Charity's Secrets

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Charity's Secrets Page 14

by Maya James

  The frozen road offers me no comfort. My eyes follow the faded yellow lines that seem to take me nowhere in this inky night.

  When I turn onto the street, I turn off my lights even though I'm at the far end. For a few hundred yards, I let the rental coast until I can see the Panther SUV's ahead of me and I pull over. Disappointment washes over me. I'm way too far to see a damn thing, and there's no way to get closer, not with Justin's team watching.

  I might have missed it all by now anyway. From here, I can't tell if they've already gone in, or if they're still waiting in the trucks down the road. Nothing seems to be happening other than the slow fogging of my windows. I don't dare move yet, not until I know what the hell is going on.

  About the time my car loses all of the heat it has been trying to hold, I suddenly see a car turn onto the street behind me. I'm not sure why, but the hair on the back of my neck stands and I can't take my eyes off it. Its white lights casually move up the road as uninterested as they could be until the car is beside me, passing me.

  Thank fucking Christ I had already been slumped down in the seat. He doesn't see me, but I see him—and his gun.

  I don't know how, but he's been tipped off, and in a moment he's going to open fire on Justin and the team in an ambush.

  I can't let that happen.

  I won't let that happen.

  Instantly, I'm now certain they are all in the trucks. They'd gone in and found the place empty, and they are all sitting point down there waiting for him to come to his Lake George summer home. This is where we had tracked him to. He'd been smart enough to get out of the city, but it wasn't far enough. Luck was on his side, and he wasn't home when Justin came for him; otherwise his body would already be in one of the trucks.

  But he knows we're here. Somehow he knows, and I have to do something to alert everyone.

  My pulse is at a gallop, making my neck throb closed. I can't afford to react too soon, or he could turn on me. Justin and the team can't afford me to react too late or they won't have time to defend themselves. This must be what Justin feels all the time. It's not about yourself in this moment—it's the lives depending on you, the lives in your hands that matter most to you.

  I let him half the distance between me and the closest SUV, putting him nearly in front of his own house. My desperate lungs pull in as much air as they can and hold it.

  Fuck it!

  I laid on the horn. The annoying trumpet-like blare fills the night.

  It's so loud—so fucking loud!

  I see him tap the brakes, the red light blowing back toward me for a moment, but there's no time for him to react more than that. A rush of adrenaline and fear nearly cripple me. I feel my muscles begin to shake and twitch as my nerves explode around me. Lives are at stake. The emotions are primal.

  The great, blaring eyes of the monstrous SUV's come to life. They growl and cough into the cold as they lurch forward. My hand is still pushing the horn as the SUV's surround him and light up with muzzle flare.

  Holy shit!

  I let go of the horn, and as quickly as it started, it is over.

  Goodbye, Sam!

  Trisha will never have to worry about that asshole again.

  It was much quieter than I'd expected. They used suppressors, and the only sound I heard was the thumping of the bullets bursting through the sides of the car.

  One of the team jumped out, gun aimed at Sam as he approached him. My stomach twists into a tight ball for him, terrified that he has no cover. His feet shuffle quickly, keeping him balanced but moving. When he gets to the now broken car window there's another bright shot of muzzle flare.

  One to the head!

  He flicks his wrist in the air, some sort of signal, and simultaneously puts his weapon away and opens the car door. Another figure jumps out of san SUV and races to his side. With us watching, they shove Sam's lifeless body over and the second guy hops into the driver's seat. The brake lights flicker and the SUV's get out of his way.

  This is not according to plan, but they look ready for anything.

  That first guy, still standing in the street with a gun at his side, hurriedly kicks the broken glass toward the side of the road as the trucks all leave him, whipping by him within inches.

  Suddenly, his gaze fixes on me and he jogs toward my car. My heart sinks and convulses. It's Justin, his not-very-happy face becoming clear when he gets close. He pulls the passenger door open and dives in. "Go—now!"

  I do exactly as he says, and seconds later the street is empty behind us.

  "He's dead?" I ask.

