Silver & Black

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Silver & Black Page 9

by Tyler May

  “You know how it is; the rebellious teen and I thought I loved him.”

  “Did you? Do you?” My heart suddenly feels a little heavy. Jealousy?

  “No―to the do part. That was over a while ago.” How long? But I withhold my question. “I think I did love him at one point. I loved the idea of him, for sure. He was obviously older and he taught me a lot, but he wanted things from me I wasn’t willing to give him.”

  “Like what?” Do I really want to know?

  “Like marriage. He must have asked me at least a dozen different times.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  He looks me in the eyes. “I knew there was another man waiting for me and I wasn’t going to give Marcus what I needed to give to him.” Him? Me? “He wasn’t that man to me.” His tone is honest and I can feel a flush in me. Was he talking about me? His eyes pierce through me. I can’t help myself; I meet his gaze and gently lean into his lips. Honestly and sincerity are something I’m not used to. I find these qualities in him so endearing.

  “I need to study. How about we go up to your bedroom? I can study and you can snuggle next to me. You look exhausted.” I comb my fingers through his hair. It is late and he had said he was in meetings all day.

  “I am.” He stands taking my hand. I love that he is always doing that.

  In his room, he changes into his lounge pants and keeps his shirt off. Fine with me, I love his chest. We crawl into bed. I sit upright against the headboard with my book. He curls next to me and lays his head on the side of my chest. A few minutes go by and I feel his steady, slow breaths on my skin. I glance down; he’s sound asleep. He looks comfortable, peaceful even. I make him feel this way. He said I held the power and I didn’t know what he meant; until now. Heart please slow down; I don’t want you broke again.

  ~Chapter Eleven~

  I purposely didn’t set my alarm this time and I wake up as the sun creeps through the big windows. Silver is facing me and his arm is a vice around my waist. He is sleeping soundly. I could watch him sleep all day, but I have to get ready for school. I peel his arm from me, trying my hardest not to wake him. He inhales, settling into the bed again, and I scoot out. I tiptoe to my bag in the corner of the room and gather my things for a shower. I walk into the bathroom, quietly closing the door. I turn on the water to my desired temperature as I strip off my boxers.

  The water feels refreshing as it penetrates my sensitive skin, and of course the shower is like nothing I’ve ever seen. There were settings to spray every which way and the bathroom itself was like an oasis of relaxation. I shampoo and condition my hair and then spread a generous amount of body wash onto a rag. The wash smells like Silver and my mind drifts as I close my eyes letting the soap and water run down my body.

  I climb out of the shower and dry myself, wrapping the towel around my waist. I turn around and Silver startles me. “Shit, you scared me. I didn’t know you were up,” I say as a he moves closer to me.

  “You should have woken me. I would have joined you.” Damn it, why didn’t I wake him?

  “I was trying to be nice and let you sleep. You were so cute there sleeping curled up like a baby.”

  He laughs. “A baby? I’ve been called a lot of things that is not one.” Silver’s mouth presses against mine. His lips tenderly open mine. Our kiss goes from tender to savage with our tongues swirling deliciously around each other’s. Silver grips my hips and walks backwards until his force causes me to fall against the sink. Note to self: Silver’s frisky in the morning. His hands run through my hair. He grips a fist full of my hair and yanks softly back, biting gently on my jawline. He’s so intense. He drops his other hand to the towel around my waist and releases it to let it fall to the ground. “Oops,” he says with a grin. His hand brushes over my hard cock.

  “You just want to see me naked.” I laugh, stopping his hand and he frowns. “But I can’t, Silver. I have to be in class or Mr. Mullins will lock me out. It’s his policy. If we’re late, we don’t get in.”

  “Do you want me to kick his ass? I can do that. I’ve done it before.” I raise an eyebrow as he lets me go. His eyes follow my every move as I pick up the towel and wrap it around my waist. The towel doesn’t hide my arousal that is now tenting the cotton fabric, and his arousal is evident in those lounge pants. “You don’t know how much I’d rather stay here with you,” I say as he follows me back into his bedroom.

