Candied Wolf: A Kinship Cove Fun & Flirty Romance (Mates & Macarons Book 1)

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Candied Wolf: A Kinship Cove Fun & Flirty Romance (Mates & Macarons Book 1) Page 2

by Ellis Leigh

  I looked back at the man in question just in time to see his lips quirk and his shoulder rise on a casual sort of shrug. “Here for the wedding.”

  Of course he was. Which meant he wasn’t sticking around. A sad sort of cloud passed through me, one that made no sense. I didn’t know this man, and yet his leaving hurt as if we’d been friends for years. A fact that would probably make him think I was an absolute loon.

  Not of the shifting variety—bird shifters were rare even in the Cove.

  “I should get back to work,” I said, shaking the thought of men shifting into eagles and turkeys from my mind. “Misty, the gentleman would like an éclair and a coffee.”

  She blinked, looking from me to him and back again. “If you say so.”

  “Wait.” My silver fox grabbed my arm, his touch gentle but warm. “I probably didn’t ask properly, but it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything like this. I’d really like to see you again. Will you have dinner with me?”

  Oh god, oh god. His eyes. They owned me, made me want to strip right there and do dirty things to him. Made me want to tell him yes to anything he wanted from me. But my brain threw up a roadblock…or twelve. “I don’t even know your name.”

  Smooth, Coco. Real smooth.

  “It’s Magnus.” He let go of my arm and held out a hand for me to take. “And you are?”

  “Coco.” I grabbed the proffered hand, letting him tug me toward him. Gasping quietly when I was close enough to feel the heat rolling off his body.

  “Fitting name for someone so delectable. Now, how about dinner?”

  I couldn’t speak, could only nod, which seemed to be enough of an answer for him.

  “Excellent. If I can just—”

  “That no-good bastard of a man.” Ginger rolled into the bakery like a storm, not even giving Magnus or me a second glance. “How dare he text you out of the blue like that? I’m still for the fucking his dad plan, but I know you’ll want to be all responsible and polite and stuff. How we’re sisters, I have no idea. Well, hello there.”

  She stopped, giving Magnus a smile most men would have fallen all over themselves for. I had to fight back the urge to jump in front of her.

  I also had to fight back the urge to growl at her, but that was likely just a weird reaction to…something.

  “Ginger, this is Magnus.” I took a step closer to him, unable not to. “He’s in town for the wedding and stopped in for something sweet. This is my sister, Ginger.”

  I shivered as his fingers brushed the back of my arm. “Good morning, Ginger.”

  “Good morning to you too. Can’t say we usually get such handsome men in here this early.” She kicked that killer grin up a notch, making me lean just that much closer to Magnus. “Is there anything else I can do to make your day a little brighter?”

  I was going to punch her.

  But Magnus stayed cool. He also kept a solid hold on my arm. A possessive one. “Actually, I was just about to exchange information with your sister here. She’s agreed to have dinner with me tonight.”

  Ginger’s eyes brightened, and her smile grew. “Oh, well, that’s just wonderful. She needs an evening out on the town with a handsome man. It’s been a while for her, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ginger,” I groaned.

  Magnus chuckled. “Well, I promise to show her a good time. I really should get to work, though. Coco?” His grin dropped, and his eyes grew heated when I turned and fell into his gaze. “I’ll need your phone number.”

  This was so crazy—so fast and unexpected and not at all something I would usually do. But everything about this man felt right to me—everything drew me to him. I could sit back, not agree to the date, and forever wonder what had made me feel so much, so fast for a stranger. Or I could take a chance and see what happened.

  As much as it went against my nature, I was ready to take a chance.

  “Right. Of course.”

  “And, Coco?”

  “Yeah?” Oh my lord, he was so close. Practically surrounding me in his…mannishness. Was that a word? Did I care? Pretty sure it was a no to both.

  Magnus leaned in enough to whisper right into my ear. “I’m hoping you’ll keep an open mind on the whole dad thing. Maybe not for tonight, but…”

  But…and then nothing. Not that I needed him to expound on that but. The implication was clear. I’d be having sex with a dad if things went well. Just not Nico’s dad. I was more than okay with that.

