Forced Erotica

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Forced Erotica Page 80

by Emmie Combs

  Mark and Brad smiled as they looked at their squirming girlfriends in their cages. They could see the fear and shame in their eyes, and they could see and smell their arousal coming from their pussies. The boys smiled one last time at the girls and their gagged faces, and began pulling a tarp over their cages. They could hear the girls muffled squeals from under the tarp, but they knew they wouldn't be heard once they got on the road with the truck moving. The boys finished by roping the tarp down tight across the cages, and they smiled. The truck driver got an envelope with about $5,000 in it from the cab, and gave it to the boys. Then he got in, and started the truck up. That was the last the boys saw of their former girlfriends.

  Sarah and Emily squealed and moaned in the back of the pickup truck as they were moved down the roads and streets, to a destination unknown. They lost track of the turns, and of the time. Both girls were in constant arousal and fear as the dildos plugging them kept shifting, teasing them with their presence. Their gagged mouths were becoming dry, with the mixture of moaning and the amount of saliva the girls' moths produced. Both girls were also tired from their night of caged moaning and squealing, as they tried to illicit mercy from their captors. Time dragged on in the back of the pickup truck, and the monotony of the trip and the lack of visual cues eventually caused both girls to fall asleep, despite their fear.

  The truck delivered its cargo to a notorious slaver and maker of human slave furniture. The girls had been chosen by this particular individual because of their matching body types, and their looks. He had desired to make a nice set of furniture for his house, and he knew these two girls would be perfect to add to his collection. When the truck arrived, he was pleased to see the girls sleeping in their cages. He worked quickly to get their necks leashed, before he began removing them from their cages. He smiled as they awoke, and squealed in fear at seeing him. He and his helpers worked quickly to release them from their cages, and the workers quickly had the girls in a small coffle, necks leashed together, and following their boss into his house.

  Sarah and Emily squirmed as they were led naked into the strange man's house. There was little else they could do however, since their hands were bound behind their backs, and they were chained together at the neck. They followed him into his living room, where he forced them to kneel before him. As they looked around, and took in the sights they saw, their muffled curiosity began to give way to full blown terror.

  The man smiled as he watched his newest acquisitions look at his current display. He could track their frightened eyes as they examined his furniture, and could see the squirming bundles of female flesh that made up his collection. He had taken his time, selecting girls of both beauty and strength. Now those same helpless girls were trapped forever in his helpless devices.

  Sarah and Emily could only look in horror at the struggling flesh before them. They could see girls folded over into chair shapes, others bent back into foot stools. They saw girls folded into the shape of a couch, and some used as parts of bookcases and wine cabinets. All the helpless girls were tightly bound, and covered in rubber suits, that completely encased their bodies. As the girls looked closer, however, they began to notice the most diabolical torture of them all. All the bound human female furniture was squirming and moaning in delight, as their pussies and tits were covered with vibrators. The helpless girls were all being stimulated mercilessly and they were helpless to stop themselves from cumming.

  "Welcome girls, to my house. I can see by the startled and scared looks in your eyes that you have seen my collection of furniture, and I can see by your swollen and dripping pussies their fate appeals to you at some level. Well shortly, you will join them, as more pieces of my collection. If you don't fight your transformation, you will be rewarded. If you resist, you could find yourselves in a most uncomfortable situation for a very long time. My advice is to do as you're told."

  Sarah and Emily heard his speech, and shivered in a mixture of fear and arousal. Smiling, the man before them pressed a button, and 4 burly guards and a female slave walked in, and took the chains holding Sarah and Emily, and led the girls out of the living room, and into the garage.

  Sarah squirmed as she was led over to a short table, but she settled down. The maid pulled some garments off of a rack, and walked over to Sarah first. Sarah watched as the maid placed a rubber suit and the vibrators down on the table, and turned and walked over to Emily, who was likewise being held before another small table.

