The Challenge

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The Challenge Page 2

by Shermaine Williams

  The need to taste him was overwhelming. He groaned as he saw her tongue poke out from between her full lips, licking them in preparation of what she was about to do. He groaned again as she firmly pressed the flat of her tongue against the underside of his glans before slowly licking along his length.

  The attention she wanted to lavish on his flesh was unheard of for her, but she could think of nothing else she would rather be doing.

  She could feel his fingers running through her hair as she worshipped his cock.


  With her eyebrows slightly raised, she looked up to acknowledge him despite not knowing how to reply. She'd 18

  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  completely lost her chain of thought but somehow imagined that looking at his face would provide sufficient detail to enable her to wing it. She was wrong.

  Silence hung between them for what seemed like many, many minutes when, in fact, it was only a few seconds, but that didn't stop Amanda from feeling faintly embarrassed.

  Benjamin enjoyed her obvious discomfort—but only a little.

  "I had asked what you were afraid of but, clearly, I'm boring you."

  "No, no, sorry..." she mumbled, shaking her head in an attempt to think straight.

  Had she really just been thinking about going down on this man that she barely knew? It was incredible.

  Sliding her glass a few inches to one side, she looked down at the desk as she tried to gather her thoughts. "Um ... well, it's not standard behaviour, is it?"

  "And what is standard behaviour?" he countered, not missing a beat, his voice soft and a hint of a smile in his eyes.

  Strangely unmoved by the need to react to his teasing, she looked into his eyes, thinking about how to respond and actually finding it rather difficult. What could she say? What was standard behaviour? She wasn't expecting to have to think so deeply. It was clear that this man had the ability to keep her on her toes.

  "I don't know," she finally admitted, breaking a period of silence that wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as that which had previously passed between them.

  He looked at her, patiently and thoughtfully, his gaze intense without being threatening.


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  "I think it's up to each of us, as individuals, to decide what is standard for ourselves, don't you think?"

  The man spoke perfect sense, that couldn't be denied, what could she do but agree? It was worth it just to see the resultant smile that spread across his face.

  He had to know how good looking he was. No doubt that was how he got so many women to pose for him. Handsome, charming men tend to be adept at getting their own way.

  "You strike me as the type of woman who would actually enjoy doing something out of the ordinary..."

  She mirrored the cheeky little smile that played on his lips.

  "...defy some of society's expectations."

  Yes. She wasn't one to follow the crowd, so why couldn't she do it?

  He seemed to sense what she was thinking. "You want to do it, don't you?"

  She merely maintained her tight-lipped smile.

  "Of course you do." His smile widened with elation as he answered his own question when she didn't even shake her head in denial.

  As she sat there with a near stranger in a random bar, she came to a decision: she decided that she was going to pose for some erotic photos. The thought of what she would soon be doing and the fact that she had finally come to a firm decision caused a tingly feeling of lightness to wash over her.

  Even the end of the internal debate was strangely liberating.

  Her nod was almost imperceptible but he still needed to be sure.


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  "So, Ms. Hanlan, are you prepared to accept the challenge?"

  She wanted to do more than just say yes, it didn't seem to be enough. Something major was needed, something celebratory. She wondered how he'd react if she walked around the table and straddled his lap, spreading her thighs wide so that she could grind her pubis against him to feel whether it was more than just her writing that was able to arouse him.

  Of course, it was.

  They would briefly look into each other's eyes, both knowing and wanting what was about to happen, before her hands slid further up his shoulders so that she was caressing his neck. In turn, he allowed his fingertips to travel slowly down her back and linger at her waist as their lips touched.

  Their kiss deepened before his hands moved down to the curves of her bottom, lifting her skirt so that he could feel the warmth of her skin against his as he squeezed and pulled her close.

  Gasping into his mouth because of his compelling touch, she automatically matched her kiss, bruising his lips as their tongues hungrily searched each other's mouths. Fingers snaking up into the softness of his close-cropped, light brown hair, she held him close and buried her hard nipples into his chest as he dug his fingers into her cheeks.

  The thought made her heart kick and the room suddenly got very warm. It would certainly seal the deal.

  When the daydream faded and she focused on him, she didn't know what to make of the serene look on his face, his 21

  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  lips curved by a knowing smile. Maybe he was reading her mind after all.

  The colour of his eyes somehow seemed darker than they were when he first arrived—they were still gorgeous.

  "Let's do it," she replied quietly, before biting her bottom lip, inadvertently aiming a seductive smile in his direction.

  His resulting broad smile couldn't have made her happier and she momentarily forgot herself, rewarding herself with a generous sip of wine.

  "That's what I like to hear."

  Taking a mouthful of his own wine, he looked at her closely over the rim of his glass, seemingly studying her face as he held her in his sights for longer than strictly necessary.

