Tidal Love

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Tidal Love Page 9

by KM Lowe

  “Do you do this often?” she asks me, tossing her hair over her shoulder, looking up to me with her glorious brown eyes.

  I shake my head. “Never. I’ve never once sat on this beach like this. I’ll never be able to look at the sand and sea again without imaging your beautiful face.”

  “I know what you mean. It’s a good job we’ve got a couple of weeks left before my holiday ends.”

  “I plan on savouring every moment, worshipping every inch of you, and making this holiday absolutely unforgettable.”

  “Sounds good. I’m pretty sure my family will love hearing all about the adventure I’ve been on. I think I’ve been a little stuck in my own head lately. A shadow of myself. If this holiday is teaching me anything, it’s that I can have fun and be me without thinking everyone is watching me, waiting for me to mess up.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck tenderly. “I find it very hard to believe that you could ever mess up. And, those people you mention clearly don’t deserve you in their life. Focus on the people who care about you and want to see you succeed.”

  “You’re right. I’m beginning to see that now.”

  “Anyone that can come to a foreign country on their own is strong, independent, and capable of sticking up for themselves. Once you realise how strong you are, maybe you’ll start to let your guard down and enjoy life better.”

  She turns in my arms onto her side, her leg resting over mine.

  “It’s like you can read me so well. I already see a big difference in myself, Giovani. Back home, just a week ago, I doubt you would have recognised me, or if you did, you’d probably never have glanced at me twice.”

  “I doubt that, beautiful. But, now you can look forward to new beginnings… a fresh start. Thinking positive works wonders for the mind.”

  “You believe that? I’d say it’s the people that work wonders for your health and wellbeing. Getting to know you and Lucca has been good for me. It’s brought me out of my shell.”

  “Good. But I hope I’m slightly higher up that ladder than my brother. If not, I’ll have to make sure I blow your mind.”

  She giggles in my arms. “There is no contest. Lucca is like the goofy brother that you can’t ignore.”

  “Tell me about it. You can walk away, but I’m left with the goofball.”

  We both laugh. “I say the same about my brothers. They mean well, but they drive me crazy, especially with me being the only girl.”

  “Lucca and I would be the same if we had sisters.”

  We return to silence as we look out across the sea. Boats are going by, kids are playing in the sea, people are laughing and joking. It’s a typical holiday destination. Many different nationalities in one place. Water sports flying across the sea. Music playing from people’s iPhone’s or MP3 players. I like it. My cares have just disintegrated with the breeze flowing around us.

  “Do you fancy a paddle?” asks Harleigh.

  “Sounds good to me. It’s getting a bit hot sitting here.”

  Harleigh stands up, puts her flip-flops in her bag, and dusts her legs down from the sand. “It must be hot if you’re feeling it.”

  I fold up the blanket I brought and put it inside my backpack. I came prepared; I’ve watched too many people get severe burns from sitting directly on the hot sand. That wasn’t happening to us. I don’t want to sit in hospitals with anyone, never mind Harleigh. Her skin is too beautiful and delicate.

  “I love the heat, but sometimes, especially at this time of year, it can become monotonous. Morning, afternoon, and evening are never below twenty-five degrees, and the heat is draining.”

  “I can imagine. Come on. Let’s cool off, Mr…” Harleigh turns to me and studies me. “Mr what? It just dawned on me that I don’t know your second name.”

  “Russi. My name is Giovani Russi.”

  “Nice. A typical Italian name.” She turns away from me and walks towards the water.

  I throw the bag over my shoulder and follow Harleigh down to the edge of the water. Harleigh throws her head back the moment the cold water hits her feet. I say cold, but it’s not that cold at all. It feels like a lukewarm bath.

  “This feels amazing.”

  I hold my hand out for her to take and we walk along the edge of the water all the way back to the harbour at Old Nessebar. The feel of the water on my feet, the sun on my skin, the breeze through my hair, it’s like a magnitude of feelings sparking every nerve ending in my body.

  “Do you like good food, circus and cabaret acts, and the perfect sunset setting?” I ask Harleigh, lifting our joined fingers to my lips.

