Bewitching the Reclusive Billionaire Cowboy

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Bewitching the Reclusive Billionaire Cowboy Page 1

by Paige Cameron

  Wives for the Western Billionaires 7

  Bewitching the Reclusive Billionaire Cowboy

  Graham, the reclusive Brodie brother, agrees to have Regina Piercy stay with him, temporarily. He prefers spending time alone, writing. Women like to talk, to discuss, to mess around in the kitchen, to go places, and especially to change things. But Regina is in danger. And he realizes he is too, from her bewitching smile and body.

  Regina had lived a quiet life as a librarian until Graham arrived and brought her to his cabin. She is immediately attracted to the tall, dark, handsome man. She sets out to make him notice her. The more she pushes herself into his life, the more he tries to convince himself she is a nuisance.

  After Regina's sister is found and rescued, Graham pulls away from Regina and attempts to resume his normal lifestyle. But the aloneness he craved before drives him crazy now. How has she bewitched him so quickly? But it will wear off, won't it?

  Genre: Contemporary, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 41,505 words


  Wives for the Western Billionaires 7

  Paige Cameron


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic


  Copyright © 2012 by Paige Cameron

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-589-2

  First E-book Publication: October 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter to Readers

  Dear Readers,

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  This book is copyrighted intellectual property. No other individual or group has resale rights, auction rights, membership rights, sharing rights, or any kind of rights to sell or to give away a copy of this book.

  The author and the publisher work very hard to bring our paying readers high-quality reading entertainment.

  This is Paige Cameron’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Cameron’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my former critique partners: Laura, Kristen, Leigh, and Carrie. We learned and laughed together. It was a good time on our road to getting published. Thank you for the help and friendship.


  Wives for the Western Billionaires 7


  Copyright © 2012


  Graham waved goodbye to Rand, his brother, and walked toward the blue sedan and the beautiful brunette standing beside it. Her rose-colored suit clung to every lush curve. Resisting Sylvia Rufus’s overtures in the past had not been easy, but Graham had seen her hard side, her restlessness, and knew they’d never be a pair. Rather than make his job more difficult he’d suggested they be working partners only. She’d taken his refusal with a small smile and a laugh.

  “To what do I owe this surprise visit?” he asked her.

  “Would you believe I missed you?” Her sultry voice stopped most men in their tracks.

  He laughed. “No, what’s up?”

  “Aren’t you going to at least offer a lady a drink and a place to sit down?”

  “Sure. Come in on my porch. Have a seat. I’ll get the coffee.”

  He glanced back and held in a chuckle. As he’d expected, she was wiping the dusty chair off and then sitting on the very edge. He got two cups down and poured the coffee. He’d made it just before Rand had knocked on his door earlier this morning and invited him to breakfast.

  What the hell did Sylvia want? He’d gotten out of undercover work several years ago and hadn’t missed it. Taking the cups, he sauntered back to the small porch he’d added last summer. He handed a cup to Sylvia.

  “You’re looking as beautiful as usual,” he said as he sat across from her.

  “How do you stand all this woods and quiet? There’s hardly a sound anywhere around.”

  “I like it. It helps me concentrate on my book.”

  “So you really are writing the great American novel.”

  “I don’t know about it being great. Good would satisfy me. But you’re avoiding telling me what brought you here.”

  “You always were a man of few words and expected the rest of the world to be the same.”

  “Why use a paragraph when two words will do?”

  She shook her head. “You are impossible, but I need your help.”

  “I quit, or didn’t you get the memo.”

  “Exactly, a cold, impersonal e-mail.” She shrugged her shoulders. “To get down to business, I need someone protected, or I will.”

  “Who, and why me?”

  “This is going to take a paragraph.”

  “I thought so.”

  “I’m not sure if you know I have a sister. Well, I have a mother, too, but she and I aren’t close, and she’s changed her name so many times I doubt our guys could find her. But my mother married a wonderful man when I was two, Dan Piercy. He and Mom had a child, my half sister, Regina Piercy, a year later. She’s twenty-seven now.”

  Sylvia glanced off in the distance and clasped her hands tight. “I’m involved in a dangerous case. Things haven’t gone well. We still hope to get the head man, but our guys are hearing rumors that my cover’s been broken. If I have to go into hiding and they find me, I’m afraid they may know my only weak spot is Regina. I’d tell them anything to save her.”

  “I told you to get out three years ago.”

  “What can I say. I love the adrenaline rush, the excitement, but I never thought it might harm my little sister.”