  "Well girl, what are you waiting for? It is Time to get you ready, for your new, life. One piece of advice: Make sure you set yourself up right, or you won't like it when we adjust you."

  Sarah blushed, and picked up the rubber suit, and began to dress. She slipped the suit up her legs to her thighs before pausing. She picked up the bigger of the vibrators, and pressed it to her clit, before pulling the rubber suit up over her ass, covering the vibrator. She could feel it being pressed against her clit, and she knew it was in the right spot, for now. She felt one of the goons grab a wire that was dangling from it, and pull it between her legs, and up her back. She continued rolling the rubber suit up her body, again pausing to place the vibrators on her nipples. One of the goons held them in place till the suit was covering them, while the other collected the wires, and pulled them under her arms and up to her neck, where the suit stopped. Sarah felt the goon behind her zipping up the suit, pulling the vibrators tighter to her body.

  Emily also was being zipped into her suit, and she too had taken the goons advice, and allowed them to help her place the vibrators in their proper places. Emily squirmed as she looked down at her body, and saw she was covered in a white rubber suit, with a floral pattern on it. She looked over at Sarah, and saw she too was in the same style of suit she was in. She gave Sarah a brief smile behind her ball gag, and squirmed as she waited.

  The maid took down the matching hoods, and placed one at each girl's table, along with some buckets of strange liquids. Sarah and Emily were unresisting as one of the goons helping them be transformed picked up the hoods, and tucked their hair under the cap, before pulling it down over their heads, leaving only their eyes and noses exposed. The hoods were tight, but concealed their gags perfectly. The goons then forced the girls to kneel before the tables, and then Sarah and Emily began to figure out their new lives.

  Sarah watched as one of her goons opened the top of the table, and forced her to kneel within the hollow tube. Her back was forced up against a pole built within the tube, and she was strapped tightly to it. The goon then lowered the table around her head, like a medieval stockade, trapping her to the pole. Sarah felt some wires being connected, and then she noticed a light being installed on the top of the pole, over her head. Sarah moaned as she realized what she had been turned into, but she was grateful she didn't have to suffer the fate Emily had brought on herself.

  Emily had struggled as she was being fitted to the pole. So before her head was trapped in the table top, the goons lifted her and placed her assembly into a clear plastic container. Then the goons sealed the bottom of the display to the clear plastic, and began to mix the liquid. Sarah watched them pour the clear mixture into the cylinder, While Emily's eyes went wide in terror. Sarah could only watch as Emily was encased in clear insulation foam, which made it nearly impossible for her to move. The goons fixed the table top to the top of the cylinder, just below Emily's head.

  Sarah and Emily were lifted onto 2 wheeled trolleys, and wheeled into the stranger's bedroom, where they were placed at the head of his bed, as nightstands. The girls squirmed and moaned as the stands were plugged in, turning on their vibrators, and allowing the lights on their heads to be turned on and off. Sarah and Emily squirmed and moaned as the vibrators teased them for the rest of the day. As the man came in to bed, he smiled as he slipped on his shorts, and pulled back the sheets of his bed, revealing 4 more rubber clad women squirming in a memory foam encapsulation. The man smiled and reached over to Sarah's helpless body, and began rubbing and Squeezing her
breast as he fell asleep. Sarah just squirmed and moaned as she was tormented to orgasm after orgasm.

  Epilogue: 5 years later

  Sarah and Emily graduated from the human furniture department at their owner's house, to become puppets. They have been fitted with remote control receivers, which stimulate their pussies if they go in the right direction, and shock them if they go in the wrong direction. Their disappearance was never investigated, because their dorm room was destroyed on the night of their disappearance, by a small fire. The fire was believed to have been started when one of the plates they were cooking on caught fire, and spread toxic gasses and flames to the rest of the apartment. Remains had been found, but were unidentifiable beyond dental records.