  I was also fighting hard not to simply say yes and ask him to take me home with him. Hard enough to babble, “You should really try the lemon donuts.”

  He blinked. “I should?”

  “They’re my favorite.”

  “Then I will.”

  Lemon donuts. What in the world was I saying? Focus, Coco. Fo-the heck-cus. “And, Magnus?”


  I rose onto the balls of my feet to move closer, to breathe him in as I whispered in his ear, “I’m not anti dads in general.”

  His hand brushed against my hip as if he wanted to pull me closer. “That’s good to know.”

  “And, Magnus?”

  Another throaty chuckle. “Yes, Coco?”

  “I’m really looking forward to tonight.”

  This time, he did grab my hip and pull me in closer. Close enough to press my breasts against his chest as he leaned in and said with a growl, “Me too. You have no idea.”

  No, I didn’t—but I couldn’t wait to find out.



  You’re lying.” Magnus sat back in his chair, wide-eyed, looking like a man who’d just been told the world was flat by a scientist. I wasn’t a scientist and the world wasn’t flat, but my sister was what I considered to be an expert in online dating, and I’d just told him one of her most unbelievable stories.

  “Totally not lying. She showed up, and the man was on a bicycle with no teeth and most of his belongings in a bag. From collared-shirt-wearing businessman to homeless meth head in an instant. I don’t think she’d ever been so thankful to be in a public place in her life.”

  “That’s just—” he shook his head and reached for his coffee “—bizarre isn’t a strong enough word.” Two sips and his eyes were back on mine. So intense, that stare. Almost possessive in the way his gaze held me captive. “Do much…online dating?”

  Oh. Oh. That pause. Magnus said so much with that pause, and all of it sounded like jealousy. I had to fight to keep from preening right there in front of him. That such a virile, attractive man was jealous at the thought of me dating someone else? Huge compliment. “I let Ginger handle that. She’s the online dating queen.”

  “So no swiping right for you.”

  “No swiping at all. You can’t tell much about a person from a picture, you know?” My own jealousy reared its head, coloring my words green as I tried to keep my voice casual. “What about you? Swiping right a lot?”

  His slow smile warmed something inside of me. “No swiping right for me either. I prefer to play the dashing superhero and save women from dropping trays of baked goods instead. Shows me in my best light.”

  “It really does. I was certainly impressed.”

  “Then I’ll strive to be a superhero every day just for you.” That look in his eyes became more focused, stronger. His hold on me tightening. “So Ginger handles online dating, but you have a second sister. Yes?”

  “Madeleine. She’s more of a…well, she’s gorgeous and sort of shy, so she only tends to date people others set her up with. Even that’s pretty rare, though.”

  “And you?”


  “How do you prefer to meet the men you date?”

  I couldn’t help myself. “I like to accost them with éclair trays and see what they do.”

  He sat back, all raised brow and crooked smile. Looking almost cocky. “Tell me more. I simply have to know what sort of trap I fell into this morning.”

  “Well, see, if a man can save the éclairs
, he’s a winner in my book. If you’d have let me drop all those delicious treats this morning, I wouldn’t be here now.”

  “Thank the fates for quick reflexes.”

  The fates. Not God. That one word made all my perceptions about him break apart and reform in another shape. One that morphed and rebounded in my head. Thank the fates was a term I’d heard around town a lot, and his saying it likely meant he was a shifter of some breed. Dammit, and everything had been going so well. I’d sworn off shifters after Nico. Now, there I was, flirting with certain disappointment once again. No matter how much I cared about him, no matter how much he might end up claiming to care for me, someday fate would throw his true mate in his path and poof…gone.