  “Why do you think they’re after her?”

  “I’m not sure they are, but I’m going back in. The leader has a thing for me. I believe I can convince him the rumors are wrong. My guys are rigging the situation to look like a jealous girlfriend started them.

  “If the situation starts to go bad, I’ll have someone send word, and if you agree, you’ll go get her. I can handle myself if I don’t have to worry about her.”

  “You still haven’t said why you think they’d target her.”

  “The chatter is they’re trying to find out who my family is, who I care about.”

  “You’re a fool. Get out now.”

  “I can’t. This is too big. These are really bad men. I have to help get them. Will you keep my sister safe for me?”

  “No one followed you here?”

  “Please, my skills are better than that, and no, they didn’t. I drove the whole way and took a zigzag course.”

  Graham stared into his coffee cup. Damn, he didn’t want to get into this mess. He liked his privacy and the peace he’d found.

  “She’s so sweet, like an ange
l. Everyone loves her. Here’s the most recent picture I have.” Sylvia put a small photo in his hand.

  Regina was smiling at whoever was taking the picture. Her auburn hair shone in the sunlight. She wore a white gauzy-type dress that on her small frame made her look like an angel. But it was the eyes and the heart-shaped mouth that made his heartbeat accelerate.

  “She doesn’t look like you.”

  “She looks like our mother, but she has the personality of our caring, wonderful father, or rather her father and my step-father. But he treated me as though I was his own.”

  “Where’s he?”

  “He smoked too much. We lost him two years ago.”

  “I don’t like having my life disturbed. I’ll do it as long as you understand this is the last favor, forever.”

  “I know, and it’s the most important one to me. The code words to go get her are time for vacation. Here’s her home address, phone numbers for work and home, and a number to call one of our agents if you get there too late. I’m counting on you. By the way, she may give you a fight about leaving, but I think I have her convinced of the possible danger.”

  Graham saw the tears she tried to blink away. He’d never have suspected she had a soft spot.

  Sylvia put her cup down and walked briskly to her car. “Wish me well.”

  “Always.” Graham stood and watched as she turned around and drove out of sight. “I hope to hell this whole thing doesn’t explode in my face.” He’d lost a good friend on his last assignment. He’d promised himself he’d never do another one and had retired soon afterward.

  But he couldn’t turn his back on an innocent person. He didn’t need anyone else’s death on his conscience.

  Chapter One

  Six months had gone by, and Graham Brodie still hadn’t heard from Sylvia. He was relieved he hadn’t had to spend the winter cooped up with a visitor. Hopefully, the assignment had gone well, and he wasn’t needed. He was seriously considering calling Dirk or Rand and setting a date to go fly fishing. Spring was here although it was still cold and rainy at times.

  His book was finished. It just needed editing, not his favorite part of completing a book, and then he’d start on something new after a few days of fishing.

  He reached out to call Dirk. When his hand touched the phone, it rang. Instinctively, he jerked back for a second. Maybe his brothers had the same idea and were calling him.


  “Mr. Brodie?”


  “It’s time for vacation.” The caller hung up.

  Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have even thought about Sylvia. He put the receiver down and went to pack a small suitcase and get the paper with the addresses and phone numbers. She’d also put the name of the library where her sister worked. He’d go there first and watch for an opportunity to introduce himself.

  He picked up the phone again. “Hi, Mom, I wanted to let you know I’ll be gone a few days. I’m getting antsy. I’ll be back soon or in touch.”

  “Stay safe, and have a good time,” his mother said. He suspected she’d like to ask why he was rushing off to an unknown destination, but thank goodness she respected her children’s privacy.

  Graham hung up, made reservations to Orlando, Florida, and packed his bag. Dirk called as he was finishing.

  “Mom said you’re going somewhere. She thought you might need a ride to the airport.”

  “You volunteering?”

  “I might.”

  “Can you come pick me up now? My flight’s in two hours. I was going to leave my truck in the parking lot.”

  “I’ll take you, and you can call when you’re headed back.”

  “Thanks, I’m ready.”

  Dirk laughed. “I’ll be right there.”

  On the way to the airport, Dirk regaled Graham with stories about his twins. Graham had to admit he’d grown attached to his nephew and niece. He’d always liked children although he didn’t think about marriage and having a family for himself. He’d live vicariously through his brothers and sister.

  “You’re real talkative today,” Dirk said, a smirk on his face.

  “Very funny. I should tell you there’ll be two of us to pick up on return. I’m doing a favor for a friend.”

