Forced Erotica

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Forced Erotica Page 105

by Emmie Combs

  He sat her down and poured her coffee and he sat on the corner of his desk, very close to her.

  "How old are you Ellen?"


  "Jesus Christ."

  "What's the problem? Isn't a girl allowed to earn a bit of extra pocket money?"

  "So you're not a professional prostitute."

  "Hell no," Ellen lied. "Mom would kill me if she found out but I reckon she'd be okay if finding I was having a bit on the side and having the guys pay for it."

  "How much do you charge?"

  "Five hundred an hour. Most guys ask for two or three hundred bucks of time and that's okay by me. It's far more than I earn as a pharmacist."

  "God you are lucky to be paid anything because you'll lack experience and won't be hard enough to offer full servicing."

  "Yes Mr Street, I believe that's the reason for my general lack of success."

  "How do you know my name?"

  "You lapel label states Tony Street. I substituted Mr for Tony out of courtesy."

  He smiled and told her to call him Tony. He looked at his watch and said he needed to be off to meet his wife for dinner.

  "Look why don't you join us?"

  Ellen pretended to look embarrassed. "I-I'm not sure I know how to handle a threesome."

  Tony looked shocked. "No, no. Look please don't even mention to Kate what you have been trying to do for spending money. Okay?"

  "Okay. Here's my ID so you can be assured I'm genuine."

  "Yeah everything looks okay Ellen Cole. Thanks. You have a great name. I recall my mom had some pottery done by an eminent potter Ellen Cole but she would be long dead and buried now."

  "A potter you say? How interesting."

  Ellen thought going to dinner with this guy and his wife she'd yet to meet seemed rather incredible but she'd advise anyone to make themself available, presentable and personable and almost anything was likely to happy. Most people bury themselves between home and their workplace and wonder why nothing was happening for them.

  Tony looked about thirty-six and the woman he hugged and kissed, presumably his wife, could be five years younger.

  "Darling I'd like you to meet Ellen Cole, a client of our hotel who works in pharmacy. Ellen is at a loose end, being fairly new to our city, and with your younger brother arriving tonight I thought we might consider introducing Ellen to Brad tomorrow night with your approval."

  The wife looked at Ellen either suspiciously or curiously. It was difficult for Ellen to tell.

  "Ellen this is Bernadette, mother of our two kids."

  "Oh how lovely to meet you Mrs Street. I hope you don't think I'm gushy but Bernadette is one of my top five favorite names for women. It sounds so romantic."

  Bernadette switched to looking quite flattered. "Oh how charming of you to say so. I'm very pleased your are here and yes I feel my baby brother will have his lights knocked out looking at you."

  Ellen giggled a little apprehensively and was only saved by her lightning reaction when Bernadette asked, "How did you meet my husband?"

  "Mr Street apprehended me, thinking I was soliciting. He was wrong of course. I had completed business at the hotel and was supposed to be meeting a friend but he must have muddled up the hotels. I agree I must have looked suspicious looking at men hoping one of them was Harry King."

  "You must call my husband Tony since we are socializing."

  "Tony what was that crap about Ellen being in pharmacy?"

  He turned a little pale but by the time he'd had a deep swallow Ellen had raced into the breach. "Oh but I am a salesperson at a pharmacy in that neighborhood Bernadette. I should think Tony was attempting to cover up his goof and to save embarrassing me in front of you. But honestly do you think I look like a hooker? I'm only just nineteen."

  "Tony Street," Bernadette shrilled. "Have you entirely lost your marbles? This sweet young girl won't even know how to spell the word prostitute. How could you?"


  "That will do Ellen. Please stand over here by me. I don't what you near that callous brute while he's thinking like this."

  They sat in the lounge section of the restaurant bar and after a couple of drinks were a happy threesome. Tony's alleged 'goof' appeared all but forgotten by his wife. Ellen ran her eyes over Bernadette, noting the great legs, fairly flat belly and lovely breasts. She wondered how much could she squeeze out of Bernadette if the woman desired to have sex with her.

