The Bigger Light

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The Bigger Light Page 2

by Austin Clarke

  Boysie watched the woman walking morning after morning. And he filled his life with her. It was painful and it was joyful. Once, when he looked out, he saw her walking with a small child. He became disappointed. Part of his fascination with the woman was that he imagined her to be childless just as Dots was childless. He wanted her to be alone, just as he was alone. In that way could he cope with his fantasy. But his disappointment faded that very morning, and all of a sudden the woman was Dots, and the child walked in the opposite direction. And never again did he see her with the child at her side. It was then that he speculated that Dots could be a good mother if she ever had the chance. The presence of the child by her side that morning became a child inside her womb, put there by him. He looked around his apartment, around his home, around his life, and there was no child. Not even a pet. Nothing was with him now, except Dots; and she was slipping away gradually by her own silence, by his own preoccupation with new things, with dreams, and with isolation and with letters to the editor, which she stopped reading now; and by his inability to focus on both the woman below in the street and the woman in his apartment, in the heavily breathing half of the bed beside him at night. He thought again of where he could run to and when.

  He thought at first that it was her work. He thought it was her fatigue. He thought it was her snoring. And he found out, quite by chance, that all those nights when he lay beside her, when her body remained stiff beside him, when her body did not move even when he lay on top of her, when her body accepted him as a glass accepts water, he realized that in all this time, Dots was not sleeping. She was just lying beside him, like a dying patient would lie on top of a bed in a hospital ward.


  “Yeah?” Her heavy breathing stopped, as if he had wakened her.

  “You sleeping?”


  And she started to breathe heavily again, in a kind of beginning snore.

  “You really sleeping, in truth?”

  She turned over heavily, drew up her legs, extended them again, drew them up again, as if she was disturbed from a deep peaceful sleep, and said nothing.

  Boysie remained quiet, lying on his side, facing her, with his eyes opened in slits. He too began to breathe heavily, and then he started to snore. Then he lay very still. He was looking for something. He was hoping that what he was looking for would not be there, that it would not be. Half an hour later, with the help of the glimmer of the electric clock, with its face like the eyes of a cat in the dark, Dots muttered, “This blasted man! I ain’ got time for that!”, scratched herself between the thighs, and turned over. When he got accustomed to the dark, he realized that her eyes were wide open.

  But he became frightened still, for she might have been sleeping with her eyes open. All these years. And he could not ask her; at least not then. He did not sleep at all that night. And the same thing happened many nights after that.


  “Yeah, Boysie?”

  “You sleeping, already?”

  “Ah? Eh?”

  Her body moves in the quiet bed, and she shuffles her legs, touching his as if by error, then she draws them up, and puts them safely out of his reach; and she holds over randomly and drops her hand, her heavy hand, and just as randomly it lands on his neck, and he can’t say anything in protest because he is supposed to be asleep and because he is not sure, and then she rolls over and rests eventually far away from him.

  “You sleeping?”

  “Ah? …”

  The punctuality of the woman arriving each morning, and the uniformity of her dress, bothered Boysie so much that it interrupted his concentration on the morning newspapers. He would find himself reading the words of the world news reports without understanding their meaning; and a part of his attention would be on the tip of the roof which touched in perspective the pavement of the subway exit; and he would wait to see whether she would appear in the same winter coat, or whether his concentration upon her arrival would change her appearance, and make her late. He was becoming miserable on these mornings. Dots was drifting away from him, and even though they went out each Saturday night, he did not enjoy himself, did not care whether she enjoyed herself, and he did not like the music. Sometimes he thought of changing his drink. “I wonder if I should change my brand?”

  For years he had taken Dots to the Mercury Club downtown, where they listened and danced to calypso music, and mixed with each new batch of arriving immigrants. Now Boysie began to dislike their raucous behaviour and the bright colours they wore and the noise they made, even when the music was playing. He became withdrawn from them, and all the time he wondered why. He would sit in a darkened corner with Dots, far from the press of people, and watch them, and wonder why they did not change their ways when they came to a new country. And as he watched them, his Scotch became tasteless water. He was becoming tense in the company of these young immigrants. Watching them dance and throw their bodies and their backsides in such abandon to the music made him so uncomfortable and envious, like a man thinking of the loss of his virility, that the new rhythm of moving the body alarmed him, and made him hope that he was never like them. He was never like that. Boysie would sit, silently, in a dark corner and sip his drink without making too much noise with the ice cubes, and think that perhaps his presence in that bar, where he was the only black person, was a favour. But these young people, they were always laughing and talking aloud and dancing in the wildest manner, and even when he saw them on the street they were laughing like that and making it obvious by their laughter and their speech that they were newcomers, and the new owners of the country. Boysie detested their conspicuousness. And when he began to hear and then read in the newspapers that youths were snatching purses from old women in the subway, he wished he was a policeman sent to arrest all of them. “They are spoiling my image,” he told Dots, during one of their infrequent conversations. That was all he said to her. Even this was too personal to talk too much about to her. And he added these “thieves” to his other griefs. And every youth that he had met in the calypso clubs and in the streets became a thief. When he happened to be passing them on the sidewalk his body was overtaken with spasms, and he clutched his wallet. He carried a lot of cash wherever he went. “There was a time when I could walk the whole of Yonge Street without meeting-up one o’ them!”

