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Bewitching the Reclusive Billionaire Cowboy

Page 9

by Paige Cameron

  “Are you all right?” Gina touched his shoulder. “You look very fierce.”

  “I’m fine.” He got out and walked around to open her door. I’m really fine. At last, after I get this scum, Andy can rest in peace, and maybe I can get rid of my nightmares and guilt for somehow not saving him.

  Gina might have been hungry, but she was also fascinated with the small restaurant sitting on the edge of a rock above the sea. The azure water glistened with sunlight, and the blue sky shone clear and bright overhead. Graham loved watching her delight. He had to remind her several times to eat her shrimp.

  “I love this place. Even the air has its own particular lovely scent.”

  “I’d never know from the sad look on your face,” Graham teased.

  She stuck her tongue out at him, and he was dazzled by her. He was glad she’d agreed to stay behind at the hotel this evening. Having her around distracted him too much.

  After lunch they drove onward. Graham saw the villa on the right by the sea as they got about halfway between where they’d eaten and the next town. Shortly afterward, he turned and drove back to Rome.

  * * * *

  Sylvia heard them unlocking her door. Her whole body ached from the previous beatings. Where were her people? Surely they could have found her by now. She was almost certain her wrist was broken. It had swollen and hurt like hell. Her fingers brushed across the cut down the right side of her face. It had bled profusely. The edges felt rough and the area open. She’d never look the same.

  The tall, heavyset man, masked as usual, greeted her with a fake cheerfulness. She’d like to kick his teeth in.

  “Ah, signorina, would you join us for dinner? A simple meal I’m sure you’ll like.” His laughter grated on her nerves. She took a deep breath to calm the fear that rose higher each time they came to get her. She hadn’t known what depths of strength she had, but love for her sister and her country fueled her determination to outlast her captors. The time was getting close, though, when they’d either kill her, or her compatriots would rescue her. She, of course, preferred the latter outcome.

  Tonight, the man led her down a different hallway, and they entered the back of a large, beautiful villa. A maid met her.

  “Come with me.” She led Sylvia up carpeted steps to a large pink bedroom and into the huge modern bath.

  “You are to bathe, and clothes are in the closet for you.”

  “Why, what’s going on?”

  “You cannot dine with the master as dirty as you are now.” The woman left, closing the door behind her.

  Sylvia didn’t care why. She wanted to be clean once more. Then if they killed her at least she’d have had this last pleasure. She glanced in the mirror, and her heart jolted. Her hair stood out in every direction, and the sides were caked with blood from her face. The ugly cut looked red. She checked the medicine cabinet and found antibiotic ointment and bandages. After her shower she’d use the cream on her face and bandage the area.

  Warm water and scented soap caressed her weary body as she soaked in the tub. She hated to get out, but finally she pulled the plug and stepped out and into the shower. She washed her hair, carefully cleaned her face, and rinsed her body. The towels were warmed. Moving carefully to try to not damage her wrist any further or cause more pain, she managed to dry herself. Her wrist seemed slightly better from soaking in the very warm water. Using a comb, she tried to take out the snarls in her hair and blow it dry. Last, she worked on her face.

  On the bed were lace panties and a matching bra, and in the closet, a jade-colored dress that clung to what curves she had left. Seeing herself in the mirror, she realized she’d lost at least twenty pounds.

  She sat on the stool by the dresser and brushed her hair with her good hand until it lay in waves on her shoulders. A touch of lipstick, and she was ready for whatever happened. Whatever it was she hoped they’d feed her some decent food first.

  * * * *

  Once back in Rome and inside their hotel suite, Graham pulled Gina into his arms and began to undress her.

  “The double doors are open to the balcony,” Gina said.

  “We’re on the fourth floor, and the next building this tall is blocks away. No one will see us, my prudish darling.” He threw her blouse and bra on a nearby chair. His hands covered her breasts.

  “Ah, I love your touch,” she purred into his ear. His cock went to full attention and throbbed to be inside her.

