The Horror Squad (Book 1.5)

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The Horror Squad (Book 1.5) Page 10

by Kris Weeks

  Chris was sitting on the beige carpet rolling some hot wheel cars on a road filled carpet mat. He turned his head as he heard the door open. His blonde hair feathered across his forehead and his brown eyes stared up at them. He could see the teddy bear that Heidi was holding. He ran up to Heidi and gave her a big hug around her leg. This almost brought her to tears as she bent down and hugged him back and handed him the teddy bear.

  Scott squatted down and picked up one of the hot wheel cars. He ran the wheels over the mat a few times.

  “Hey there young man. I see that you like cars.” Scott stated with a huge smile.

  The boy turned to Scott and ran his hand under the car that Scott was holding up to spin the wheels more.

  “That’s my favorite.” Chris told Scott.

  “Well if you’d like to come stay with us, maybe they’ll let you take that one with you.” Scott stated back.

  “Are you going to be my forever home?” The little boy questioned. “Only if you want our home to be your forever home.” Scott answered. “Are you going to be my forever dad?” Chris questioned further.

  “I would like that.” Scott replied. The boy looked up at Heidi.

  “Are you going to be my forever mom?” He asked.

  “I could think of nothing that I would want more.” She replied as she ran her hand across his cheek.

  He smiled real big and wrapped his arms around Scott’s neck.

  “Can we go home!” He asked in excitement.

  “Of course you can.” The social worker chimed in as a single tear streamed down her cheek.

  Scott squeezed Chris back and left Heidi to help him gather his things as the social worker and himself went back to the living room to handle all of the paperwork.

  Heidi started helping Chris pack up his things in a small lime green backpack of his. She glanced out of the bedroom door and could see the social worker and Ms. Sears talking to Scott. He almost looked in discomfort by whatever information they were delivering to him. He looked down the hallway to see Heidi looking at him. He shot her a quick smile and then signed the paper that was in the manila folder before handing it back and giving both the social worker and the older woman a strong annoyed glare before standing up.

  He walked back to join Heidi and Chris. Chris handed the bag to Heidi and had Scott pick him up. They could tell that he wasn’t too used to attention and were happy to know that he would get plenty at their home. He still had the Hot Wheel car in his hand.

  “Can he keep this?” Scott asked being polite as possible.

  “That’s fine.” Ms. Sears replied.

  The couple walked out to the car and opened up the back door to strap the little man in and then got in their self and started heading home.

  “What was that about?” Heidi asked.

  Scott took Heidi’s hand once again putting it against his lips and shook his head in terms of saying “nothing”.


  Amanda Swink stood at her sliding glass door of her upper level

  apartment building in nothing but her purple panties. She looked up to see what the weather was going to be like. It looked like it was going to be a fairly clear day.

  She walked into the bathroom to put in her contact lenses. She reached behind her and pulled her white Playtex bra from the silver towel holder and slid her arms through it before reaching behind her and snapping it and straightening the straps. She took a long drawn look at herself in the mirror before she chose to face the day.

  She walked over to her closet and grabbed one of her black Dollar Store work shirts and black slacks, then walked to her red oak dresser and grabbed a pair of white ankle socks that were in a messy cluster in her drawer.

  She then sat on the edge of her bed and slid her feet into the black slacks and stood up pulling them to her waist. She sat back down on the edge of the bed and reached over to put her socks on. Lastly, she put her arms into her shirt and threw her shirt over her head slipping it over her body. She grabbed her black Van shoes and her name tag before walking out of her apartment.

  She slides her already tied shoes onto her feet as she struggles to get one of her heels in as she uses her keys to lock the door behind her. She then starts to pin her name badge on her work shirt as she guided herself down the hallway in a confident swagger.

  Her short brown hair flew back when she opened the double door to her apartment buildings. The greeter at the front tipped his red bell boy hat to her as she walked by. She smiled as usual, but never said a word.

