Vampire Charming

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Vampire Charming Page 12

by Cassandra Gannon

  He just wanted her back.

  He couldn’t exist without Jane. She was the one part of the universe that he was completely sure of. The one place where he knew he belonged. All his doubts were gone when she was beside him. Every part of him knew they were supposed to be together. If he lost Jane…

  Slade quickly rallied himself. No. He wouldn’t lose her. There was a surefire way to bring Jane around: He would give her some of his blood. It could heal her and it was perfectly safe. He wouldn’t have risked it if there was even a chance it would endanger her. So few humans survived the process of becoming Vampire. But, humans couldn’t transition into one of his kind unless they took blood from two different Vampires and Slade was the only Vampire in Infinia. This plan would simply restore her.

  Nodding with fresh resolve, he sliced open the pad of his thumb and held it to her lips. There was nothing for a beat of time. Then, she swallowed a few drops of his blood. .Jane’s mouth slowly parted around his finger, pulling it deeper. Stroking it with her tongue. Small teeth grazing against his skin.

  Slade’s eyes crossed.

  Gods. He was immortal and this woman was still going to be the death of him. Renewed passion slammed through his system and he wanted to beg. Images flashed through his mind. Hot, wet, dirty scenes of Jane sucking far more interesting parts of his anatomy. That fantasy had been growing more vivid by the day and now it threatened to consume him. She had no idea what she was doing, but his body didn’t seem to care. He’d never wanted a woman more. He’d never wanted anything more.

  Slade squeezed his eyes shut, breathing in her scent and trying to stay in control. Jane was coming around. That was all that mattered. It didn’t take much Vampire blood to heal a small human girl.

  She made a sleepy sound of pleasure, her beautiful eyes fluttering open. For a heartbeat of time, she didn’t understand what was happening. Her gaze was welcoming and sensual. She licked away another droplet of blood and gave him a contented smile.

  Slade’s jaw clenched against a helpless groan. “Take as much as you desire.” He leaned over her, his hand smoothing back her incredible hair. “Whatever you need, I will provide.”

  The desperate lust still pounded, but --beneath it-- something far greater swelled. He wanted to give her all he had. He always felt that way, but it was suddenly all so clear. As long as she’d stay beside him, he’d give her anything.

  For two seconds it all seemed… right.

  Then, Jane processed what was happening.

  “Jesus!” She gasped, jerking upright. His thumb fell from his lips, which filled him with an instant sense of loss. “Jesus! Did you just make me drink blood?!”

  Slade nearly sighed at her appalled expression. Humans were so easily upset. “I had to.” He licked the wound on his finger closed, savoring the taste of her on his skin. “It was the only way to bring you around.”

  “Then you should have let me sleep! I don’t drink blood, you moron.”

  “I was concerned.” He reluctantly shifted back from her. “Things got out of hand during the feeding. I took too much and you passed out.”

  “I don’t think that was just from blood loss.” Jane muttered, rubbing her forehead. Silence hummed for a beat, both of them remembering how she’d come apart in his arms. Her gaze slipped to the front of his pants and then quickly away. “It got super out of hand.” She agreed with a gulp, hitching the blanket up around her. “You were right about the aphrodisiac part.”

  “I am Slade, King of the Vampires. I’m always right. But Jane, this was a very strong reaction to be simply…”

  She cut him off. “There was some supernatural weirdness going on, messing with my head. That was totally the problem.” She nodded like she was trying to convince herself. “And on top of that, you’re so… And I got so…” She cleared her throat. “And you’re still so…”

  “I know.” He was very aware of his current state of arousal.

  “At least, nothing too terrible happened… Except the part where you fed me blood.”

  “I told you, I needed to heal you. Vampire blood has medicinal properties for humans.”

  She still looked wary about it. “It doesn’t turn me into a Vampire, does it?”

  “No. I give you my word.”

  “Good.” She gave a nod, not meeting his eyes. “Well --I mean-- this is a little awkward, now. With the orgasm and all. But, it was to help you to eat and now everything’s fine. No harm done. We’ll just go back to our normal, quasi-normal relationship and we’ll forget this even happened. We’re both adults and we’re just moving on, right?”

