicity, delighted. “You are a good service top, Victor. We must explore your inclinations to bring pleasure to Ian.”

  Victor shrugged. He was pretty good-natured for a guy who hadn’t been allowed to come. “Whatever keeps you around, Mistress Felicity.”

  “Speaking of,” said Ian. “Did your father give you any more grief about your activities at the Fett Axel in Stockholm?”

  Felicity fiddled with her fingers in her lap. “Yes
, he gave me grief, all right. I think he’s been very successful in convincing me to give up the lifestyle.”

  “What?” Ian leaned closer to her and put his hand over hers. “You can’t let a man suffering from dementia alter your life so radically, Felicity! Hasn’t he also been known to put his pajama pants on over his trousers, put his wristwatch into the fridge, and accuse his therapist of being Jimmy Carter?”

  A laugh forced its way through Felicity’s sorrow. “That’s true. He did think his shrink was the former president, there to force him to build a house for Habitat for Humanity.”

  Ian said, “See? So you’re going to listen to him when he begs you to give up your life?”

  “Okay, then! If you really don’t want me staying in Utah, I’ll return to Stockholm!”

  Victor stepped closer. “Actually, I agree with Ian, not for the reasons you think. Ian can’t stay in Utah either, for obvious reasons, and I’m going to have to go back to the Salt Lake office when I’m done with the current assignment. But Felicity, he’s right. You can’t allow a man to dictate your life who thinks he has to attend the Camp David accords to get the Sunnis and the Shiites together.”

  “Oh, yes,” Felicity agreed warmly. “He thinks they just need to have an honest dialogue.”

  Victor sat on the couch’s arm. “See? And you’re going to let this peanut farmer convince you to start an entirely new career?”

  “Well.” Felicity seemed to blush. “I know he’s said and done some dubious things in recent years, but he was pretty lucid when we Skyped. And his reasons for begging me to change my life were not because I’ve been immoral or corrupt, but because he doesn’t see much future in the Dominatrix field.”

  Ian nodded. “I can see his point of view. You need to do something more forgiving in terms of aging.” Swiftly he added, “Not that you won’t age gracefully. But one must be practical.”

  Felicity squeezed Ian’s hand. “No offense taken, sweetie. I agree with my father. I’m working on it with my sisters as to what I could possibly do out here. It would be nice to be around them again, especially since they seem as though they’ve all turned out to be wonderful, caring people.” She sighed deeply and stared off distantly. “I know I’ve been running from myself since my husband’s death. I do feel that I’m no more Mistress Klara than I am Where’s Waldo or Marge Simpson. Although I do have hair like Marge, if I pile it high enough.”

  Ian squeezed her hand too. “I’m sure your talents for running a club will translate well into running some aspect of the lodge. And speaking of talents. We need you to help—”

  “Oh! That reminds me.” Felicity stood and picked up her coat. She rifled through the pockets. “I wanted to give you something, Ian, to symbolize our relationship. Something for you to remember me by.”

  Ian waved her away. “Oh, don’t be such a sappy twit, Felicity. I don’t need a gift from you to remember you. Here’s a deal. If you stay at the lodge, I’ll come visit you here. You can torture my cock and balls any time.”

  “No, seriously. Here.”

  Ian took the black leather...cock ring? “Where did you find such a thing around here?”

  Felicity took her seat next to Ian and plucked the cock ring from his fingers. “I had my manager in Stockholm express me some things I thought I might need, and I thought of this. Here.” With relief he saw it wasn’t a cock ring but a wrist cuff, a bracelet. “This is to reward you for being such a good slave. It designates you as my play partner.” Wrapping it around his wrist, she pressed the snaps together with a sound of finality.

  Ian looked at Victor, feeling smug. She hadn’t given Victor any such sign of ownership. “I belong to Felicity,” he sniffed. He dared to kiss her for the first time, and her lips were pliant and soft. They smacked at each other’s mouths with genuine love. Ian’s chest swelled with emotion as he held her birdlike shoulders in his hands and inhaled her honeyed scent.

  They withdrew a few inches, smiling stupidly at each other. Ian didn’t see her as Mistress Klara anymore. She seemed to be becoming more comfortable as Mistress Felicity.

  Victor shrugged. “I asked for some things to be expressed, too,” he said mysteriously. “Now. Felicity. We need to use you as an operative in this undercover operation. Are you comfortable with wearing a spy camera that looks like a pen?”

  “Yes,” agreed Ian, “the perp already knows our faces so we can’t go back to his place pretending to be exotic animal buyers. But we’re pretty sure this one craigslist listing, for a rare African lemur, was done by him.”

  “A lemur,” repeated Felicity. “That’s a sort of monkey, right?”