  She walked up to a small silver vending push cart and ordered a coffee to go. The tall Arabic man handed it to her in a medium sized white Styrofoam cup with a napkin wrapped around it to keep from spills burning her fingers. She grabbed a plastic spoon and dropped it in her cup and then poured some Coffeemate creamer in her cup and sprinkled a couple of spoons worth of sugar in and stirred it around. She took a sip to ensure it was made the way she liked it and then dropped seventy-five cents in the man’s payment cup.

  A few steps later she was at the bus stop where she sat down and waited for her transit bus.

  A man wearing a black hoodie came and sat down next to her with his hood pulled up over his head and his hands tucked into his hoodie pockets. He kept his head down and did not make any kind of eye contact.

  The bus pulled up and Amanda stood up and walked to the corner as she waited for the doors to open. She could see the reflection of the hooded man sitting on the bench. The doors flung open as she stepped in the bus. She barely got off the steps before she grabbed the first pole and felt

  someone bump her, she turned

  quickly to see the hooded man walk past. She was almost certain that he purposely ran his hand across her back as he walked by which nudged her bra clasp. She wanted to say something, but the man gave her the creeps and was uncertain about someone that wouldn’t show their face.

  Forty-five blocks later, the bus finally came to a stop that was a block away from the Dollar Store. Amanda stepped off the bus and started walking toward her work. She could hear footsteps behind her as her pace quickened. The steps behind her seemed to fade off as she gained distance.

  She reached the front door and she pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. She started turning on

  everything before the rest of the employee’s arrived for their shifts. She finally made her way behind the checkout counter where she grabbed some yellow plastic bags from the shelf under the counter to re-stock. When she stood up, she jumped as the hooded man was standing in front of the checkout counter.

  The hooded man had his black wallet in hand.

  “Sir, we’re not open yet.” Amanda stated.

  The man didn’t move and just stood there staring at her.

  She looked down on the counter to see a basic cheese grater.

  She ran it across the scanner. “That’ll be three dollars and forty- nine cents.” Amanda stated.

  The man threw down four dollars, grabbed his cheese grater and walked out without even getting his receipt or change.

  She followed him to the door and locked it behind him. She stood at the watched him walk away.

  Amanda turned and made her way back to the register with the eerie man still on her mind. She turned and looked back out of the glass door to make sure that he was gone. She felt shivers go down her spine as she tried to release the thought of him from her mind.

  Amanda continues on her daily routine of setting up the drawers and making sure that the store is clean and ready for customers to come in. She swept up and straightened items on the shelves.

  Two employees soon knocked on the door. Amanda had forgotten that she locked the door; which she normally didn’t do so that they were able to come right in and start

  working. She headed to the door and stuck the key in. She smiled at the two employees as they made it through the door and Amanda let the door fall closed. She peered into the now lit parking lot and saw a lady walking her dog past the store and two men
jogging on the other side of the street. She looked left and then right and saw the back of the man in the black hoodie walking away from the store. She shook her head and turned away begin to help the others set up.

  Amanda flipped the rest of the switches to turn the rest of the lights on that she had not gotten to yet. She headed towards the back office and turned on the light to brighten the back stock area and office. She unlocked the large wooden door with her plethora of keys attached to her retractable keychain hooked to her belt loop. She opened the door and plopped in the maroon leather office chair and spun towards the flimsy wooden desk. She turned the small knob on the desk lamp to light up the mess of paperwork scattered about. She gathered the papers and

  straightened them and laid them on the edge of the desk. She gave up in the midst of her frustration of trying to organize and headed out of the office back to the store floor to help.

  She walked down the aisle of plastic Tupperware and noticed a gallon sized plastic pitcher tipped over on its side. She tiptoed and reached as high as she could but could only touch the very edge of it with her pink painted acrylic nail. She bounced a little on her toes with hopes of knocking it to where she could set it up with all of the others. To no avail, she lowered herself back down and put her hands on her hips and stared at the pitcher. She tried one more time to reach it and with no success, decided to go search for a stool. As Amanda turned she ran into someone.