  "Yes," he says angrily. "I made sure."

  "You can't be mad that I came, not after that!"

  He looks at me through the side of his eyes.

  Okay, maybe he can be.

  "I am pissed, but I'd expected you'd show anyway," he growls

  "I helped!" I say defensively. "I may have saved some of your lives!"

  "Yes," he replies, still growling.

  "Then what the hell, Justin?"

  His JP expression sets on me. "You’re not why I'm pissed the fuck off!"

  I quickly back off, confused. "Then what's wrong?" I ask in a much calmer voice.

  Justin's unbearably sexy shoulders shrug briefly. "That prick knew we were there. We better figure out how."

  JUSTIN LEANS ME SLIGHTLY forward so that he can tip the wine bottle over our glasses; filling them, and places the bottle back on the edge of the Jacuzzi. I grab my glass and lean back against his warm chest, feeling the softness of his muscles under the hot water.

  At this point I'm doing all I can to control my sexual urges. I'm lit up like the fuse on a two ton mound of dynamite after watching the way he approached Sam tonight, fearlessly putting himself in front of his team to take the kill shot himself. He won't want to brag, he never does, but I have to know what it felt like to rid the world of such a piece of shit.

  There's no way Trisha was the first woman he'd beaten like that, and no doubt in my mind she would not have been the last. Justin will never know how many women he saved tonight, but I'm going to thank him for all of us anyway.

  I hold up my glass and Justin grabs his to meet mine. "To you, for protecting me and our friend."

  He silently taps my glass and smiles proudly while we drink.

  "What did you see when you jumped out of the truck?" I asked, hoping for once he will see that I need details.

  He quickly takes another gulp of wine. I hear his throat swallow and click deeply. Under the water, I'm rubbing the outside of his bare thigh to encourage him.

  "He wasn't home when we got there, so we were waiting when we saw you drive up and park. The crew was already warned you might show." He tilts his head toward me. "Did you really think we wouldn’t notice you driving with your lights off?"

  I laugh, realizing how silly I was for that.

  He settles and continues, "When he turned on the road, we had a disadvantage; we couldn't quite see through his headlights. We were on it and ready, but when you hit your horn it was perfect. We knew you saw him; we had your confirmation, plus you scared the shit out of him, which made him hesitate. We put a few into him through his car, mostly hoping to wound or distract him and I hopped out to finish him personally."

  "Was he moving? Was he still alive?" I ask.

  "Yes," he answers easily, almost happily. Normally he hates this, but he has so much anger in him at Sam that I can see this time he enjoyed it—loved it!

  He's so fucking hot right now!

  "He was hit in the top of his chest. He was hurt, but he was awake and alert when I got to the window."

  My heart thumps now. "Did he see you, Justin? Did he know who you were when you killed him?" I can't hide the eager smile on my lips as I twist in the tub to see Justin's face while he answers.

  "He knew exactly who the fuck I was," Justin growls. "He knew, and he knew why. It was written right there in his face."

  I move my hand from his leg to his face, seeing water drip dow
n his cheek. My thumb plays with his bottom lip for a second. "Good," I whisper. "Did your shot kill him instantly?"

  "Unfortunately! I wanted it to be slow, beat him with my bare hands the way he beat her, but I had to be quick with the way it went down. The bullet hit him in the bridge of his nose right between his eyes and came out the top-back of his head along with the little bit of brain he had up there."

  I fell into him, my lips crashing into his, tasting his mouth with my tongue. This kiss came with more than raw passion, more than sick animalistic excitement; it was full of gratitude, enough for me and for Trisha, since she would never know what he did for her.

  He is smiling at me when I pull my mouth away, so I smile back and sip my wine. I turn back around and lean against him again. "The team is taking care of everything now?" I ask as I drop my hand back to his thigh, this time on the inside.

  "Yes. Lena is handling it personally. She was furious when I told her what he did. She likes Trisha, considers her a friend because of us. There's probably already nothing left of him," Justin says, surprising me by chuckling a little. "His car will be at one of our chop shops within the hour, and before morning its parts will be spread across the east coast without any serial numbers. His cell phone is destroyed, its last tower check-in puts him at his summer home."

