Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5) Page 13

by GM Scherbert

  “Fuck you, Blaze. I didn’t send her to you. I just heard about what she did and knew that she was a good egg. That is the same thing that happened the night my little Princess left and she hasn’t ever been.” I cock my gun just over his head without missing a beat. The rest of my brothers raise their weapons as I do so, looking around at the Guerillas that surround us.

  “You fucking stupid fucking piece of shit. That must be some good pussy that daughter of mine has if you are going to go to all this trouble for her. Tonto is that what you thought too? When you almost had her that night before she left? That she was so good, you would fucking kill for her, like this fucking guy?”

  Looking to the man now stepping up to the front of the Guerillas’ crowd all I see is fucking red. This man, not to mention that asshole father of hers, have something to do with the reason that Sara is so untrusting of men.

  “Prez, she fucking took off before we could even get to the good part. She fucking ran so fast that you didn’t even know where she was those weeks that the tracker didn’t work or when she took that old ladies car to New Orleans. Thank fuck that Brandy was able to find her and keep tabs on her so quickly, though.”

  Walking up to this fucking guy I drive the butt of my gun into his head. “You fucking like treating kids like shit?”

  Grabbing me up, Blaze cuts me off quickly before I can make more mistakes. “Gun,” warning me, “Step the fuck down. You know that we don’t get involved in other clubs’ shit.” Looking towards their Prez Blaze starts out by apologizing, “Pete, Gun here gets a little worked up about his lady, just like the rest of us could see ourselves becoming, thinking that you let something happen to her under your watch. I am sure that there was just some kind of misunderstanding and I would like-”

  “There was no misunderstanding. I fucking don’t give a fucking shit about that stupid cunt. She left after I sent Tonto to teach her a lesson ten years ago, and I for one, have not missed her. She has been nothing but a fucking obligation to me since she was born. When I needed her, she served her purpose well, being a cover for our drug and gun runs.”

  Tonto adds in, “When she started asking questions and fucking thinking that she was anything except a wet hole for us to use, she overstayed her welcome. Much like that stupid cunt, Brandy.”

  Seeing the rage in not only Preach’s eyes, I feel it in my own and know that shit is about to go south. Blaze steps up trying to get the situation under control. “We seem to have different ways of doing things then Pete. My brothers and I don’t treat our woman that way and seeing that Gun is going to claim your daughter as his, I’m going to need you to leave her the fuck alone. She is under our protection now, and anything done towards her will be dealt with accordingly.”

  “Fine,” looking towards me Pete says, “you really want her, Gun? You know that Clutch rode her hard right? You still want that, then so be it.” Looking from me towards Blaze he finishes with, “We done here then? I’d like to get back to my party and get you fucking Devil’s off my lot and outta my fucking hair.”

  Nodding towards each other, we all slowly move back towards our bikes. Heading out I can only think about Sara, and have no question after meeting that sorry son of a bitch why she has some of the issues that she does. Heading straight for her is what I would like to do, but I know that Blaze will call church after that fucking fiasco. I need to be there to see what he and the other brothers would like to do.

  Chapter 27


  After about three hours of sitting up waiting for Gun to come to my house, I have to do something and notice that the light is on at Irene’s. Looking towards the clock, I see that she is getting her day started and I head over there.

  “Hey Sweetie, it looks like you had a long night. Come on in, and you can tell me about it.” Swinging the door wide she goes on, “I’m glad to see that Gun was able to get to you. What did your dad do?”

  Looking towards the woman that has basically been my mother for as long as I can remember I ask, “Did you know?” pausing I see her blank look and go on. “I can’t believe all the shit that I thought we did together because he is my father. He used to use me as a cover for their fucking runs, I believed that he was spending time with me because I was his little girl and he was just using me so the cops wouldn’t stop them. What the fuck kind of father does that? He set me up the night I left, he fucking sent Tonto to fucking bring me in line because I was starting to ask too many questions.”

