Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series Page 46

by Tricia Daniels

  “I always hated that bitch!” Carter confesses.

  Ethan gets angry. “Jesus Christ… apparently, John did as well. Why the fuck didn’t anybody say anything to me at the time?

  Carter shrugs. “Would you have listened?”

  Ethan answers into his glass as another mouthful flows smoothly over his tongue. “Probably not, she had magnificent tits.” They both chuckle a little and clink glasses in recognition of that fact.

  “What are you going to do now?” Carter asks, ordering a beer.

  “Paternity test, first and foremost.”

  “Good plan. Does Olivia know?”

  “She knows about the pregnancy, but she doesn’t know about the other stuff.”

  “It’s none of my business Ethan, but since you just bitched me out for not speaking up about Jessica, I’m going to tell you that I think you need to tell Olivia everything.”

  “I want to.” Ethan says swirling what’s left of his Scotch in the bottom of his glass. “But her last boyfriend was abusive Carter. I’m afraid if I tell her that I’m being accused of hitting my Ex, she’ll leave me.”

  “Ah, but you know you can’t keep it a secret for long. Better you come clean now and find out if your relationship is strong enough to withstand it. Yeah? Jess is going to fight you tooth and nail. Eventually, Olivia is going to find out. It should come from you, before that happens.”

  He nods. “You’re right, but not just yet. I’ll find the right time after the grand opening.” He stops and puts his hands over his face. “If she’s even talking to me still. Christ Carter... what I’ve put her through today, it’s really fucked up.”

  “Only you can fix it O’Connell. Get your shit sorted.”

  Ethan rubs his tired eyes, heavy under the affects of alcohol. “You’re right. John just hauled my ass outside and told me the exact same thing.”

  “Smart man, that John. So what’s the plan for the evening?”

  Ethan looks over at the crowd of guests at the pool tables. “It looks like they’re all getting along really well so I’m hoping I can send everyone off to the club and I can take Olivia home and try to set things right.”

  “All right then, mate.” He says sliding off his stool. “Let’s make that happen.”

  Ethan stands. There’s just one more thing on his mind. “Carter.”


  “I’m not joking. If you so much as get close enough to breathe on her I’ll kill you.”

  “Ok, boss. I’ve got it.”

  “And Carter… don’t buy her anymore shots. She’s pretty feisty when she’s sober but from what I’ve just seen, if she keeps drinking tequila, she’ll have my balls by the end of the night.”

  Carter laughs. “Yeah, I think you’re right about that. But she’s fucking brilliant!”

  Ethan grins. “That’s why I love her. But, I’m rather fond of my balls as well.”

  Chapter 25

  Carter stops and gives his friend some serious advice. “Ethan, fuck the business, mate. It’s not worth it if you lose her.”

  “Ethan raises an eyebrow. “Who are you and what have you done with the real Carter Brant?”

  Carter chuckles. “I know, I know… old age is starting to mellow me out. I’m getting tired of the jet setting playboy routine. Sometimes I wish I had a beautiful woman who loves me, to settle down with and make babies and share the rest of my life with.”

  Ethan shakes his head and expels a breath of air. “Thank God it isn’t just me. I felt that way the moment I saw Olivia.”

  “No, it’s not just you, mate. Amazing what the promise of love from a beautiful woman does to a man.”

  “No kidding. She’s brought me to my knee’s several times, and yet I don’t think she even realizes how much I love her.”

  “Well you need to change that, before she gets away.”

  Ethan nods, watching her from across the room. Talking to Shannon and John, she looks up at him every few moments and looks away when he catches her. Starting to make his way towards her like a man on a mission, he doesn’t take his eyes off her for a second. Stacey watches him approach and rushes towards him trying to intercept. Ignoring her, he focuses on Olivia, who gets nervous when she sees him advancing at such a rapid pace.

  Just a few feet from where they’re chatting there is a door to a small room that provides a little privacy. When he finally reaches her, he grabs her hand. “Come with me.” He tugs her away without waiting for a response, not wanting to give her the chance to refuse. Pushing open the door, he pulls her inside, spinning her around while he closes and locks it.