  "What if any of his neighbors saw?" I ask, concerned about how I pounded on the horn.

  "The trucks aren't traceable. I don't think anyone could have seen us well enough to describe anything." I can tell he's looking at me. "Don't worry, you didn't mess it up."

  The easy roll in his tone reassures me.

  He has everything handled, including me, and I want him in wicked, torturous ways. Justin took care of me and my friend, and it's time I take care of him. The last of my wine spills down my throat so I can set the empty glass on the edge of the Jacuzzi and flip over in the water to face him.

  His semi-hard cock is floating in the water just above his angelic body before me. With both hands I grab him, one under his ass and one around the base of his manhood, and I pull him to the surface. His swelling head and shaft break the water and I run my hot tongue from my thumb to its tip, feeling the crevice of its thick head. I look up at him as I make his cock disappear into my mouth.

  Pleasure explodes across his face. "You're a wonderfully bad woman," he hisses.

  I suck him hard and pull it from my mouth with a wet Pop. "You deserve it," I tease, thrusting him back into my throat.

  He's fully hard now, it's skin taunt and hot. As I bob my head in his lap a few times, I watch the granite-like muscles chiseled into his stomach and chest as they flex and release in hard spasms. There is no way to look at him too much. His beauty is endless and intoxicating, and we're both filled with a mix of lust and anger.

  My hand under his solid ass digs into his flesh as my other strokes the root of his shaft toward my hungry lips, twisting at the wrist as it moves. Again, I pop him out of my mouth with a strong suck, letting the wetness drip to my hand as I twist and jerk him, sliding the pad of my thumb through the split of his head to its tiny opening. "You make me want you so bad," I breathe. He tries to move and I stop him. "No, I'm fucking you this time." I demand as I push him back.

  I thrust my wet mouth on him again, not so much sucking this time as I am just letting my lips ride along his massiveness, drooling on him purposely. This time I take my mouth off without any suction, leaving it soaking. I squeeze it from the base again as I stand and squat on him, impaling myself on his stiffness. Every millimeter of his cock slowly disappears into me, into my wet secrets, until I'm on my own hand. I lift and lower myself using my thighs, collapsing down on my hand as I ride him, holding his manhood exactly where I want it.

  Justin slides his hands under my ass and helps bounce me up and down. The water splashes everywhere, but neither of us cares. His fingers find my labia, feeling his cock slipping in and out of my folds as I buck and thrust myself toward my first orgasm.

  My hand is now more in the way than it is helpful. I yank it out and grab Justin by his strong, masculine shoulders, letting my fingernails dig in.

  "Oh, God yes," I call out. "I'm going to cum on you." I know I'm close; my body is bearing down on him, squeezing his thick shaft.

  Justin suddenly arches himself up out of the water, lifting me higher into the air where I can fuck him harder. My legs burn but the pulsing of my climax is more important.

  His cock pummels my pussy in a series of blind pelvic thrusts, throwing me in the air where his strong hands pull me back down by my waist.

  Justin grabs one of my tits and pinches the nipple. It hardens like a rock as it’s rolled between his fingers, sending gushing spasms that force me to bare down on him tighter.

  Suddenly one of the fingers of his other hand is snaking into my wet opening along with his cock. He hooks it straight into my G-spot and makes me howl. His cock moves in one direction and his finger in another.

  Justin is extracting the cum out of me, causing streams to run the length of his hands and wrist.

  "Awe fuck! Awe fuck!" I bellow and cum on him. My orgasm seizes me, my breath prisoner in my lungs.

  Justin jerks his finger in me, jabbing at my pleasure zone. His hips buck me like mad, and my pussy swallows him to his hilt, hungrily devouring him.

  I grab his arm and pull his finger out of me as my legs become a humping, twitching mess grinding on his swollen manhood. I'm unwilling to stop at first, crushing my hard clit against him, it wants release too.

  I'm catching my breath when Justin scoffs at me. "You call that an orgasm?"

