Kyro: A Sci-fi Alien Abduction Romance (Captured by Aliens Book 5)

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Kyro: A Sci-fi Alien Abduction Romance (Captured by Aliens Book 5) Page 8

by A. G. Wilde

Even now, the memory of it was making her hot and an encouraging throb pulsed between her legs.

  As she hopped from out of the shower and pulled on one of the brown dresses she hated so much, she steeled herself for the inevitable itch of the material.

  Maybe she should get some of the standard kit everyone else wore. At least she wouldn’t have to walk around looking as if she was meant to be carrying fresh produce.

  She was just about to reach for her datapad so she could ask one of the other human women about it when the door chimed.

  Her heart skipped a beat immediately.


  Pushing her wet hair behind her ears she hurried to the door and peeked through the viewscreen.

  The face she saw there made her feel a tad guilty for the disappointment she immediately felt. It wasn’t Kyro standing at her door. It was one of the other humans who’d been abducted. Athena.

  Her blonde head was turned as she waved to someone down on the street. Pressing the pad to release the lock, Evren smiled as the door slid open.


  “Evren!” Athena grinned at her and Evren noted immediately how relaxed and happy the other woman looked. “Sorry to pop by so suddenly. I was just heading out to the market to do some shopping. Wondered if you want to come with?”

  The market.

  The last time she went there she’d been accosted. But, on the plus side, she’d gotten free fabric and maybe a new friend? She wasn’t sure where to place the merchant called M’Agunt.

  Athena must have noticed her hesitation because, with one jerk of her blonde head, she motioned to the street below.

  “Don’t worry, Xul will be coming along. He’ll be keeping a low profile behind us, but he’ll be there to carry our bags—or baskets.” She grinned again.

  Sure enough, down in the street below was the large alien, his horns piercing the air. Xul was looking right at them and as Evren met his gaze, he jerked his head in greeting.

  “Ohh, okay. Sure.”

  Why not? Maybe it would take her mind off things, give her something to think about apart from the memory of Kyro’s lips. “Let me just grab my basket.”

  In a few minutes, they were down on the street heading toward the market. As she walked side by side with Athena, Xul did indeed keep his distance behind them. But she noticed that whenever she turned around, his gaze was purely focused on his woman.

  It must be nice.

  The jealous thought came out of nowhere and shocked her.

  What the hell was wrong with her? It wasn’t Athena’s fault she felt so unsatisfied.

  As she looked at Athena now, happily babbling away about things she’d seen or beings she’d met, she couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and even guilty about the way she felt.

  Athena seemed to be adjusting to their new life just fine. She was happy.

  Glancing back at Xul, she wondered if he had anything to do with that. And, by the way he was looking at Athena, she was pretty sure he did.

  Could she have anything like that with Kyro?

  Was it possible?

  She liked him enough. Well, actually, a lot. She liked him a lot. Much more than she was prepared to face.

  “—vren?” Athena was looking across at her as they walked, having obviously asked a question that she didn’t hear. “Everything all right?”

  “Y-yea, sure. Don’t mind me. You were saying something?”

  “Ya, I was saying”—Athena stepped around a short alien with bright orange skin whom she was lucky to not fall over.—"I was saying that you’re a star for wearing that dress. Doesn’t it itch? I don’t know if I’m allergic to the material, but it itches like crazy!”

  Evren glanced down at herself then at Athena.

  She’d been in her thoughts so much she hadn’t even noticed Athena was dressed in the standard black-and-white kit.

  “I couldn’t wear it,” Athena continued.

  “Didn’t want to look like an itchy baked potato any longer?” Evren quipped.

  Athena’s laugh had a male alien with tall antennae turning to look in the direction of the sound but his antennae visibly drooped when he spotted Xul behind them. When she glanced behind her, Xul looked so thunderous, if she didn’t know him, she’d have picked up her pace to get out of his way.

  The image of Kyro with the same look on his face came into her head and made her grin. He’d done something similar when he’d threatened Shive on her behalf.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing.” She was sure that came out a little too rushed. “I’m just...remembering something.”

  As they entered the market, Athena grabbed her by the arm and steered her forward as if she knew exactly where she was going. And when the market opened up into a large clothes shopping area, Evren understood why.

  “When you said shopping...”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean food shopping.” Athena grinned. “Come on! This will be fun!”

  She had to admit. It had been fun.

  It had even felt like normal life again—if it hadn’t been for the holographic models and the fact that some of the clothes were so different from most things on Earth.

  They did manage to snag a few pieces that looked suitable for everyday wear and she had even found a summer dress made from the same material she’d gotten from M’Agunt.

  As they left the market and walked the street back to her dwelling, Athena was still in high spirits.

  They were just passing a set of apartments when Athena stopped abruptly.

  Turning, she realized the other woman was waiting for her partner to catch up.

  Laden with shopping baskets, Xul still looked as if he would easily injure any alien who dared to walk too close to Athena.

  He had still been purposely walking a few feet behind them and Evren assumed it was because he was still trying to give them some privacy.