  “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” Amanda squealed putting her hands up to him to see if he was ok.

  “It’s ok, I am fine.” He laughed and grabbed her shoulders to steady her balance.

  “I shouldn’t be in such a hurry, I apologize sir.” She said backing up from him.

  The man had on a navy business suit with a sapphire color button down shirt and a blue and green striped tie. His blonde hair was combed in almost an Elvis like fashion and his smile showed pearly white teeth. His blue eyes had small specks of green throughout them that made them look almost turquoise. Amanda was taken aback by his astonishing build.

  “Can I help you get that?” He asked Amanda.

  “Um, sure, thank you, I appreciate it.” Amanda thankfully replied.

  The man reached up and grasped the plastic handle of the pitcher and brought it down to her. Amanda took it from him and felt a chill as her hand brushed his. She put the pitcher on a lower shelf where she could reach it later, not wanting to ask the man to set it back on the shelf. He smiled at Amanda.

  “My name is Garrett.” He said as he stuck out his hand.

  “I am Amanda, thank you for your help. Being short is a daily challenge for me.” Amanda replied with a laugh.

  She realized her hand was still in his as she slowly slid her palm against his and dropped her hands to the pockets of her black slacks. She dropped her chin to her chest as her face turned red.

  “Is there something I can help you find today?” She asked him as she brought her eyes to his.

  “Wel l, I think I found it. Are you busy after you get off today?” Garrett asked her.

  “I am working a double and won’t be off until very late. But thank you for the offer.” Amanda stated.

  “The offer stands anytime my lady.” Garrett replied as he took her hand and kissed the top of her hand.

  Garrett turned and walked down the aisle and out of the store. Amanda watched him until he was out of sight. She stood for a moment with a smile on her face, enjoying that this

  gorgeous man just came out of nowhere and was intrigued with her. There was a beautiful blonde young college girl that worked there in the store, and instead of the college girl, he wanted her.

  Amanda shook her head and went on about straightening up the shelves. The typical day proceeded and Amanda went on about her daily routine with the flattery of Garrett on her mind all day; wishing she would have had the time to go with him as he requested.

  The employees who had come on for second shift were about to leave the store to end their shift. As they counted their money from their cash register drawer, Amanda gathered trash bags from each of the trash cans that were scattered throughout the store. She placed all of the smaller trash bags into a larger one and tied it off. She dragged the heavy bag to the front of the store and turned out the remaining lights. She made her way back up to the front through the dark aisles.

  “Bye Amanda, see you tomorrow!” Both employees’ voices echoed over the shelves of solar items.

  “Bye!” Amanda yelled back as she heard the glass door squeak as it rubbed against the metal frame.

  Amanda grabbed the trash bag with both hands and backed out of the swinging door with the trash bag. She set it to the side and walked back in the store to turn the last light switch off. She walked back through the door and pulled her retractable keys up to lock the door.

  Amanda grabbed the gigantic trash bag and dragged it to the side of the building. She hesitated as she rounded the corner. The streetlight that usually brightened the dark alleyway and dumpster had gone out. Amanda took a large breath in and held it as she flung the bag up over her shoulder and heaved it over to the dumpster. Amanda took a tight grasp and pulled as hard as she could to fling it into the giant green bin. She wiped her hands in accomplishment and smiled at her small pleasure in her own goal that she had met.

  Amanda turned to walk to her car and was hit hard on the side of the face. She fell to the damp cold ground and put her hands out to push herself back up. Her vision was blurry; she shook her head and made it up to a kneeling position. Before she was able to stand, she was hit again in the back of the head. She fell forward on her stomach and laid still for a

  moment. All Amanda was able to think was to scream. She opened her mouth but nothing would come out.

  A hand grabbed her hair, she felt her body being dragged over the small cement rocks of the broken down alleyway. Amanda began kicking her feet and grabbed the hand that was entangled in her hair with both of her hands. She could feel the small pebbles ripping the flesh through her slacks.