  “I wish you could, but education comes first.” He sits on the bed leaning back on his elbows and watches me dress. He looks so damn sexy lying that way. What I wouldn’t give to be able to crawl on top of him right now.

  “I would love to hear about the ass-kicking sometime.” I turn. I need to stop looking at him. I’m completely doubting my self-control today. “Do you think Connor can drive me to the subway station?”

  “Why don’t you just take one of my car? You can take the Camaro,” he offers.

  I pull my shirt over my head. “Are you serious?”

  “Completely, I trust you. You do know how to drive a stick, right?”

  I cock my head and grin. “I know how to work a stick, baby.” He laughs at my immature joke. “Yes, I do know how to drive a stick, but I can’t take the car. I have to go home after.”

  “Or you can come back here,” he pouts.

  “I have no clean laundry, plus I think I need some time to think…. Yeah, think.” I gaze into his mesmerizing blue eyes. “And I have to find a job; rent’s due next Friday.”

  “You would have a job if you weren’t so stubborn.”

  “I don’t need someone to take care of me. I’ve been doing it by myself for a long time, Silver. That’s one thing you should know. I’d rather work a respectable minimum-wage job, which I know I got on my own and deserve, than have someone hand me one. If I earned it that’d be different, but I am grateful for the offer.”

  “I’m very impressed, Mr. Black. I admire and respect that about you.” His tone is warm. “But you should still take the car. You can bring it back whenever.”

  “I wouldn’t trust that car in my neighborhood.” I don’t live in a horrible neighborhood, but it’s nothing like where he lives.

  “Well, how about this. You take it to school and bring it back here after class then Connor will take you home after that. It will be an excuse to see you again. I promise not to keep you…too long.” Smirk a little more, Silver.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? It’d be fun to drive, but I do have to go after I drop it off.” I lean over to kiss his lips.

  “Good, let’s go get the keys.” We walk downstairs, and he pulls out the keys from a drawer in a desk in the living room. He hands me them to me. This is going to be awesome. “Can I give you some money for breakfast or whatever?”

  “No, I have the money you gave me last night from the pizza. I don’t need any more. Silver, please don’t do stuff like that,” I say a little annoyed.

  “Sorry, I just like to help.”

  “I know you do, but we’ll get along a lot better if you realize I’m a very independent person and I’m not afraid to ask for help if I truly need it.”

  “Deal and I’ll learn to back off.”

  I place my hand in his. “Thank you for letting me drive the car, though.” He nods, but his eyes seem a little sad. I change the subject. “Aren’t you working today?”

  “Oh, I work every day like I’ve said, but I’m working from home today. I have a few appointments: some personal, some professional that I must tend to.” Personal? “I’ll be here when you get back.” He walks me to the door and into the lobby to wait for the elevator. He leans down and kisses me. “Good luck on your exam. I know you’ll rock it.” The elevator doors open with a chime.

  “I wish it was like the exam last night.” I wink and get into the elevators.

  “I don’t, or Marcus would have one less job and me to deal with.” He waves a good-bye as the doors close.

  The Camaro is ecstasy to drive. I’ve always wanted a Camaro.
I know I’ll never be able to afford one on my own, so this is nice treat and I’m going to take advantage of the time I have with it. I stomp the gas and see what she can do. I find myself thinking about Silver more than my exam on the drive to campus. A part of me is scared because I feel so comfortable with a man I just met and I haven’t even thought about Jeff at all. Makes me wonder if it was the idea of Jeff I liked more than the man himself. I’m fucked up. I thought I loved Jeff, but true love wouldn’t be like this. I’d have some type of guilt for having feelings for someone else. Right? Seeing Jeff and the way he was so quick to move on with Callie, the way he lied to me. I hate fucking liars. I lost respect for him and that is one of the most important things to me. To be in love there has to be respect, so I guess it’s an easy choice for me. Jeff isn’t the right man for me at all. But is Silver?

