Hunter Moon

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Hunter Moon Page 15

by Joanne Mallory

  “Why haven’t I changed yet? It’s been months since I was bitten.”

  “Just being bitten isn’t enough to turn you. As a human, you should’ve just remained dormant. But you’ve encountered a catalyst, something that set off the rage of your beast, and he is driven by the need to protect you. You and your mate.”

  Jason kept his eyes locked solely on Seb’s as he spoke, but he could feel Jess squirm beside him. He tried to ignore the trickle of doubt that touched his conscious. What if she didn’t want to be his mate?

  The force inside him roiled at the thought, and it took all his control not to drag her away, back to bed, and sate her until she had no other thoughts but him.

  “Being bitten by the vampires was the catalyst?” His words were gravelly when he spoke, and Jason held up his palms, deliberately leaning away from the table, opening his body language.

  Seb could feel his body temperature rising, the heavy weight in gut beginning to prowl. But as he fought for control Jess slid her cool, soft hand into his. Her calm smile relaxed, what he was now realizing, was his beast. Her soft words settled the creature, soothed him. “It’s alright.”

  Nodding, he took another mouthful of the stew, breathing in deeply as he chewed. The rhythm of the action calming him further. He nodded at Jason to continue.

  “I would say that being bitten certainly had a part to play. But it could have been a number of factors. I’m going to need to talk about Jess now, alright?”

  Pushing the bowl away, Seb leant back in his chair, taking her hand between his.

  Lacing his fingers with hers, he smoothed the soft skin on the inside of her wrist, liking the way her pulse jumped.

  Nodding, Seb searched for the right words. “Okay. Just—just try not to be too…” Finally, he just shrugged. “I’ll tell you when there’s trouble.”

  “Sure thing, buddy.” Pushing his own empty bowl away, Jason loosely clasped his hands on the table. “It could be that Jess has triggered your wolf; her leaving for Greece, her coming back, or her being near the danger of the vampires. Your rage was already high when I got you back to the safe room, but with all the goings-on I just didn’t pick up on it until now.”

  Jason glanced towards the window, his voice softening when he said, “Your wolf clearly recognizes her as your mate, and if you weren’t already sleeping together when the vampires attacked, it’s more than likely that he rose up to protect her. And then to claim her.”

  Even though Jason had kept his references to Jess as respectful as possible, Seb struggled to hold everything in check. His wolf couldn’t stand another man talking about her like this. It paced within him, and as he swallowed he felt his throat work, the growl forcing its way out.

  His forearms tensed, and his fingers ached as his grip tensed around her delicate hand.

  The shocked gasp from Jess had him whipping his gaze to her, sure that he’d hurt her, only to find her staring, stunned, at his hands.

  Dark, deadly looking claws tipped his fingers, and he instantly let her go, pulling away from her. “Jess, I—”

  Her eyes shone lavender as she slowly reached out, taking his hand back, lacing their fingers together. “You won’t hurt me.”

  The rage and wild anger raced away in a rush, leaving fear and doubt in their place. “You don’t know that.”

  Leaning forward to get a better look at his hands, Jason laid his own palm flat on the table, releasing his claws with a sibilant hiss. They looked like his own hands just had, and Seb raised his eyes to Jason.

  “She’s right, Seb. You won’t hurt her, ever. Your wolf won’t let you.” Rising from the table, he retracted his claws, picking up their bowls.

  Placing them in the sink of the open plan kitchen, he stared back at them both as he leant on the breakfast bar. “But the next few hours are going to be tough on you.”

  Not even sure he wanted to hear the answer, he asked anyway. “Why?”

  “The full moon is tonight. The first change is always brought on by the full moon, which is also why your wolf is so close to the surface. After that, you’ll be able to shift at will. But for now, the wolf just wants out.”

  Releasing his hand, Jess stood up, pacing to the patio doors, staring out at the ocean. “And how do we keep the wolf calm in the meantime?”


  Wandering through the quiet village, Jess looked up at him as they walked, fighting the urge to grin. Apparently the wolf was inquisitive, and liked new things to look at. He also liked fresh air and the outdoors.