  “It sounds amazing. I can’t say I’ve been to any. Well, I did visit the circus with my family when I was a child, but the last few years…” She pauses and looks out to the sea.

  I can sense the sadness that has just set upon her at something she remembers from her past. I pull us to a stop and brush some fallen hair away from her face.

  “What were you going to say?”

  She looks up into my eyes. “My life hasn’t been pretty, Gio. Everything I’m doing now, the places I’ve seen, the fun I’ve had, it’s all a novelty to me. I spent the last few years of my life like a hermit, stuck at home, enduring the physical and mental abuse from my ex. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, because that’s not what this holiday is about. One thing I love about being with you is that you don’t look at me with pity, and you don’t handle me with kid gloves on. You treat me like a real person.”

  “Okay. I’m glad I don’t make you feel uncomfortable. Just know that I admire you. Everything you’ve faced. You’ve been to hell and back, but here you are, spending time with me, showing the world that you’re capable of moving forward.”

  “I’m determined not to keep letting my past shadow over me. It’s hard when I think about why I’ve missed out on so much, but I won’t let it take the enjoyment out of this holiday. My past has taken too much of me already. I won’t let it take over my future as well.”

  I nod. “Good. So, tonight, Khan’s tent. Dress up as much as you like and we’ll enjoy some a la carte food, singing, dancing, and entertainment. I’ll get a taxi to pick us up at seven p.m.”

  “Sounds fabulous.”

  I lean in and capture her lips softly. I’m afraid if I take it any deeper, we’ll end up arrested for indecent behaviour on a family beach, and I don’t want to waste one moment with Harleigh.


  “Where have you been?” Lucca walks into the house and throws his keys down. “Where are you off to all dressed up?”

  I smile and shake my head at my impatient brother. If he’d stop throwing question after question at me, I’d be able to get a word in.

  “I was at the beach with Harleigh, and I’m taking her to Khan’s tent tonight. You’re more than welcome to join us.”

  Lucca pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge and glugs it down quickly. “I said I’d cover Karmen’s shift behind the bar tonight, because she has a family gathering.”

  “Why didn’t you say? I would have covered it and made plans for another night.”

  “I forgot. I agreed to it earlier in the week. It’s no big deal. Besides, you and Harleigh deserve some time together. I take it things are going well if you didn’t come home last night.”

  I feel the biggest grin appear on my face. I don’t want to look smug, but just thinking about the time I spent with Harleigh is amazing. My body remembers every moan, every touch, and every scent associated with last night and this morning. I’ve never in my life spent the night with a woman and felt so captivated.

  “It was good. Thanks for dropping stuff off for me this morning. I didn’t want my hotel guests to see me in yesterday’s clothes.”

  “No worries, bro. You’ve saved my arse plenty of times. So, Khan’s tent, huh? You really like her?”

  I nod. Admitting my feelings for Harleigh is invigorating. I can’t lie and say it’s just a bit of fun.

  “I do. It’s
weird though, because we’ve only just met. She’s only here on holiday. Who knows what’s in store for us?”

  “I’m only going to say this once, Gio. If she’s the one, you need to hold on with both hands, make it work, and never let her go. Good women don’t exist much nowadays.”

  “We’ll see what happens. Oh, and before I forget, Harleigh named the new bar.”

  Lucca’s eyebrows raise wildly. “And… Don’t keep me waiting. Tell me already.”

  “She said it during a conversation we were having, and it really struck a chord within me.”

  “Fuck sake, just tell me.” Lucca holds his hands up. He has never been big on patience.

  “Gin-ology. It can be a gin bar by night, selling the most amazing brands of gin, something Bulgaria doesn’t have. And by day, we can be a family friendly restaurant, selling cocktails and the best British foods we can. We can also think about having a sandwich and snack bar beachside.”

  “Sounds good. We can talk about it tomorrow afternoon in the office. We can get some graphic work started. I’ll be in the hotel tonight when you get back. You and Harleigh come and have a drink with me.”

  “Will do. Call if you need me for anything.”