  It takes me a while to find a parking spot so I’m running behind. I run into the building trying to make it before Professor Mullins shuts the door. I get there just as he is starting to pull it shut. He gives me an evil eye as I wiggle through the closing door. “So glad you could join us today, Mr. Black,” he sarcastically announces in front of the class. I would take offense but it is his typical reaction to everyone that is late. “Now class, you will have the hour to finish the exam. When you are finished you may leave, but remember this is a huge part of your grade. Check and double-check your answers. You can start after everyone receives their packet.” Professor Mullins passes out the papers. He stops at my desk laying the paper on the edge. He taps his index finger on it. Why did he just do that to me? My nerves are just getting to me. I hate taking tests. He makes his way around the room and back to his desk. He nods and everyone knows that’s the cue to start.

  Forty-five minutes later, it’s me and a handful of people that are still finishing the exam. I get tense as two more students put their finished exams on Professor Mullins’ desk and walk out. You’re ok, Grey. Only three more questions. Hmm…. This one is similar to the one I got wrong with Silver. Good thing I reviewed it. I jot down my answer. Glancing around anxiously, it’s just me and one other student left. “Five minutes,” Professor Mullins announces. Thankfully, I’m on the last question; the other student is still working as well. After the five minutes, Professor Mullins calls the time and we walk up to the desk. He nods to the other student and she walks out. “Mr. Black, hope it wasn’t too hard.” Actually, it was easier than I thought. Silver’s test surprisingly helped.

  “It was fine. I studied a lot,” I say putting the paper on his desk and he looks at me with a weird grin. Shit, does he know? Did Silver tell him how he was testing me? I turn to walk out and he stops me.

  “Mr. Black, I was hoping to have a chat with you. Would you mind shutting the door and having a seat?” He points to the chair next to his desk. I reluctantly shut the door and sit. What would he need to chat with me about? “You look nervous.”

  “I’m confused. I thought I was doing well in your class.” My voice cracks because I am nervous too.

  “You are. Don’t worry. I would assume with the amount of time you spent studying that this test is an easy A for you.”

  “Than what is it?” I say as he leans on the edge of his desk and crosses his arms.

  “I was hoping to lure you into helping me with the LBGT committee here.” Lure or intimidate?

  “I don’t mind helping. I mean, it will have to be next year, this school year is over. I’m not taking summer courses. I will be pretty busy next year, though. It’s my last year finally.” I chuckle timidly and ramble more, “And I’m doing this all on my own, so I do have to work, but I would love to help in my free time.”

  “I understand that. Brian isn’t helping you? He usually helps men he’s interested in?” Wait, what?

  “I don’t understand. Silver and I, we aren’t a thing right now.” Was this his game plan with this chat? “I don’t need his help. I can do it myself.”

  “So the two of you are just friends?”

  “Uh, we just met. I’m taking it slow, but I like him. I’m sorry, but I don’t know what this has to do with class or even the LBGT committee.”

  “It doesn’t and I’m sorry to pry. I was just wondering. Brian’s a good man.”

  “You said he helps men he’s interested in. I was under the impression that he didn’t do this much.” I had to ask.

  “You’re young, but you can’t tell me you’re that naive.” He raises his eyebrow. “What Brian does is none of my business though.” He sighs.

  “Then why’d you bring it up? You obviously were trying to make a point or trying to get to me.” My nervousness is gone, now I’m getting irritated…. Fast.

  “Was I? I don’t think that’s what I was doing at all.” Smug bastard. “I was hoping maybe you’d be interested in going out sometime.” Holy, wait… What? He just asked me out.

  “I don’t think that’s allowed.” Or that I’d be interested. I’m feeling very uncomfortable.

  “As of tonight when I grade everything and end this semester, we are no longer bound in a professor/student relationship.”

  “No disrespect, Professor Mullins―”

  “Please call me Marcus. We’re both adults here.” He winks. “I’m sorry. You were saying.”

  “Uh, yeah, no disrespect Marcus, but I’m very interested in Mr. Silver.”

  “You call him ‘Mr. Silver’?” He keeps interrupting me.

  “No, I was just addressing him that way for you. Let me finish. I want to see where this goes with him, but thank you.”

