Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5) Page 4

by GM Scherbert

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Princess, what do you want from me? I’m not the man you need. You need a man that can be gentle, that can pick up the pieces, that can take care of you the way you deserve.”

  Walking away from him, I hear a loud roar as I reach the house and open the door, slamming it behind me. Looking to Preach I know that there are a million unanswered questions he must have but I just shake my head and make my way upstairs to my bed, done with this fucking day.

  Sitting up with a jolt I am unaware of much other than there is someone in the room with me. Still groggy from the pills I had taken before laying down I am brought back to that night in an instant. Feeling the familiar panic rise up I start to hyperventilate before I hear “Ssh, Princess, I got you” and feel a light breath against my forehead. Not freaking out at the term that usually grates on my nerves, I calm instantly. Thinking that Gun is the demon here, oddly puts me at peace and I drift off again, with a much more peaceful sleep.

  Waking in the morning Gun is gone from my room, and I wonder if it was all a dream. Walking downstairs I find my house locked up tight. Unlocking the front door, I step out to look around and see Gun next door on the porch with Irene, talking. Waving at her I turn quickly and head back inside, locking the door again as I do so.

  Walking into the living room for the first time, I am shocked to see that the furniture is not my own. Who the fuck put new furniture in my house? I stop in my tracks when I think back to the attack and guess how badly my house would have been trashed. Needing to leave the room, I make a quick escape to my bed and leave the questions for another day.

  Each day for the next two weeks is much the same. Waking nightly to the feeling of Gun being there, but never seeing him in the morning or even knowing if he would dare to come into my room. We still have not said more than a few mumbled words as I have passed him on the way out of the house. The furthest I have made it, other than to my daily therapy, is to Irene’s house. I asked her about the furniture and she simply shrugged and said that some of “those nice boys” brought it over.

  Gun is always around, and it is both annoying as fuck and a comfort knowing it. We will see what happens next week after I check in with the doctors and hopefully I will be able to return to work, and he and Country will stop their babysitting duties.

  Doc has come by repeatedly to talk with me about what happened that night. I wish I could give him more information but Ember wants us to keep quiet about it and I will. I wish I could talk to her and let her know that Doc needs to hear from her, fuck, I need to hear from her.

  After I have showered and gotten ready for yet another day of the same, I head downstairs and rush towards the kitchen as I hear the phone start ringing. Seeing that it is Irene, I answer immediately wondering why she would call instead of just coming over.

  “Hello, Sara?”

  “Yes, Irene are you alright?”

  “Of course Sweetie, I was chatting with that fine young man and had to get him to go away for a little bit, so I sent him to the store and told him I would watch the house and you while he was gone.”

  “Why would you do that Irene? What’s going on?”

  “You need to come over here Sweetie; I have someone who would like to talk to you.”

  Knowing that Ember must be calling I drop the phone and rush out the door without even hanging it up.

  Irene is opening her front door as I take the last step and has it closed as soon as I am inside. Within seconds her phone starts to ring, and I rush to answer it.


  “Sara. I am so sorry that he got to you. I wish that he-”

  “Shut it, Ember. It is not your fault that psychopath got to me. Where are you? Are you safe? Doc is worried sick about you.”

  “I know Sara, it will be hard for Doc for some time, but he will get through it. It killed me to leave him like that, but I had no other choice. Clutch told me that he was going to kill him and I had no doubts he would. When I had the chance to run I did, and that is when I found out about you. I needed to make sure that you are alright for myself.”

  “I will be okay Ember, the bruises are healing and my mind will get right in time. How are you doing? I guess that he got his hooks in you before you left and that is why Doc found your apartment so destroyed. Are you healing?”

  “In some ways yes, Sara. In others, however, I am finding it more difficult. I’m pregnant, Sara.”

  “What? Is it his?” I hiss out hoping to all that is fucking holy that the answer is no.

  “No, I found out before the attack and was thankful that he did not take another baby away from me. That’s another reason I had to leave. If Clutch finds out about the baby, that will be another reason for him to kill Doc. He kept going on about the baby that I lost and how I belong to him, that no one else will have me. It was the right decision no matter how much it hurts me to have left, or to be keeping this baby from their father.”

  “Oh Ember, where are you? Are you alone?” Thinking of being alone at a time like that I am almost slapped in the face with the image of what is happening with me, minus the baby that is.

  “I am okay Sara. I found a job for cash in Louisiana where I can blend into the scenery nicely. I met a girl named Heather who works with me. She has taken me in and given me her couch while I get myself on my feet. You would really like her, she reminds me a lot of you actually- she is just as bull-headed and stubborn as you are.”

  Laughing at her playfulness, I stop short when I hear the bike roar back into the neighborhood.

  “Ember, I have to go soon, my sitter is back. I will keep quiet about where you are and who hurt us, but please don’t ask anything else from me. When will you call again?”

  “Next week same time. Miss you tons Sara. Thank you for understanding. I know it is not right to keep these things from Doc, but it might be the only thing that keeps this baby safe. Keep an eye on Doc for me and keep your head up.” Is all I hear as the line goes dead then I hear a knock on the door.