  He moved downward, and while unzipping her pants, his teeth nibbled at her pebbled nipples. His kisses covered her soft abdomen as he lowered her pants and bikini underwear. She kicked her shoes aside as he pulled her clothes off and left them in a pile. Picking her up, he headed to the bedroom.

  A soft breeze billowed the thin white curtains inward and caressed Gina’s skin when he laid her on the bed, causing tiny goose bumps.

  “Cold? I’ll have you hot in a moment.” Graham removed his clothes and sheathed his cock. She’d scooted farther up in bed. He pulled her legs apart and lay on her body, his cock at the juncture of her thighs. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her mouth. When she sighed, he slipped his tongue into her moist sweetness. Their tongues tangled and teased, and heat rushed to every spot in his body. His cock was so hard it hurt.

  How did she get him so excited, so quickly and each time? He wanted to thrust his cock into her pussy, but forced himself to slow down and savor her soft skin, her sugary taste, the feel of her body lined up with his.

  Graham nuzzled her neck and heard her giggle when he hit her ticklish spot. His teeth raked across her earlobe, and she shivered. He loved her receptive body, always reacting to his touch and his tasting. His lips skirted around her pussy area as he kissed his way down the inside of her legs.

  “Come here,” she ordered. Her voice was sexy as hell. He couldn’t resist. He straddled her body and moved close to her face as she’d directed.

  When her small hands clasped his cock and balls, a shot of pure pleasure soared straight up his spine. His cock pulsed in her hand, begging for further attention.

  Her warm mouth took his cock in all the way. Graham gritted his teeth to keep from yelling out his joy. He didn’t want whoever might be in the suite across the hall to hear him.

  Gina moved her mouth forward and backward on his cock. Her tongue licked around the top and girth. She moved slowly at first and then faster. Graham waited until the last possible moment to pull out. He slid down her body and thrust inside her wet, hot pussy.

  He kissed her breast and pulled on her nipple as he drove in and out of her. It didn’t take long before he felt her ripples around his dick. He paused to enjoy the feeling then pushed hard against her womb. Her body rose to greet him, and she clamped tight around him as they both shook with satisfaction.

  Graham held her close and tight to his side afterward. What might happen tonight lay heavy on them.

  “You’ll be careful?”

  “I will. I have a partner, Dan, to help cover my back.” He raised his head to look down at her face. “You promise to stay in here with all the locks fastened? Don’t open the door to anyone, not even our host or hostess. Understand?”

  “Yes, I promise to stay safe so you won’t be distracted from your work.”

  “Good.” He looked at the clock on the bedside. “Time for me to shower and dress.” He’d brought a black T-shirt and pants. Tonight he wouldn’t wear his wig, but he’d darken his uncovered skin with a substance that would wash off afterward. When they got to the villa and searched for a place to enter, he’d blend into the night.

  When he came out of the bathroom in his full disguise, Gina smiled. “You’ll do.”

  He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. “I’m leaving. If I’m not back by nine in the morning, then call this number and just say the mission has failed. Take a cab, and go to the consulate. They’ll see you get home safe. Go to my cabin, and wait for a message, or if I’m able to return, wait for me and your sister.”

p; “I expect you for breakfast at nine, with my sister.”

  He smiled and kissed her mouth. “I’ll do my best.”

  He didn’t look back but hurried from the room and down the elevator to the corner. Dan swung to the curb shortly afterward.

  “This is it. We win, or we lose,” Dan said.

  “I always preferred winning.” Graham looked out into the darkness. He had much more to lose this time.

  Chapter Twelve

  The maid led Sylvia to a downstairs room. A tall, lean, blond-haired man stood and turned. Her heart sank, and her appetite went. No wonder she hadn’t been rescued. One of her former partners was her captor, and from his smile she had no doubt he’d found Gina.

  “You,” Sylvia said.

  “It was fun watching you all running around in circles looking for the bad guy who was sitting in the back of the room. Come join me at the dinner table. You must be famished.” He led her to the table as though she were an honored guest. He pulled out the chair to the right of the end one. “Sit.”