  Boysie lived four or five subway stations east from Bathurst, and he was glad that he lived so far. He was glad that he did not have to travel to work on the subways with “these blasted thieves.” He did not know what he would do should he meet one of them. And it did not matter to him whether the thug was in the act of snatching a woman’s purse; it did not matter to him that he had never had one of them pointed out to him; he did not know their names, or their police descriptions, and one of them had never molested his wife as she travelled back and forth from the Doctor’s Hospital. He was not concerned or interested in such evidence. The newspaper reports were enough for him to convict these “thieves” in his mind, and arrest them with his own hands, should he come upon such a young West Indian in the subway.

  “They making things more bad for everybody,” he told Dots on another occasion. “This country have enough jobs for everybody to get at least one. Look at a man like me. I come into this country, and I did truly and really suffer a little bit. But it takes a while to know the ropes. I know the ropes now: I have work hard as hell for what I have. I build a business. And be-damn, no blasted West Indian thief is going to make life miserable for me.” He was thinking clearly now. He was finding words and a new language coming with an ease he did not know existed. And he was preparing his mind to commit these thoughts to the exercise book in which he composed the first drafts of his letters to the editor. He wanted the Canadian public to know that there were some, “Hell, man! Not just some! They must be thousands, perhaps hundreds upon thousands o’ Barbadians living here who do not believe in no foolishness like thiefing. Barbadians is hard-working people. Law-abiding, too, Go
dblindyou!”, that there were many Barbadians who did not come to this country to live off stealing, and gambling and betting on the races; and many other West Indians, too.

  He stopped thinking of himself as a West Indian, and he became strictly a Barbadian. He began to have doubts about Caribbean nationalism, about the West Indies as a group of people distinct from any other group. He did not know too much about Africa, and therefore talk he had heard about something called “Pan-Africanism” did not bother him too much. And he wished that Henry was around to give him some support for his views; but after all, he was a man, and he was a Barbadian.

  Boysie did not want to be known as a black nationalist either. He was simply a hard-working Barbadian. But he wished he was wealthy and privileged and very conservative. Conservative to him meant a very good life and excellent education and being a Canadian. In a short time, he would qualify to take out Canadian landed immigrant status, and “be-Christ, I am going to get that passport the morning after I qualify for it!”

  This tension in him did not permit him to be comfortable any longer in places where they sang calypsoes, danced the Reggae and played rhythm and blues. His discomfort began affecting his drinking, and he moved from the calypso clubs to the posh drinking places, the street-level bars in the Park Plaza Hotel, on Bloor Street, a fashionable area of the city. He took Dots there once. The first time they were dressed as if they were going to a wedding. Boysie himself felt a bit uncomfortable, but he told himself he had to endure it. Dots was not sure. He would sit and sip and dream of how successful he was becoming, and wish that the bartender or the waiter would realize that he was serving drinks to a celebrity, that it was he who had written three letters to the newspapers, and had got them published in the Letters to the Editor column. He would sit and sip and wait for this recognition. He would wait for someone from among this unknown crowd of low-talking self-assured young Canadian executives to see that the man sitting in their midst was, by his appearance and dress, not the same as those “blasted thieves” in the subway, snatching purses. No one ever recognized him in this way. Once, the bartender smiled, and said, “Cold enough for ya, buddy?” Boysie did not know what rejoinder to make.

  He would think of those old ladies crossing the street, slowly, near his building, going down to the corner to purchase their small bottles of liquor (he bought his by the case these days), and he would think of the woman appearing at the same time each morning of the week from the subway station, and he would look at his wife, sitting equally uncomfortably at the table facing him, but not seeing him, not recognizing him, sipping her drink of gin and tonic, no expression on her face, just looking into the space between them, the space that was widening every day, and he would place this woman in the brown winter coat in the chair next to him, between him and Dots, and talk to Dots as if he was talking to that distant woman.

  “Dots, do you know something?” he said one Saturday night, as they were sitting at the small round black table, which had become Boysie’s favourite place in the darkened corner of the classy bar. “I’ve been thinking of incorporating the little business.”

  “Doing what?”


  “What incorporating means?”

  “Incorporating. Incorporation, you know. Incorporation and incorporation taxes. You read about it in the papers every day. The big boys do it all the time. Down on Bay Street in the stock market, where I work …”

  “You only cleans offices down there, though, Boysie!”

  “Anyhow … I see this incorporation thing as the only thing that could save a man like me. The only thing to save me from paying so much taxes to the government. I see myself getting bigger and bigger. Seeing the light. Just because o’ this incorporation thing!”