  The hand that is holding her hair let go and was placed behind her head and laid gently on the asphalt. She could see the yellow “Stay Back” sticker towards the top of the

  dumpster. She had been pulled behind the dumpster.

  Amanda peered through the tears that streamed down her face. Still unable to scream, a black hood came into view. She violently shook her head no and kicked her legs. The man grabs her legs.

  “STOP!” He growled at her as he slapped her across the face.

  Amanda laid still and stared into the dark hood. She was unable to see the man’s face and froze in fear of being hit again.

  The hooded man slowly dragged his black sneakered feet next to Amanda’s head. He grabbed both of her arms and pulled them over her head and bound them with something that was rough and hurt her wrists as he tightened the knot that he carefully made.

  Amanda felt pressure on her new pink fingernail of her middle finger. She looked up to see the man holding a shiny metal object over her hand. Her fingernail falls to the ground and she felt pressure and excruciating pain against her finger. She felt the blood run down the side of her hand. She jerked her tied hands out of his grasp and away from the sharp piece of metal. The man closed his fist and hit her hard on the side of her head again. He took the sharp metal and dragged it hard against the back of her hand. Amanda screamed in agony. She kicked her legs up trying to make contact with the man causing her pain.

  The hooded man took Amanda’s shirt and seemed to shred it easily and balled up the piece that he had gotten free and stuffed it in her mouth. Amanda watched him as he straddled her and sat on her lower stomach. She adjusted her head to see him through the tears that were making her vision blurry. All she could see was a dark silhouette.

  “I’ve been waiting to get my hands on these tits ever since this morning when I saw you from your balcony window.” He stated.

  The man rubbed his hand over the naked stomach that was exposed and slid it under
her white lace bra. He pulled the bra hard to expose her tits for him to see. Amanda heard him moan deeply as he rolled the nipple of her right breast around between his fingers. He pinched it and pulled trying to make it stand at attention. Amanda’s big nipples hardened and the hooded man seemed to be pleased. He leaned down and circled his tongue around her nipple and bit hard. Amanda’s whimper caused him to tilt his hooded head up to look at her. The man sat up and took her nipple between his first two fingers and pulled upward hard to make

  Amanda’s round tit almost oblong. He took the sharp metal object out of his hoodie pocket and brought it around for Amanda to see.

  It was the cheese grater that she had scanned earlier for the hooded man! Amanda realized that the sharp metal is the cheese grater that she had been feeling.

  The hooded man easily grazed the grater across her nipple and then back again. He continued the motion; applying more pressure each time he pulled it bac k across.

  Amanda’s moans through the wadded up shirt were getting louder with each thrust of the grater across one of her most sensitive area. Her flesh started showing through the grater with each stroke. Blood poured down the man’s hand as he pulled it back with the greatest amount of pressure that completely tore the nipple away from the breast. The chunk of flesh rolled across the grater and to the rocky ground.

  The man dropped the mass of flesh; he watched it roll and bounce as blood spurted across her stomach and across to her other breast.

  He sat for a moment still resting on her lower abdomen. He shook the cheese grater to the side of him to rid of any extra flesh and blood that may have been stuck to it. He looked at the metal and moved his body back to rest on her knees. He braced himself with his feet behind him and supporting himself as he sat on them and placed his knees tightly around her thighs.

  He put the grater on her stomach and used both of his hands to

  unbutton her black work pants and pulled them down. He raised himself and pushed them under himself as far as he could and reached behind him and pulled them to her ankles. He grabbed the side of her purple thong and tore her panties off of her body. He placed his hands on the inside of each of her thighs and forced them apart to expose her pink perfection. He rearranged his feet to place them between her legs and inserted his finger hard inside of her and moved it around to feel her insides. He pulled it out and grabbed the grater off of her stomach. He softly used the edge to touch the outside of her pussy lips and dragged it up to her clit and pressed it hard against her. Amanda screamed as he turned the grater and used both hands to push down as hard as he could and raked the grater back down across her. The blood began to run down the grater as he pulled it back up and grated the free flesh that should have been rubbed for pleasure.


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