  "Do you feel different now that you're sure you're going to do it?"

  Shrugging shyly, she suddenly felt small and vulnerable, like a green youngster in front of a worldly-wise older man.

  "Er, I don't know ... kinda."

  What the hell was that? She was educated and articulate and yet, suddenly, she was reduced to a blithering idiot who had lost the ability to put her thoughts into words. Ridiculous.

  "Maybe a bit shell-shocked. Sort of," she added apologetically, a heaviness taking over the pit of her stomach as his smile waned slightly. "I'm sure I'll be fine by the time the photo session rolls around."

  His smile disappeared completely. Though there wasn't a hint of sternness or disappointment in his neutral expression, she imagined him to be offended as she may have given the impression that she didn't really want to pose for him.


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  "I always find that it's best not to think too much about these things. Just jump straight in."

  The comment made her look closely at him. Though it didn't look as if his expression had changed, there was certainly a difference in his eyes. A mischievous glint that wasn't there before.

  A raised eyebrow failed to elicit a response. "You're not suggesting...?"

  "I'm free now," he shrugged. "No time like the present."

  "Now?" she exclaimed, a little too loudly.

  "Why not?"

  That smile was back. The temptation to get up and kiss it from his face was stronger than ever, but she covered it by taking another sip of wine, hoping that there was nothing in her demeanour to reveal her true feelings.

  The thought of it happening so quickly made her body tingle, an echo of the apprehension that she had felt earlier.

  "I've never been prone to procrastination."

  He continued to look at her as he manoeuvred the cork back into the neck of the wine bottle.

can take this with us."

  Unable to think of a reason to decline, she remained silent as she watched him prepare to leave, confidently expecting her to follow suit. There was no outrage because she wasn't being pressured, he was merely making a suggestion. With him obviously having something of the Pied Piper about him, she knew she couldn't say no.


  [Back to Table of Contents]


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  Chapter Three

  He touched her for the first time as they left the bar, gently stroking his hand across her hip before letting it come to rest at the small of her back as he guided her out into the unknown.

  The minor contact had the effect of making her crave more. She hoped his hand would remain where it was as they took the few steps across the pavement to hail a cab. It didn't.

  After he withdrew his touch, she turned to glance up at him where he stood slightly behind her and to her side. They would make a good-looking couple. Pedestrians and occupants of the passing cars may well have made that assumption and, she had to admit, she wouldn't have minded the mistake being made. Slipping her arm through his may well have resulted in some awkwardness, but it certainly wouldn't look out of place.

  Now that they were standing side by side, he was even more formidable. Just being next to him made her feel safe.

  "You alright?" he asked, catching her sidelong glance just as he successfully attracted the attention of a taxi driver.

  "Yes, I'm fine."

  Her overly upbeat reply was almost instantaneous, so loath was she to do or say anything that might ruin the moment, that might cause his intentions to change. It was only then, as they got into the back of the taxi, that she 24

  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  thought more about whether his actual intentions were different to those that he revealed.

  Sitting there next to him—almost alone together—she found her own thoughts increasingly creating scenarios that were not intended when their get-together was arranged. The idea of being ensconced in his studio before being seduced by him was thrilling. She knew she shouldn't be thinking that way but she couldn't help it.

  Looking at his profile as he told the driver the address of their destination, she decided it was futile anyway as he was probably already thinking about lighting or poses or whatever it was that photographers thought about.

  It was several minutes into the silent journey before she began to feel faintly ridiculous. He probably only made the offer to gain more experience. He wasn't having thoughts similar to those she was experiencing—in fact, she was convinced that he wasn't even attracted to her. Her imagination had been running away with her and she had let it. He may well have a girlfriend, he may even be married!

  What was she thinking?

  "You're not nervous, are you?" he asked softly, breaking the silence as he shifted in his seat causing the heady scent of his aftershave to drift across her nostrils.

  His movement caused his thigh to touch hers—he had to realise.

  "No. Excited."

  "Good," he smiled, his leg remaining firmly pressed against hers. "Very good."


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  Maybe the wine had begun to cloud her mind, but his seemingly changeable demeanour left her confused. Fearing that she may end up doing something to embarrass herself, she resolved to concentrate on getting the fact that she was going to get her clothes off in front of this man rather than lusting after him. She smiled to herself as she thought about the fact that she had been bleating about being unable to agree to his request because she was a professional and he was putting her to shame.

  They lapsed into silence again, but it was a comfortable one. Their thighs remained pressed together lightly as she gazed out of the window while he exchanged some platitudes with the driver.

  As they neared his home studio, she actually began to look forward to what she was about to do and congratulated herself on having shaved her legs. He had probably seen it all before and was unfazed, but to her it was a big thing. Only a boyfriend who she had been seeing for several weeks ever got to see her naked, but this man was about to get the privilege after their very first meeting.