  Or, possibly, he wanted Athena to have some sense of normalcy in her new life without him being her only companion.

  Despite his scowl at the aliens around them, when he reached where they stood, his gaze softened as he looked at Athena.

  “This is where Kyro lives right?” Athena pointed up at the building. Mention of Kyro had Evren’s gaze flying to Athena.

  Had she been saying her thoughts about Kyro out loud?

  Xul’s gaze moved in the direction Athena was pointing. “Yes. Why?”

  “Well, you said he’s the one who’s been researching all things about Earth and I can ask him about things I might need, since he’s doing the research, right?”

  Xul grunted.

  Turning to face her, Athena continued. “You can go to Kyro if you need anything. Floor two apartment two.” She glanced at Xul for confirmation and the bull-like alien grunted again. “I know Kyro’s kinda strange, but he doesn’t bite.”

  No, he doesn’t bite. He kisses. Soft, sweet, gentle kisses.

  Evren looked up at the building and made note of it.

  “Hey, Xul has this recipe he wants to do for dinner tonight. You can come and eat with us if you like.” Athena continued.

  “I’d love to but maybe some other time.” Evren smiled, her gaze still on the apartment building.

  Later she would pop into his place and apologize for forcing herself onto him the day before.

  Despite that his kiss had felt so good and despite that she’d enjoyed it, she didn’t want to destroy the friendship that was budding between them.

  When he’d left, he’d seemed upset, and it made her feel guilty. She definitely had to rectify what she’d done.

  As Athena nodded and they all set off down the street once more, movement by the side of the apartment building caught Evren’s eye.

  She could be mistaken but she was sure she’d seen dark chitin.

  A chill ran down her spine.

  Had he been watching her again? Following her too?

  As they continued walking down the street, Evren glanced back and she was su
re this time.

  There, going in the opposite direction, was the male who had accosted her in the market.



  Straightening the dress she’d bought at the market, Evren turned around in the viewing screen.

  It was white, the hem decorated in shapes that looked like abstract butterflies and it was sleeveless too. It hung just above her knees and with her hair now dry and hanging over her shoulders, she felt she was ready.

  Walking over to Kyro’s apartment was nerve-wracking. She found herself constantly straightening her dress, fixing her hair, and generally trying to shake the nervousness from her bones.

  She looked like a teenager who’d dressed up for prom just to see her crush and despite how ludicrous that was, it was the exact feeling she was having.

  Running a hand over her small chest, she wondered if he would be home. She was standing in front of his door, frozen with one hand raised to hit the panel that would sound the chime inside.


  She was such an idiot.

  She could have checked if he was home before she turned up at his door. Before they’d been given their apartments, they’d all been added as each other’s contacts on the datapad.

  For a second, she contemplated returning home to confirm if it was okay for her to visit.

  He’d seemed like an all right guy but this time she’d be in his space. She hadn’t even considered that he might not be too keen on that happening.

  Depressing the panel before she could change her mind, she waited.

  She couldn’t hear the chime from the outside, but she counted in her head.

  Hers rang for just three seconds. If he didn’t answer after three seconds, she would leave.




  Evren bit her lip and turned to leave, but as she began to do so, the door slid open.


  It wasn’t a voice she recognized and when she turned to face the speaker, her eyes widened a bit.

  The alien in front of her looked so similar to Kyro, the resemblance was uncanny. The only difference she could see was that his eyes weren’t gray. This alien’s eyes were a startling green.

  “Oh. Sorry. I must have gotten the wrong door. I was looking for someone else.”

  “Who?” The large male crossed his arms and regarded her. “Aren’t you one of those humans Reku5 rescued?”

  Oh, please don’t be another stalker.

  They really should have warned her about this. It should come as part of a leaflet on how to navigate the Restitution.

  “Yes,” she answered, her tone wary. She was about to give him a polite smile and goodbye when he turned sideways in the entryway and bellowed into the apartment.

  “Kyro! A human has wandered to our door.”

  Giving her what looked suspiciously like a wink, he left the door open as he reentered the apartment.

  Evren blinked.

  So, he was Kyro’s brother...

  She’d had no idea he didn’t live alone. She guessed she just hadn’t thought of him as the sort of person to share a place with someone else.

  It made her feel even more awkward about the fact that she’d popped in without an invitation. Stepping into the doorway, she looked into the apartment absentmindedly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  It was bright in the room. So bright it was taking her eyes some moments to readjust to the light and she squinted as she looked around.

  It was a bit surprising to see that the place looked exactly like hers.

  If she hadn’t been very aware of her entire walk over to visit him, she’d have been convinced she was standing in her apartment.

  A sound behind her had her turning around and as she saw the source of the disturbance, her mouth fell open.

  Kyro was standing there and she’d obviously interrupted his shower because water was dripping down his very naked shoulders, upper body, and down …

  There was no towel.

  He’d walked out of the shower with no towel on.

  “Oh...” she breathed, her eyes stopping right at the V at the juncture of his hips.

  She should let her gaze drop.

  No, she should look away!