  She did. The fragrances coming from the adjoining kitchen had her mouth watering, but she had to eat small portions, or she’d be sick.

  Her captor Marko sat in the end chair and motioned to the waiter to pour their wine. Sylvia took a sip of the cold water in front of her. She’d had only small amounts of tepid water since her capture.

  “This is quite civilized, don’t you think?” Marko smiled at her.

  “Why are you here, Marko?” She stared straight into his eyes.

  “This is a beautiful country. I flew in yesterday and drove to the villa this morning. Too bad you haven’t seen the view from the verandah. The sea is a turquoise color, so very relaxing.

  “But as to the reason why I’m here, it’s because of you. They have sent me to succeed where the others failed. You know how competent I am.”

  She shuddered inside. One of the reasons she’d asked for another partner was because Marko appeared to enjoy torturing his prisoners. She’d reported him, but he’d stayed on their team. Someone higher up was involved. That’s why they hadn’t rescued her.

  “I see your brilliant mind working. You are too smart for your own good, Sylvia. A pity you are such a patriot. On our side you’d have gone far. Now, when I have all the information I want, you’ll die. How sad, and what a waste.”

  Her heart jumped at his words. Sylvia forced herself to appear calm on the outside. She knew she was on her own and with a broken wrist. But there must be a way out. She never gave up.

  The waiter set a shrimp cocktail in front of them. The shrimp were large and lay on a bed of ice. A small accompanying bowl held spicy sauce.

  “If I remember, this is one of your favorite dishes.” His cold blue eyes sparkled with glee. “All prisoners should have a final meal.”

  She had the shrimp on a fork at her mouth when he said final meal. She hesitated for a second. Her stomach clenched, but she had to show no fear. Men like him fed on fear. Instead she smiled, ate the shrimp, and said, “It is my favorite, and the shrimp are perfect, large and tasty.” She saw the flash of annoyance he tried to hide.

  The whole meal consisted of all her choice dishes, filet mignon, mashed potatoes, cherries jubilee for dessert. She forced each bite. The food sat like a lump of concrete in her too-full stomach.

  Marko pushed back his chair. “Ah, a delicious meal, and now for the pièce de résistance.” He swung his hand to indicate for her to precede him into the foyer. “We will go upstairs.”

  Sylvia glanced around. There was nothing to use as a weapon. She had to keep her head. Her stomach was roiling from the too-rich food, and fear was trying to paralyze her brain. He meant to rape and kill her. She had no doubt.

  Sylvia slowly climbed the steps. She could hardly breathe, and her heart ached. Thirty years old, and what did she have to show for it? A few successful cases. She liked to think she’d done her best to keep her world safer. But she was too young to die.

  Marko took her arm and pulled her into a large bedroom. He closed the door and locked it, dropping the key into his pocket.

  “Undress. I always did want to see you naked.” His hard eyes bored into her. She bit her lip. “Move. If I do it for you, you won’t like it.”

  He stood close as she unzipped her dress and removed her bra. She held onto the dress around her waist as he moved into her space. His callused hands squeezed her breasts tight, and he bit the tip of her nipple. She gasped with pain but blinked the tears away. He stepped back.

  “Go on, continue. Too bad they ruined your face. It does distract from the whole.”

  Shaking, Sylvia let her dress fall off her skinny frame to the floor. Marko reached out and tore her panties off her body. Her stomach turned at his expression. He was almost salivating with lust. And then it came to her. She’d seen a gun inside his coat when he’d reached out to touch her.

  If she could throw up on him, in the confusion, her plan might work.

  * * * *

  Graham and Dan parked two blocks away and moved silently around houses and buildings until they got to the one they wanted. Graham motioned toward the seashore. People didn’t expect intrusion from that direction as much as from the street side. As he thought, the wall was lower. They jumped over and bent double, hiding behind the shrubbery to get to the villa. Dan pointed out a guard coming around the corner.