  Irene moves over to me and wraps me up tight in a hug. “Sweetie, your mother always tried to get him to leave you home because she knew that whatever he was doing was not on the up and up. I pleaded with him as well, and that only landed me in the hospital. I didn’t know the kind of man your father was until the night that I left. I didn’t want to leave you like I did, but he didn’t give me a choice. He told me if I didn’t leave I would end up like Earl.” Pulling away from me she turns my chin up to her, “I made sure that Preach was looking out for you though when I left. He has watched over you ever since from what I’ve heard.”

  “How could my mother fall for him? Why did she stay with him when he was such a complete and utter asshole to her?”

  “Sweetie, your mom was young and loved you so much. She was just trying to do right by you, and she thought that you needed a mom and a dad to have the best life. Never think that your mom didn’t’ love you or didn’t care what happened to you. Your mom tried her hardest to do everything that she could for you. Sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions, Sara.” Grabbing my hand, she adds, “Oh Sweetie, you look absolutely dead on your feet. I am sure you have to work tonight and won’t take the day off, so let’s get you in the bath and then off to bed.”

  Taking me outta her house, we head to my house, and Irene draws a bath for me. Leaving me in the bathroom, she heads to the kitchen to make me a snack before returning home.

  As I slip my weary body into the water, the day hits me hard, and I fucking lose it. Thinking of the way my father used me for years as nothing more than a shield for his fucking illegal activities. Knowing that he couldn’t have cared less about what happened to me, as long as I didn’t tell on the Guerillas or what they had been up to. Finding out that he sent that guy after me the night I left ten years ago. Guessing he did the same tonight with Roach. What the fuck did I do to him? Why was I not good enough for him? Why did he treat my mother and I so shitty?

  Gun would’ve never treated me like that. Gun would never make me sit here questioning myself.

  Crying for the next twenty minutes, I only stop as I hear the door open. Looking up I see the man that brings me to my knees. Not knowing what to do or where his thoughts are I can’t help but stare at the man that still to this day has my heart.

  Mack looks tired and something more. I say nothing as he slips outta his clothes and slides into the tub behind me. “We will talk about what happened today after some sleep, Princess- sorry Sara”

  Splashing the water over the sides of the tub, I turn to look into his eyes. “Mack, don’t.” Putting my hands on his chest one over the tattoo that bears my name. “Through everything you have called me Princess and it makes me happy. We have talked about that name before, just because you finally found out why I hate it so much because that is what my father called me, I don’t care. I know that it means something different when you all me that.”

  Leaning in, his kiss is tentative at first, slow and sensual making me want him more.

  “Mack,” is out on a whimper as I lean into him further trying to deepen the kiss. Needing him more than he could possibly know.

  “No, Princess. Tonight we need to talk.”

  Pulling away from him, his rejection hurts as much as anything that has happened to me today. I start trying to stand and make my retreat when his strong hands are on me.

  “Princess, no running. Not again. Never again. I know that you have had a fucking day from hell and that you need to feel something.“ Running a ha
nd down my face picking up my chin he goes on, “I will give you that, have no doubt. But, first we need to talk, and you need to understand how this is going to be from now on. I am done with fighting, done with arguing, done waiting for you to make the right decision.”

  Pulling the plug outta the tub, Mack grabs for me after making his way to his feet. Stepping out of the tub he grabs for a towel and dries me off before grabbing for the robe I have hanging behind the door, wrapping me up in it. Mack then ties the towel around his waist and reaches for my hand. Still waiting for the hammer to drop, I am quiet waiting for him to begin once we have reached the bedroom.

  Turning on the light, Mack leads me over to the bed. Sitting down first he pats the bed next to him with a hand inviting me to join him. Sitting down a shiver runs through me as his hand comes to rest on my leg. Turning towards him my leg comes up to rest on the bed, and his hand travels down my leg as I do so. The instant attraction and want that I feel he sees in my eyes and a smile crosses his lips before he begins.