  We had a connection, sure, but it was nothing like that of a fated couple. At least, I had to assume it wasn’t. I didn’t know what that intensity felt like, but I’d seen it a few times. Been close enough to it to witness two people fated to be together giving in to the pull. But this draw, this closeness I felt for Magnus, couldn’t possibly be that. Had I been Magnus’ mate, he would have said something. He would have told me or acted to make me his or…something. Even if I was just a human. I knew shifters and humans were sometimes paired up, and to be honest, I envied those couples. Shifters mated for life—no take-backs, no second chances needed, no falling apart. Sure, their relationships weren’t always perfect, but that bond was unbreakable.

  My heart, on the other hand, was not.

  “Where did you go?” Magnus asked, leaning closer and looking a little concerned. “Your face just went through too many emotions for me to keep up with.”

  “Sorry. I just… So, you’re a shifter.”

  He suddenly looked a little wary. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  Was it? The man was amazing—handsome and smart, funny and kind. Every part of me felt the attraction to him, especially my lady parts. They’d practically been calling his name since he met me at the front door to the restaurant looking so damned handsome. I’d regretted not allowing him to pick me up at home almost instantly, wishing instead to be alone and behind closed doors so we could get to know one another. With a lot fewer clothes on.

  Stupid single-girl dating rules.

  I’d been close to letting him pick me up like a gentleman, but Ginger had squashed that with one story of how an internet dater found her address and harassed her for weeks before the lion shifter next door finally had to put his fist down. Or paw, really. Whatever. I didn’t have a lion shifter next door, so meeting Magnus in a public place had seemed like the safe option.

  But there was nothing safe about Magnus. He was danger personified, especially to my heart. I liked him…a lot. Probably too much. Something clicked with us, something drew me to him. I loved the way he made me feel and the easy conversation we’d had over dinner. Loved the smiles and jokes and the mature way he acted. The man was witty, classy, and hot as hell…what more could I ask for? And if in a few weeks or months he found his mate and walked away?

  Well, I’d lick my wounds when that time eventually came. Not literally. I wasn’t very catlike.


  Oh, right. He’d asked me a question. “Yes. Sorry.” His smile fell, and his face stiffened. It took me a second to rewind the conversation enough to realize I’d just answered his Is that a problem question about him being a shifter in the positive. Oops.

  “No. I mean no. I mean…I’m so sorry. You being a shifter isn’t a problem. I’ve dated them before.”

  He didn’t look thrilled about that. “You have?”

  “In this town? How could I not?”

  “And you’re okay with it?”

  “Sure.” Misty’s words of warning filtered through my mind. “Wait, you’re not a skunk shifter, are you?”

  Magnus looked positively insulted. “Heavens no. I’m all wolf.”

  Like Nico. Wonderful. “I’ve dated a wolf before. I’m familiar—”

  His sudden growl cut me off. I stared, unable to look away. Not afraid, really, more…turned on. That sound called to me in a way I didn’t understand. I’d heard it in the bakery as well—not knowing then what it was—and I’d reacted the same. I wanted to cuddle up on his lap and snuggle him close. Wanted to rub my cheek against his and soothe the beast inside of him. Which could be awkward. We were at a nice restaurant, after all.

  I could identify every shifter in the place, though. They were the ones who’d stiffened and turned in our direction even from across the room. The ones who could hear him. Who sensed the danger. My date was dangerous. That really should not have been so hot.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, keeping my voice low so as not to attract any more attention than we were already getting.

  Magnus coughed, his growl quieting. “Sorry. That just hit me the wrong way.”

  “What did? The fact that I’ve dated—”


  “You didn’t let me finish.”

  “I didn’t need to—the fact that you’ve dated covers it.”

  This man. “You’re jealous.”

  His eyes caught mine, looking hungry and predatory. His wolf likely staring back at me. “Of course I am. How could I not be with such a charming and beautiful woman as mine…date? As my date.”

  If only I could really be his. But this—us spending time together—would have to be enough. I could play the game if it meant getting more time with him. I’d just have to guard my heart a little bit. Keep a safe distance from any sort of emotional connection. Totally doable. “You’re a charmer.”

  “I try. So I should take that as I’m succeeding?” He leaned closer, smiling again, reaching for my hand.

  I gave it to him. “So far, yes.”

