Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism

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Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism Page 32

by Michael Cart

  Penguin (publisher), 91–92, 196

  Pennac, Daniel, 199

  Penny (comic strip), 13

  Perfect Summer (Pascal), 39

  The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Chbosky), 92, 146, 161

  Permanent Connections (Bridgers), 41

  Persepolis (Satrapi), 128, 175

  Persepolis 2 (Satrapi), 128

  Person, Susan, 117

  Peter (Walker), 158

  Peter Pan (Barrie), 27

  Peters, Julie Anne, 160

  Pew Internet and American Life Project, 191

  Pfeffer, Susan Beth, 103

  photo essays, 179–181

  Piaget, Jean, 7

  Picoult, Jodi, 134, 175

  picture books, 112–113, 166, 179–181

  Pierce, Tamora, 102

  The Pigman (Zindel), 28, 54

  Pike, Christopher, 40, 49–50, 101

  Pinkney, Jerry, 44

  Pinkwater, Daniel M., 35

  Pinskey, Robert, 85

  The Place My Words Are Looking For (Janeczko), 84

  Places I Never Meant to Be (Blume), 161

  Placide, Jaira, 148

  The Plain Janes (Castellucci), 175

  Pleasant Company (publisher), 50

  plot complexity, 79

  Plum-Ucci, Carol, 107

  Pocket Books (publisher), 92

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 81

  poetry for YA, 80–81, 84–87, 159

  Pokémon (manga), 173

  political correctness, 46–48

  Pollack, Pamela, 38, 39

  Polsinelli, Hank, 16

  Ponton, Lynn, 130

  Popular (tv show), 63

  Popular Science Monthly, 6

  Postcards from No Man’s Land (Chambers), 78, 79, 80, 106, 159

  Povich, Maury, 50

  Practically Seventeen (du Jardin), 14–15

  Pratchett, Terry, 118

  pregnancy, teenage (YA book theme), 30, 33, 66, 142–143

  Prep (Sittenfeld), 114, 116, 119, 120

  Pretty Little Liars series, 94

  Pretty Monster (Link), 83

  Pride Pack series, 158

  Princess Ashley (Peck), 41

  Pringle, Laurence, 182

  Printz Award. See Michael L. Printz Award Privilege series, 94

  privileged chick lit, 93

  problem novels, 32–35, 87

  Profile of Youth (Daly), 15–19, 21, 25

  Project X (Shepard), 134

  Proposition 31 (California), 51

  Prose, Francine, 118, 135

  prostitution, 149

  Proust and the Squid (Wolf), 192–193

  Psychology Today, 119

  Public Agenda research group, 67

  Publishers Weekly magazine

  on audiobooks, 198

  on chick lit, 95

  on crossover books, 118

  on graphic novels, 168–169

  on historical fiction, 105

  on in-service workshops, 57

  on online reading, 196

  on poetry, 86

  on realism in fiction, 65

  on romance comics, 172

  on whitewashing covers, 126, 127

  on YA category, 120

  on YA trends, 51, 91, 201

  on youth culture, 64

  publishing industry

  books about adolescents, 64

  emergence of YA literature and, 8–9

  graphic novels and, 168–169, 170–171, 177

  ownership of, 61

  on trends in publishing, 53–54, 201

  See also specific publishers

  Pulitzer Prize, 168

  Pullman, Philip, 103–104, 113–114

  Punkzilla (Rapp), 138, 139

  Pura Belpre Award, 45, 127

  Purucker, Mary, 69

  Putnam (publisher), 40


  Quad (Watson), 134

  Quevedo, Francisco de, 197

  Quick Pick List (YALSA), 82

  Quiet Storm (Okutoro), 85


  Rabb, Margo, 83, 116, 117, 119

  Race (Aronson), 125

  Radical Change (Dresang), 112

  radio shows, 6, 13, 132

  Rafferty, Terrence, 27

  A Rage to Live (O’Hara), 161

  Ragged Dick (Alger), 8

  Rainbow Boys series, 160

  Rainbow Party (Ruditis), 151, 164

  Ramsdell, Kristin, 38

  Random House (publisher)

  chick lit and, 91

  crossover novels and, 114, 116

  graphic novels and, 171

  photo essays and, 180

  Ranma ½ (Takahashi), 173, 174

  rape (YA book theme)