  Rushing out of the back door, I head back to my house without Gun even taking note that I was gone.

  Chapter 10


  Each night, when I hear her start with her nightmares, I can’t fucking help myself from going to her. I have a key to the door, so it’s never a big deal, and I am always there quick to calm her down when it starts. I am not sure if she is even conscious enough to know that I am there, but I just can’t stop myself when I hear her cry out each and every night. She has never brought it up to me, so I guess she thinks it must all be in her mind.

  Each time that I go in there, I fucking lose myself a little more to her.

  The other thing I can’t fucking stop is laying down next to her and staying there far too long. I told myself that it is only to make sure that she’s sleeping soundly, but I know that’s a lie. I had thought about being in her bed for too long. Knowing that she was hurt in the worst way and that the things that I have on my mind would be the furthest from hers. I drag myself outta bed seeing the sun just like I have every morning the last almost three weeks.

  When Irene sent me on some errands this morning, I knew something was up. She is a sweet old lady, but something is going on in that head of hers. I decided to play along with this little request and give her some rope to hang herself on. Pulling out of the driveway, I head out on my errands and know that something is up. Is Sara getting ready to run, like Ember did?

  Pulling over down the block I wait to see how this plays out.

  What the fuck are these two doing? Like I don’t know that old lady had something up her sleeve sending me away. Watching Sara walk from her house into Irene’s I don’t see any luggage so I know she is not leaving. What is she doing over there then? It’s not like they haven’t had dinner these past weeks. Why would she have to send me away for whatever it is they are doing?

  Pulling back into the drive and seeing Sara slip out the back door at Irene’s house as I was coming in the front door had me
questioning what the fuck was happening. Unless, it is Ember. If Ember is reaching out to them, I have to let Doc know, but don’t want to do it unless I am sure. Letting it slide for the moment, I make some excuses for why I hadn’t brought in the groceries that Irene had asked me to get and went right back to Sara’s porch, to see how this shit would play out. Calling on a prospect I have him run the errands that Irene had sent me on.

  Later that night Sara went over to Irene’s house for dinner, and Irene invited me in, but I could tell by the look in Sara’s eyes the time was not right, yet, so I declined. Watching them from Sara’s porch I guessed that they were having a good time, after the third bottle of wine got thrown into the recycling bin out the back door. With all the meds that Sara is on I am hopeful that Irene was the one drinking all that wine, but I have doubts.

  Watching Sara walk out of the door a short while later, I am not shocked to see that she was the one putting her fair share of the wine away. Jumping up, I rush over to help her as she trips down the stairs of Irene’s porch I get there in just enough time to catch her. She puts up a small struggle before giving into me when I scoop her up in my arms avoiding her head hitting the sidewalk. Having to support her weight as I walk across the yards and make our way up to her door I find it difficult to believe that this woman has given up control in this moment. I wish she weren’t drunk because it would be the perfect time for us to talk, but if she weren’t drunk, she would not be letting me carry her back home.

  Opening the front door, I carry her up the stairs to her room and put her down on the bed. Before I am able to move away, arms are reaching out for me. Grabbing my face, she pulls my lips to hers, and we fight for control of this heated kiss. Trying to turn away I straighten up and take a step towards the door before I hear her crock, “Dick.”

  “Not Dick, Princess.”

  “Gun,” purred out in her next breath.

  “Not Gun, Sara.”

  Turning back to the bed I see her stripping out of her shirt and know that I should go, I just can’t. Moving forward until my legs hit the bed, she looks up at me with nothing but desire in her eyes and I am fucking weak to it, to her. I should be going out the fucking door, not thinking about taking her again.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Catching her eyes, I say, “Call me by my name, Princess.” Taking a deep breath, I say “Mack.”

  Repeating me on a whisper, I have to adjust my growing cock before I can make another move. Hearing her call me by my given name is something that I would have never thought I would enjoy- now I know I will settle for nothing less.

  Sitting down next to her I do my best to avoid looking at her tits, which lasts all of three fucking seconds with all the jostling she is doing trying to get her pants off. When I glance towards her, the want I saw in her eyes a second ago is taken away in an instant by the marks I can now see on her flesh. Only having seen them the first few days I was in her room in the hospital, it has been over a month since then. The bruises have healed, for the most part. The places where they needed to stitch her up, and they were numerous, are still red and raw, screaming for vengeance.

  Throwing me into another fit of rage that someone out there fucking touched any woman, this woman, fuck, my woman. Growling, I stand quickly and make my way out through the door. Needing to call and check with Prez and Doc to see if anything has come from any of the leads that we have gotten. I need to put that fuck who touched her down and will not let anything come between him and me.

  Chapter 11


  What the fuck happen to me last night? I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck. Remembering going to Irene’s for dinner, I stagger to the bathroom and notice that I still have on my bra and panties. Usually, I sleep naked, I must have been really fucked up last night, I don’t even remember leaving her house, thank fuck I only live next door.