  “What do you do with this incorporation thing, Boysie?”


  “Yes, do! Yuh must be able to do something with a thing which you say … ”

  “I see myself buying a couple of apartment buildings. No black man in this country ever do that. Then … the stock market, and then, maybe …”

  “A castle in the air!” Dots said, and laughed from the barrel of her heaving stomach.

  “When I go to work on Bay Street, every evening …”

  “You don’t work down there, Boysie. You cleans offices down there.”

  He ignored her comment, and went on talking and dreaming, turning the matter over in his mind, talking not really about it to her, but as if he was already incorporated, and was trying to acquaint his wife with his new status.

  “The idea of incorporation may look like a simple thing to you, but I have the opinion that it is a more serious thing than you making out.”

  “I tired as hell. I work all week in that hospital, and I want to get home to my bed.”

  Boysie swallowed his drink, and with it went a bit of his pride.

  “Man, tek me home in this blasted old truck, do, lemme watch the Johnny Carson show!” She made him feel her full resentment by sucking inward with her breath on her teeth; and when she shut the door on her side, it was as if the truck had exploded. Boysie made a note to himself to print BOYSIE CUMBERBATCH CLEANERS, INC., on the sides of his panel truck. That would be the first step, he thought, towards incorporation.

  Dots shifts her position in the seat, and prepares herself to get out. They turn into the street where their apartment building is, and they are blocked by taxis and cars parked all over the street, and the street is crowded with young people, boisterous and happy and some drunk, going to parties in the same building. Dots notices the West Indian men with their women. And Boysie notices only the West Indian men. “I gotta get outta this area,” Dots says, while he struggles to park the truck. “I gotta get out!” Her tone and the voice of the turning tires are at the same irritating pitch.

  “How did you like that girl at the piano?” They are inside the lobby now. Boysie selects the front door key from a bunch of keys. “She’s a great singer, eh?”

  “Open the door, man,” Dots says. “It cold.”

  The elevator was climbing. Boysie asked her what she thought of the music, and of the place where they had been drinking. Dots heard only the noise of his words. She remained silent. She was far away from him. At any rate, there were other people in the elevator, and she hated to talk in strange company. She had learned how to stand beside him, or lie beside him in bed at night, and not hear one word he was saying. People would be in the elevator or in the subway car with her, and she could wipe them out of her consciousness. In the elevator with them now were five other West Indians and three Canadian women. The men were well dressed, and the women looked healthy and young and vibrant in the way Canadian women just out of their teens look: legs strong and breasts full, and with a glow on their cheeks, like young willing fulfilling women.

  Boysie remains quiet, more than being silent; for he feels uneasy being so close to these young West Indians; and he feels suddenly old and useless because of what he knows about himself and his marriage; and he sees these West Indians, silent, and baiting, waiting for him to say something (or even look) about their women, or about the way they are dressed; for they are young and strong, wearing mod fashions, pimpish and expensive, and in their manner is the cockiness of the university student, assurance in this cold elevator, of exactly where they are going in this country. This assurance seems to exude from them the closer they stand to the women and when the women touch them in simple loving gestures. Nobody is talking now. But the whirring of the unoiled movement up, some of them trying to ignore the movement, or to pretend that they are not bored and uncomfortable — the whirring is perhaps like the constructing of their individual thoughts.

  “Imagine, leaving the West Indies to live in a place like this!”

  It was one of the Canadian women who spoke. Her voice was like thunder it was so natural and so unexpected. Dots shot her eyes in the woman’s direction, and the woman acknowledged it and smiled. Dots just looked off. Without chan
ging her expression of boredom and discomfort, she felt the atmosphere become relaxed. Somebody sighed, or breathed more easily. And the boredom of watching the floor shift on the illuminated panel above their heads was less obvious.

  “What would make people leave a nice warm place like the West Indies to come up to a place like Canada …”

  The elevator reached its stop, and they all got out. And they were all going in the same direction, towards Boysie’s apartment. As Boysie reached his door, he fumbled in his pocket, waiting to see where they were going.


  It was the same Canadian woman who had mentioned the West Indies. Dots was taken by surprise. The shock opened her mouth, and relaxed her face; and she smiled and said goodnight. The young people moved to the next door and went in. Boysie felt very insecure having them so adjacently close to him.

  “Nice kids,” Dots said. She unlocked the door with her own key (Boysie was still fumbling) and walked straight into the bedroom, leaving the door wide open for him to close. Once inside, he was safe and soundproofed from them. And his protecting apartment soon made him forget them. From the bedroom Dots was saying something about West Indian young men. “Nice kids,” she said, not really talking to her husband. And Boysie hoped to find more in her words than she might have intended, so that he might pick a quarrel with her. “Nice kids. And look so strong. And clean. They make me proud to see them behaving so.”


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