  “Good to know. I’ll bring the SUV.” He pulled into the airport lane for departures. “Any idea how long you’ll be gone?”

  “Maybe a day, maybe a few.” Graham swung out of the truck when Dirk stopped. “I’ll call.” He grabbed his bag, waved, and went into the airport.

  * * * *

  Regina Piercy stared at the e-mail her sister or one of her cohorts had sent, time for vacation. This meant her sister was in trouble and she herself possibly in danger. But it all seemed melodramatic, like a thriller movie. Although she never had understood exactly what Sylvia did, she had suspected it was dangerous. Whereas Regina preferred the quiet comfort of normality, Sylvia had always loved the excitement of the unexpected.

  What was she going to do? She’d promised to go with some male friend of Sylvia’s named Graham and stay in the middle of nowhere until word came Sylvia was safe. Regina didn’t know the man or where he would be taking her. She smiled to herself. Maybe he’d be her knight in shining armor.

  Glancing around the library, she saw people reading or looking for books. A few stood at the desk just like any normal day, but not for her. She had to go to her boss and tell her there was a family emergency, which wasn’t completely a lie, and then wait for him.

  She deleted the e-mail and went down the hall to her supervisor’s office. An unsettled feeling made her stomach ache. Regina didn’t like disturbances in her life.

  Her boss, Mrs. Grimshaw, raised her head when Regina knocked on her partially open door.

  “Good morning, Regina. Come in and have a seat.”

  Regina took the chair in front of her and clasped her hands tight. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I just got an e-mail, and there’s a family emergency. I need to ask for a leave of absence.”

  “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Nothing except grant my leave.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “I’m not sure. I need to leave the return date open ended. I can use my vacation first if you’d prefer.”

  Mrs. Grimshaw sat back in her chair and studied Regina. Regina knew she was taken by surprise as Regina was one of her most dependable employees. Her heart beat rapidly. She didn’t want to lose her job.

  “Yes, take your three weeks’ vacation and then the ninety-day leave. I’m sure you know if you have to be gone longer, you must resign.”

  “I know the policy. I’ll try my best to be back before that happens.”

  “Good. I’d hate to lose you.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Grimshaw. I’ll finish out today or most of it. A friend is flying in to get me.” Regina hurried out before Mrs. Grimshaw could ask about the friend. Regina wasn’t sure if the man would come to the library or to her apartment. She hoped here. If she felt uncomfortable she’d refuse to go with him and find a place to hide on her own.

  * * * *

  Graham glanced at his watch. By the time he picked up the car at the rental place it would be close to five. He hoped the library would still be open.

  Thankfully the sports car he’d ordered was ready to go. He’d already checked on the directions to the downtown library. He drove fast, but not fast enough to get a ticket, which would only delay him. He paid to park in the garage across the street and took long strides across and into the main lobby. He’d called ahead and knew which floor Regina worked on. When he stepped off the elevator he looked around for the main desk.

  But he spotted her almost straight in front of him. She was helping an elderly man find a book.

  Soft auburn curls framed her pretty face, and her long hair hung in loose waves halfway down her back. The picture hadn’t done her justice. Her figure was slim, but she had curves in all the right places, and when
she looked directly at him, he saw her eyes were more golden than brown. For a second, he couldn’t move. He just stared. Her face flushed a rosy red across her cheeks, and she bit the side of her bottom lip. Unexpected desire shot straight through him.

  She blinked and turned away to walk toward the desk at the end of the room. Graham’s long steps caught her halfway there.

  “I think you need a vacation,” he whispered.

  Her head jerked around, and her soft floral scent of jasmine and lilies filled his head. Up close, her cupid-bow lips shimmered in a golden color that almost matched her eyes. He wanted to pick her up and carry her off.

  “Come with me,” she said.

  “Gladly.” He walked beside her past the desk and into an empty hallway.

  “I want to see some identification.”

  “Did your sister tell you my name?” he asked as he was taking out his wallet.

  “Your first name.” She looked at his driver’s license. His hand covered his address.

  “We’re going…”

  “I’m keeping it a secret. We don’t know who might be listening.”

  It hadn’t really hit her until now that she was truly in danger. A shiver ran down her spine.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “I’ll get my purse and clock out.”

  He nodded and went to sit at a table near the elevator where he could see her. She spoke to several people briefly and then came walking toward him. He pushed the button on the elevator. It dinged as the door opened. She speeded up her steps.

  “Good timing,” she said.

  “I’ll follow you home. You can leave your car and pack quickly.”


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