  “Ethan? You’re starting to freak me out a little bit.” She feels a little shaky.

  “I know you’re pissed at me.”

  “No I’m not.” She begins to argue.

  “Don’t lie to me. You’re pissed about Stacey. I don’t blame you. I asked for your trust and then I let you down.”

  Olivia gets nervous and her natural defenses start to surface. “Why would I be upset Ethan? I’m JUST YOUR FRIEND… remember?”

  Ethan sighs. “I’m sorry I said that. I’m not sure why I did.” He’s amazed how one mistake can fuck up everything. He’s desperately trying to gain back control of this day.

  “Well… it’s true. We’re NOT dating.” She quickly retorts.

  “NO?” Then what do you call it?”

  She chooses her words very carefully. “An agreement.”

  “I see. Still insistent on that ridiculous fucking agreement?”

  “Yes.” She’s resolute in her defense.

  “We spend almost all of our time together, going to dinner, hanging out at home watching TV…. making love. Often I might add.” He raises an eyebrow, the deep rumble of anger in his voice. “Baby, in any country around the world, that’s dating.” He makes his point and it infuriates her.

  Smelling the strong smell of alcohol on his breath, she’s wary of antagonizing him further. “Ok.” She concedes.

  “Ok?” He’s surprised that she’s given in that easy, and looks at her with cautious eyes.

  “I guess we’re dating.” She shrugs. “But not exclusive.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” He yells, not aware of how loudly his voice is getting.

  Her stomach bottoms out with nervousness at his harsh tone. That Irish temper is making an appearance and she assumes that the fact that he’s been drinking is going to make it a whole lot worse.

  “Well it means that we go out on dates and all those other things you mentioned. HOWEVER, it’s not a committed relationship. You’re free to see other people if you want to. It was what we agreed to, Ethan.”

  “What if it’s not what I want?” He challenges.

  She shrugs. It’s not what she wants either, but she’s giving him an out.

  “Things are different between us now, neither of us wants to see anybody else.” He says in a dangerously low tone.

  She laughs once aloud, mockingly. “Says the man who just allowed a business client to feel him up before he even bought her dinner. Tell me, how far would this have gone if I WASN’T here tonight? Would you have slept with her? Maybe snuck her into this room and fucked her right here? It would have been easy since she isn’t wearing any underwear!”

  Ethan doesn’t react surprised by the news.

  “Oh my God, you know that she isn’t wearing any?” She gasps as her pulse becomes explosive, rushing so angrily through her ears she can barely hear herself think. “You discovered that for yourself at the table, didn’t you?”

  Ethan doesn’t answer, but it’s obvious by the flare of his nostrils and the rise and fall of his taut chest. She lifts her hands to her face for a moment and then dropping them to her side, she shakes her head. “You know what, by all means if that’s what you want… you can have her! I’ll get Carter to take me home.”

  His cold look becomes glacial, a sign that he is seriously pissed off.

  “What are you doing?” She asks nervously, as
she’s pinned against the door by 6 feet of very edgy, extremely angry, Irish male. His muscles are like hard slabs of steel against her. “Kiss me.” It’s a sharp command she shouldn’t ignore.

  “NO!” In complete contradiction to her words, she stares at his lips in anticipation, her leg jiggling anxiously. Ignoring her refusal, he lowers his mouth and claims her. She hates that she wants him to kiss her right now. She doesn’t want to want it, but she desperately needs his reassurance.

  Despite the anger that vibrates through his body, his approach is tender and gentle. Raising his hands to hold the side of her cheeks, his lips brush softly against hers, inciting a flash of heat that rushes through her body. Pulling her forward to meet him, his mouth moves with desire and pressing against her with growing passion, he makes her moan against his lips. Grabbing her hands and pulling them over her head he holds them there, pressing them firmly against the wall and making her body respond to the promise of his possession. Parting his lips, he slips inside her for a soft meeting of tongues. She tastes the lingering fruity taste of the Scotch as he licks, and teases, deepening his kiss until she's so lost in it, she can think of nothing else. This is what she’s been longing for all night. A long, sensual kiss, the soothing caress of his tongue, his exchange of breath.