  about, 145, 147–148

  in Nineties, 54, 55, 65, 66

  in problem novels, 35

  Raphael, Sally Jesse, 50

  Rapp, Adam, 65, 138–139, 149

  Raven Summer (Almond), 103

  Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 22

  Rayner, Richard, 168

  Reading at Risk study, 187–189

  reading development, stages of, 23–24

  reading ladders, 23–24

  Reading Lolita in Tehran (Nafisi), 128

  Reading on the Rise report, 189

  Reading Rants website, 105

  The Real Revolution (Aronson), 182

  The Real World (tv show), 63


  in Nineties, 54, 64–67

  problem novels and, 32–35

  risky behavior and, 131

  realities of teen life bullying, 132–136

  exemplary authors, 136–139

  immigration, 123–125

  literature of diversity, 125–129, 132

  literature of risk, 132

  risky behaviors and, 129–131

  violence and, 131–132

  reality shows, 50, 103

  The Realm of Possibilities (Levithian), 87

  Reaver, Chap, 108

  Rebel without a Cause (movie), 18

  recapitulation, defined, 4

  reckless driving, 130

  Red Planet (Heinlein), 19

  Redbook magazine, 15

  Reeves, Keanu, 124

  Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning), 84

  relationships, father-son, 54

  Remembering the Good Times (Peck), 41

  Rennison, Louise, 89

  responsibility, accepting, 54

  Review Crew, 93

  Rice, Anne, 100

  Rich, Motoko, 117

  Richardson, Samuel, 101

  Rinaldi, Ann, 48, 106, 107

  Ringside (Bryant), 87

  Riordan, Rick, 195

  risky behaviors, 129–132

  See also specific behaviors

  Rivera, Geraldo, 50

  Road to Perdition (Collins and Rayner), 168

  Roaring Books (publisher), 171

  Robert F. Sibert Medal, 183

  Roberts, Willo Davis, 108

  Robinson, M. R. “Robbie,” 5

  Rochman, Hazel, 42, 47, 69, 82

  rock and roll, 18

  “Rock Around the Clock” (song), 18

  Rocket Ship Galileo (Heinlein), 19

  Rodriguez, Roberto, 45, 47

  Roiphe, Katie, 85

  Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Taylor), 44

  Rollin, Lucy, 5, 52

  romance genre

  about, 14–15

  comic books and, 172

  crossover potential, 95

  in Eighties, 38–39

  on lost innocence, 27–28

  in Nineties, 50

  The Romance of Risk (Ponton), 130

  Romance Writers of America, 100

  Rooney, Mickey, 6

  Rosen (publisher), 177

  Rosen, Judith, 116, 169

  Rosen, Julia, 67

  Rosenberg, Liz, 85

  Rosoff, Meg, 78, 115, 117, 146

  Roswell (tv show), 63

  Rover Boys series, 8
  Rowling, J. R., 96–97, 99–100, 114

  Roxburgh, Stephen, 60

  Royal Diaries series, 105

  Ruby, Laura, 135

  Rucka, Greg, 175

  Ruditis, Paul, 150–151

  Rudman, Masha Kabakow, 43

  Rugg, Jim, 175

  Rules of the Road (Bauer), 62

  Run Softly, Go Fast (Wersba), 54

  runaways (YA book theme), 33

  Running Loose (Crutcher), 137

  Rush Hour journal, 90

  Ruth Fielding series, 8

  Ryan, Carrie, 101

  Ryan, P. E., 160

  Ryan, Pam Munoz, 129

  Ryan, Sara, 160

  Rylant, Cynthia, 84


  Sabrina the Teenage Witch (tv show), 63

  Sacco, Joe, 168

  Sacramento Bee, 123

  Saenz, Benjamin Alire, 130

  Safe Area Goradze (Sacco), 168

  Sailor Moon (Takeuchi), 174

  Salinger, J. D., 27–28, 82

  Salisbury, Graham, 83

  Sammy Keyes series, 108

  Samurai series, 108

  San Francisco Chronicle, 124

  Sanchez, Alex, 146, 160

  Sandell, Lisa Ann, 87

  Sandman (Gaiman), 168

  Santa, Carol, 190

  Saricks, Joyce, 106

  Satrapi, Marjane, 128, 175

  Saturday Review, 9, 43–44

  Saved by the Bell (tv show), 63

  Sawicki, Norma Jean, 180, 182

  Schiffrin, Andre, 61

  Scholastic (publisher)