  So she and Jason had decided a walk would help.

  The row of shops faced the ocean, and as the tide rolled back in, it brought the wind with it. The sun was dropping below the edge of the horizon, leaving the night-time behind, and Jess pulled up her hood as the chill caught her ears, making her shiver.

  “You’re cold; we should go back. This is a daft idea, anyway. You may as well have put a collar and lead on me.”

  Unable to keep the humor from her voice, she took his hand, the raw warmth of him sinking into her skin. “You’re safe; I don’t go for that sort of thing. And it’s just a bit chilly. I’m an islander. We know wind and freezing rain, believe me.”

  Arching a flat stare at her, he rolled his eyes, trying to smoother a smirk.

  Despite the chill, the fair at the far end of the promenade had begun switching on its lights, and she gave him a little nudge. “Would your friend like to have a look round the fair?” She gave him a winning smile, laughing when he nudged her back…

  “No, he would not. Why are you so cheerful, anyway? You’re out here, in the freezing bloody cold, having to take me for my evening walk.”

  Much preferring his grouchy mood to the fear and uncertainty they had been facing, she leaned into him. “I’m happy. I’m worried and nervous, for sure. But I’m also happy. You’re not a vampire, and I didn’t have to make a life-changing decision about a dear friend.” Waiting for the lone car on the road to drive past, she pulled him towards the beach.

  The lights from the boats bobbed about in the distance, and the music from the fairground carried softly when the wind blew in their direction.

  Coming to a standstill at the sea wall, he pulled her hand into the pocket of the coat he’d taken from Jason, warming her. “Why are you worried?”

  Continuing to stare out across the waves, she let the salty air push against her hood, blowing it down. It whipped through her hair, blowing it up, making her wish she could lift into it. “Let’s get through the next twenty-four hours, and we’ll worry about my worries after that.”

  Jason had explained a great deal as the afternoon had passed, but it was what he wasn’t saying that concerned Jess. Seb’s wolf was so close to the surface, that Jason had decided it’d be safer if they waited until after he’d made his first change, before they talked about anything that involved her.

  And as Seb’s wolf wouldn’t be able to cope with her going somewhere alone with Jason, she couldn’t even get the answers herself.

  And in all honesty, she wasn’t sure she was ready to hear them, anyway.

  “It’s about you being my mate, isn’t it?” The quiet certainty of his voice sent panic skittering across her skin.

  It wasn’t fair on him to talk about this now, he had enough to cope with; the moon would begin to rise soon. And she couldn’t even let herself think about the cycle of what was going to happen. “Seb. We’ll talk about it all. After.”

  He turned his back to the sea, leaning against the wall, the blue of his wolf ringed his brown eyes. “No. I understand what this means. My wolf has recognized you as his, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same for you.” His wolf eyes bled into the brown. It was as if he was trying to rationalize with the preternatural creature that lived within him.

  And he was having none of it.

  His breathing deepened, taking on a chuffing quality that had her looking at her watch. The moonrise began at 7.42—in just over an hour. “Sebastian.” Cupping his j
aw in her palms, she lifted his face, happy to see the wild blue of his gaze slowly receding as she ran her fingers through his hair. Stroking the nape of his neck, she stepped into his embrace. “The wolf may want one thing, but you also get to choose. And I’m here right now, so let’s get through tonight.”

  As he opened his mouth to protest she laid her lips over his, loving the way his arms came instantly and fully around her, wrapping her against him. She’d meant for the kiss to be soft, to gently offer comfort. But as her fingernails lightly scraped his scalp, he groaned. The strength of his embrace briefly chased away thoughts of what was to come.

  His lips demanded her supplication, his searching tongue ravaged her mouth. He stroked boldly over her, palming her ass with a heavy hand.

  She caught her breath at the assault on her senses, the intensity of her reaction to him. Her body readied for his in a rush, and she sighed, wanting to get closer. She traced the heavy shadow across his jaw, moaning as he took her bottom lip between his, stroking his tongue across the sensitive flesh.

