Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5) Page 1

by GM Scherbert



  Devil’s Iron MC Series

  Book 5


  Copyright © 2016 GM Scherbert

  All rights reserved. No part of this book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or used in any manner or form whatsoever or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This novella is intended for reader 18+ and older as it contains adult themed sexual situations and inappropriate language.

  Edited by: Avril Stepowski at Ave’s Editing Service

  Cover design by: Ally Hastings at Starcossed Covers


  I would like to give thanks where thanks are due. To my wonderful and supportive family and friends. How can you not love people who let you know your book needs more: descriptive sex, more anal, more violence and talk about it like it something that normal people talk about.


  I would also like to give a special shout out to all the help I have had with promoting and also getting the word out there about my bundle of love.

  Brandy Paige Roberts, Mandy Saial, Heather Reed, Jolene Huber, Nicole Lloyd, Janneke Wolbers, Melissa Filla, Vicky Deviney Chesley, Heather Joy, and the wonderful Amanda DiPierro. I am sure I am missing so many more so


  ~Getting the wonderful word about me and these crazy voices that keep coming~

  The indie world has been super supportive and helpful every step of the way. It is surprising to me that women I have never met, are on such a level and have been such a support system every step of the way.


  ¤♥¤Oº°Thanks for everything°ºO¤♥¤


  When I came back from serving overseas there was nowhere or nothing that suited me better than falling in with my brothers in the Devil’s Iron. The freedom we have found and the way of life that we share is something I needed after returning from the hell of multiple tours overseas. Being able to live the life that I wanted, the way I wanted, was exactly what I did. Living for no one but my brothers was all I wanted until the day I met her.

  Sara fought so hard against the feelings we shared from the start. It took me so long to break down the walls she had built up and get close to her. I didn’t think anything would come between us. I was wrong and she left without a word. Now she is back, and if she thinks that she doesn’t have to answer to me for her brattish behavior, she is fucking wrong.


  My adult life has been one of controlled chaos. I might like to cut loose and have fun just like any other single thirty-something girl, but that is where it ends. For fuck’s sake, I’m the one that introduced Ember to the Devil’s Iron MC. I am the one that started her going to the BDSM club in New Orleans. I have no problem letting my freak flag fly, but that is the extent that it goes.

  I will not involve myself in the sort of lifestyle that he is in. Not for longer than one night, not again, not if I have anything to say or to do about it. It doesn’t matter that he broke down my walls once. Or even that my heart has been his since the first time I saw him.

  My job and life are the way they are for a reason, and I, for one, will not change it for anyone, even Gun.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 1


  ~Five years ago~

  Each time I walked into the Devil’s Iron Clubhouse, I was brought back to the years I spent in a similar Clubhouse with my father. That is a place that no little girl should have ever been. Especially daily with a good for nothing fucking father that cared more about his fucking club than his daughter and family. The last day I saw my father was two months before I turned eighteen. The fucking shit that happened to me that night is something that to this day I cannot bear to think about.

  As the memories start to surface, yet again, I am walking through the doors of the Clubhouse. I pushed them aside. Those memories needed to stay in the past because that shit was something that did not control my thoughts or actions, especially when I am out to have a good time. The music is loud, the beer is cold, the shots are strong, and the man meat is looking down right edible.

  Pulling up to the bar I glance at Preach and he hands me a shot and a beer before saying, “Hey, Sugar.”

  “Hi Preach, how you doing tonight? It seems like a pretty slow night, I thought there was going to be a big party to welcome the guys home from their final tour overseas.”

  “Yeah, Sugar, that is still going to happen- Gun got held up picking the guys up from the base so it got pushed back a bit. Just settle back and enjoy the quiet before the storm, Yeah?”

  “Ok Preach, I will.”

  Turning to walk away I am stopped in my tracks when I hear behind me, “You know your daddy was talking about you again the last time I was home, Sugar. I know that he can be a hard man and I don’t understand exactly why you two had that falling out five years ago, but I wish you would at least let him know that you are okay.”

  Spinning back to him I answer in harsh tones. “Preach, I just can’t do that. You only know about some of the shit that was going on at that fucking Clubhouse. I wish to fuck that I would have taken off before that last night, but I can’t dwell on the fact that I didn’t. I thank the heavens I ran into you when I did because I was really starting to think that I would have to go back there.”

  “Sugar, you can talk to me whenever you need or want, I made a promise that I would always do my best to watch out for you.” Staring off he goes on, “but please know that if something happened to you, then or now, I need to know so that I can take care of it.”

