Tidal Love

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Tidal Love Page 11

by KM Lowe

  “Here, actually. We haven’t known each other all that long.”

  “Ah, early days. That’s the fun part,” says Margo.

  “It is. You’ve raised two lovely sons.”

  “We’ve tried.” Alex sighs. “I’m not sure where we got Lucca from. Giovani makes up for them both.”

  I look over at the bar and Lucca is moping around. I feel this absurd need to stick up for him.

  “I happen to think Lucca is amazing. He’s been fantastic with me since I’ve been in Bulgaria. He works hard, he’s kind, and he’s fun to be around. He’s a good friend. Loyal. And that’s something extremely hard to come by nowadays.”

  “Are you sure you’ve picked the right brother?” asks Alex.

  I choke on my own saliva. Did he just ask that question? I’m taken aback, but I find myself straightening my back. I look over at Gio and I’m hoping he sees my apology before I let go of my anger. I can’t sit here and feel bullied by someone who doesn’t know me. I vouched after Martin that I’d stick up for myself and the people I care about. That extends to Lucca and Gio now. They’ve showed me nothing but kindness and respect since I landed on their doorstep.

  “There is no question in my mind that Gio is who I’m meant to be here with. However, I see Lucca as a friend. A good friend at that. I’ve had enough rubbish happen to me over the last couple of years and I happen to be an extremely good judge of character. Gio, I’ve had a lovely evening, but I think I need some beauty sleep.”

  “I’ll walk you up to your room.”

  “No.” I hold my hands up to him. “Please, stay and be with your parents. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.” I lean over and kiss his cheek. “It was nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Russi.”

  I probably could have done better, but I’m angry. I feel the anger coursing through my veins so much that I could cry. I’m a terrible crier when I’m angry. It’s a trait I picked up from my mum. I think I did well to remain true to myself. I got my point across and remained polite.

  “Harleigh!” I hear behind me.

  I look over my shoulder and see Lucca jogging after me. “Wait up. What happened back there?”

  I shake my head. I didn’t want to get Lucca involved in what just went down, because he has a big enough issue with his parents. It’s clear to me that Margo isn’t the issue. She’s kind and accommodating. The perfect mother figure.

  “Nothing. I’m just going to my room. I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  “Yeah, and I’m Santa Claus. Pull the other one, Harls. What happened when you met my parents?” he grinds out and carries on walking behind me into the lift.

  “Nothing. They’re…” I pause for the right word. “Charming. Are we still on for lunch tomorrow?”

  “I’ll let this go for tonight. I’ll call you in the morning to arrange a time.”

  “Okay. Goodnight, Lucca.” I reach over and squeeze his arm before leaving the lift on my floor.

  I don’t hang around any longer than I need to, because there is only so long that I can lie to Lucca. I hate lies, but I’d rather distort the truth as opposed to make him hate his family more. I won’t have that on my conscience.

  I pull out my key card and swipe it down my door. The moment it clicks open, I feel the stress lift from my shoulders. I’m in my own little cocoon. I’m away from questions, interrogations, and prying eyes. I hate being put on the spot, but I didn’t expect Gio’s dad to be so forward. If he’s like that all the time, I can see why Lucca has a problem.

  I throw down my bag, kick off my shoes, and throw myself down on my bed. I hate how I feel right now, because just two hours ago I was happy, enjoying my time with Gio, and dancing the night away. Now, it’s like that dark cloud is hanging over me, just waiting to burst into a terrible storm.

  I reach over for my bag, grab my phone, and set out to reinstall my Facebook and Instagram. I’ve been away from all social media for such a long time. Martin didn’t like me having contact with the outside world. Even when I got away, it felt wrong to have social media when I didn’t feel very social. Tonight, right now, I want to show the world that I was happy and enjoying life just a few hours ago. I’m not this hermit that people have come to expect from me.