  That thought stopped there with a waitress arriving to take them to their table.

  During a lull in conversation Bernadette asked, "What is the pharmacy you work for dear? I know a few of them near Tony's hotel."

  Ellen's lightening reaction came to the fore again. "It's in one of the fringe streets... um Smellie's Pharmacy. That ends with an i and an e, not a y."

  "Even so what a dreadful name for a pharmacy. No wonder Smellie sends his attractive assistants out to solicit business, your poor things."

  "I'm doing my best to become good at soliciting Bernadette."

  Bernadette frowned at her husband. "Oh Tony, how clumsy. You've spilt your drink down your front."

  "Pardon me Bernadette. I lost my grip thinking some women are very good at soliciting, er I believe."

  "Oh God we are not back on your gutter thinking are we?"

  Tony said in his defense to indicate they were different kinds of soliciting, "The wives of vicars and priests engaged in soliciting when they attempt to recruit new people to fill their churches."

  Bernadette and Ellen began laughing helplessly.

  "What... what did I say that was screwed up Bernadette? You are getting on my goat."

  "Tell him Ellen," Bernadette said taking out a handkerchief to dab her eyes.

  "Priests are married to the church, not to women but vicars keep one at home to screw."

  Bernadette and Tony rolled in laughter.

  "God you are so funny," Bernadette said, hugging Ellen who looked at the plump breast just inches from her mouth and was tempted to bite it. Instead to divert she grabbed Bernadette on her thigh about ten inches above the knee and squeezed. Ellen thought she saw Bernadette's eyes bulged so hastily let go of the thigh.

  "Er I thought you were in danger of toppling, you had been laughing so much."

  "Oh darling, how thoughtful of you," Bernadette said, looking at Ellen's lips for some reason.

  "What on earth are you two going on about?" Tony demanded.

  "Nothing darling. Just girls' talk."

  The Streets and Ellen parted outside the restaurant taking cabs to go in different directions. During the half-drunken round of goodbye kissing Ellen had opened her mouth just as Bernadette went to kiss her and was only a little surprised when she felt the older woman's mouth open.

  Ellen recalled what that computer systems troubleshooter had said: gay women were everywhere in big numbers. Ellen modified that to think perhaps Bernadette was bi. Anyway, she'd accepted Bernadette's invitation to dinner at their home the next night with the other guest being Bernadette's kid brother.

  * * *

  Ellen arrived by cab and rang the bell of the Street's home. Two kids opened the door and smiled at her and their mom came in behind them, introduced Ellen to them and then told the kids to go back to watching TV.

  Bernadette said, "Welcome to our home darling; you looked good enough to eat."

  Well Bernadette obviously must have been thinking about eating tongue because in the biggest and juiciest kiss Ellen had ever received from a woman, Bernadette sucked Ellen's tongue into her mouth and gave a fair impression of chewing it.

  Ellen felt her legs part and she squeezed the big fat breast in her hand and had this huge desire to fuck Bernadette legless but sanity and to prevail. So she pulled away and pretended to be mad: "For goodness sake Bernadette, what are you trying to do?"

  "Oh sorry darling. It's my hormones raging. I have this penchant for nubile teenagers."

  "What does penchant mean?" Ellen said, meani
ng that as a tease while she regained her breath.

  "Christ don't they teach you girls anything at high school these days?"

  "I graduated from school eighteen months ago."

  "Ah yes, so what was it you do?"

  "I solicit."

  "Ah yes, to draw custom to Mr Smellie's pharmaceutical products."

  Ellen said yes and decided to give her hostess a tease. "Christ Bernadette, don't even pull me down into your breasts. I'd get lost in them."

  Bernadette laughed and looked at Ellen very thoughtfully.

  A lean, very trim guy in a black suit came up on to the porch and Ellen stood aside for him.

  "Hi sis," he said, kissing Bernadette and taking a second look at her half-covered tits. He swung around in his arm that had hooked across his sisters waist and his dark eyes ran up and down and back up Ellen's body, making it tingle.

