Eyes of the Leopard 5: Captive

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Eyes of the Leopard 5: Captive Page 3

by Isabella Jordan

  “No,” Casey said flatly. “No way. I’m not going to offer my body for a story. No. I’ve done a lot of things in my life to get the scoop on something or someone, but I won’t do that. I don’t even have proof that you have a story to give to me. Uh-uh.”

  A corner of his sensual mouth, the corner she could see, curved up. Okay, he did have a very nice, enticing smile. But still…

  “You act as though you have a choice in the matter, Casey. Let me clear up the confusion. You don’t have a choice. I’ll have you in my bed, pleasuring me, pleasuring him,” Alex tipped his head toward the resort, “for the next two weeks, preferably with you willing. During that time, if you make things easy for us, you’ll get the story you want. I’ll tell you everything I know.”

  Casey’s mind was a crazy mix of fear and excitement. If they planned on keeping her as their sex slave for the next two weeks, surely they wouldn’t keep her alive to turn them in afterward. Even if what he said was true about Leviathan, that they would want her silenced, she could still make it to the police. Maybe she could find protection in that way from the authorities.

  But she’d have escape to pull that off. Alex had just told her that they didn’t intend to let her go.

  Another part of her quivered and melted at the thought of what Alex said he planned for her. Two sexy men in her bed? It was one of her favorite fantasies. The hostage part put a different dimension on it, but if anything, it only heightened the anxious bursts of forbidden lust that began to course through her body.

  What the fuck was she thinking?

  You’re in danger, Casey. Focus!

  “Casey, consider this carefully before Joey returns.” There was a note of warning in Alex’s voice. “This is the time of year when they customarily had us mate. We’re not like normal men. When we go into the mating lust, the sensations are excruciating and demand relief. Demand it. Even if I let you go, I might not be able to stop Joey from hunting you down. I might not be able to stop myself. It would be so much better if you were cooperative. What do you say?”

  Casey’s fear was back full force now. “You just told me I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Make no mistake.” His voice was deep and low. “You are my captive, Casey. I can take you as many times as I want, in any way I want. I can keep you for as long as I wish. But it’s your body. Your will is your own. You can fight me at every turn or you can choose to succumb to me. That’s the choice you have to make, Casey.”

  “What does it matter to you if I’m willing or not?” she had to ask.

  The hard lines of Alex’s face tensed, so much that she could see it in the darkness. It mattered to him. Maybe just ravaging her would make him feel guilty then?

  “I want you willing. And you will be willing in my bed.”

  Despite the situation she was in, Casey’s pussy quivered at that.

  “Think this through, Casey. I’m offering you exactly what you want for what we need.”

  Casey was thinking about it. Alex gave her no options. Even if she managed to escape, he’d as good as told her that they’d hunt her down and ravage her because they couldn’t help themselves. And if she managed to get away from them, Leviathan itself would be after her if what he said was true. It was all almost too incredible to take in. Not to mention a little hard to believe.

  “How do I know you won’t hurt me? How do I know that you won’t kill me when you’re done?”

  Alex nodded at that. “You don’t. You’ll have to accept my word that you won’t be harmed. I think you’ll find it a most enjoyable experience in fact.”

  Enjoyable? Two men at once? Even if she did go willingly… damn. She hadn’t even treated herself to her vibrator in two months. If she made it through one night, she’d probably lose the ability to walk for several days. But two weeks? Two guys?

  “If they’re going to hunt me down as you say, then it’s pointless for me to agree to this, isn’t it?” Casey thought out loud. “They’d kill me before I ever got to tell the story, right?”

  “You could find a way to do it,” Alex told her, determination shining in his eyes. “You have friends, contacts. You could put it all together and get it to them. Even if you didn’t get to report everything on television in your little suit, you could make a fortune from this. You know that.”

  “In my little suit? You’ve seen my reports?”

  “Many times.”

  “You’d want me to tell the world what they’ve done?” Casey asked.