  The moment my accounts are reactivated, I upload the picture that was taken of Giovani and me just a short while ago. I caption it, ‘Having the time of my life.’ I hit send before I can change my mind. I know I can delete it later, but I feel ten feet tall doing something that I haven’t done in such a long time. It’s crazy how such a mundane task can make me feel like a queen.

  A moment later, my phone vibrates. I snatch it up off my stomach and open the notification. I smile when I see my brothers’ comments. ‘Welcome back to the wonderful world of Facebook, doll. Looking fabulous!’ wrote Gav.

  ‘Bulgaria obviously agrees with you, sis. Looking good,’ wrote Sebastian.

  I smile, roll my eyes, and roll onto my stomach, holding up my weight on my elbows.

  ‘Sun, sea and… shopping will do that to someone.’ I write back quickly and giggle at the thought of their jaws dropping to the ground when they imagine what I was going to write back. I know this will be a novelty to them, because I haven’t been much of a sister lately. I’ve been a shell of myself. I’ve worried my family, sent them to hell and back, and now I’m at the opposite side of the world. But knowing they’re happy because I’m enjoying myself is rewarding, as crazy as that sounds.

  I sigh, place my phone on the bedside table, and roll out of the bed. A shower, clean pyjamas, and a good sleep should help me forget the last half an hour tonight. Because whatever happens, none of it was Giovani’s fault.

  I won’t let one thing ruin what we have going on between us. I’ve let enough people take from me over the last few years. There has to come a point when you say enough is enough.

  Chapter 17


  After Harleigh left me standing in my own fucking bar, I left my parents to find their own way back to my house and took myself off to walk along the harbour. Everything is alive in the distance, over in Sunny Beach. It’s party central in parts. It’s at moments like this that I love being here in Old Nessebar. It gives me time to clear my head, think about the evening I had with Harleigh, then the atmosphere my father caused. I growl into the night sky. I’ve given my parents the benefit of the doubt when Lucca goes off on one, but maybe I’ve just never seen the vindictive side to my father. Maybe I didn’t want to believe that man who raised us could be horrible to one of his own. Maybe my father has been good at having a go at Lucca without me noticing he was in the wrong.

  I don’t know what to think anymore. I just feel stupid. What on Earth will Harleigh think of me now? I’ve spent so much time getting her to relax around me, and now it could have all been for nothing. I wouldn’t blame her if she never wanted to see me again.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see a message from my brother.

  Lucca – Just heading home. Where are you?

  Me – I’ll be five minutes. I’m just taking a walk.

  Lucca’s fingers must be on the ball, because I’m just getting my message sent when his messages are coming back to me.

  Lucca – Is everything okay? What happened tonight? Harls said nothing, but I’m not stupid.

  Even after my father upset Harleigh, she still kept quiet and hid her own hurt to protect my family. That’s the type of woman she is. She’s kind and timid, but will do anything to protect the ones she cares about. She might have faced a ton of shit in the past, but I don’t doubt she’ll come back fighting stronger each day. I just wish other people could see the woman I see. I wish she would let people in to see it.

  Me – I’ll talk to you when I get home.

  I put my phone back in my pocket and hope and pray that my parents have gone to the spare room they use when they visit. I can’t be bothered getting into it with them tonight. I’m angry and upset at the way Harleigh was treated. I w
on’t let that slide. My bed is going to be empty and cold tonight and I think that’s making me even crankier, because already I’m getting used to Harleigh being with me. When I’m alone, I feel like a piece of me is missing, like my soul is halved.

  I walk up my street and look up at my house. It’s lit up like a castle. My castle. My sanctuary. It’s one reason I bought the house and didn’t just stay at the hotel, because I needed to separate home from work. It’s where I can kick back and relax, but the thought of entering this house tonight is killing me. It feels like a warzone and not somewhere I want to be.

  I walk into my house and lock the door. I throw down my keys and walk into the living room. It’s a nightly ritual to make sure everything is locked up safe before calling it a night.