  Brad and Mike continued to deliver helpless girls to the collector, until they too disappeared. Sarah and Emily had watched as their former boyfriends had been delivered in their own transport cages to the house, only to be loaded onto another truck and driven away. The last picture of their former lovers the girls had been allowed to see had shown the boys strapped to a machine, their cocks being sucked on by a mechanical milking tube, their faces caught between a look of delight and shame. Sarah and Emily only blinked in approval, as their hoods concealed their grins and smirks rather effectively.

  The collector had continued to transform his new toys into furniture, breaking their will to resist rather effectively. He had already created over 100 different ways to turn the female form into a helpless bundle of squirming feminine torture. Sarah and Emily had spent some of their time testing his newer methods of breaking new girls in, as well as rebellious ones. They had spent time as wall art, chairs, foot stools, even lawn sprinklers and lawn rollers. Their most hated time, however, had been as part of the lamp fixtures. They had been suspended and forced to maintain a split position for hours on end as they were left dangling up near the ceiling of some of the higher rooms.

  Sarah and Emily squirmed as they got stimulation in their pussies, and they shuffled down the hall to their owner's office, ready to see what he wanted now from his helpless maids. Life for the girls had truly changed, but something told them their journey wasn't yet complete.

  The End.

  Two's Company

  A month ago Jennifer had called her very excitedly about becoming an Ann Summers rep. "Oh go on you have to have a party, you could be my first?" Feeling as though she couldn't say no and be supportive of her friend she agreed to it.

  She had to admit she was looking forward to it, gathering all her pals, letting her hair down and just having some girlie fun.

  Finally the evening arrived and the house started to swell with the laughter and cackles of women. The wine flowed and the toys came out. "Where is he then?" one of the women asked, laughing, as she looked behind the door of the lounge "I felt sure he would be lurking around here somewhere!?"

  "Strictly no men policy tonight, he's down the pub!" She replied with a grin and a wink. He was sulking slightly that he had to be banished from the house but had been promised a good time when he came back.

  The room soon became the hub of swapping sex stories, some disastrous, some sordid, some romantic but all entertaining. She couldn't quite believe some of the things she was hearing, but added a few jaw dropping experiences of her own in to the mix.

  The party got going and the toys were passed around the room shadowed by giggles. There were so many toys to choose from, all of them promising so much pleasure. She found herself getting more and more turned on with each toy she had in her hands.

  "Let's play a game!" Jennifer called out. There was a resounding cheer in the room. Before she could blink there were three of her friends sat on the sofa with a banana clenched between their thighs. Three more of her friends were now on their knees, blindfolded, hands tied behind their backs being instructed that the fastest person to put a condom on the banana using only their mouth and tongue would win a prize. Shrieks of laughter followed.

  All too soon there was a winner. They toasted the precision of the winner who did admit she had done it before. "On a banana?" Someone shouted. "No on my husband's cock!" She replied with a laugh that would make a cavalier blush.

  'Ok ladies let's talk lingerie,' Jennifer shouted above the growing noise of drinking women. "Would anyone like to try something on?" Hands shot up like children in a classroom.

  Several ladies took themselves off upstairs to the bedroom to try on some of the lingerie and dressing up costumes, the shrieks and giggles echoed down the staircase and into the lounge.

  As her friends paraded through her lounge wearing next to nothing, showing off their amazing bodies, and not caring about it she felt herself getting sticky inside her jeans.

  After everyone had their own clothes back on the room was surprisingly quiet. All of the ladies were flicking through the catalogues and filling out order forms. She gestured to Jennifer, to come out into the kitchen. "How do you think it went?" She asked her friend as she poured another glass of wine. "I loved every second of it!" Jennifer replied with a twinkle in her eyes "I think I have found my vocation."

  When the last friend had stumbled out the front door they both sat on the sofa and laughed at how successful the evening was. "Can I stay?" Jennifer asked. She paused for a second then said, "Of course." Trying not to sound disappointed. She knew he would be back later and was looking forward to have him pound her hard.