  “Preach, it wasn’t your job to take care of me when I was little and it sure as fuck isn’t your job now.” Looking away from him nervously I go on, “No matter what happened, I got out of that situation and will never put myself back in a relationship with that kind of a man again.”

  Walking away I know that the harsh words and attitude that I gave Preach were uncalled for. Sometimes I just can’t seem to control the shit that comes out of my mouth. It has gotten me into trouble many times, none of which I couldn’t get myself out of. Preach has always been nothing but nice to me, and I should not take my dislike for my father or their lifestyle out on him. I find it difficult to stray too far away from the MC lifestyle myself, but mine are only one night stops with no strings, no expectations, and nothing more.

; When I think about the time that I spent at the Clubhouse with my dad when I was young, unaware of all the shit that was really going on, I smile remembering the good times. The times that my dad was more interested in what I was doing than some fucking young piece of ass. Over the years I grew to realize that nothing had changed, only my growing up and noticing, and knowing that what my father was doing was wrong, disgusting, and degrading even. Fucking one club whore after another while my mother sat at home drinking herself to death. As soon as I turned twelve or thirteen, I started to realize what was actually happening at the Clubhouse. My mother knew and tried desperately to have my father stop or leave me at home, but he would just laugh her off and take me with him. If only he would have been a typical man and not chosen to make my mother live this lifestyle, she would have lived past my fourteenth birthday.

  When the party picks up and gets going, I lose myself in the booze and the music. I know that Preach always keeps an eye on me the few times that I have come here to party and that he would prefer that I did my letting loose somewhere else, but this is the life that I grew up in and the life, unfortunately, that I find myself drawn to.

  Seeing the group of brothers come through the door about an hour later I find myself staring, yet again, at Gun. He is walking sex, to say the least, all six foot six, two hundred fifty pounds, of tattooed flesh. If I had run into him anywhere except here, I would have let him fuck me into the next day the first time I laid eyes on him and walked away. Instead I have fought against it, against him, each and every time that I have seen him knowing that I would need to stop coming here if we fucked. Even though I don’t do relationships, especially with a fucking MC member, I know better than to shit where I eat, so I have to keep my distance, and keep my desire for him to fuck me at bay.

  Each time that I have been here I have been drawn to him and tonight is no different. Gun has been back from his tours overseas a few years and works at a tattoo shop that the brothers own. I know that much from being here the handful of times that I have over the past six or so months. I know that I shouldn’t do what I am about to do, but falling into old habits is hard to avoid, and he is just too fucking delectable for me to keep my hands off of any longer.

  Chapter 2


  Coming back to the states, to my brothers, was the best feeling in the world. I did my tours and was good at doing what needed to be done, but fuck, I was ready to come home. Being gone more than home for the last seven years was starting to wear thin. Not like I am looking to settle down and find an old lady, fuck that shit, this MC has only a handful of old ladies and they sure as hell don’t hang out with the whores and us. The whores, it will be nice to be able to get my dick wet when needed, and to stay in one place for a while.

  The Devil’s Iron was something that I grew up around, so it was a no brainer that when I got out I would pick up where I left off, as a patched in member. I had thrown the idea of a tattoo parlor around with Blaze before I had even headed overseas and it seems while I was away he found the perfect spot. Talking with him a few times during the last nine months of my service, I knew that he had found a store front for me. The shop was put into my name the day that I returned from overseas.

  I will be able to purchase it from Blaze and the MC as soon as I have the money together. At the rate that I have been tattooing the last two years, it will be sooner than anyone thought, like within the next year or so. Art is just something that I have always loved to do and my passion for it seems to go hand in hand with my tattooing. I never thought when I was younger that my constant doodling would lead to a job that I fucking love. Not only do all my Devil’s brothers come to me for ink, but a lot of the brothers from surrounding clubs as well. It is hard to find someone that knows our life style and the style of our ink, so they come to me and I make sure that their ink is as good as gold.

  Having something of my own is close to a first for me. Growing up, my three brothers and I had to share dinner for fucks sake. Gabe, on the other hand was always the one we all looked up to being the oldest. He is a life-long military man, joining twelve years ago as soon as he graduated. Charles is the only one who decided that after high school he would go straight to college. After getting his degree in criminology, he works for the Minneapolis police department. Now, with Sam only a few months out of high school, he has let me know that he will be following in our footsteps, enlisting in a few short months.