  “I want them to be stopped.” Alex’s gaze locked with hers. “I don’t care how.”

  Could she really offer up her body for the possibility of the biggest story of her career? She probably could find a way to report this if her life truly were in danger. In fact, it could add to the publicity, heighten the interest in the story. Despite death threats and attempts on her life, reporter offers the secrets of Leviathan.

  Damn, Casey wanted that. People really went for shit like that.

  But this could also be a sick, cruel game the man was playing with her. If Casey consented, she could never bring rape charges against them. Something to think about.

  Hell, if she survived…

  Casey shook her head, watching Joey approaching the door of the resort to head back out. What the hell was she going to do?

  “Decide, Casey. Are you going to be a good girl and get your story?”

  “How do I know this isn’t some sick little game you’re playing with me?” Casey needed to know.

  “You don’t.”

  “Give me proof. Anything.”

  Alex exhaled in a hiss of breath. Yanking up the sleeve of the jacket he wore, he held out his hand in the faint light from the parking lot lamp. “Watch,” he growled.

  As Casey watched, his fingernails began to curl and sink. Casey’s heart pounded furiously in fear while those nails slowly elongated and continued to curl into points, the nail beds burrowing further into his flesh. His hand began to shake as the claws formed at the end of his fingers, as if he was holding back further change. But what the hell would he change into? He’d just turned his fingernails into claws -- like an animal!

  “What are you?” Casey asked, inching back on the passenger seat. “Did they do this to you?”

  It seemed a great struggle for him. His eyes slid closed and the hand shook violently. Casey watched in amazement as the claws began to uncurl, the nails rising again to the surface slowly.

  Casey screamed and jumped when Joey pecked on the glass of the window behind her.

  Turning back to Alex, she saw the question in his eyes. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead.

  “If I do this, will anything happen to me or…”

  “We can’t impregnate you,” Alex’s voice was shaky. Obviously what he’d shown her had taken a lot out of him. “We’re free from disease because we’ve only mated with others in the lab and we’re tested each year. You can’t become what we are.”

  Well, that covered everything. Damn. He talked about them having a three way so impersonally. The decision that hung over her head was anything but impersonal. She didn’t know what the hell these guys were. Sure they were nice looking, cut, dangerous. Most women’s idea of a good lay.

  This was like something out of a bad B movie. Shit. Could she, Casey Howard, really be sitting here having this conversation?

  Joey pounded on the window impatiently.

  “What’s your answer?” Alex’s voice was calmer now.

  “If I don’t like it or I’m not comfortable, can I leave?”

  “No.” A muscle at Alex’s jaw twitched.

  “Is this what you wanted from Nicole?”

  “No. This was not and will never be an option with her.”

  “Why me then?” Casey had to ask. “Why not some other girl? Do you feel like you’ve got me trapped?”

  “No.” His firm, nicely shaped lips pressed together for just a second. The desire she read in the side of his face she could see nearly took her breath aw
ay. “I like the scent of you. I have from the moment you walked into the school building. I want to know what you taste like. I want to know what it’s like to bury myself inside you.”

  Reeling from his words, Casey jerked when the hand that had just grown and retracted claws snaked up the inside of one of her thighs, finding her pussy. His fingers swirled around her in light circles through her slacks, his touch very nice as his mouth dove for her throat. His mouth and breath were hot against the sensitive flesh beneath her ear, his tongue swiping at her skin. It sent a gut punch of sensation slamming through her.

  Outside of the van Joey pounded louder.

  “I will please you, Casey,” Alex said against her skin. “We both will. The pleasure will be indescribable.”

  Casey’s thighs squeezed around his hands and despite the situation she found herself in, she felt wetness seeping from her pussy.