  “Princess, I told you we talk first. We need to talk before we enjoy each other again. Get that look of desire and need outta your eyes. We need to talk about the things that happened today. Starting with the fact that your father is the President of the Guerillas MC. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  Looking at him with a blank stare he goes on. “When you said that you grew up in the life I guess I never really thought about it. As soon as I saw the picture on the table, I knew why you have fought this thing we have.”

  Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before going on, he leans in and kisses me lightly on the lips before continuing. “The Devil’s Iron are nothing like the Guerilla’s. You must know that from hanging around the Clubhouse as much as you did before you walked away.”

  “Mack, I-”

  “Stop Princess, let me talk. You will get your chance, but let me finish. The Devils are nothing like those fucking assholes. We have had too many dealings with your father and his fucking brothers to ever trust anything that they do or say. Your father treated you as nothing more than a cover, and that is something that no father, no man should ever do. He used you, and I will be paying him back tenfold for that, as well as for giving the order to Tonto and that fucking kid Roach to get you back in line.” Seeing his fists clench I know that he is doing his best to contain his anger.

  Reaching up to him, I tug on his beard, drawing his eyes to mine. “Mack, I know that you are nothing like my father. I have known it since the day I decided to leave, I just didn’t want to believe that you meant as much to me as you do. That you could be so different than the man that I had grown up with. That you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, no matter what I put you through.”

  “What about those men, Sara. Tell me what that fucking guy did to you the night you left. Your father mentioned it, and I need to know what happened. Please, Princess.”

  “It was two months before my eighteenth birthday. My father had just gone on a fucking drug run, and they were having a big party at the Clubhouse to celebrate. When I got done with my waitressing shift, I headed to the Clubhouse like daddy asked me to. When I got there, I saw some fucking young girls and knew that the Guerilla’s must have started to spread their wings into prostitution. For all I know, it was just the first time that I saw it, but it could have been going on for years. I found my dad, who was only VP at the time and told him, if he didn’t get rid of the girls I would go to the cops. I guess he didn’t fucking like that and sent Tonto to talk me outta it.”

  Looking away from him I try again to pull away but am stopped by his hand gripping my thigh. “Tell me what happened, Sara.” Slowly he begins to move his hand around on my leg putting my mind at ease, and I go on.

  “Tonto followed me home that night, and when I opened the door to the house, he followed me in and tried to rape me. Thankfully he was drunk, and I had been around those fuckers long enough to learn a couple ways to keep myself safe. I’m sure he didn’t tell my father that I knocked him out instead of him giving me the lesson he was supposed to teach. I took off as soon as I could after that. Of course, I didn’t fucking know that dad had a trace on my bike and knew where I was the whole time. He knew about everything, Mack. He even knew about Clutch and that I was in New Orleans.”

  Stopping me short, Mack cut in, “Why did you leave me, Sara? I was ready to call you ol’ lady and you just fucking walked away. I had you inked around my fucking heart for fuck’s sake.” Tapping his fingers over his chest where my name is still tattooed on his flesh.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Mack. I ran away because I was scared, because I found the drawings of the tattoos and knew that this shit between us was too real. I ran because I didn’t want to be like my mother. Being left alone to drink myself to death while you ran around doing what and whoever you wanted. I was scared, and it felt so good to be with you I just couldn’t stick around to see how it would be fucked up.”

  “You left because you were scared of our future? You were scared that I was going to do something like what, cheat on you? Treat you like a piece of ass? Come on Sara, get real, you were scared because you were frightened of the feelings that you had for me. Don’t fucking lie to me,” he says harshly raising his voice.

  Feeling like I am under attack, I pull away, but am stopped and tugged back towards Mack. “No, Princess you are going to sit here and talk this shit out. Tell me why you left.”

  Thinking of anything that I could say that would help to make this easier I begin, “Mack, I left because the way we were- “

  “Princess“ he warns.

