So Much to Learn

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So Much to Learn Page 31

by Jessie L. Star


  And he wasn't kidding. After we'd both had breakfast and showers, we worked through his text books all day, only stopping briefly at about 1 for a quick lunch. By the time we were finished it was beginning to get dark outside and I had a headache from reading all the fine print.

  Still, we had made great progress and, despite our fatigue, were feeling pretty good about ourselves as we bustled about in the kitchen making tea. We hadn't spoken much throughout the day and we certainly hadn't acknowledged the sexual tension which, at times, had seemed so thick I wondered whether at any second we would throw the text books behind us and maul each other. We had, surprisingly, kept our composure, but now the studying was acknowledged to be over little tingles were making themselves known in my belly.

  We ate tea sitting across from each other, occasionally making eye contact and then looking away as if we were kids in high school with crushes. Even after we'd finished our plates, neither one of us seemed prepared to make the first move and we sat in silence, pretty much staring at each other, willing the other to acknowledge that something huge was about to happen.

  Finally, when I felt that I simply couldn't take it anymore I banged the table and said, "I could kill for some chocolate!"

  OK so I know you're thinking 'why bring up chocolate? Why not simply tell Jack that his presence is required in the bedchamber?' But remember that we're talking about my first time here and I was feeling pretty much excited and nervous in equal parts. And what do women do when they are feeling excited or nervous? Why they demand chocolate of course!

  Anyway, after my announcement Jack tapped his finger against his thigh thoughtfully then a slow smile spread across his face and he jumped out of his chair to start rummaging through the top kitchen cupboard, the one I can't even reach the handle of. I twisted round in my chair and watched with interest as random odds and ends tumbled out of the messy cupboard then raised one eyebrow enquiringly when he gave an exclamation of triumph and re-emerged with…a light bulb box.

  "Here." He chucked the box across to me and, mystified, I opened it.

  "Oooh!" I squealed, as, from between a couple of spare light bulbs, I pulled out a crumbled packet of milk chocolate buttons. Popping a button into my mouth I groaned appreciatively as it started to melt chocolatey goodness onto my tongue. "Good work," I congratulated him, "next I want to see you pull some rabbits out of a hat." When he looked at me questioningly I nodded towards the light bulb box. "Since when do we keep chocolate in there?"

  "Well," Jack shrugged, "when we were making Haley's birthday cake in June, Matt kept eating all the decorations that were supposed to go on top so I hid them in there and completely forgot about them until just now."

  I was fascinated to discover that the mention of Haley's name only raised minor irritation within me and it was so fleeting I only just had time to identify it. Could this mean I was maturing? Nah, it was probably just that I was distracted by the yumminess of the chocolate.

  "Here." I reached inside the packet and threw a chocolate button at Jack who tilted his head and caught it expertly in his mouth.

  "Another excellent catch by the Jack Hammer," he crowed just as I dropped a couple more pieces of chocolate into my own mouth.

  "Excuse me!" I mumbled past the melting pieces in my mouth. "I think you'll find that it was actually another excellent throw by me."

  "Sure, whatever," he scoffed and in reply I stuck my chocolate covered tongue at him. "Don't you waggle that tongue at me young lady!" He laughed. "I don't know where it's been."

  "Oh really?" I asked coyly. "I think you'd have a better idea than most."

  And, just like that, the sexual tension went from oozing quietly in the background to a full on flood which seemed to physically knock Jack towards me and pull me up out of my seat.

  We met halfway across the kitchen and Jack wrapped both arms around me possessively, clutching me so tightly that in any other situation I would have worried about getting air into my lungs. Luckily mundane things like getting an oxygen supply were driven completely out of my mind as Jack and I moved against each other, already seeming to know exactly what to do to please the other.

  There was no dilly dallying about, we had been doing too much of that during the day and, now the dam had broken, we were just letting our instincts lead us. And, apparently, our instincts enjoyed fierce, passionate kisses. The chocolate present in both our mouths literally sweetened our meeting, making it seem like all my Christmases and, coincidently, birthdays, had come at once.

  Gradually our kisses slowed a little and I began to realise that I was feeling his stubble scratching across my cheeks. Smiling against his lips I pulled away and took one of his hands in mine. Without a word, I led him across the flat to the bathroom and pulled him inside.

  "What are you…?" He began to ask as I opened the bathroom cabinet and began rummaging inside. He didn't need to finish his sentence as the next second I turned and presented him with a can of shaving cream and a razor.


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