  Although it felt strange, she was slowly getting used to the idea and was rather proud of herself. It would be quite an achievement and she was looking forward to being able to prove that she wasn't the prude that people—including Benjamin—may think.

  She had less time to get used to the idea than she thought she would have because, it turned out, they lived in the same borough, albeit he in the posh end. The journey had barely started before they were turning onto a quiet, residential 26

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  by Shermaine Williams

  street and he was gently squeezing her forearm to let her know that they were close. Close to the point of no return.

  A funny feeling that developed in her stomach could have been due to her imminent endeavour or because he was touching her again—it was difficult to tell.

  After taking care of the driver's remuneration, he turned to her, a warm smile on his face. "Ready?"

  Matching his expression, she nodded quickly, suddenly filled with nervous energy. Firmly taking hold of her hand, he led the way out of the taxi and kept hold of her all the way to his front door. She remained still and silent as they stood on the threshold while he brought out his keys and unlocked the door, with her hand in his all she could think of was how soft and warm his skin was and how delighted she was that he was holding her hand.


  Standing aside, he directed her to enter ahead of him and she took the briefest of pauses as she scanned the muted tones of the hallway.


  She stepped inside the large terraced house and awaited further instructions, the loud clack of her heels against the hardwood floors making her reluctant to move unnecessarily.

  Without a word, he took hold of her jacket from where he stood behind her and she acquiesced to its removal, which he did, gently slipping it off her shoulders and brushing his fingers against her skin in the process.

  There was no time to revel in his touch before he was opening the first door of the hallway.


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  "This is my studio," he stated cheerfully, obviously proud of the room. "Make yourself at home while I get a couple of glasses."

  "Um, okay."

  Taking a few steps into the hallowed space, her heels were louder than ever and she immediately worried about whether he expected her to take her clothes off at that point or whether she should wait for his return. Deciding on the latter, she walked around in a small circle to look around the room, considering the various equipment and backdrops. Her eye quickly fell on a faux vintage chaise lounge that sat in front of the covered bay window. She coveted it badly even though she would have nowhere to put it if she did own it. The deep red velvet of the cushions was so enticing that it was enough to make a person want it despite it being less than practical.

  Hearing the sound of a glass clink drifting in from the kitchen and eager to caress the material in case she didn't get another chance, it took a mere two strides for her to reach it.

  After a brief admiring stroke of the padded back, she tentatively sat down and spread her fingers across the sumptuous material of the cushions at her sides as she sank into it. Gorgeous.

  She was tempted to put her legs up and recline for a moment like a character in a clichéd romance novel but she resisted and, instead, pictured Benjamin coming back into the room and joining her. He would hook one of his strong arms beneath her knees in order to gently swing her legs up onto the soft surface.


  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  The minor action would leave her immediately yearning for him, but h
e was happy to oblige without keeping her waiting, perching next to her on the chaise lounge before leaning down to press his lips against her neck, breathing deeply.

  In turn, her hand would travel up his back feeling how toned it was and marvelling at the heat that she felt through his shirt. Desperate to feel his mouth on hers, she would lightly dig her nails into the muscle of his shoulder, encouraging him to manoeuvre so that he faced her. He understood the silent request and responded exactly as she wanted him to, pressing his firm torso against hers as he smothered her with his mouth.

  Her nipples stiffened against his pecs as she slipped her tongue into his mouth, holding him close as she kissed him deeply, loving the taste of him. She would barely be able to breathe as he raised one of his legs to join hers on the luxurious piece of furniture, forcing her to support more of his weight. It wouldn't bother her though, she wanted it, she wanted everything he had to give. When it came to him, she had become an absolute glutton. She couldn't get enough of him.

  When his hand travelled up her leg, caressing her skin from her calf to her thigh, she would wriggle as necessary to enable him to push her skirt up around her waist, just as keen to get it out of the way as he was. It would prove something of a relief when he pulled her knickers aside, so desperate was she for him to touch her. Already wet, he would still tease her by firmly stroking the pad of his finger against her clit. As well as moaning with delight, she would 29

  The Challenge

  by Shermaine Williams

  buck her hips in an attempt to get him to go further, lifting her hips to offer herself to his probing digits.

  Pulling away to enable him to watch her face, he slipped the tip of his finger into her wetness before slowly drawing it up the slit between her smooth, engorged labia. The deliciousness of the situation made her gasp with pleasure as she threw her head back causing her raven hair to fly away from her face. In two quick moves, her shirt would be opened and her bra dragged down to give him access to the stiff buds that topped her breasts. Squeezing the ample tit as he sucked hard, he let his teeth graze the sensitised bud as he plunged his finger deep into her warm, inviting pussy.


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