  Lowering his hands to her waist, he caresses her as he goes. Reaching up, she runs her hands through his hair, and holds him against her mouth, afraid to let him go. He leaves her feeling a little dazed and light headed… weak in the knees, when he breaks the kiss.

  “I don’t want her. I want you. If you ever doubt how I really feel about you… think about that kiss.”

  Leaning his forehead against hers, he nuzzles her nose for a moment and then moves in for one more kiss. So sweet. So delicious.

  “Are we ok?” He smoothes his hands over her cheek, her hair, her shoulders… everywhere he can touch her.

  Olivia’s brain is numb and she blinks excessively, trying to re-focus and desperately wanting to believe him. “She’s just a client right?”

  Ethan nods. “Yes, and I intend to make sure, right this minute, that she knows that I’m not available to anyone but you. Let’s go.” Releasing her, he opens the door and walks behind her into the billiards room. Everybody’s eyes turn to stare and Olivia’s face turns red, embarrassed that they witnessed her being dragged off into another room.

  Reaching down and taking her hand, Ethan walks towards one of the tall stools set out along the wall of the room. Sitting in the one beside Carter, he widens his knees and pulls Olivia between them, planting another kiss on her lips as her chest lands against him. Carter and Ethan give each other a little fist bump, which she assumes she’s not supposed to see, and when she slides her lips away she glances sideways to meet with Carter’s smile. He nods and winks at her, genuinely happy for his friend, but there is something in his eyes. Something that tells a different story. One that he’ll keep to himself, for now.

  When she turns around to watch the game, Ethan slides his arms around her middle and keeps her tucked firmly between his knees. She’s met with the angry glare of the group of woman on the other side of the table. All of them listening attentively to Stacey and then looking over at her with disgust. Olivia can’t help but notice, and she tenses a little. Ethan slides his cheek against hers and whispers into her ear. “Just ignore them.”

  “It reminds me of the night we met.” She whispers back.

  “Really? Why?” He asks curiously.

  “When you rescued me from the chair of death?”

  Ethan leans to the side so he can look at her face, shaking his head and looking confused as if he has no idea what she’s talking about.

  “Really, Ireland? All the women were seething in jealousy when you helped me up and held me in your arms. They gave me the stink eye the rest of the night.”

  Ethan acts surprised. “I had no idea.”

  “Oh pulleeze! They had been drooling over you for weeks from what Rachel tells me.”

  “Huh, no kidding? I never knew.” Grinning, he tightens his arms around her and trails his lips across her neck. “The only woman I ever noticed at that field was YOU.” He lifts his eyes and looks at Carter’s impressed expression as he nods his head in awe and mouths the word “Smooth.”

  Olivia relaxes in his arms and sighs. “You make it increasingly difficult to be angry with you, you know.” She leans into him, determined not to take his touches for granted any more.

  “That’s good for me, right?” He says with his lips pressed against her shoulder.

  Olivia sighs with the feeling of his heated breath against her skin. “Yes. But it’s really getting annoying.”

  She grins when she spots Shannon and John cuddling and kissing over in the corner. “Shannon said that you’re letting her stay a few more weeks so she can spend more time with John.”

  “Did she? Well I thought I was letting her stay so I can keep an eye on her while she works on my case. I don’t trust lawyers, especially the women.”

  “Again… you’re not a very good liar, Ethan.” She turns her head and kisses him, pulling away just a little, and then dives back in to kiss him again. “I take it back… you’re not a huge jackass.”

  Ethan raises his brows in surprise. “Hmmm. I don’t remember you calling me that.”

  She grins. “Oh I did, and several other less lady like things actually. Some I’m sure Stacey and her friends will have to look up on because I’m pretty sure they’re all too stupid to own a book.”

  Both Ethan and Carter chuckle until Carter opens his mouth. “Definitely my kind of girl.” Ethan stops dead and glares at him.

  “Just saying, boss. So don’t fuck it up.” Carter warns.