  “It may take a few moments for me to move on.” Slade shifted uncomfortably.

  “Oh.” She glanced back down at his bulging trousers and then averted her gaze with a blink. “Well, that’s your problem. I’m not sleeping with you, after you fed me blood.” She decided in a firm tone. “No way.” Her eyes tracked over to his erection again, like she couldn’t help herself. “Sex would be a massive, massive mistake.” She bit her lower lip. “Really, really… massive.”

  Slade sighed. “I would not ask you to share my bed.” He knew she would refuse. The woman would never sleep with a man unless she had total faith in him and she did not give her faith easily.

  Her attention snapped to his face. “You wouldn’t, huh?” She shook her head, apparently irritated. “No, of course you wouldn’t ask me. Kings and servants don’t consort.”

  “That’s not what I…”

  “I mean, what would your soon-to-be-fiancée Allandrina say if you started screwing the help?”

  Slade frowned, annoyed that Jane would say such a thing. “You are not just the help. Didn’t we discuss this by the waterfall? You are being…”

  Jane cut him off. “Forget it. This whole blood drinking thing was a mistake. I don’t even know why I agreed to it, except I’m losing my mind.” She began searching around for her spectacles. “Look, we can’t do this again. You’re just going to have to go hungry until you’re safely in your witchy-bride’s arms and I’m going to sit here, being sexually frustrated, until I meet up with my Prince Charming. Deal?”

  “What?” Slade’s scowl grew deeper. “Wait. When are you planning to rendezvous with another prince?”

  She had mentioned the mysterious potentate before, but Charming governed no land Slade knew of. And if Slade hadn’t heard of a place, it was sure to be small and dreary. Jane couldn’t possibly be interested in the low-level ruler of a forgotten world. Someone of her quality could do so much better.

  Jane paused in the act of putting on her glasses. Her head swiveled to squint at him like she was baffled by his question. “Huh?”

  “Is Prince Charming why you wish to get back to your precious supermarket?” She spoke of mating with this man, so they must be close. He must be someone she had faith in and fully trusted. Someone she missed. Slade’s temper began to spark. “Is he waiting there for you?” Did Jane love this other monarch?

  His Dark Instincts snarled at the thought.

  Jane gave a short laugh. “Christ, sometimes I do remember why I keep you around. You say crazy stuff and it’s kind of adorable.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, not even noticing Slade’s mounting anger. “Sure, why not? Right now, Prince Charming is no doubt scouring Iverson’s Grocery Store for my damsel-y self. He’s been after me for years, but --you know-- a gal like me has gotta sow her wild oats, before she settles down in her enchanted castle.”

  Slade couldn’t argue with that logic. It still pissed him off, though. His own sexual frustration fed into his rage. Jane refused to sleep with him, because she wanted some royal pretender from her own world. “So this Prince Charming is just a human?”

  Jane stopped snickering at his disdainful scoff. “Hey, I’m just a human.” Her eyes narrowed. “At least, I’d better be a human. Because, if you turned me into a Vampire, so help me…”

  “I told you, I didn’t turn you into a Vampire.” Slade interrupted dismissively. “I
just don’t see how we can go through all of this together,” he waved a hand around to encompass their epic journey, “and you’d still think of returning to your ghastly Chicago.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, because the Endless Woods has such great amenities. What’s wrong with me for missing little stuff like refrigerated food?”

  “Our stay here is only temporary. Soon we will have all of Infinia and I will gladly share it with you. The rubies and the flying horses and the magicks.” He nodded, willing her see how much he had to offer. “This whole kingdom will be ours, Jane.”

  She studied him for a long moment, her face growing somber. “And Allandrina’s.”