  I hear my dad raising his voice. I see Lucca making a cup of coffee and my mum sitting on the couch keeping out of it. I roll my eyes and shake my head, because this is just typical when my dad and brother come face to face with one another in private. It’s getting bloody boring. They can’t spend five minutes together and everyone around them suffers from it.

  I walk into my kitchen, pat Lucca’s shoulder, and instead of getting a coffee, I pull out a bottle of beer and nearly drain it in one go. I need something stronger for this shit. My patience is wearing thin.

  “Dad, can you just give it a rest, please? There’s no wonder Lucca stays here instead of coming home to Italy if this is what he faces all the time. He’s a grown man now. He can live his life anyway he likes.” I sigh, exasperated. “He’s not doing too badly, either.”

  Lucca was only home a few minutes before me and this is what I walk into. Family can be a right pain in the arse, especially when you have a father like ours that sits on a pedestal thinking he’s the king of everyone. He forgets that we’re not little boys anymore. We’ve got lives of our own, not exactly what he pictured for us, but we’re happy.

  “He’s here, sponging off you, living in your house. He needs to find his own path.”

  Lucca scoffs beside me and shakes his head. Our father really knows nothing about our set-up here. Yes, this is my house, but Lucca pays his way.

  “Maybe if you’d stop and give him a break, you’d see that he’s doing just as well as I am. We’ve just bought a new bar in Sunny Beach together. A joint adventure. I haven’t had to bail Lucca out since he was eighteen. Just stop, because you’re going to push everyone away. What you said to Harleigh tonight was bang out of order. I don’t usually answer you back, but enough is enough. For the first time in…” I throw my head back, steady my breathing, and try to remember the last time I was happy. “… a long fucking time, I’m happy. I’m enjoying life. Why can’t you just be happy for us for once in your life? We’ll never be you, so stop trying to make us that way.”

  “Giovani, I thought I raised you better than to back chat me.”

  “You did, Dad. But I’m tired. I’m tired of you two tearing strips from one another. Mum and I are stuck in between you two all the damn time. How do you think that makes us feel? I’m angry at you tonight. In fact, I’m fucking livid. So, I’m going to take this bottle to my room like a good little boy and bid you all a goodnight. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can salvage something with Harleigh and apologise for your behaviour.”

  My dad sniggers. “She’s a woman. She’ll see your status and come running back.”

  I bang my bottle down on the counter and Lucca jumps beside me.

  “There you go again, Dad. Judging people, expecting all women to be the same. Harleigh has been through so much heartache in her life, I’m surprised she trusts anyone. I might not have known her long, but she’s a strong, independent woman, who won’t ask anyone for help or support. So, if you want to remain under my roof for this trip, you’ll apologise the next time you see her, and you won’t say another bad word about her, or to her, ever again.”

  I walk away from my kitchen and head straight to my bedroom. I bang the door and try to take in a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I feel bad that I’ve left Lucca to deal with my parents, but if I know my brother like I think I do, he’ll disappear to his bedroom too. No good will come from me being in that kitchen with them all any longer tonight, because I feel as hot-headed as Lucca usually is. I’ll end up saying something I might later regret.

  I take my phone from my pocket and contemplate calling Harleigh. I need to know she’s all right, but at the same time, I don’t want to come across as being pushy.

  Fuck it. I dial her number and let it ring a few times. I’m about to hang up when she answers.

  “Hello,” she says sweetly.

  “Hi.” I clear my throat. “I just needed to check that you’re okay.”

  “I nearly missed your call. I just got out of the shower and heard my phone.”

  The thought of her naked wet body makes me rock hard. I can visualise her delicious curves and perfect skin. The thought of her sends my body wild, my heart racing, and my mind going to the gutter. I can’t help it when I’m around her.

  “Are you still there, Gio?”

  It’s then that I realise I’ve turned silent as I’m stuck in my own head.

  “Yeah. I’m here. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay. You?”

  “No,” I say quickly and honestly. “I had an argument with my dad when I walked in on him and Lucca arguing. And I’m missing you like crazy. The thought of you naked and wet… well, it has me in a spin.”