  Graham crouched and worked his way behind the man. In a split second he knocked him out. They quickly tied him and put a gag in his mouth then hid him in the bushes.

  Dan led this time, manipulating a back lock. Graham grabbed his hand before he could open it. He pointed to a tiny button high up and to the far right of the doorway. Graham got a chair and checked it out. It was a new type of alarm. Dan handed Graham a small phone-like device. “Push the three buttons on the side, one after another. It should release the alarm mechanism.”

  He heard a faint hum. Graham got down and tried the door. Silence. They were in. These guys were arrogant and didn’t expect to be found, or they’d have had a much more sophisticated security system. Graham was thankful for small favors.

  Dan went past him, and Graham brought up the rear. They heard voices off to the left. In the kitchen, three men sat around a table playing cards.

  “Guess old Marko is having some fun upstairs. Hope he doesn’t kill her before we get our turn,” one of the men said.

  “Yeah, he’s a rough bastard,” another man commented.

  Graham and Dan nodded at each other. They each fired, and two of the men fell over on the table dead. Their silencers kept them from alerting others. The third man, looking shocked, held up his hands in defeat. Dan had him lie on the floor and tied his hands and feet then bound a small cloth around his mouth.

  Dan led the way farther into the house. They found no one else downstairs. Graham lightly started up the steps.

  Dan waited until he was at the top before heading up himself.

  One door was shut. Graham leaned against it to listen and heard a shot, then two. He and Dan broke down the door. Marko lay covered in vomit, bleeding from his chest and a bullet wound in his forehead. The man was definitely dead.

  Sylvia stood over him holding the gun still pointed at him. Graham pulled her tight fingers off the trigger and removed the semiautomatic from her hand.

  Dan checked outside the room. “I don’t hear anyone.”

  “In the underground floor, there may be more there,” Sylvia said. She stumbled into the bathroom, holding her wrist. Graham stayed by her side as she looked ready to faint. She was naked, and there were marks all over her body, and her face was damaged. Her breasts were red and had bite marks, and her wrist was swollen to twice its normal size.

  When he thought she was stable and wouldn’t fall, he went back in the bedroom and gathered her clothes. He dropped them on the side of the tub.

  “Get dressed. We need to check the room you mentioned and then get out of here before someone else comes. I’ll come back for you.�

  She nodded. She’d found a clean toothbrush and was scrubbing her teeth with her good hand. Tears ran down her face.

  Graham led the way and found the door to the hidden area easily. They crept along the narrow stone hallway and heard voices before they saw the men.

  Dan took one more step forward and triggered an alarm. “Damn.” He raised his gun, but a three-hundred-pound man slammed into him.

  Graham shot the other man in the shoulder before the man ducked behind a table. Then Graham put his gun near the mammoth man’s head. He was beating mercilessly on Dan’s body.

  “Let him go, and move away, or it’ll be my pleasure to shoot you.” The giant whirled and reached his hands toward Graham. Graham aimed and shot him in the heart. The big man hit the floor with a loud thump. Meanwhile the other one had raced out from behind the table and held his gun again.

  “Drop your weapons, or I’ll kill you like you did my friend,” the man warned Graham. Dan lay motionless. “Put the gun on the floor.”

  Graham heard a slight rustle behind him. It distracted the guy in front of him for just a second, long enough for Graham to shoot him in the arm. The gun dropped to the floor, and Graham kicked it across the room. The wounded man slumped down. Blood ran from his arm and shoulder wound.

  Sylvia walked around Graham and stood over the wounded captor. “Not so arrogant and proud without your gun and buddies. I wanted the last face you saw to be mine.” She held Marko’s gun in her good hand.

  “Don’t, Sylvia,” Graham yelled.

  “Why not? He’d have killed you and me. He beat me and tortured me. Why let him live?”

  “If you kill him, he wins. He will have taken your humanity from you. Don’t let him be the winner.”

  He saw her struggle, her tense muscles, her hate and fear of the man lying at her feet. At one point, he saw her finger move slightly. Finally, she handed the gun to Graham.


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