Bewitching the Reclusive Billionaire Cowboy

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Bewitching the Reclusive Billionaire Cowboy Page 2

by Paige Cameron

  “I’ve had my bags packed most of the winter. I’d considered unpacking them this weekend.”

  “Good girl. I’ll call and get two seats for us on the next plane out to my home.”

  Graham was relieved to see she actually lived in a townhouse complex close to the airport. While she parked her car in her garage, he made the reservations. They just had time to get there and get cleared to fly. She hurried into her apartment and came out carrying two bags. He took them from her.

  “This is it?”

  “Yes.” She looked up at him. She was a tiny woman when they were standing side by side.

  “Did you pack warm clothes? We have cold nights most of the summer and some days where we’re headed.”

  “My sister warned me to bring all types of clothing. If I need more, I’ll buy the clothes there. They do have a clothing store in your town, don’t they?”

  He grabbed her cases and grinned. “A small one.” He put the cases in the trunk. She had already gotten into her seat before he could open the door for her. Again he drove fast and soon had them at the rental drop-off area. Within an hour and a half they were in the air.

  “You don’t think anyone followed us?” Regina asked.

  Graham shook his head no. “I watched for anyone suspicious the whole time. But just in case, we’re headed in the opposite direction from my place. We have reservations to North Carolina. From there we’ll fly somewhere else, and then we’ll drive part of the way before finally taking our final flight home.”

  “That sounds convoluted. Is it really necessary?”

  “I think so.” She nodded and put her seat back and closed her eyes.

  Sylvia was right. Her sister wasn’t like her at all.

  Chapter Two

  On the second plane ride they flew to Texas. Regina leaned close and whispered to Graham, “Do you think my sister has been captured by the bad men?”

  “I don’t know, but I suspect she has.”

  Regina looked down. She didn’t want him to see her tears and think she was weak. But she was frightened. She and Sylvia had always been close. When they didn’t see each other, mostly because of Sylvia’s job, she still kept in touch with Regina. Sylvia’s last call had been a month ago. She always used disposable phones so no one would find Regina’s number.

  She tried to study the man beside her without being too obvious. To her, he was huge, tall, with broad shoulders and dark-brown hair that brushed his shoulders. His scent was all male, a combination of woods and a hint of musk and leather, an intoxicating mixture. But it was his eyes that made her heart trip faster. They were a deep, dark blue like the ocean toward sunset. He wore jeans and a gray shirt, and he was tanned like he spent time outdoors.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  His sexy mouth curved up into a half smile. “Sure you do. You’ve been giving me the once-over.”

  She hated that she blushed easily. She felt the heat in her face.

  “If you’re going to blush, sweetheart, you might as well have a reason.” He bent across and brushed his firm lips over hers.

  She jerked back and faced the front of the plane. “People will see us.”

  “I hope so. If anyone is wondering about us they’ll think we’re lovers on vacation.”

  Lovers, just hearing the word come out of his mouth had her heart pounding and her lower body aching. What was wrong with her? Regina Piercy was known for her cool head. She did not fall over herself for any man.

  No man has excited me this much, ever. I’m afraid he may be as dangerous for my heart as the others hunting me are for my life.

  Regina heard his soft chuckle. He knew the effect he had on her. She was in way over her head with him. No doubt he had a lot more experience than she’d ever dreamed of. Well, she might have dreamed of meeting such a man, but those types of dreams didn’t usually come true. The seat-belt light came on. They were landing. Next came the car ride. How many hours would she be alone with him, breathing in his intoxicating scent, and aware of his sexy body so close?

  Graham led her to the car rental kiosk at the airport. This time he’d rented a luxury car, with soft seats, music, and all the other accompanying gadgets. He drove slowly out of the airport.

  “Help me watch. If you see the same car behind us for any length of time or see anything out of the ordinary, let me know.”

  “All right.” At least it would give her something to do besides think about him.

  “Set the music on whatever kind you like,” he added.

  “What do you like?”

  “Almost any kind, except hard rock. Guess I’m showing my age.” There went that half smile again.

  She watched out the window while he found his way to the interstate. Then for miles there were few cars on the road. None of them seemed interested in them. They either passed or fell way behind and out of sight.

  For something to do, she fiddled with the controls to the radio and found one that played classical music.

  “Is this too highbrow for you?” she asked and smiled.

  “Did my jeans give me away?” Then when she started to change the station, he reached across and moved her hand off the radio controls. “I like classical music. It’s one of my favorites. I’m not so hot for opera though.”

  “A cowboy who likes classical music. None of my cowboy heroes in the novels I read would admit to such a thing.”

  “You’re assuming I’m a cowboy. I’m definitely not a hero in a book, as you’ll find out after being around me a few days.”

  “You are a cowboy. It’s written all over you. If not, you have a great disguise.”

  “Darn, I should have worn my businessman suit.” He grinned, but he didn’t give away any information. She noticed they were riding straight northward.

  They stopped late that night at a motel off the highway and in a small town. Graham got them adjoining rooms. When he unlocked the first door, he waited for her to enter. He took one of her bags and his small one in with them. The desk clerk had given them the key to unlock the door to the other room. Graham put down the bags and opened the entry to the next bedroom.