  “It’s just that I was finding it difficult”

  “Stop right there Sara. You are lying to me, Princess. Tell me the fucking truth. Why?”

  Feeling myself give into his dominance I finally say, “Just like throughout our whole relationship, Mack I was scared. I was afraid because I love you and was scared to be hurt by you, still am, that’s why I fucking left. Are you happy now?”

  “No, Princess, I won’t be happy until the day you have my ink on you and I have you under my whip. You will learn to trust me, Sara, and to trust that my every thought, my every desire, and decision is for you, for us, forever.”

  Claiming my mouth with his, the kiss turns heated quickly, and I know that this is it. He is the man that I have wanted for years, and he is going to be the man that I want for the rest of my years. I feel the power in him, in his command of me and know that he is the man that I will kneel before, soon.

  Chapter 28


  Blaze called Church when we got back to the Clubhouse early that morning. We discussed everything that we knew and decided we need to have all the information before a decision is made. I was sent over to Sara’s because they knew that I needed to make sure she was okay and because they know that I would be the one most likely to get any answers to the questions we have.

  Blaze lets us know that we will meet again this afternoon after any more information can be gathered. He lets me know that I should try and find out any and everything that might be useful about Pete from Sara. Letting him know that Sara has not been around her dad for going on ten years, he tells me that any information is more than we have now.

  Heading out the door I know that this shit between Sara and I is about to come to a head. Pulling up to her house, with Preach on my tail, I see that Irene is in the kitchen of her home. Letting Preach know that I will take care of Sara, he shakes his head and lets me know he won’t be taking any chances with her. He will stay and watch over her until things cool down. Catching Irene’s eye as I walk past the window, she is at the door opening before I pull the key out.

  “Mack, she is really upset at whatever he did to her this time. Thank you so much for being here for her tonight. I know that she has not made it easy to try and love her, but you have always been there for her no matter what is going on.” Looking towards the picture that I have just laid back on the table she asks, “Why does
he have to fucking be her father? Out of all the men in the world, she got stuck with that sorry fuck.”

  “Irene, don’t worry about Sara, I will take it from here, and she will not be able to tell me no. I love her and her fighting and running from it ends tonight.”

  “Finally. I wish you would have thought about doing this a little earlier boy.” Looking out the window, she sees Preach and pauses before going on, “You two have wasted years. I need to see her happy before I go and you are just the man to do it.” Walking towards the door, she stops and looks over her shoulder before saying, “It’s taken you fucking long enough,” and walks out meeting Preach as she goes.

  Rushing up the stairs, I am almost brought to my knees when I walk into the bathroom and see her in the tub. She is crying and stops when she realizes that I am here. After we bathe the feeling of her surrender and her truths floor me.

  When she finally confesses that she loves me, I lose my patience and need to claim her as my own. Taking the robe off of her I lay her back on her bed and decide to take my time with her. Looking over the sleeves of tattoos that she has I kiss my way around the beautiful artwork.

  I end my exploration quickly, cocking my head to the side when I notice something. “Princess,” running my finger over some of her ink, “what’s this say right here?”

  Smiling Sara answers without looking at me, “Mack,” comes out on a lustful breath.

  Kissing the tattoo, I am rewarded with a moan as I go on, stopping short seconds later I find myself again asking, “Sara, how many of these are there?”

  “Five, one for every year that I was gone away from you.”

  Hearing that spill from her lips has me hard, and I know just what will soothe my ache.

  “Spread those legs wide for me, Princess. I need to reward you for showing me just how much I mean to you. I will still be taking my whip to you, punishing you for running away, soon, have no fear.” Doing as I ask, Sara spreads herself out on her bed and I am rewarded with the most glorious view of my woman. Stripping out of the towel I do not wait to sink into her. Being driven on by her whimpers and moans, I know that neither of us will be able to hold out long. When I feel her nails digging into my back, I lose all control and set a punishing pace, which has both of us screaming out in short order.


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