  Standing between his spread legs, she leaned heavily onto him, savoring the hard pressure of his shaft. His fingers kneading her ass, pulling her into him, left her panting, and she pulled briefly away to catch her breath.

  Groaning, Sebastian buried his head against her chest, her warm coat becoming a barrier, keeping him from her luscious breasts.

  As a gull arced overhead, its piercing cry echoed over the waves as it soared, she let her head hang back, her hair swaying as she watched the bird. The first stars were slowly waking, and as she shifted her fingers through his hair, she held him to her.

  Her desire subsided at the sight of each new star, and whispering his name, she looked into his interchanging eyes.

  “We’d better get back.”

  Reluctantly stepping away from him, she held out her hand, waiting for him to take it.

  Their silence deepened with each step of the short walk back to her home, the gravity of the approaching moon weighing heavily.

  The soft white street lights shone hazily as mist travelled in on the tide, and the closer they got the tighter the ball in her stomach became.

  She loved the Halloween season, carved jack-o-lanterns sitting on most doorsteps, their candles flickering.

  As they walked past the farm shop, a trailer loaded with pumpkins of every shape and size stood on the forecourt, ready for the weekend’s carving fair.

  She smiled wistfully at the ‘Everyone Welcome’ sign, with a plethora of plastic bats and spiders hanging from it.

  She’d hadn’t given a thought to Samhain this year, hadn’t begun her usual ritual of leaving gifts for the spirits.

  Turning onto her little road, the branches of the cherry trees had shed their leaves, the autumn winds were chasing them around their feet.

  One of her neighbors was just getting home from work, and Jess murmured a quiet ‘good evening’ as they passed by.

  Everything seemed so normal, so normal it felt impossible to think that in a couple of hours her lover would make his first full body shift into the shape of his wolf. A wolf that recognized her as his own.

  Jason stood at the open front door, a coffee in his hand, leaning against the door-jamb. His face pensive as they approached.

  Letting them walk on, she hung their coats up, taking a minute to look at herself in the hallway mirror. Worried brown eyes looked back her; she wasn’t used to having to totally surrender control.

  Placing her palm on the mirror, she pooled magic in the glass, and whispering a plea to the spirits to keep him safe, she let it go, out into the ether.

  Following after them, she stopped at the doorway, her furniture had all been moved, pushed as best as possible into one corner, stacked together.

  Jason came to her side, giving her shoulder a squeeze at her undoubtedly shocked expression. “He’s going to need space, and I’d like to protect your things.” His voice trailed away at Seb’s low growl.

  Jason turned to face his friend, and Jess’s breath hitched at the sight of his wolf eyes. They’d completely eclipsed the brown, and were focused on Jason’s hand on her shoulder.

  Bristling, Jess readied herself to let her mouth operate without the help of her brain, when Jason slowly shook his head, carefully lifting his hand from her.

  “Seb, Jess is my friend.” His voice was deliberately calm as he spoke. “I don’t want her to have deal with any carnage—and neither do you.”

  His head reared back, wolf-like, as he processed Jason’s words, before looking at Jess. “No. No, I don’t want to do any damage.” Rubbing his temple, he drew his brows together. “Will I?”

  Able to give him nothing more than a shrug, Jason turned to Jess. “Can you put a protection spell up? Something that will keep all prying eyes out and dampen the noise, that sort of thing?”

  Raising her hands with a nod, she was just about to chant when Jason stopped her.

  “Can you put a perimeter on the boundary, too? He shouldn’t go anywhere, but let’s make sure.”

  Tailoring her protection spell, she began to chant.

  Both Jason and Seb looked uneasily around them as the magic rose, the power of the gathering spirits filling the room with static pressure.

  As she reached her final repetition, power seethed around her.

  A snapping sound echoed through the house, leaving Jess raising her brows. She’d put more mojo into this incantation, but it would seem the spirits were also lending an extra hand with the cloaking aspect of the spell, leaving old energy thrumming all around.

  “We’re safe.”