  “Just go and have some fun. Nothing much is going to happen, apart from families drinking, singing on the karaoke, and probably a lot of fun and laughter. I do actually like working the bar, ye know.”

  I pick up my wallet and phone and stick them in my pocket. “You should work the bar more often; the guests love it when you do.”

  Lucca reminds me of Tom Cruise in Cocktail when he gets behind the bar. He’s full of fun and frolics.

  “Don’t push your luck, Gio. Go. Have some fun, before I change my mind and make you work.”

  “Right.” I practically run out of my house, because as much as it’s my business, the thought of leaving Harleigh alone tonight isn’t sitting well in the pit of my stomach. In fact, living without Harleigh at all isn’t sitting well with me, but that’s a subject to digest another day.

  Chapter 14


  I’ve dressed to impress tonight. I was determined to look pretty and feel good in myself. I’ve forgone wearing make-up my entire trip so far, just because I’ve become used to wearing none, but tonight, I’ve dolled up to the nines, because I want to. In the pit of my stomach, I doubt my decision already. Maybe I should have just gone casual, let Gio see me the way he has every day so far. Maybe he doesn’t like a woman caked in make-up. Maybe I’ll just embarrass him.

  “You look like a drag queen or a clown. Get that shit off your face,” says Martin.

  “Martin, it’s only a bit of foundation and lip gloss.”

  “Don’t answer me back, Harleigh. Just do as you’re told for once. I am in no mood for your attitude tonight.”

  Martin storms out of the room and leaves me looking at my reflection in the mirror. I bang down my hands on my vanity table and the tears fall down my cheeks. I’ve never been big into make-up. I’ve always gone for the subtle look, but Martin hates anything I do. I just can’t win. I take out the make-up remover wipes and scrub my face until I feel like I’m scrubbing the skin off. Maybe a red blotchy face will serve him right.

  I sigh dramatically and flop down on my bed. I look at my watch and it says 6.50 p.m. Gio has had impeccable time-keeping skills so far. He won’t be late tonight. It gives me ten minutes to give myself a shake, pull up my big girl panties, and prepare to have some fun.

  I pick up my phone and speed dial my brother. It doesn’t even ring twice before he answers.

  “Harls, are you okay?”

  I hate how whenever I call my family, the first thing they think is that there’s something wrong with me. I know I’ve never given them much cause to think otherwise, but it still annoys me.

  “Hello to you too. I’m fine. I just need you to talk me off the ledge.” I hold my elbows on my knees and take a few deep breaths.

  “What ledge? What’s going on, Harls?”

  I take in a deep breath, sit up straight, and close my eyes. “I’ve met someone. He’s lovely. In fact, he’s perfect, Gav. I just don’t know what I’m doing. I’m so far out of my depth I’m drowning.”

  “Okay… I’m not seeing the problem, doll. You might have to break it down for me, but first take a few deep breaths and calm down.”

  I take in a few deep breaths and slowly exhale. I feel my heart rate lowering and my breathing regulate to a normal pace.

  “There isn’t a problem, it’s me. He’s taking me out to dinner tonight. I love spending time with him. He seems to enjoy spending time with me. He’s a gentleman, Gavin.” I sigh.

  Even sitting here listening to myself I can hear how stupid I’m being. My lack of confidence in myself and other people has its downside. It’s like having a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, only the devil usually kicks the angel to the kerb and allows me to spiral out of control. Usually, I bury myself in work at that point or hide away with a bottle of wine and a box set. Here, there’s nowhere for me to run and hide.

  “Unless there is a big but coming along, I’m not following why there’s a problem.”

  “It’s just me.”

  “Listen to me, Harls. Anyone who has you in their life should be bloody honoured. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You like this guy, right?”

  I nod. “I do. I’ve never felt this way before. I know it’s stupid, It’s a holiday fling, but…”

  “But nothing. You’re young, free, and single. Live your life to the full. It’s about time you start living, Harleigh.”

  A knock sounds on my door and I jump up, startled. I feel like a naughty teenager about to be caught doing something they shouldn’t be.