  Ian looked up at Victor. This was his area of expertise. “Yes,” said Victor, “it’s a primate, and this particular listing is for a Madagascar aye-aye. It has incisors that never stop growing and a long, thin middle finger that sounds out taps like a woodpecker against a tree limb to find grubs.”

  Ian filled in. “It chews a hole with those ever-growing teeth, then uses the long middle finger to scoop out the grubs. It’s a fascinating, ugly nocturnal primate. They used to think it was a rodent or a squirrel.”

  Victor continued. “We’ve already e-mailed with him, pretending to want to buy it, and we’re pretty sure it’s Todd Beard. But we need you to make the telephone contact and to pose as a black market buyer. Money has to change hands for us to make an arrest.”

  Ian asked, “Are you willing to help us in such a risky operation? Now you can be an operative, like Rowan, Adrian, and Nathan.”

  Felicity’s eyes grew wide. “Ooh. This could be just as exciting as being a Dominatrix at Fett Axel. What do I have to do?”

  Both men clamored around her, filling her in with the details of the operation.

  Chapter Eleven

  Felicity fiddled with her undercover spy pen about a hundred times. They had had to find a sweater with a pocket over the right boob for the pen—finally, Brooke had come up with one. However, Felicity’s bosom was about twice the size of Brooke’s, so the sweater looked sort of like a crop top over a wife-beater T-shirt Felicity had tucked in. All in all, she looked appropriately conservative for someone trying to buy an African lemur.

  “Say you want the lemur to amuse your thirteen-year-old daughter,” Victor said for the tenth time.

  “Beard’s not known to be violent—” Ian started, but Felicity finished for him.

  “Other than slicing wild boar’s throats with a long knife.”

  Victor glared at Ian. “Now, don’t pick up any evidence you see. Just make note of it to tell us where to locate it later. The most important thing today is that money changes hands. I mean, of course if he lets you take the lemur away today, go ahead and put it in the back of Nathan’s Jeep and drive back to us.”

  “Am I supposed to be aware this is a protected species? Or do I just want a monkey for my daughter?”

  Victor said, “I’d think you’d know it was protected if you were specifically searching on craigslist for exotics. Now, your safe word is ‘baboon.’”

  “Baboon,” Felicity said obediently. The men had vests, and Victor had his usual Glock and Taser, but she could carry nothing like that. It would look obvious. There was really nothing Beard should suspect about her. She was brand new in town and hadn’t met anyone yet.

  “Next to poaching, these smuggling assholes are the second biggest threats to wildlife. Think of what a favor you’re doing for these poor downtrodden animals, Felicity.”

  “Oh, I am! I think this is wonderful, Victor. You told me the exotic ‘pets’ escape, then in through someone’s doggie door, and kill or maim children.”

  “Yes,” said Victor, serious. “There was a case where someone actually tried to keep a hyena chained up in their backyard. He yanked himself loose, got in through a neighbor’s open door, and ate a baby.”

  Felicity shuddered and looked to the sky for assistance. She clasped her hands together and realized she was doing a sort of prayer. Ian must have noticed this bec
ause he clasped his hands, too, bowing his head.

  “All right,” Victor said indulgently. “You all set, baby?”

  Normally she would have bristled, but this was about the third time Victor had called her “baby” and she sort of liked it. After all, she’d called him “darling.” “I’m all set, darling.”

  “Face the pen the right way,” Ian reminded her as she walked to Nathan’s Jeep. “We’ll be right around the bend waiting in case—”

  “In case nothing happens,” Victor finished for him.

  Felicity started the engine and drove smoothly away. There was nothing to this undercover business. She pretended every day in her work at Fett Axel. The craigslist ad had asked for a “rehoming fee” for “adopting” the lemur. That was how sellers got around the restrictions against selling pets on the forum. She hadn’t discussed with Beard how much such a “rehoming fee” might be, but googling around for lemur sales led her to stick two thousand in cash in the little purse around her waist. She knew Beard wanted to meet her in person, to be assured she wasn’t wearing a wire or affiliated with Wildlife Resources, who after all had just done a knock-and-talk on him, fresh in his memory.

  Felicity practically whistled a happy tune as she inched forward in the four-wheel-drive Jeep. She had given Ian his slave cuff—a slave collar would have looked glaringly out of place at a Utah ski lodge—and she had witnessed a most satisfactory cocksucking session with the macho Victor the eagerly sucking party. She really hadn’t expected that when she’d forced Victor to his knees. She’d expected much more resistance. But the randy biologist had turned out to be more experienced and kinky than she’d given him credit for. Just the look of adoration in Ian’s eyes when Victor had gotten to his feet and kissed him was enough to let Felicity know she was doing the right thing. And just watching the two men go hard at it, Victor’s eager mouth suctioning Ian’s rigid prick while she fucked Ian with the riding crop—well, she knew she would have a good session with her trusty traveling bullet vibrator tonight.


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