  Seb was standing, his hands braced on the side as he stared out of the kitchen window, towards the dark beach.

  Crossing to him, she touched his arm, noticing the fine sheen of sweat that covered his brow. “You okay?”

  “I’m sure I’ve had worse days.”

  Chuckling lightly at his black humor, she stroked down his arm, taking his hand.

  Jason’s hushed voice reached them. “It’s almost time.” He’d been standing in front of the patio doors, staring out into the night.

  Looking at them, he crossed his arms over his chest, his face set in hard lines. “Jess, I want you to go into the bedroom and close the door.”

  Whirling to face him, she planted her hands on her hips, her response instant. “I will not.”

  “There’s no argument in this, Jess. His change will be…difficult, and if you get upset or try to help, his wolf will do everything it can to try and give you what you want. The change could take days.” Ruffling his hair back from his face, he threw his hands out. “Is that what you want?”

  Her argument died, fear and panic ripping through her. This was really going to happen, and there was nothing she could do. “No.”

  Jason’s shoulders sagged in relief, and in a moment of guilty clarity she saw how tired he was. Exhaustion sat heavy on him. She’d been so busy worrying about Sebastian, then about herself, she hadn’t once wondered about him.

  He must’ve been beside himself at the thought the vampires had taken them…

  Shame dropped through her at what she’d put him through. “Jason, I’m so sorry.”

  As she rushed towards him, he held up his hands. Throwing her an awkward smile, he warded her off. “Let’s not piss off the pup, Sweetheart. Give me a hug tomorrow.”

  She stopped in her tracks, suddenly aware of the seething energy pouring off Seb.

  Taking a moment, she drew in a breath.

  She stood between them, with Seb’s jealousy filling the room like an entity. His lingering growl grew louder, as his claws extended, and he stepped towards Jason, his eyes eclipsed by the blue of his wolf.

  It was one thing for her to make allowances because of tonight, but would she always be expected to step back? Would she be expected to behave in ways that worked for him? Cutting herself of from friends, from giving affection?

  Turning stark eyes from Seb, she looked to Jason. “Is this how it is
now? I’ll be expected to check my behavior, my every action, to allay the wrath of the beast?”

  A pained expression crossed Jason’s face, as he shook his head at her, his voice gentle as his eyes beseeched her. “Jess. There’s so much more to explain, but now isn’t the time.”

  She knew she was wrong, but the words didn’t seem to stop falling. The panic was absolute, gripping her. “It is, isn’t it?! I’ve become chattel. Is this what is to be the mate of wolf?”

  Jason’s eyes pooled blue, as his rough whisper reached her. “So I’ve been told.”

  Seb gripped her arm, wrenching her round to face him. His blue eyes furious as he pulled her to him. “Don’t ever turn to another over me.” His lips were hard and punishing as they took hers, and as she struggled against him he locked her in his embrace. Trapping her. Keeping her where he wanted.

  Fury ripped through her, to match that of any wolf, as magic toiled from her palms. Fighting until she could lay her hands on him, she shot him across the room. Lavender static still hazing around her as he hit the floor.

  Magic, ancient and welcome, raced through her as he came to his feet. His expression stunned as he faced her, the wolf and the man shocked by her actions. “Jess…”

  “I do as I please!” Her voice rang out as she stared him down. Catching Jason poised, standing to the side of her, he was clearly ready to throw himself into the melee if needed, although she wasn’t sure whose side he’d by on.

  Sebastian still looked shell shocked, as if the throw had winded him.

  Scraping back his hair, he looked at her, what he’d been about to say lost as he doubled over.

  Fear erupted, outweighing the riot of emotion pouring through her, as she ran to him, trying to take his weight.

  Sebastian gripped her, his body hot as if riddled with fever as he pulled back, away from her, a groan wrenched from him. “Please, Jess, just go, don’t see me… Jase, get her out.”

  Seb’s palms hit the wooden floor with a thump, as Jason’s gripped her upper arms, and she allowed him to hurry her along the hallway.

  Opening the door to her room, he backed her inside, his eyes shadowed with worry as they focused on her.


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