The Cowboy's City Girl - An Enemies To Lovers Romance

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The Cowboy's City Girl - An Enemies To Lovers Romance Page 18

by Emerson Rose


  For A Million Years And Forever

  I’ve been trying to call Allison all damn day. Avoiding me is making me more suspicious and less willing to listen to her side of the story. I told Ash I would do it, though, and I will.

  I smash my finger on the call button and wait but not for long. She answers on the second ring. “Ridge?”

  “Yes, Allison, we need to talk.”

  “Funny, I’ve been trying to do that for two days.”

  “I don’t have time for sarcasm, did you do this? Did you give Realm those photographs of me? Did you tell them all the things we talked about in fucking private all these weeks? Tell the truth, Allison, I’ll find out sooner or later anyway.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, and I think she may have hung up. “Allison?”

  I hear her sniffle. She’s crying, good. “Yes, I’m here, and no, I didn’t do this. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, but you refused to answer your phone. Ridge, how could you think I would be so cruel? You didn’t even give me the chance to tell my side of the story. We could have avoided all of this. Well, most of it anyway, if you had communicated with me.”

  “How the fuck do they know I take care of Ash and Stella’s kids? How do they know my favorite food, color, my dreams for the future, my grief about my past? I haven’t told those things to anyone but you, no one, not ever. You were the only one who knew what was going on inside my head, just you. Now the whole fucking world knows every tiny fucking detail about me. How does that happen, Allison, explain that to me.” He’s yelling loudly. I can see him in my mind standing in his office with his face beet red, and the vein on his temple bulging out so far it looks like it will burst. I’ve only seen him angry once. It was when something went wrong with a truck transporting cattle from the ranch. After that, I never wanted to see it again.

  “I’m trying to figure that out. The photographs were confiscated from my work computer. They said they had the right to them because they were being stored on a device that was owned by Realm, so I didn’t have a choice on that. They’ve been asking for them since I met you, and I’ve always refused until they informed me yesterday that they had them. And I never once spoke to them about us, I never spoke to them about you at all, and that got me to thinking this morning. It’s like they’ve been able to listen in to our private conversations. I took my phone to a friend of Grace’s who specializes in that kind of thing, and he found an app hidden in it. It has the capability to remotely record voices and take video without anyone knowing it’s doing it. If you don’t believe me, look it up, it’s called LLL for look, listen, and learn. Someone has been listening to everything we say to each other.”

  “What the hell?” Someone’s been spying on us all this time. No, not someone, Realm Magazine, those bastards took advantage of one of their employees and planted spyware on her phone. Is there no end to their deception?

  “It wasn’t me, Ridge. You have to believe me. I love you. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

  “I’ll bet they put it there before they sent you to do Ash’s photo shoot to get dirt on him. They’ve been listening to you, to us, for months.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that, but I bet you’re right. Oh God, these people are bastards. I can’t believe I’ve been working for them for so long, and I never knew.”

  “That’s the way they want it. Wait, did you have that app removed from your phone?”

  “Yes, we can talk.”

  “You’re sure? What about your office? Your desktop computer? Your laptop? They could have that thing installed everywhere.”

  “Oh my God, you’re right. Shit.”

  “Listen to me. This is what you’re going to do. Get your things together, anything you want to keep and walk out. If anyone asks where you’re going, say you quit because you are quitting. I don’t want you ever to set foot in that building again.”

  “Ridge, I can’t, they threatened to blackball me if I leave. I’ll never work in this city again, and I have bills, and David and…”

  “It’s all right. I’ll handle all of that, just get out of there and go home.”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared, Ridge. I need this job.”

  “Allison, you do not need that fucking job. Get your things and get out. I’m coming to get you,” I say and disconnect the call before she can argue with me anymore. Those people at that magazine are going to pay. I’m going to shut them down, bankrupt them, drag their name through the mud just like they did to me. They’re finished.

  But first, I’m going to get my angel. I was a dumb motherfucker not giving her a chance to explain, and I plan on making it up to her every day for the rest of her life.

  I loathe big cities, New York in particular. The noise, the filth, the people packed in everywhere like sardines, the spoiled gold diggers. I hate it all. I swore a long time ago that I would never set foot in that city again, but I will for Allison, I’ll do anything for her.

  I’ve never planned a trip so fast. After I filled Ash in on what was happening, I raced to the airport hanger where the jet is kept and took off for New York. It takes around four hours to fly to New York. It’s five-thirty now which means I’ll get in around ten-thirty her time and to her door by eleven. Eleven o’clock can’t come soon enough. I need to see her, touch her, ask her for forgiveness, and then ask her to marry me.