  Damn it, why did Jane dwell on the princess? Slade kept forgetting the other woman even existed. “Allandrina will be there, too, I suppose. Somewhere.” Slade wasn’t about to deal with her more than necessary, though. They’d have to work out boundaries, like in any other business arrangement. Maybe they could split Infinia, so they’d each oversee half. That seemed fair. She could have some castle far away and he could be with Jane. “But, she is just a means to an end. You and I are supposed to rule this kingdom together.”

  Jane gave him a strange smile. “Slade, I don’t want a kingdom.” She said quietly. “To be honest, all I’ve ever wanted is a home. I’ll help you win this war, but then I have to go. I have to find my own home.” She shook her head. “This world can’t be it.”

  She was serious.

  Jane didn’t want to stay with him.

  It felt as if a centaur had kicked Slade in the chest. He’d thought she’d see reason. He’d been so sure. But, no matter what riches and glories he offered, Jane would choose her backwater dimension and some second-rate sovereign over being Slade’s partner. Over being a key part of his magnificent destiny. Over being his best friend in this or any other world.

  The woman was out of her goddamn mind.

  Slade got to his feet, pain like he’d never known eating a hole inside of him. Melessa leaving him was nothing compared to this rejection. He wasn’t even sure how he managed to stay standing. Jane’s words sliced deeper than any blade, making it feel as if his insides were bleeding out through his skin and leaving him empty.

  “Fine.” He bit off, unable to look at her. “Settle for your small and ordinary life, if that’s all you dream of for yourself. Squander our only chance for greatness. I have far bigger plans.”

  “You always have big plans, Slade. That doesn’t mean they’re going to work.”

  “At least I try. You take no risks and will have no tales to tell, because you are afraid.”

  “That isn’t true!” She vehemently shook her head, like she was trying to convince herself. “It just isn’t. I’m not afraid. I’m pragmatic. There’s a difference.”

  “Call it whatever you wish. It still means you base all your decisions on fear and on what you believe is impossible. I make my mine based on hope. On what I wish to create with you beside me. Hope that there are heroes in this world and that I can be one.” No matter the doubts that plagued him, Slade wouldn’t believe that he was a failure. He wouldn’t.

  “You make your decisions based on fantasy.” She retorted. “Any random thought that enters your head, you believe. You know what happens to people who think they can be heroes? They die, Slade. You would’ve been killed fifty times over, if it wasn’t for me!”

  “And you would stagnate in your boxed-in world if it wasn’t for me!”

  “I liked stagnating in my boxed-in world. I was safe there.”

  “You were wasted there. There is so much life in you, yet you refuse to live it. Given a choice, you will do nothing, rather than chance disappointment. How is that a worthy existence?”

  “It’s better than the alternative! When I take a chance, I’m always disappointed. You should understand that. Your wife cheated on you… Your people fired you… Your grandmother turned against you… Everyone you know has let you down.”

  “You haven’t. Not even once.”

  She stared at him, not having an answer for that.

  Slade kept going. “You have taken a chance and followed me, thus far. It frightened you, but you did it. Have I disappointed you? Have I let you down?”

  “No.” She admitted. “Not yet. But…”

  He cut her off. “Not ever. I wish to remain with you, Jane. Having you beside me has been…” He trailed off, shaking his head. How could she want someone else? Couldn’t she feel what was between them? How special it was? “You and I belong here. Side-by-side. I know it and so do you.”

  “No.” She whispered. “I won’t stay with you, Slade. I can’t.”

  Slade’s jaw tightened, stifling a flinch at her refusal. “Fine.” He snapped again and headed for the door. He wasn’t giving up. He would never give up on Jane. But she was in no mood to see reason and he was too hurt to find the right words. “Ignore your destiny, if it makes you feel safer. Embrace a hollow future. Plan your return to that uninspiring human prince.” He looked back at her, wounded pride talking. “I will stay here and be king.”

  Chapter Nine


  FANG’S Goblin forces have surrounded the vast forest. They should look all slimy and gross, kind of like the lizard-guys from V. FANG stands at the top of a hill, talking with DALLYN, the last Mages. DALLYN is a tall, beautiful woman, wearing a tight leather outfit. She has the body of a Victoria’s Secret model, a cool kind-of-Russian accent, and she’s a ninja. Is she good? Is she evil? It depends on the recommendations of the focus group, but either way she’ll make one hell of an action figure.