  “Have your pick. But this door stays open.”

  “I’ll take this one. If anyone saw us they might figure I’d go in the next room.”

  “True. I thought you’d choose it.” He carried his bag in and left the entrance wide open. “I’m going to shower and change. Then we’ll look for a place to eat.”

  Regina opened her case and took out clean clothes. They’d traveled so many hours she felt dirty, tired, and hungry. It didn’t take her long to shower, wash her hair, and change into jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and her old running shoes. This was much more comfortable than her working clothes she’d worn for two days. Her energy peaked a little from the cool shower.

  “Ready?” Graham poked his head in the door. “Now you look like a cowgirl, except we’ll need to get you some boots.” He put his hand at her back and escorted her out to the car. “We’ll try the steak house the clerk mentioned. I’m starved.”

  The restaurant looked like a large log cabin. Inside it was dark with candles on the tables. Graham asked for a table in the back against the wall. The waiter glanced at Regina and grinned.

  “Yes, sir. Right this way.” There weren’t many people this late, so they had their pick.

  Once settled, Graham asked what wine she liked. “I like red, but it gives me a headache. Any white wine is fine with me.”

  He ordered her a glass of chardonnay and himself a glass of merlot. After the waiter brought it, they both ordered steaks, and he left. Graham lifted his wineglass.

  “To us and an interesting next few months.” He clicked his glass against hers.

  Regina took a sip and then asked, “You think it will be months?”

  He shrugged. “I hope not, but it might. I know you must be anxious to get back to your job.”

  She gave a deep sigh. “I
have three weeks’ vacation and ninety days’ leave. After that I lose my job if I’m not back.”

  “Your sister is causing you a lot of trouble. She chose a dangerous career.”

  “How do you know her? I’d bet you worked with her.”

  He saluted her with his glass before he took a long swallow. “I did. I quit.”

  From his expression she guessed he expected her to ask why. She could almost see his walls going up, and she saw the hurt in his eyes. She changed the subject.

  “Can you tell me about the place where we’re going?” she asked.

  “It’s in the country, about twenty miles from the nearest town. I have a small cabin. We’ll have to get used to being in each other’s space.”

  “Something you don’t relish.”


  Their food came, and they both stopped the conversation to enjoy the thick steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. There were two onion rings on top of each steak. Regina ate hers quickly.

  “Here, you can have mine.” Graham moved his onion rings onto her plate.

  “I love them, but I stay away from them most of the time, too much fat and calories.” She smiled. “How did you know they were my favorite food on the plate?”

  “Your expression of bliss on your face when you ate yours.”

  “As a kid my family teased me about my obsession with them. If it was between fries and onion rings, the fries lost out every time. What’s your favorite food?”

  Graham put down the piece of steak he’d just started to put in his mouth. “I guess anything my mother cooks. I’m not particular, but she’s the best. Millie, a lady who’s had a restaurant in town for years, is next to her.”

  “So no particular food, but very specific cooks. Who’ll cook at your cabin, me or you?”

  “If you wait for me to cook, it’ll be frozen dinners or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.”

  “Thanks for the warning. I like peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches.” She decided she wouldn’t tell him one of her hobbies was cooking. She’d have to buy a local cookbook for new recipes and surprise him.

  “A woman that agrees with me. I’m in shock.”

  The rest of the meal was eaten quickly as they were both hungry. The snack along the way had not been like a real meal.

  “Would you like to order dessert?” the waiter asked.

  “I’ll take a slice of your coconut pie and coffee,” Graham said.

  “I’d like decaf coffee and an extra spoon. I’ll eat some of his pie.”

  “And what if I don’t want to share?”

  “Surely I can have just a tiny bite.” I’m flirting with him. Am I crazy? I never flirt, and this is someone I have to live with for weeks. She started to retract her statement. But it was too late. She’d seen the flash of fire in those dark eyes, and deep in her abdomen, heat stirred into a bolt of desire.

  Thankfully the waiter returned soon with the pie and spoons. Graham pushed the pie into the center of the table. “Help yourself.” His husky voice slid through her body like a warm swallow of cognac.

  Regina pushed the plate toward him. “I was teasing. I’m full.”

  He put a bite of the coconut delight onto a spoon and, leaning across, placed it against her lips. She opened her mouth and took the offering. He held her attention. His blue eyes were as dark as midnight.

  When he drew back, he said softly, “Beware of teasing. You may get more than you want.”

  She picked up her coffee cup, but her hands were shaking and she placed it back on the table. He pretended not to notice and kept his eyes on his pie and coffee. Perhaps he was giving her time to regroup.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried again and took a long sip of the warm coffee. What had her sister gotten her into, and had Sylvia and he had an affair? She knew of few men who could or would even try to resist Sylvia.

  “Does your family call you Regina?” Graham asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  Regina hesitated about telling him her nickname. He slid the last of the pie across to her.

  “Eat it. I’m really full. You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Gina,” she said abruptly. “Sylvia calls me Gina. My mother fluctuates between the two, the few times we talk.”