  crossover books and, 113

  graphic novels and, 171, 177

  Harry Potter series and, 96

  historical fiction and, 105

  imprints, 39, 91, 171

  Kids and Family Reading Report, 189

  multiplatform experiences, 195, 196

  speculative fiction and, 107

  Scholastic magazine, 5–6

  School Library Journal, 53, 58, 90, 111

  science fiction genre, 19, 95, 101, 201

  Scieszka, Jon, 112

  Scoggin, Margaret, 7

  Scott, Elizabeth, 152

  Scott, Walter, 104

  Sea Glass (Yep), 44

  A Season of Gifts (Peck), 107

  Sebold, J. Otto, 112

  Second White House Conference on Libraries and Information, 42

  Secret Heart (Almond), 103

  Secrets of the Shopping Mall (Peck), 40

  The Seduction of the Innocent (Wertham), 167

  Seldes, Gilbert, 165

  self-mutilation (YA book theme), 130, 134

  Selsam, Millicent E., 180

  Sendak, Maurice, 139, 166

  September 11, 2001 attacks, 102, 131, 135

  serial slaying (YA book theme), 65

  series books, emergence of, 8

  The Serpent’s Children (Yep), 44

  Serpent’s Tail (publisher), 64

  Seth, Vikram, 85

  The Seven Lively Arts (Seldes), 165

  Seventeen (Tarkington), 6

  Seventeen magazine, 12, 37, 63

  Seventeenth Summer (Daly), 11–12

  17th Street Productions, 93

  Seventies (time period), 30–32, 45–46, 167

  Sex and the City (tv show), 94

  sexual content in YA books

  abortion, 30, 33, 143–144

  about, 17, 79, 130, 139–153

  censorship and, 160–164

  GLBT themes, 30, 76, 95, 155–164

  incest, 145

  oral sex, 150–151

  pedophilia, 65, 147, 152

  privileged chick lit and, 94

  prostitution, 149

  rape, 35, 54, 55, 65, 66, 145, 147–148

  teenage pregnancy, 30, 33, 66, 142–143

  in vampire romance, 100

  sexual harassment, 55, 133

  Shaffer, Kenneth R., 7

  Shakespeare Bats Cleanup (Koertge), 87

  Shan, Darren, 101

  Shanahan, Timothy, 188

  Shanower, Eric, 170

  Shelley, Mary, 101

  Shepard, Jim, 134

  Sherburner, Zoa, 143

  Sherman, Steve, 116

  Shoemaker, Joel, 69

  shojo (manga subcategory), 173, 174

  shonen (manga subcategory), 173, 174

  short stories, 80–83, 159

  Shulman, Irving, 18

  Shuster, Joe, 166

  Siegel, Jerry, 166

  Siegel, Mark, 171, 175

  Silko, Leslie Marmon, 128

  Silver Kiss (Klause), 100

  Silverberg, Ira, 90

  Silvey, Anita, 102

  Simon & Schuster (publisher)