  Slowly making my way downstairs I shield my eyes from the sun streaming in through the windows and smell coffee. Looking into the kitchen, I see Gun there and know that I should remember something, but fuck if I know what it is. Seeing him standing there in those fucking hip hugging jeans I am stopped dead in my tracks. Why doesn’t he have a shirt on? As he turns around, I notice the v cut into his hips just above his jeans and all that ink, I know that I’m in fucking trouble.

  Trying to shake those thoughts out of my head I go with the one thing that always works, being a cunt to him. “What are you doing in my house, Dick?” knowing how much he hates that name only tempts me to use it more.

  “Princess, as I told you last night, that is not my name.” Closing the distance between us he invades my space before going on, “If you need a reminder of what you are supposed to call me, that can be fucking arranged.”

  Seeing him look at me like that, I need to shake the memories of him fucking me on the sink of the Clubhouse out of my head. Taking a step back I say “Don’t fucking call me Princess, and what do you mean last night? I don’t fucking remember a thing, Dick. I barely remember the end of dinner at Irene’s house. If you did something I will fucking-”

  “Sara, I would never do something with you as fucked up as you were last night no matter how hard you tried, and you did try, hard. I carried you home from Irene’s because you almost face planted going down her stairs.” Feeling embarrassment take hold of me, I make a move to step away but am stopped when I feel one of his hands on me. Sweeping his hand up, brushing a lock of hair out of my face he finishes, “When I have my way with you again Princess, and I will, there will be no question who that pussy belongs to.”

  “UGH! Fuck you, Dick. I barely remember that night at the Clubhouse, and it seems you can’t get it off of your fucking mind. Maybe you need to get your dick wet?”

  Turning before he answers, I make my way out of the front door and straight to Irene’s. She is at the door, with coffee, only moments after I have knocked.

  “I was wondering how long it would take you to get over her this morning. You look like hell Sweetie, here drink this coffee.” Handing me the cup she goes on, “I thought Mack would have taken better care of you when I saw him help you home last night. Hmm, I thought for sure you would try to get in his pants the way you were talking when you walked out of here last night, but you don’t seem to be walking bow-legged. Must not have been that good or…?”

  “Mack? Who the hell is Mack? Wait, who’s pants did you think I was going to try and get in?” I say taking a sip of the coffee which is still hot enough to burn my mouth.

  Patting my hand sweetly she answers, “Sweetie, you sure were messed up last night. The way you keep talking about him, I thought for sure you two were going to finally work out some of your issues.”

  “Our issues, what are you talking about Irene? Who is Mack?”

  “Mack, Gun, or Dick, the one you like the most I think. Whichever name you are using at the moment, Sweetie. You used the latter two interchangeable last night when you kept talking about him. I guess that I wasn’t wrong about him and he did respect you like he should with how fucking drunk you were. It’s good to know that all of them boys are the right sort. I knew that Preach was a good man from when I still lived in Milwaukee, but Mack, Doc, Country, and Blaze are all good in my book, and I, for one, am happy they are set to watch over you until they find out who hurt you and Ember. You need to start coming to the conclusion that those men are not like your father, Sweetie. I don’t think I have ever seen a group of men with such hard exteriors that care so passionately for their women or any woman it seems.”

  Finishing the coffee and our chat, which involved entirely too much of Irene telling me all the things I was speaking of the night before. I have a dirty fucking mouth and a dirtier mind, from what she said, the more wine I have. Telling her all about the dick punishment that I received from Gun in the bathroom those months back. UGH! She also let me know that I gave her graphic details about how I would like a man to treat me, take me over, own me in all ways.

  I head b
ack home and find Country has taken over for Gun. Putting me at ease knowing I will not have to face him, yet. I invite Country into the house and make us some lunch before reaching out to a few girlfriends to set up an evening out. If having a few drinks with Irene brought so much to the surface, I wonder what a night out will do?

  I have been talking with the therapist daily and she seems to think that I am making good progress. Good progress dealing with the trauma that I have suffered not only at the hands of Clutch, but older trauma. While in the sessions with her, I have brought up only some of the past, and she has tried to push the issue, but I am not ready to deal with that shit, yet.

  I set up a night out on Friday, two days from now, and know that it might turn into a complete shit show but, cutting lose might help to put some of the tensions that I am feeling out of my mind. Get the Dick outta my thoughts. Also, it might be fun to have some semblance of normal before going back to work in a short time.

  Chapter 12


  After running some errands that afternoon, I come back to Sara and fucking Country having lunch. You have got to be fucking kidding me. She hasn’t invited me inside to fucking eat with her, in fact, she usually doesn’t even talk to me. Heading next door instead of interrupting their lunch I find Irene sitting on the porch drinking a beer. This lady has a story that I for one would sure as fuck like to hear.

  “Ma’am,” I say tipping my head to her as I take the steps two at a time.

  “Mack. I thought we talked about that.”

  “Sorry, Irene. Can I have a seat.”


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