  “I’ll take that. Maybe someday I’ll get a resounding yes.” He raised an eyebrow. “Maybe I’ll get you yelling a few of them in a row.”

  “Naughty, sir. Very naughty.”

  “Only with you, my sweet Coco. Just you.”

  So…maybe that emotional distance wasn’t as doable as I’d originally thought. It’d be fine, though. Perfect. I’d figure out how to deal with keeping him at bay.


  Magnus paid the bill when it came, insisting even after I offered to do so. He also held my chair for me as I rose and kept a hand on my lower back as we left the restaurant. All such simple things, but so important. So sweet and filled with manners many men no longer seemed to have. I was swooning hard.

  “I had a great time,” I said, standing on my front porch and feeling an awful lot like a teenager on a first date.

  Magnus smiled, staring down at me. “I did as well. I hope you’ll let me take you out again.”


  “Not a so-far yes, but a real yes? I must be improving,”

  “It’s the charm. It builds up.”

  “Good to know.” He tugged me close, wrapping his arms around me as he leaned in. As he stole every one of my senses with his very presence. “I’d really like to kiss you goodnight, Coco.”

  Oh, thank god. “I’d really like you to.”

  So he did. With soft pressure and a light brushing of his tongue against my lower lip. With his hands growing stronger, gripping me tighter, pulling me in. And when I opened for him, when I parted my lips so my tongue could meet his, all sense of soft or light exploded into hard and fast and more.

  Magnus stroked his tongue against mine, growling low in his throat and making me whimper. The sound spurred him on. He grabbed me by the back of my thighs and lifted me, wrapping my legs around his hips and pressing me against the front door. The wood felt cold against my back, but I didn’t care. Magnus was hot enough to keep me warm. And his kiss…strong, full, and tasting of mint and the sweetness from the dessert we’d shared. He savored my mouth like a fine wine, licked and sipped and nibbled on my lips like they were the most decadent dessert. He kissed me like a man who truly enjoyed the act of kissing. A perfect kiss in a perfect moment with a perfect man.

has a job somewhere else and a perfect mate out there likely waiting for him.

  That thought poured cold water all over my arousal. I pulled away, breaking the kiss and seeking space…literal space between us. Breathing was hard—as was Magnus—but I needed a moment. Needed to keep my head clear and back away from this wild sense of rightness I felt around him. We could date, I could take him to my bed, but I couldn’t let go of my heart. Not again. Not after Nico had shredded it so thoughtlessly. Not after it’d taken so long to stitch myself back together the last time a shifter had torn through my life.

  Space. Space was good. So why was I clutching Magnus to me?


  I shivered at the tone of his voice, wanting so badly to drag him into the house and do all sorts of naughty things to him. Slow down. “I should get inside.”

  Magnus groaned softly but nodded. “Of course. I’m sorry if I was too forward.”

  “No.” I held on to his arms as he set me down, still wanting to feel him. Needing to. “It’s not that. I just…I like you.”

  He squeezed my hips. “Not seeing a problem here.”

  Of course he wouldn’t. And I wasn’t sure how to explain my worries to him. “There’s no problem. I just…want to take my time.”

  “Of course. Whatever you need—we’ll go at your pace,” he said, opening the door for me. “I have a feeling it’s past your bedtime. Let me make sure you get tucked away in this charming house okay.”

  “Are you angling to come inside?”

  Magnus growled and pinned me to the doorframe, looming over me. “I’ll come anywhere you say I can, my beauty. But not tonight.”

  Breathing was so darn hard to do. “Not tonight.”

  Magnus grinned and ran a finger down my cheek, rubbing his nose against mine in the sweetest butterfly kiss. “Because you want to take your time.”

  That voice. I would have bet Magnus could get me off by talking in that deep, sexy voice alone. Past-me was a cockblocking brat. “Right. Time. I should…do that.”

  “Go to bed, Coco. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  He wouldn’t, but I liked the idea of the promise anyway. “Okay. Goodnight, Magnus. I really did have a wonderful time.”


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