  “I like Gina. It’s softer sounding.”

  “This pie is delicious,” she murmured, feeling flustered inside. When he said “Gina” in his deep voice, a thrill went through her body. If she wanted to keep distance between them, she had made a big mistake in telling him her nickname. As she had feared, when he said her name it sounded much more intimate than “Regina.” She ate the last bite of pie and finished her coffee. “Dinner was excellent.”

  Graham stood. “You must be tired. Let’s go back to the motel.” He paid the waiter and put his hand on the small of her back as they walked out.

  In spite of his tantalizing nearness, she almost fell asleep during the short ride. Graham came around to her door, opened it, and then leaned in. He carried her inside the motel room and let her feet slide to the floor as he held her close. His scent wafted into her head, and she felt the hardness of his cock against her belly. When she glanced upward, his face looked hard and his eyes, hungry. She quickly moved backward. He waited a second, and then without a word, he took brisk steps to the open doorway between their rooms.

  “Whatever length of time you’re with me is going to be too long. I’ve never said I was always a gentleman. Remember that before you tease me again.”

  * * * *

  Graham didn’t go to sleep instantly as he’d hoped. He tossed and turned, thinking about the woman in the next room, so close and yet far away. His body ached from the desire to get out of bed and go to her. He wanted to bury his hard, aching cock inside her pussy. Her scent drove him crazy, and those golden eyes were beginning to melt the hard core inside him. The problem was he didn’t know if he wanted to let himself feel that deeply for anyone other than his family.

  Hell, no, he hardly knew her. So he’d been celibate too long. That’s all it was, and once she was in his cabin, driving him crazy, as any woman would, all the fascination would go away.

  Women wanted to talk, to discuss, to mess around in the kitchen, and most of all to go places. He’d never get his edit done. He had nothing to fear. When they got home tomorrow night he’d instantly remember why he didn’t want a permanent woman in his life. And he had to be careful about fooling around with Gina. She had permanency written all over her.

  Chapter Three

  Exhausted, they finally landed in Montana. Gina had been surprised but pleased when she discovered their final destination. She’d always wanted to see the state known as Big Sky Country. Now she’d be visiting and not just in touristy areas. She’d see the real place.

  Graham had been quiet on the rest of the drive and the flight. He hurried her through getting their bags.

  “My brother Dirk is picking us up. I called him before we boarded the plane.”

  She’d noticed him making a call, but didn’t ask any questions. She’d sensed he was not in the best mood. Hopefully the whole time wouldn’t be this stressed between them.

  They stepped outside the luggage area and had to wait only a few minutes before a black SUV parked at the curb.

  “Hi, Graham. Glad to see you made it back.” A tall man with black hair and blue eyes who looked a lot like Graham strode around the SUV and grabbed her suitcases to put in the back.

  He grinned at Gina. “I’m Dirk, the good-looking brother.”

  “And that’s only because he looks like me,” Graham added. “Dirk, this is Regina, or if she likes you, she’ll let you call her Gina.”

  “Welcome to Montana, Gina. I’m going to assume you’ll like me.” Dirk opened the front door of the car and helped her inside. “Graham can sit in back.”

  Soon they were pulling out of the airport and driving on a two-lane road past farms and stretches of empty prairie. Gina was fascinated.

“You’re going to get whiplash in your neck if you keep turning your head so much and so fast,” Graham said from the backseat. “After a few weeks you’ll have had your fill of wide-open spaces and miss the city.”

  “Not necessarily. I’ve dreamed of living out west. But I never had the nerve to make the change on my own. This is a surprising gift.”

  “Mom called and said to bring your friend to dinner tonight. I’m sure she fears Gina will go hungry otherwise.”

  “I keep food in my fridge.”

  “Beer and nuts or chips is not a meal,” Dirk razzed him. “She’d invited Rand and Marian, but he’s on call, and Marian is in the last trimester of her pregnancy and is feeling tired,” he explained to Gina.

  “I’ll miss seeing them, but too many of us at once might be a bit intimidating to Gina,” Graham said.

  “Our town is called Frontier City,” Dirk said. He pointed out landmarks and had funny stories to tell about him and his brothers.

  Gina glanced back once to see if Graham had gone to sleep. He’d stretched out on the seat and had his eyes closed, but his lips were curved into that half smile he used that rattled her insides. He was listening.

  Dirk saw her glance. “You might as well know, if you haven’t noticed already, my brother is a man of few words.”

  “I’d noticed,” she said softly. “I’m certain he’s lying back there and counting the days until I can return home.”

  * * * *

  If only. Graham was counting the days, but because he feared his control of the desire she stirred in him would slip away before she was gone. He didn’t want to want anyone, not as much as he desired her in just these few days. He’d hoped, sitting in the back, that he could sleep during the ride, but her soft, melodious voice ran across his nerves like a haunting melody drawing him to her.

  He’d thought of having her stay with his mother, but if the wrong person or persons discovered her hideaway, he didn’t want any of his family, especially his mother, to be put in danger. And he couldn’t very well protect Gina from a distance.


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