  “Well, I can’t do anything about Lucca and your dad, but maybe I can distract you.”

  “Oh, yeah? What do you have in mind?” I smile at her playfulness.

  “We can talk.”

  “As much as I love talking to you, I think it will take a lot more to get me out of my head tonight.” I throw back the rest of my beer and put the empty bottle on the bedside table.

  “Well, it’s a shame you’re on your own and not here. I’m fairly sure we could distract one another.”

  “I’m sure we could.” I smile.

  I love this bit of confidence I hear from Harleigh tonight. My father hasn’t killed the progress I’ve made so far, so that’s a bonus, I guess.

  I stand up quickly, walk out of my room—the rest of the house is now quiet—and I leave through the front door.

  “Tell me what you’re doing.” I feel myself breathless from walking quickly. I just hope it isn’t too noticeable to detect until I carry out my plan.

  “I’m just about to make a coffee before I call it a night. What are you doing?”

  “I’m living life, beautiful.”

  I rush into my hotel, pass through the quiet lobby, and instead of taking the lift, I run up the stairs two at a time. For once luck is on my side and I make it up the stairs in one piece.

  “Really? What’s your idea of living life?” she asks me.

  I practically run down the corridor and knock on Harleigh’s door. I hold the phone to my ear and hear her sigh. She isn’t getting my reply, but she is getting a special surprise.

  “Someone is at my door. I’ll call you back.”

  She hangs up and I hear her door click. She opens it warily, but the moment her eyes land on me, she smiles warmly, and I see her body relax.

  “Giovani, what are you doing here?”

  “Living life.” I smile cheekily and put my phone in my pocket.

  I push through her door, lift her into my arms, and her legs wrap around my waist. Our mouths crash together, and our hands collide with each other, trying to find a release. I need to feel her wrapped around my heart and soul. She needs to consume every part of me.

  Harleigh’s tiny short pyjamas leave me wanting more. I can feel my dick weeping already. I lay her down on the couch and devour her mouth, running my hand under her shorts and finding her wet core. She needs me just as much as I need her. I didn’t plan on barging in here the way I did, but the moment I saw her, something switched inside of me and I needed her more than she could ever realise. In fact, right now, I think I need
her more than breathing.

  “Gio…” Harleigh cries out, but it only fuels me more.

  I pull off my shirt and remove my trousers in the blink of an eye. I climb over Harleigh’s delicious body and settle between her legs. She’s wearing too many clothes for my liking. Together, we manage to make quick work of the offending items until we’re both naked. I lie over her, nudge at her entrance with my engorged dick, and stare into her eyes. I run my thumb down her face, feeling her relax into my touch.

  “I needed to see you so badly, beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you did,” she rasps out.

  Without one more word, I push into her hot, welcoming centre and ride out the magnificent wave of pleasure that shoots through me from one thrust. The sparks are electrifying. I’ve never felt this connection to anyone before.

  Our bodies move in sync, and sweat is coating our skin. The feelings we’re making together, the power and strength radiating from us both when we’re together is euphoric.

  “I’m not going to last long, babe. Come with me.”

  I reach between us and circle her clit, making her buck underneath me, her legs tighten around my hips as we both crash into the abyss.

  I lean my forehead in the crook of her neck and try to gain back some normalcy in my breathing. My heart is beating so wildly that I feel like I’m going to pass out.

  “I…I…” Harleigh stutters and laughs at her own lack of ability to even speak.

  “I feel the same way, I don’t think my brain could comprehend how I feel right now.” I roll off her and pull her into my side.

  We lie together in each other’s arms for the longest time. I think she might have fallen asleep when she reaches up to my cheek and caresses my neck.

  “What happened tonight that brings you to my door at this time?”

  I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I’m stalling for time, because I don’t know how to tell her that my family is driving me crazy without sounding like a spoilt brat. Some people are crying out for families and would do anything to have one. Yet, right now, I’d do anything to give mine away.


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