  “Uh Oh.” Olivia says, as Stacey makes her way towards them. Walking right up to them, she talks to Ethan as if Olivia isn’t even there. “The girls want to go over to ‘EUPHORIA’ and do some dancing.”

  Olivia tries to move towards Carter to get out of the way but Ethan grabs her hips and holds her against him.

  “Sure, if that’s what you want to do. It’s only a few doors down. I’ll have John call over and get you on the VIP list so you can get in without any problems.” He waves John over. “Carter, you’re staying at the hotel right?”


  “Can you make arrangements to pick up the tab or have it charged to your room and then submit it with your expenses?”

  “Sure thing, mate.”

  Stacey stands staring at Ethan with an unimpressed expression. “You’re not coming?”

  “No, it’s been a long day and I think I’m going to get on my way.”

  Stacey crosses her arms in anger. “You can kiss my endorsement goodbye if you don’t go.”

  Ethan anxiously scrubs his hand over his stubble and Olivia can feel the tension in his body. She shrugs. “It’s ok with me if we go for awhile.”

  Ethan gives her an apologetic look. He’s going to have to buy her something special to make up for all her concessions this evening, not to mention dealing with his temper. Oh and there is that whole pregnancy thing that she seemed remarkably calm about… Dragging her out of the elevator… And what happened under the table. Oh Christ! What happened under the table! He has no idea what kind of gift could ever wipe that slate clean. She’s right, he’s a HUGE jackass.

  Stacey storms back across the room to her friends, her heels clicking heavily on the floor as she goes. Ethan meets John halfway across the room to discuss plans. Shannon wanders over towards Olivia and Carter. “What’s going on?”

  “Barbie wants to go dancing and she’s insisting that Ethan goes too.” Olivia rolls her eyes.

  “Wow! She doesn’t discourage easily does she?” Shannon looking over at her, trying to figure out how this woman can still not get it.

  “So I hope you have comfortable dancing shoes on.” Olivia says as she looks down at Shannon’s feet.

  “Oh, I don’t think John and I will go.”

>   Olivia panics. “You have to go, because Ethan won’t go unless I do. And I’m not setting foot in that place with the barbie girls unless you go with me to make sure I don’t scratch out their eyes.”

  Carter laughs and raises his beer bottle in a salute. “Well, you ladies have fun.”

  Olivia sneers at him. “Not so fast Crocodile Dundee. You’re going too. Ethan is going to need you there.” She narrows her eyes at him in a warning that makes him reconsider.

  “Fine, I’ll go.” He says, giving in reluctantly. There is no way he wants to be on the wrong side of Olivia’s threats.

  “Go where?” Ethan asks as he returns.

  “To Euphoria with us.” Olivia answers for him.

  Ethan looks over at Carter who has the strangest look on his face. “Awesome, I’d feel better if you were there. Nice of you to offer.”

  Both Shannon and Olivia start to snicker and look away. Ethan looks back at Carter who explains. “Oh I didn’t offer. I’m going because your girlfriend here, told me I have to. And quite frankly, mate, I’m afraid of what she’ll do to me if I refuse.”

  Ethan looks at Olivia, who is trying to look innocent and batting her eyelashes at him. He grins and shakes his head. “Wise decision my friend.” He glances over at the girls, “John has already gone over to make the arrangements. We’ll walk over whenever the girls are ready.”

  Thirty minutes pass by and Ethan is going out of his mind still waiting for Stacey and her friends to ‘freshen up’.

  “Jesus Christ, how long does it take?” He asks looking back and forth between Shannon and Olivia for an answer. Olivia shrugs.

  Pete and Brandon have had way too much to drink and start to get into an argument over something ridiculous. Ethan goes over to help Danny put an end to it when the girls finally file out of the restroom and make their way to the front door. The boys straighten up and prepare to escort them, thrilled to have such hot women at their sides. Shannon, Carter and Olivia follow them to the door and just as they reach outside Stacey firmly grasps Ethan’s arm and starts to walk. When Ethan looks over his shoulder at Olivia feeling really uncomfortable, she puts him at ease. “It’s ok.” She says.


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