  He didn't even let me answer before I'm in the air cradled, in the muscles of his arms. "You're going to cum my way now!"

  There is no arguing. I can hear the "JP" in his voice; he's only just begun. Tonight he's going to fuck out his frustrations on me.

  He carries me to the bedroom and slams me down on the bed like a sack of clothes. By my ankles, he twists me onto my stomach and climbs up next to me on the bed, throwing one leg over me to straddle my back and pin me down. His strong arms crank my legs open.

  He wets his fingers and spreads my ass open. I feel two of them, one at each opening. There's no tickling and teasing this time. Both fingers push through their barriers and bury in my ass and pussy to their knuckles.

  Fuck pretending I don't like it!

  "Oh, God! Yes, Justin. Fuck me with your hand. Take me!" I scream half muffled into the sheets and pillows around my face.

  He draws them out and adds another to my pussy, pumps again and adds a third. His other hand grabs my ass cheek tightly as it holds me open.

  He's practically punching me with his arm, ramming it in and out between my legs, making my thighs quiver.

  "You're going to cum when I say, how I say. Understand?" he demands


  "Repeat it!" he demands. He stops his hand and strokes my insides.

  "I'll cum when and how you say," I squeal, already feeling a climax threatening me.


  His hand thundered on my ass. "That's right!" he barks. "You don't wanna listen to me out of the bed, you will damn well listen to me in it."

  Whack! Whack!

  He pumps my pussy and asshole until he senses how close I'm getting. Then he shifts on the bed. He tugs my head back by my hair. He's in front of me now, his massive cock right in my face.

  I stretch my mouth toward him, but he pulls my hair. He makes me wait and watch while he grabs it and strokes it in my face, his masculine fingers wrapped around it tightly. The site of him jerking off is torture.

  Justin pulls it until nothing is showing but the tip, squeezing a drip of pre-cum from its slit. I need to taste his salty essence.

  "Please!" I beg.

  He pushes my face in and I swallow him whole. His flavor swirls in my eager mouth. I can taste the saltiness from both of us, and I moan my satisfaction with a mouth full of cock.

  Grabbing my shoulder, he turns me over effort
lessly, making sure his cock goes right back in between my lips. His pinches both erect nipples, leaning forward and drawing circles around them with his tongue, biting them.

  One hand slides down my body. When he finds my clit, he pulls it from its soaking wet hood. I hold my legs wide for him.

  He leans further still, while I drag my nails drown the back of his thighs. Justin's tongue unexpectedly trades places with his fingers, sucking my clitoris into his mouth in an intense vacuum that promises to pull an orgasm from me—ready or not.

  We suck each other, but he has the advantage. My muffled moans barely make it out around his hot cock. There are fingers inside me again; two in my pussy and one just in the opening of my ass.

  Fuck! He's so hot!

  My muffled moans turn to muffled screams. Somehow, my body is trembling.

  Justin jumps up, whipping his cock from my mouth and standing off the bed. "It's time for you to cum properly," he snarls.

  He pulls me to the edge, my knees up practically to my chest. Both his hands reach for me, one exposing my hot clit and jerking it, the other diving its fingers into me.

  I throw my head back and bellow in pleasure, bunching fistfuls of the covers into my hands to hold on for dear life.

  When I look at him, he's a God standing over me. His arms move too fast to be seen, building a strange pressure inside my Warrior parts. I don't know what it is, but it feels incredible.

  "I'm cumming. Oh, Christ—I'm cumming!"

  My release is all consuming and my body drains from my head down. Wetness splatters all over my pussy and thighs and I don't even care if it's from me at the moment. All I care about is how God damn incredible it feels.

  "Justin—oh my God!"

  He doesn't slow, and I realize all that cum is from me. It's much more than the usual gush I experience with him. I'm a mess of thrusting hips and kicking legs. Several times I punch the bed with fists tightened into hammers.

  Justin reduces me to tears. When it finally subsides, his tight hardness glides into me. I can feel the wetness everywhere between our bodies.


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