  The weight of the little box in my pocket reminds me that I almost lost this opportunity because of my stupid, stubborn headedness. I will never again jump to conclusions without speaking to her first. I might even slip that into my vows somehow just to show her how much I mean it. I bought Allison’s engagement ring the day she went back to New York the weekend before we went to California. Watching her get on that plane to leave me every week was torture, and I had planned on ending that torture by popping the question. Now I’ll end a different kind of torture instead but with the same question.

  I usually enjoy the comfort of Ash’s jet. Flying alone with no distractions is a luxury most never are afforded, but tonight I could use a distraction. Having a teenage kid rattle on next to me about his video game sounds pretty great right now. I can’t believe that thought just went through my mind. Two months ago kids were things to be tolerated. Ever since I met Allison and helped bring Lydia into the world, children have more appeal to me. I enjoy their company. I don’t feel the urge to escape when I’m around them, and conversation is easier.

  I sit back trying to relax, but it’s impossible. I need a drink. When we are at cruising altitude, I unbuckle my seatbelt and grab a couple of little bottles of scotch from the bar and pour them into a glass. I drink it fast and pour another before sitting down.

  The alcohol helps relax me for a while, but I’m too wound up to sleep. I keep running things over and over in my head. The level of crooked deception that magazine has stooped to is unbelievable. Ash’s team of lawyers are preparing for a massacre, and I can’t wait to watch them pulverize the people who have caused me and those I love so much pain. They’re a vile bunch of people with no conscience or morals. It’s taken five years, but finally, I will see justice done.

  A thousand years later we land in the LaGuardia Airport, and I start to panic when I think about getting off the plane. The last time I was here was over five years ago, and the swarm of paparazzi who met me at the gate was cruel and relentless. It took forever to get through the airport, get my bags, and escape in a taxi only to be followed to my hotel where I was bombarded again.

  It will be different this time I repeat over and over to myself in my head. This is a private jet, there will be a car waiting on the tarmac to take me directly to Allison’s apartment, and the article just hit the stands today, so hopefully, nobody is looking to follow me around yet. And, the article says I live in Montana, so no one will be expecting me to be in NYC, especially today.

  I feel for the box in my jacket pocket to give me strength and exit the plane. I climb directly into a town car exact
ly as planned. With no bags to load, we are on our way within minutes. My heart pounds, and my pulse whooshes in my ears as we navigate the busy streets of the city.

  I stare out the window at the neighborhoods as we travel through them. Each area seems to deteriorate more and more the closer we get to Allison’s building. It makes me ill to know she lives here in the middle of crime and dilapidation. She deserves so much more, she is so much more than all of this, and so is David.

  We pull up to a run-down brick building that looks like it was built in 1930. Looking out the window, I scan the area. Gangbangers are congregating on one corner, and a homeless man with a shopping cart is across the street. Shaking my head, I open the door and look at the nervous driver. “Can you wait a few minutes or would you like me to call you when I’m ready?” I ask.

  “Call me,” he shoots back immediately.

  “Okay.” I shut the door, and he floors it down the block. I chuckle, what a wussy. He’s a healthy man in his thirties inside a car, and my angel who is half his size walks these streets back and forth to public transportation every day.

  I open the door and climb the stairs to her floor and find her door. She’s probably asleep, it’s late. Or maybe she’s not. She quit her job today. There’s nothing to get up early in the morning for.

  I knock and touch the box again while I wait. I hear movement in the apartment and then her voice, “Ridge? Is that you?” She must be looking through the peep hole. Her voice sounds like she’s standing right in front of me, and essentially she is. The door is paper-thin and would never hold up if someone were trying to break it down.

  “Yes, I’m glad you check before opening the door.”

  I hear locks being unlocked. There are four and then a chain sliding before the door flings open. And there she is, my angel dressed in nothing but a thin t-shirt and panties. My god, I could ravish her right here against the door, I’ve missed her so much.

  “What are you doing here? How did you? When?” she stutters. I step inside moving her back a few steps and close the door. I give the room a quick scan for David, and when I don’t see him, I gather her in my arms and cover her mouth with mine. I kiss her and kiss her and kiss her until she can’t breathe, and she pulls away. “I never thought I would get to do that again,” I say trying to catch my breath.

  “I never thought I would see you again,” she pants.

  “Well, aren’t we a sorry pair?”

  “I guess we are. How did you get here so fast? I just talked to you a few hours ago.”

  “It only takes a few hours to fly here.”

  “Wait, you’re in New York, Ridge. You hate New York more than anything.”

  “Not more than anything. I hate a certain pop princess and that magazine you used to work for more than this city.”

  “But you came here. You said you would rather cut off your hands than set foot here ever again.”

  “I had very important business to tend to here.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, I did.” I kneel down on one knee in front of her and take her hands in mine. I look up into her wide-eyed shocked face. She starts trembling from head to toe and pales so much I think she may pass out. I better hurry up and ask her. “Allison Green, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I ask, and she yanks one of her hands back to cover her mouth. A muffled, “Oh my God,” comes from under her hand, and I cock my head to the side.