  “He’s here, Gav. Oh my God.”

  “Good. Stay calm and just enjoy yourself. Send me a picture of you both. I’m good at judging a book by its cover.”

  I growl at my brother playfully. I know he’s being serious though. That’s why I’m not taking him on. “Okay. I’m going. Thank you for listening to me be a paranoid wreck.”

  “Anytime. And for what it’s worth, I’m glad you’re having fun.”

  “All thanks to you, Gavin.”

  “I won’t tell you I told you so. I’m hanging up. Go and have fun.”

  And he hangs up the phone without a goodbye. I smile at my brother, toss my phone down on the bed, and walk slowly to the door. I’ve taken so long to answer it, I wouldn’t blame Giovani if he left. But he’s leaning against my door frame with a bunch of flowers in his hands.

  “I thought you had stood me up.” Giovani smiles brightly and hands me the flowers.

  It’s then that I notice that he’s dressed in black trousers, a white short-sleeve shirt open at the top of his chest, and dress shoes. He looks delicious.

  “I was on a call to my brother, Gavin.”

  He follows me into the hotel room. I fill up the sink with water and place the flowers in it. They’re gorgeous and they brighten up my room. No, they brighten up my mood. No man has ever bought me flowers before.

  “I’ll get a vase sent to your room for them.”

  I turn back to face him, taking in a deep breath. My heart is racing again, my palms are sweaty, and my legs feel shaky.

  “Wow! You look amazing.”

  “Really? I was just having a moment. But my brother told me to go have fun. If he could have pushed me out the door himself, I’m sure he would have.”

  Gio walks towards me and rests his hands on my hips. “I like the sound of your brother.”

  “Hmm! I bet you two would get along like a house on fire.”

  “I don’t want anything burning, unless it’s your panties.”

  I giggle. “You’re terrible.”

  Gio leans in and kisses me tenderly. I feel every nerve in my body standing to attention, but this time for a totally different reason. You wouldn’t think that ten minutes ago I was close to a panic attack. Yet, a few mom
ents in the arms of Giovani, and my heartbeat is racing for a whole other reason. The goosebumps are rising on my skin and my body feels like a pile of mush, but not because I feel weak. No. I feel powerful and on top of the world.

  “I think we should go to dinner before I end up stripping you out of this delectable dress and having my wicked way with you right here in this lounge.”

  “Promises,” I tease and walk on wobbly legs to collect my bag. “Before you carry out your threat, I think we should get out of here because I’ve been neglecting my stomach this afternoon. Not that it will do me any harm.”

  Gio captures me around the waist and draws me back to his chest. “It will indeed do you harm. I happen to love your body the way it is. You’re stunning, Harleigh. I’ll spend every day of your holiday showing you - telling you - just how beautiful you are.”

  I can feel the smile on my face as wide as it ever has been. Nothing and no one has ever made me smile the way Giovani does. I wish I could bottle him up and take him home with me. Have my own little dose of Giovani whenever I want.

  He twirls me out of his arms - I’m glad I’ve got flat sandals on - and he takes my hand in his. I grab my bag and we walk out of my room like a couple on holiday would. Only, what are we? A holiday romance? Friends with benefits? Fuck buddies? Eurgh…why do things need to have a label? It only confuses things more.

  We make our way down to the lobby in no time at all. Lucca is walking in through the main double doors, dressed in black trousers and a pink shirt rolled up at the sleeves. He looks different to the carefree man I’ve come to know. I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything other than shorts and a vest.

  “Is Lucca coming with us?” I ask, trying to remove my hand from his, but he holds on tighter.

  “No. He’s working the bar tonight. I said we’d come in for a drink on our way back.”

  “Remember me when you’re eating, drinking, and having fun. Remember I’m the party brother, Harls,” Lucca calls over his shoulder as he passes by and heads towards the bar.

  I can’t help but laugh at him. I know from working with kids that egging him on by laughing is the worst thing I can do. Lucca is just like a doe-eyed child. The boisterous child in the class that likes to get up to mischief. That thought makes me smile.


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