  It was hard to think with him touching her as he was. When his lips worked their way down her chest and his other hand roughly pulled back her coat and blouse to reveal her breast, Casey’s hands cupped his head. She knew she should stop him, but somehow that wasn’t what she was doing as he pushed his way into the lacy cup of her bra. His wet mouth found her nipple. Her fingers sank into the silky, fine strands of his dark hair as his tongue swirled around the tightening peak that began to ache.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she found Joey gazing into the van, his eyes glazed with lust. Casey’s pussy walls convulsed at just the thought of him watching what Alex did to her, knowing he wanted her too.

  Reality pierced the fog of desire that had wrapped around her in the van. What was wrong with her? Voyeurism? Ménage à trois for a story?

  “What’s your answer?” Alex was a tormenting devil, nipping at the tight bud of her nipple with his teeth while his finger began to pluck at the fastenings of her slacks. The raw sensuality of the feelings he invoked in her pulled her right back into the web of seduction he was weaving.

  Her mind was screaming for her to stop the madness, get away from these men.

  Her body wanted the pleasure Alex offered. The thought of what both men had to offer.

  “Okay,” Casey whispered.

  And with that one word her fate was sealed.

  Chapter 4

  Alex’s cock throbbed and ached beneath the tight jeans he wore. It was hell having to stop what he’d started in the van and lead her to the room, while Joey took the van off down a small residential road to find a place to get rid of it. Alex wanted Casey, needed her in the worst possible way. The mating lust consumed his entire body now. Alex’s skin felt hot as flame, his cock was hard as stone and would be for literally days. It would only be after hours of sexual stimulation, in the body of the woman by his side, that the erection would fade long enough for him to rest.

  The very smell of her was driving Alex insane. Her slender body was mostly hidden from him by the heavy, gray coat she wore. Alex knew now, however, that her breasts were full and creamy. Her flesh had been salty and sweet, that taste still filled his mouth. He hadn’t been able to keep himself from touching her as they talked about what would happen over the next two weeks.

  Part of her had liked the idea. Casey’s little cunt had grown wet for him, and he could smell that too. He wanted to lap at those juices, to tantalize the sensitive flesh there with his mouth and tongue. Indeed he would, he promised himself.

  Alex would have been proud of himself for maneuvering the situation to his advantage if he didn’t realize what lay ahead for the lovely blonde reporter. Yes, she’d agreed to have sex with two unfamiliar men for the next two weeks. He knew she’d really agreed to it to get the story on Leviathan. Casey Howard was a reporter, after all, and like most reporters she’d be ruthless when it came to ferreting out the facts. Alex tried to keep that first and foremost in his mind when he thought about their bargain. It would help assuage his guilt at the fact that she had no idea of what she’d really consented to.

  For hours each night they would torment her and take her in every way imaginable. She’d be used and used well in their efforts to relieve the uncontrollable fire sweeping through their bodies. Alex had to remember that most of all. Casey wouldn’t be like the females they were thrown in with before at the lab. Those females had been given the same injections as the males. They were just as ready to fuck and be fucked. In fact, the females had even been more aggressive in the mating lust than the males most of the time.

  Casey, however, was a human. Even though the potential for passion was there, she was still understandably frightened. They could take her anyway, willing or not, and there wasn’t a lot she could do about it.

  While the thought of a woman at his complete mercy was extremely provocative to Alex, he knew they couldn’t begin that way. No, he found he wanted Casey willing right now to accept this, screaming for them in pleasure.

  Alex knew it was up to him to control the situation. It would take discipline he wasn’t sure he possessed. The only way they could make this work was to maintain Casey’s pleasure throughout the entire cycle. As beautiful as she was, as lush as he suspected her body might be, he even found himself looking forward to it. Wasn’t it what he fantasized about? Sex that wasn’t mindless and animal-like? It would have to be more than that for the human woman. There would have to be more than just domination. At least at first. She’d need to experience the most incredible pleasure at their hands, to be seduced and enticed.

  Clasping her cold hand in his, Alex led Casey toward the resort. The card in his hand that Joey had given him had Suite 126 printed on it, and they found it easily enough. When he used the card to open the door and flip on the light of the spacious suite of rooms, his gaze immediately flew to Casey. Her eyes were wide, her pretty little mouth pressed into a grim line. The knuckles of her free hand were white because she clutched the strap of the purse she’d salvaged from the van so tightly.