  "Here she is darling. Isn't she a nubile honey? Ellen this is my brother Bradley Nash. Brad is an agent."

  "Hush sis. I'm delighted to meet you Ellen."

  ""Likewise. Do I call your Bradley or Brad?"

  "I answer to both so you choose.

  During dinner the Street's asked Ellen about her education and where shocked when she said she was not an academic person so had disappointed her parents at school.

  "So what did you do at school? Have sex with your female teachers?"

  "They all laughed, the men assuming Bernadette was joking while Ellen was quite sure her hostess meant that seriously.

  "No I was big into spot."

  "Oh, field hockey and roller and ice skating and archery?"

  ""No hockey would have been okay but those others sports you mentioned were too passive for me. I went for soccer, javelin, short distance hurdles, tower diving, judo and smallbore rifle shooting. I won all sorts of trophies and in my final year was crowned school sportsperson of the year but alas, that meant nothing to my parents who wanted me to win academic prizes. Five colleges offered me sports scholarships but I decided not to go to college."

  "Brad who'd been almost turned off by the change in conversation to Ellen asked quietly, "Have you ever tested your sporting ability against adults?"

  "No Brad, she's too young."

  "I was just interested, this has nothing to do with the agency. What was your best sport Ellen?"

  "Rifle shooting because it was my only sports discipline where we complete in teams even against guys. I loved creaming them."

  "Were you that good?"

  "A few times I suppose."

  "Well let's see how well you can complete."

  "Okay, that sounds fun."

  "I'll set it up. You other two can come along as spectators."

  Brad took Ellen home in his Mustang.

  "Do you want to come up?"

  "No thanks, you're a bit young for me and will be too inexperienced. Listen what do you actually do for a living?"


  "Bernadette told me when inviting me to dinner that you work for Smellie's Pharmacy. I couldn't believe a business of that nature would operate under a name like that. I found there was not Pharmacy in this city called Smellie's Pharmacy and no registered pharmacist with that surname."

  "Does this agency of your have a sophisticated computer system?"

  "What do you know about the agency?"

  "Your sister referred to you as an agent and when she said no Brad that I was too young, I figured you must be with the FBI or something and that she was referring to possible recruitment."

  "You are supposed to be dumb according to you."

  "No that's not what I means Brad. I meant I like action, not boring studies. Actually I scored highly in aptitude testing. Are you Homeland Security Brad?"

  "Watch what you are saying Ellen."

  "That is an example of my aptitude Brad. Your eyes didn't flicker in this dim light when I said FBI but I caught flicker when I mentioned Homeland Security. Don't feel threatened... I see no gain in attempting to expose your identity. In face it would be very much against my best interests, if you get my drift. I actually work as a prostitute."


  Ellen smiled. "Bring that dick of your up to my apartment Brad and later apologize for calling me a liar."

  Brad only had six and a half inches, but it was thick and strong and Ellen quickly saw his had the toned body of an athlete, probably a former track athlete that had been kept toned by long hours in the gym.

  For his part Brad had known to expect small tits but the toned and beautifully proportioned body excited him and he found it difficult to take his eyes away from the thick bald pussy lips. But he remained skeptical as Ellen fiddled with him. Then she looked up at him, smiled and ran her tongue along his length, gently holding his balls and as she tongue massaged around the purple round head of his cock he sighed and said, "Jesus, I apologize. You're certainly no novice at fellatio."

  Ellen waved a hand in acknowledgement. She couldn't answer because she had her mouth full. Her soft grip was around his balls when he ejaculated, gasping, into her mouth. Although she didn't swallow and spat his semen on to his chest Brad didn't mind because he was satisfied she'd allowed him to blast into his mouth, unlike most of the women he knew but then she was a whore, wasn't she, willing to take high risks professionally. He decided to test her and pulled out a condom from the back pocket of his pants on the floor.