  They opened another bottle of wine and added up how much money had exchanged hands this evening. She picked up one of the vibrators and switched it on. Instantly feeling a reaction inside her jeans without thinking she held it against herself. Jennifer looked up, "That's my favourite one too!"

  She stood up, glass in hand, and walked over to the clothes rail. Slowly looking through the lingerie and costumes she finished her glass of wine and picked out the army girl costume. "Shall I?" she asked her friend holding it against herself. Not waiting for a reply she took her jeans and top off to reveal her bright red, lacy matching underwear which complimented her body perfectly, and put on the costume. She headed upstairs to look at herself in a full length mirror. Jennifer grabbed a pilots costume and ran up the stairs behind her.

  Jennifer stripped off in front of her and put the costume on. They stood next to each other in front of the mirror and started to laugh. Still giggling and feeling more than a little tipsy she reached for her camera and they started to take pictures of each other posing in their sexy outfits.

  As they both fell on to the bed laughing. Jennifer propped herself up on one elbow, leaned over and kissed her firmly. Finding herself more aroused than surprised she kissed her back, reaching out to pull her friend closer.

  They kissed passionately wrapped in each other's arms. Losing themselves in each other they didn't hear the front door open. Neither did they hear him say "What the hell?....." as he stepped in amongst the Ann Summers kit still strewn around the lounge.

  Finding it hard to take his eyes off the toys he slowly looked into the kitchen, seeing all of the empty bottles of wine he felt a wave of disappointment come over him. "No action tonight then." He said to himself with a sigh.

  Climbing the stairs, he stopped with a start half way up as he heard giggling coming from the bedroom. He leaned in to listen, not believing what he was hearing. Something started to stir in his trousers.

  Jennifer knelt up on the bed, removed the pilot's hat and threw it out the door on to the landing. He froze on the spot as it landed in front of him. Swallowing hard he couldn't quite believe what he was about to see, what he hoped he was about to see.

  He slowly ascended the stairs. Peeking around the door his cock got so hard it started to pulsate inside his trousers. Both women were now knelt on the bed kissing. Jennifer started to undress her friend. First she undid the belt and threw it on the floor. Next she undid the dress and slipped it off her body followed by the removal of her underwear. Leaving her knelt there Jennifer stood up and removed her own costume and underwear.

  As they star
ted kissing again she took Jennifer's tits in her hands and gently squeezed them. Taking her firm nipples between her fingers she bent down to lick them. Gently flicking them with her tongue Jennifer let out a groan and threw her head back with pleasure. She then followed the line of Jennifer's neck with her tongue. Jennifer fell backwards on to the bed with another groan. She leaned over her friend and sucked her nipples before moving her attention down her body running her fingers over the little pink marks her clothes had left on her skin. She kissed down Jennifer's body. Tenderly moving towards her slit, stroking it with the tips of her fingers she couldn't quite believe what was about to happen between the two of them.

  As she knelt between Jennifer's legs, caressing her swollen bead of flesh with her finger, she glanced up to see him peering through the slightly open door. His eyes were wide with anticipation. With a smile she looked down and submerged her tongue into her friends soaking pussy. Jennifer let out moans of pleasure as she bucked against her feverish tongue. Very quickly Jennifer had cum and was trying to get her breath back.

  "Are you going join us?" she asked him. Jennifer looked round with a start to see him stood in the door way like a small child about to be told off. He swallowed hard as he walked towards the bed. Both women were now knelt on the bed again, reached out towards him and started taking his clothes off until he was completely naked and his massive hard cock was stood to attention. He looked at her for approval. She gave him a small nod and a wink.

  "Your turn!" Jennifer said to her friend. She led down on the bed with her head hanging over the edge slightly, spread her legs and lifted her knees. Jennifer knelt between her legs and blew on her moist pussy creating and instant moan. He looked at the two women and still couldn't believe what was happening. Quickly snapping out of it he stood at the edge of the bed where her head was. Holding his throbbing cock he manoeuvred it towards her mouth, she opened wide to receive his manhood.


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