  It is nice that my grandma left me that house on the outskirts of town so I don’t have to worry about that, making me capable of paying off the shop that much quicker. All I seem to do is fucking work but tonight as soon as I see that brunette when I walk into the Clubhouse, I find myself wanting to do nothing but sink balls deep into her sweet cunt and get lost. It a little fucking early for that shit, so I walk up to the bar, order a shot and a beer and shit down facing where she is. Just because it is too early to take her to my room to fuck doesn’t mean that I won’t enjoy being able to eye fuck her for a while.

  I have seen her around the Clubhouse only a couple of times over the past few months. I am not sure what her story is and I really don’t give a fuck. Women in this place are meant for one thing and one thing alone, a hard fuck. I am sure she doesn’t know shit about the lifestyle and is here searching for a husband or some shit. She is going to have a rude awaking when she finds that is not the case. I, for one, am not going to be there in the morning to see what her reaction is when she figures it out.

  Preach walks up to me slapping me on the shoulder, jarring me out of my depraved thoughts of fucking that brunette into submission.

  “Gun, I don’t like that look you have on your face. Leave Sara alone, will you?”

  “What the fuck Preach? Since when have you been in charge of where I get my dick wet? Did I fucking miss a meeting or something?” I say shrugging him off of my shoulder. “Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that, old man? Is that your fucking kid or something? Because if she isn’t than you need to back the fuck off.”

  “Watch yourself, kid. I have known Sara longer than I can remember, and she doesn’t need you sniffing around. She has been through enough in her life and does not need to be used by the likes of you.”

  If I hadn’t made up my mind to fuck her tonight before talking to Preach, which I had, I would most definitely be doing it now. Nobody tells me what to do, where to go, or who to fuck, especially one of my brothers. Who the fuck does he think he is? And why is he so fucking protective over that piece of ass?

  Shoving off of the bar, I make my way over to where she is facing away from me in short seconds. Glaring back at Preach before I begin. Fuck him. Grabbing for her I turn her to me before claiming her mouth with mine. The heat that comes from that kiss is enough to scorch us both.

  “Hey Princess. Are you ready to come back to my room and get that dick punishment you have been longing for?”

  Coughing on my words as she looks up at me I am instantly lost to those brown eyes.

  Chapter 3


  When Gun walked up behind me I could sense him before he even spoke. I noticed him talking to Preach, of course, but what the fuck were they talking about that made him come up to me? Did Preach tell him about my past and he’s coming to kick me out or some shit?

  When he grabs me and spins me around taking my mouth with his I get lost in his lips. When he pulls away I am left in a daze before he speaks. As soon as Princess is out of his mouth I am ready to vomit. When he finishes up with that comment about a dick punishment I have to hold back from throwing my drink in his face.

  Who the fuck does he think he is? God’s gift, I’m sure.

  “Excuse me. What did you just fucking say to me?”

  “Don’t play, Princess. I have seen you watching me these past months, I know you want this cock.” he says grabbing himself in his free hand. “Let’s just go to my room and fucking get it over with already.”

  “WOW. Are you fucking for real? Just because I
have been admiring the package these last few months, you talking to me like that ain’t gonna cut it. You want to give someone, how did you put it, a dick punishment, there are plenty of girls here for that, go spew your shit at them. I am sure even a few of them might actually like it.”

  Laughing at his stupid behavior I turn around, walking away from him. This night is going to end somewhat quicker than I had hoped for, but there is always next month.

  I am stopped with a hand wrapped around my arm in short seconds, which trips the switch for me. Turning quickly, I throw my elbow into his chest before he realizes what is going on. One thing hanging around a clubhouse just like this for most of my childhood was good for. Fighting off some aggressive fuckers that were always too drunk, too high, or too fucking handsy for their own fucking good.

  “What the fuck, Princess?” Trying without success to grab at me again he goes on, “You need to get the fuck outta here and never show your skank self again.” Rubbing at his chest he goes on, “You are one thing and one thing only. No matter what you may think or how you act Princess, you are not too good to be used by any one of us.”

  “Go fuck yourself, Dick. Until I hear that coming out of the Blaze’s mouth I will keep doing whatever I like.” Poking him in the chest I raise my voice only a little, knowing that the whole of this place doesn’t need to know what is happening between us. “I will do whatever pleases me, Dick. I don’t listen to you and you sure as fuck don’t rule this Clubhouse, or me. Someone who talks with such disrespect to a woman surely doesn’t know how the fuck to run anything, except maybe your fucking mouth. I have doubts about you being able to dick punish anyone, especially me. I need a man who can take the reins from me when given, not be a complete and utter piece of shit and talk like he is some kind of fucking ill-educated fuck.” Turning, I start walking away before throwing over my should, “You should have never spoken, Dick. You were so much better to use as masturbation inspiration before you did!”


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