  (In a kind-of-Russian accent)

  Fear not, King Fang. My magicks will make it possible to safely enter the forest’s maze.



  If magicks could unlock the mysteries of the Endless Woods,

  why didn’t some other supernatural being solve them long ago?


  (After a long pause)

  …I have no idea. But, I’m sure it all makes sense.


  (More irritated)

  I doubt it. I swear to the gods, something weird is happening lately.


  (Ignoring his complaints)

  You wait here, King Fang. I know Slade and he is far too crafty to be caught in just any trap.

  I have planned this very carefully.


  (Super irritated)

  I’m sick of planning.

  It seems like all I ever do is talk about my evil schemes and hire evil henchmen.

  I want to actually do something evil.


  I don’t think that happens until the finale.

  Redrafted Film Script- “From Here to Infinia”

  Slade stared at the campfire, trying to make sense of his life.

  Everything should’ve been perfect. Infinia was a beautiful land, just as he’d hoped. He was making inroads with the rebels and already gaining a loyal following of loyal followers. Once he got the Silver Sword and defeated Fang, his epic destiny would be assured. He’d finally have his destined crown and all would be as it should be.

  So, why did it all feel so futile?

  It was Jane’s fault. How could he focus on anything when she was sitting in her borrowed hut, plotting to leave him? Every step he took towards the throne was actually a step away from Jane. She would go back to her pathetic prince and her drab little world, never thinking of Slade, again. How was he supposed to enjoy his success knowing that?

  With Jane at his side, he felt as if he’d already won some glorious battle. Like things finally made sense. Like he could do anything. Like he was home. Meanwhile, she couldn’t wait to go back to her life without him.

  The woman was obviously under some kind of spell.

  His eyes narrowed in sudden thought. Actually, a spell would explain much about her stubborn refusal to stay in Infinia. Perhaps,
this so-called “Charming” used some enchantment to enthrall Jane. Perhaps her inexplicable attachment to the bastard was the result of magicks.

  Slade’s mood improved as he pondered those implications. Jane would be displeased if he killed the man she loved without good reason. But, if that asshole prince had somehow hypnotized her --which he obviously had-- then Slade had a viable reason for the slaughter. Afterwards, Jane would see that he’d had no choice but to rip out Charming’s heart and feed it to him. She would probably even thank him for saving her.

  “Slade,” she would whisper, her luminous gray eyes glistening with tears, “you’ve rescued me from that stupid, hideous, small human. How could I have ever imagined abandoning you for such a poorly-endowed fraud? Please forgive my inexplicable lunacy and let me stay with you forever.”

  Then, Slade would take Jane into his arms and he’d breathe in the citrusy fragrance of her hair. His hands caressing her warm curves, as she pressed against his body. She’d look up at him with caring and mischief, and everything would be perfect. When Jane smiled like that, Slade felt like they were the only two people in the world. Like he was finally the hero he’d always dreamed of being. He’d tell her things that he’d never told anyone and she’d tell him things, too. Because, she trusted him. Because, they were partners in everything. She’d slowly sink to her knees and her mouth would…

  “King Slade? Don’t you think that is a wise plan?”

  Slade jolted at the sound of his name. He looked around, surprised to see the rebels all looking at him expectantly. Shit. Had they been talking this whole time? What had they been discussing?

  He didn’t want to seem inattentive to their concerns. Over the past few days, Slade had changed his views on what being a king really meant. He’d made mistakes on the Vampire Isle and he wasn’t going to repeat them here. Ruling wasn’t just having a castle and waving at commoners. It meant being a part of something. Jane taught him that. Since he’d started listening to her advice and engaging with the rebels, they’d become more and more vocal. It was almost as if they were coming into focus somehow. They even had names, now. Slade didn’t completely understand how it happened, but he liked the changes and he knew Jane was responsible. How could she want another man? Didn’t she see how much Slade needed her?


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