  She watched him, wiping her mouth on the sheet. He waited for her approval or to say a condom wasn't necessary but she just watched.

  "Um do I need this?"

  "Not unless you think you might be a carrier of a nasty or two or are planning to go up my butt."

  Butt? Brad grinned and then almost groaned as his erection stretched to maximum, rarin' to push up that rear chute. Brad was an anal enthusiast. He rolled on the condom and said, "Get a finger into your butt and start working the opening, little darling."

  She smiled and warmed his heart, saying, "I like nothing better than a good keen man. Are you a butt connoisseur Brad?"

  He licked his lips and all his teeth showed in an expansive grin.

  "I see, say no more," Ellen grinned, working in her second finger.

  Later that lay back on the pillows with sweat and sex juices drying on their bodies and chewing gum to freshen their mouth.

  "Do you really want to be a call girl?"

  "Not really but what else is there. I've tried to get jobs on construction sites and fishing boats where the action is and just get derisive comments from job-hiring bosses on site and skippers. Most women are in physically flat jobs Brad or haven't you noticed?"

  "What about being a PA to a sexy guy. He'd fuck you?"

  Ellen smiled. "Many of my clients are bosses with PAs. I understand most offices have the rule 'Get caught fucking your PA and you're fired' or the thought of facing an employment dispute that could cost them their marriage and their job and their standing in their community leaves them unwilling to have an erection within fifty feet of their PA."

  Brad grinned and clenching her thigh just below her pussy asked, "Would you like to try out for a career filled with tension, threats and even possible death."

  "You mean with the agency."

  "Ellen darling. Would you please not use that 'a' word."

  "Oh right. Yeah why not? How did you know I was a call girl?"

  "Bernadette had told me your name and where you'd be living before you came to Chicago. We have a terrific computer network and lo Mira Langley, guess what I found out?"

  "You prying creeps. So your apparent lack of knowledge about me over dinner tonight was a sham?"

  "Yeah. I don't discuss my work with people or gave away anything that might make them suspicious of me."

  "So what is your front?"

  "I tell people I'm assistant marketing manager at a company that manufacturers nuts and bolts, screws and other small fixing devices and supplies the manufacturing and hardware on-selling industries."

  "God how unimaginative. You
could have chosen lingerie as the product."

  "Yeah, and make men suspicion and women becoming over-keen to show me their underwear. It is probably that if you are recruited lingerie would be considered a good 'front' for you."

  "So where do you operate, from inside a nut and bolt factory?"

  Brad squeezed the thigh, making Ellen jump. "Little darling that comment just told me you are not as dumb as you make out and may I warn loose talk like that could compromise people."

  "Yes sir. My lips are sealed sir. Are you ready to go again sir?"

  "Give me a few more minutes Little Darling."

  "Little? I'm five-eleven."

  "Then perhaps Little Darling will be a great code name for you if you are recruited."

  "God Brad, you are an exciting man to know. Let me help get this up for you."


  A week after nailing Brad into total exhaustion, Ellen was at the Midwest headquarters of a national security firm by appointment to sit pre-recruitment tests with three guys.

  The manager said to Dottie, the woman in charge of the tests, after looking at the results of the set questions on general knowledge, "That chick is out. Jesus, her answer to the question where is Albuquerque was given as Peru. Do you think she went to school?"

  "I suggest patience Owen. Take a look at the aptitude tests on reacting to given situations."

  "Christ, no errors. That's impossible."

  "Believe me Owen, I guarantee she's achieved the impossible. You'll be making a grave mistake if you don't send her to HQ for more advanced testing."

  "Well let's see first how she can handle a pistol and then a rifle."

  "Waste of time Owen. She'll shoot the pants off these guys. She won a prize for shooting at school."

  Owen grinned. "One of this guys is my nephew. Let's skip the guns and put them into the paint ball arena. Ike has won paint ball titles. Bring me the results will you. Perhaps we ought to send Ike for more advanced testing?"

  An hour later Dottie came in grinning and placed the photographs in front of Owen.


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