  book packagers and, 94

  declining YA titles, 53

  First Love romance series, 39

  graphic novels and, 168, 171, 177

  imprints, 91–92, 118, 150

  online reading and, 196

  Simon, Gail, 172

  Singer, Marilyn, 82

  Sir Walter Raleigh and the Quest for El Dorado (Aronson), 182, 183

  Sis, Peter, 113, 179

  Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, 94, 175

  Sittenfeld, Curtis, 114, 116, 119

  Six Memos for the Next Millennium (Calvino), 55

  Sixteen (Gallo), 82

  Sixties (time period), 24–30, 44, 167, 180

  Skeleton Creek (Carman), 195

  Skellig (Almond), 76, 103

  Slake’s Limbo (Holman), 54

  slasher movies, 50

  Sleator, William, 101

  Sloane, Brian, 160

  Slumber Party (Pike), 40

  Smith, Andrew, 91

  Smith, Cynthia Leitich, 128

  Smith, Dora V., 23

  Smith, Henrietta, 44

  Smith, Jeff, 171

  Smith, Karen Patricia, 43, 46

  Smith, Kevin, 63

  Smith, Lane, 112

  Smith, Lynn, 67

  smoking (YA book theme), 130, 131

  Snail Mail No More (Danziger and Martin), 194 website, 34

  Snowfish (Rapp), 138

  So Hard to Say (Sanchez), 160

  Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, 183

  Somehow Tenderness Survives (Rochman), 82

  Something Permanent (Rylant), 84

  Something to Blog About (Norris), 135

  Sones, Sonya, 86

  Song of the Sparrow (Sandell), 87

  Sony e-book reader, 193

  Soto, Gary, 43, 45, 83, 127, 129

  Sotomayor, Sonia, 108

  Space Cadet (Heinlein), 19

  Sparks, Beatrice, 34

  Spaz (Koertge), 86

  Speak (Anderson), 76, 148

  Speaking Out (Kuklin), 55

  speculative fiction, 95, 101–104

  Spiderman (comic book), 167

  Spiegelman, Art, 167, 168, 169

  Spitz, David, 67

  Spooner, Michael, 195

  Sprague, Marsha, 190

  Springer, Jerry, 50

  Squicciarni, Stephanie A., 117

  Stackfest conference, 176

  Stackpole, Peter, 180

  Stamaty, Mark Alan, 128

  The Stand (King), 177

  Stanford University, 148

  Stanley, Diane, 179

  Star Man’s Son, 2250 A.D. (Norton), 19

  State University of New York, Stony Brook, 132

  Stavn, Diane Gersoni, 33

  stealing (YA book theme), 130

  Steamboat Willie (cartoon), 166

  A Step from Heaven (An Na), 78, 79, 80, 128

  Steptoe, John, 44

  Stewart, Sean, 195

  Stine, R. L., 40, 49–50, 101

  The Stinky Cheese Man (Scieszka and Smith), 112

  Stockton, Frank R., 81

  Stoehr, Shelley, 134

  Stoker, Bram, 101

  Stone Arch (publisher), 177
  Stoner (Koertge), 86

  Stop Pretending (Sones), 86

  Storm, Gale, 6

  Strasser, Todd, 133

  Stratemeyer, Edward, 8

  Stratemeyer Syndicate, 8, 20n, 51

  Stratton, Alan, 157

  Street, James, 22

  Street Rod (Felsen), 18

  Strong at the Heart (Lehman), 149

  Stuck Rubber Baby (Cruse), 168

  Sue Barton series, 9–10


  bullying and, 134

  copycat effect and, 134

  in Nineties, 55, 66

  problem novels on, 33

  violence and, 131

  Sullivan, Ed, 69

  The Summer Boy (Lipsyte), 41

  Summer Rules (Lipsyte), 41

  A Summer to Die (Lowry), 31

  Sunrise in Fallujah (Myers), 136

  superbookstores, 52, 61

  Surrender (Hartnett), 80

  Sutton, Roger, 32–33

  Sweet Dreams series, 39

  Sweet Valley High series, 39, 50, 101

  Sweetwater (Yep), 44

  Swenson, May, 84


  Takahashi, Rumiko, 174

  Takaya, Natsuki, 174

  Takeuchi, Naoko, 174

  Tales from the Farm (Lemire), 177

  Tamar (Peet), 106

  Taming the Star Runner (Hinton), 41

  Tan, Amy, 43

  And Tango Makes Three, 161

  Tapscott, Don, 64

  Target (Johnson), 146

  Target (store), 127

  Tarkington, Booth, 6

  The Tattooed Man (Pease), 10

  Taylor, Deborah D., 69, 121

  Taylor, Mildred, 44, 106

  Taylor, William, 158

  Teach Me (Nelson), 163

  Teen Angel (Gingher), 111

  Teen Genreflecting (Herald), 101

  Teen magazine, 63

  Teen People Book Club, 92

  Teen People magazine, 63

  Teen Research Unlimited, 40

  Teen Vogue magazine, 63

  Teena (comic strip), 13

  Teen-Age Bill of Rights, 13

  Teenage Confidential (Barson and Heller), 38

  “Teenage Prayer” (song), 6

  teenage pregnancy (YA book theme), 30, 33, 66, 142–143

  teenager, as term, 6

  Teenagers (Palladino), 64 website, 196

  Teens’ Top Ten List, 126


  glamorized violence, 131

  in Nineties, 50, 63

  nostalgic shows, 38

  poetry and, 84–85

  reality shows, 50, 103

  Tender Morsels (Lanagan), 80

  Tenderness (Cormier), 65, 68

  Tex (Hinton), 41

  Their Voices (Sprague), 190

  Thirteen Reasons Why (Asher), 134

  33 Snowfish (Rapp), 149

  This Full House (Wolff), 86

  Thompson, Jason, 173

  Thompson, Page, 62

  Thornton, Matthew, 117

  Thornton, Myrdice, 16

  Thrasher, Frederick, 27

  Thrasher magazine, 63

  The Three Golden Keys (Sis), 113

  Tibet (Sis), 113

  Time and Again (Metzger), 167

  Time magazine


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