  Drop your gaze!

  Evren swallowed hard.

  She should look away, but she couldn’t.

  Kyro pressed a button on a panel close to where he was standing and the door hissed closed behind her. At the same time, he pressed another button and the lights dimmed to normal intensity.

  “Evren...” He walked toward her slowly, stopping a few feet away.

  Fuck that sweet, melodic voice. Why did he have to say her name like he was stripping her naked and wanted her right then and there? Did he even realize he was speaking that way?

  It was hard keeping her eyes focused on his face. She kept wanting to stray and look at other lower things.

  Who would have guessed that for a guy that spent his time analyzing data he’d have such ripped muscles hidden underneath his vest?

  “Is everything all right?” He took another step forward and paused.

  “Oh goodness, yes. I’m sorry. I should have called first.” She gave him a nervous smile. “Sorry for popping in unannounced.”

  “You are always welcome here.”

  Did he really mean it or was he just being polite?

  Evren licked her lips and glanced around the room. “Nice place you have here.”

  His eyes narrowed on her and she was sure she saw amusement there. “We spent several hours decorating,” he replied after a few moments passed.

  It took a second for her to realize he was joking, and she almost choked on a laugh as she glanced around the bland apartment. “Oh, did you?”

  “Truly,” he said, pointing to a single purple plant that was resting on the table. “That was my contribution.”

  Her laugh came quick and easy and her shoulders relaxed. She didn’t know why she’d been so nervous about seeing him again.

  Relaxing around him came as easy as melting butter in a hot pan.

  It was going to be hard telling him what she’d come to say. Not only was the sight of him creating knots in her brain but the way he was looking at her...that heat she’d felt the day before was returning and it was starting a raging fire in her core.

  “I know I said it before, but I am sorry for popping in so suddenly. I didn’t mean to inconvenience you or your brother.” Her brows scrunched a little.

  “Brother?” The skin on Kyro’s forehead pulled together and he glanced behind him in the direction where his roommate had gone. “Rokan is not my blood brother. He is but a nuisance I live with.”

  “That’s what he says but he and I both know, he is the real nuisance,” came Rokan’s voice from somewhere in another room.

  Evren held back a laugh at the utter look of irritation Kyro shot in the direction of the voice.

  “I will dress,” he said, turning back to her, the look of irritation seeming to melt from his features like moisturizer into his skin. “Then we can speak.”

  Evren nodded and with a lingering look, Kyro moved off to the second bedroom.

  As he dressed, Evren paced slowly in the sitting area, catching her reflection in one of the viewing screens along the wall.

  Her reflection surprised her. She’d looked at herself before she left but seeing her image again, it seemed she had forgotten what she looked like.

  Dare she even think that she looked good?

  Maybe it was the fact that she had been dirty and unwashed for the greater part of her capture, but the effect of the white dress she was wearing made her feel as pristine as a snowflake. And she probably looked like one too, white her white-blond hair, pale skin, and white attire.

  She was running her hand over the dress when she felt, rather than heard, Kyro move up behind her and his reflection appeared in the viewing screen. He was dressed in the standard kit and he was focused on her ha
nds moving down her dress.

  “Is this the clothing you were making?”

  How could his eyes be saying such naughty things when the words leaving his mouth were so wholesome? Was she imagining it? Was she that hungry for something to hold on to that she was imagining what was not there?

  “No,” she blinked rapidly, trying to clear her thoughts. “This? I couldn’t make this. Did you not see the catastrophe I made that was supposed to be a skirt?”

  “It wasn’t a catastrophe...a small disaster maybe...”

  Evren narrowed her eyes at him and for the first time, she watched as Kyro’s lips twisted into a ghost of a smile.

  He was smiling.

  It transformed his features.

  Suddenly, his eyes twinkled and softened and his whole face relaxed.

  Turning to face him, she punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Hey. You’re getting too good at Earth humor. Puns. Sarcasm.”

  Kyro didn’t answer. Instead, his gaze darkened, and she was suddenly aware of how close she was standing to him. It seemed that when she’d turned around she’d inadvertently taken a step closer to him without realizing.

  Warmth feathering her cheeks, she cleared her throat and stepped to the side, pretending to walk over to look at the plant on the table.

  “Did I interrupt your work? Athena told me you’re researching our planet.”

  “I spend much time reviewing your world,” he replied.

  “Don’t you find us...boring? There are so many other interesting aliens. Just walking down the street and I’m amazed at how...lacking we humans are.”

  It took a few seconds for him to answer and when she looked in his direction, she wished she hadn’t. Gone was the twinkle in his eye and the smile that had been tugging on his lips.

  What had now taken its place was a deep, take me to bed and strip me bare sort of look.

  “I don’t find you lacking at all.”

  There were too many unsaid words there. She could almost feel them bursting the seams of silence surrounding them and Evren found herself swallowing hard.

  Was it just her or had the temperature risen in the room?

  Yea. She was definitely teetering on the brink of horny.

  It was clear that spending time with Xul and Athena had only worsened her apparent need for something.


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