  The lust Alex struggled with could explode at any moment. But no matter how much he physically ached, no matter how much he wanted to, Alex wouldn’t allow things to start this way. Not when Casey looked like she was going to be slaughtered instead of in his bed to be pleasured.

  Alex smiled when Casey purposefully avoided the bed and perched on the edge of one of the upholstered chairs by the window. She was still hanging on to that purse strap. Hell, she looked like she was about to run out of the room, judging by the way her large blue eyes flicked to the door every couple of seconds.

  Shrugging out of his jacket, Alex draped it over the back of the chair before her and smiled, though the effort cost him. He didn’t like the fear he read in her. Not when his cock was throbbing, demanding that he take her now and slake the lust and hunger that had been consuming him like flame for the last several hours.

  He’d just have to wipe that fear away and replace it with desire for him, to inspire the lust he felt in her too.

  “Casey?” Alex whispered. He wanted her attention on him, wanted her thinking about what was about to happen. “Just relax, okay? Just relax.”

  “That should be easy.”

  Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on him.

  Those blue eyes glanced up at him. So many emotions stirring in them and Alex couldn’t take it anymore. Dropping to his knees before her with no warning, no asking permission, Alex began his seduction. Casey had agreed to this and he didn’t ask for her submission, he demanded it. Grabbing the leather strap of her purse, Alex pulled it away from her tight grasp and down her arm until she was free of it.

  “Let it go,” he told her. “Let everything you’ve known before go. Just feel.”

  Casey’s eyes squeezed closed as if she was steeling herself for what was coming. Alex took advantage of the opportunity.

  Gripping her waist and pulling her closer to him, Alex claimed her lips in a possessive kiss. At first Casey resisted, stiff in his arms. The challenge only drove Alex on as his fingers tangled in the thick blonde curls of her hair, holding her in place for his kiss. The smell and
taste of her were intoxicating, ensnaring his senses as he teased her mouth with kisses meant to seduce and entice. When he finally coaxed her lips to open beneath his, the taste of her engulfed him and pleasure surged through every cell of his body.

  Alex’s balls knotted together, his cock throbbing and swollen with a need he couldn’t fight. With Casey in his arms, Alex didn’t want to. He didn’t want to give her any opportunity to be afraid or to think about anything but him and this. His tongue twined with hers, lapped at it, and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

  Grasping the silken curls of her hair in his hand he pulled her head back. Already Casey was breathing hard and those tantalizing breasts were rising and falling sharply beneath her coat and her clothes. The interfering garments had to go. Her pretty cheeks were flushed red and her lips were still parted almost pleadingly. Her blue eyes darkened now like a stormy sky.

  Rougher than he should have, Alex practically tore the coat from her body. One of the buttons was sent flying in the process. Beneath she wore a sheer white blouse that easily revealed the lacy bra she wore. Alex would have admired that romantic, feminine display if he wasn’t in such a sorry state. With a little more care, his shaking fingers worked the buttons of her blouse so he could pull it free from her body, and then pulled the lacy garment keeping her breasts from him off with a vicious yank.

  Gathering her to him, Alex deeply inhaled her scent, burying his face between the soft mounds of her breasts. It was gratifying indeed to him to see that the pink little tips of her nipples were hard points, standing up nicely for him. The scent of her, the gentle silk of her skin against his face was undoing him. He could hear the steady staccato of her heartbeat, pounding in his ears.

  When he closed his lips around one of those pert little nipples, meaning to coax her, Alex only ended up destroying himself. Wrapping his fingers around the swollen mound of her breast, he suckled her hard, relentlessly. Her hands were silken flames as they coasted up his arms, her fingers clutching at his sweater in desperation as she began to make little mewling noises. The beginning signs of her desire and lust threatened his self-control.


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