  He nods. “Can’t blame a guy for trying, right? I hope this doesn’t make it weird.” Hell, yeah it does.

  “No, it’s fine. It’s flattering if anything,” I lie. I just want to get the hell out of there. I get up and walk toward the door. He follows me.

  “Good. Tell Brian I said hello and let me know about joining the committee.” He lays his hand over mine that is holding the door.

  “I will; thank you.” I shut the door behind me. Breathe, Grey. That was fucking weird. I’ve never felt that uncomfortable talking to a teacher. Does Professor Mullins do this to a lot of students? He did with Silver. He must like them young. I shiver. Professor Mullins is a very good looking man, but he’s my teacher and way older than me.

  I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. On my way to the parking lot I run into a friendly face. Levi is flirting with some hot twink. He catches my eye and waves me over. “Well, if it isn’t my long lost roommate.” Levi hugs me. “Grey, this is Milo, Milo this is my roommate, Grey. Milo is studying in the dramatic arts.” Just up Levi’s alley.

  “I have to get to class. I’ll see you tomorrow night. Do you have a pen? I’ll give you my number,” Milo says.

  “Honey, does it look like I carry a pen in this outfit.” Levi laughs. He’s wearing an outfit only Levi could pull off. I take a pen out of my bag and Milo jots down his number for Levi. “See you tomorrow night,” Levi bids him a good-bye. Milo takes off and Levi turns his full attention to me. “How was your night with Mr. Gere?”

  “Will you stop calling him that?” I laugh. “But it was wonderful.” I raise my eyebrows suggestively.

  “Oh, honey, spill it,” Levi inquires.

  “I will, but do you need a ride?” I hold up the keys, swirling it around my finger. “I have Silver’s Camaro.” His eyes go big.

  “Shit, baby―he’s letting you cruise in that? Marry him. Do it for me, honey! He doesn’t even know you. You could totally steal it and it would be his fault.”

  I shrug. “Na, he knows this is a way back to him.” We laugh as we make our way through the parking lot and get into the car. We take off on our joyride back to our apartment. I tell him all about how he gave me a practice exam and the reward I got. “Does he have a brother?” Levi jokes. “No, but seriously.”

  “He just has a twin sister, sorry.”

  “Ugh, well….,” he says sarcastically pretending to think. “Nope, not worth it.” He makes me lau
gh. “Look, why don’t you invite your puppy to come to the bar tomorrow with us. Milo is meeting me and I would love to meet this man of yours.” Puppy, really Levi? “It’s karaoke. You can show that man what an awesome voice you have. He’ll be like putty in your hand.”

  “Sure, that sounds like fun if it’s his thing. He’s a little more sophisticated,” I say as we pull in front of our apartment.

  “Just because he’s sophisticated doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to have a good time.” He’s right. We pull up to the curb in front of our apartment building.

  “I’ll ask him. I have to drop the car off to Silver, but I’ll be back. I have to come home and do my laundry and other shit.”

  “Ok, honey. Thanks for the ride or thank Mr. Gere for me. I’d like to get an A too.” He winks and climbs out.

  ~Chapter Twelve~

  I get back to Silver’s place and park. I take the elevator up to the penthouse. The elevator attendant is standing in the corner. I always feel weird in here with these guys. I don’t know whether to talk or mind my own business. Thankfully, the ride up is quick and I get off in the lobby of the top floor. Connor is talking on his cell by the door. He holds his finger and gestures for me to wait. He quickly ends his call and then turns to me.

  “How are you today, Grey?” Connor smiles as he takes the keys out of his pocket and opens the door.

  “Good…. Is he home?” I question why he is letting me in and not Silver.

  “He is but he’s with Dr. Miller right now, so you can wait here. He will be upset if you leave without seeing him.” He smiles. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “No thank you. Is Silver ok? Why is he with a doctor?” Connor goes to answer just as Silver and the doctor come down the stairs. Silver glances at me and smiles.

  “Greyson,” he exclaims placing a quick peck on my lips. “This is Dr. Miller. She’s my Ophthalmologist.” The pretty blonde shakes my hand.


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