  “Is that an oh my God yes, or an oh my God no?”

  Her head jerks up and down in a trembling nod, and tears start to race down her cheeks. I release her other hand and pull out the box to open it. She shrieks, and both hands are over her mouth now. “I’m going to need the left one back,” I say bringing her hand down to slide the three-carat cushion-cut diamond ring on her finger.

  She doesn’t even look at it. She just flings herself at me forcing me to stand up and gather her in my arms. She’s crying and shaking and laughing all at the same time. David enters the room wide awake with a frown on his face.

  “What’s going on?” he asks looking at me holding his crying sister in his living room.

  “I asked your sister to marry me, and now I’m asking you to allow me into your family as you’re the man of this house.”

  His frown disappears as he ponders my words. “You guys got your misunderstanding all worked out?” he asks with a tone of authority.

  “Yes, right, Allison?” I ask peeling her off of my chest and turning her in my arms to face David. “Yes, absolutely, completely, totally worked out.”

  He shrugs his shoulders, “Okay, cool,” he says and turns to go back to his bedroom.

  I lean down and whisper into her ear, “Do you think he will mind moving to Montana?”

  She spins back to face me. “We’re moving to Montana?”

  “That’s where my job and my family is, but if you want to start fresh somewhere else, we can.”

  “No!” she shouts. “I mean, no,” she says quieter. “I love the ranch and Ash and Stella and the kids, but do you think they will mind two more people invading their space?”

  “Angel, they live in a mansion with rooms that have never been used. They have plenty of space. And I asked Ash. He wanted me to extend his invitation to live in his house for as long as we like.”

  “Really? That’s so generous of them.”

  “They’re good people.”

  “You’re good people,” she says standing up on her toes to kiss me gently on my lips.

  “I’m glad you think so.” I slide my hands down to cup her ass and pull her against me. “How fast can you be packed and ready to move?” I wiggle my eyebrows up and down, and she giggles.

  “Very fast.”

  “Well, let’s get started then. I want to take you two home first thing in the morning.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening. Pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming.”

  “I’m not pinching you, baby. This is real, take my word for it.”

  She smiles up at me, and all is right with the world. “Angel?”


  “I love you, don’t you ever forget that.”



  “I love you too, don’t you ever forget that.”

  “Never, not for a million years and forever.”

  The End


  One Month Later


  We have been living in Montana on the Silversage Ranch for a month now. I didn’t think living on a ranch would be cool, man was I wrong.

  It’s summer vacation and every day we do something new—horseback riding, swimming, learning to herd cattle, feeding the animals, and trying to memorize all of the names Cannon gave them.

  Cannon’s a trip. It’s like having a little brother. He follows me everywhere, but I don’t mind. He’s pretty good at video games, and he thinks everything I do is the shit. We get along great.

  And his mom and dad are the nicest people I’ve ever met. Their baby, Lydia, is cute, too. They even let me babysit for a couple of hours one night when they watched a movie in the theater room. Cannon helped, and Mom was nearby, but they trusted me. I like that.

  Ridge is a great guy. Ally Cat loves him a lot. They’re getting married next month here on the ranch, and he asked me to be one of his groomsmen, so that’s awesome. Ally got knocked up, and that’s like weird. They found out a week after we got here when she couldn’t stop barfing. I never thought about her having a baby, but she’s excited about it, and so is Ridge. I’m going be an uncle, that’s lit.

  The whole thing with Ally’s magazine is still going on. Realm is still throwing shade on Ridge, but nobody believes that crap anymore. It’s in the news and all over the Internet that they’ve been low key spying on people for years to get hot stories.

  Ash says they’re taking them to the cleaners. I think that means they’re putting them out of business, but I don’t know what it has to do with the cleaners

  So I’m a cowboy now, my friends in New York thinks it’s lame. They don’t know shit. Being a cowboy is the best.

  For those of you who aren’t up on your current urban slang, I have provided a handy key.

  Lit is used to describe something that is hot and happening. It’s the new “cool.”

  Shade means someone is putting someone else down or leaving them in the dark, an insult of sorts.


  I always begin thanking those who are closest to me when I write acknowledgments and this time is no different. Thank you to my daughters who see only the top of my head poking out from behind the computers in my office too much of the time. I appreciate your patience more than you know. Love you A, S, C, J, and S!

  And speaking of patience, I must thank Patty at Prism Heart Press for having my back. Without you telling me “everything will be okay” and “trust me” on a regular basis I’d be more of a basket case than I already am!

  And then there is the talented Louisa Maggio who created all of the beautiful covers for this series. You do gorgeous work Louisa, thank you so much. The only problem I ever have working with you is choosing which amazing cover to use! When I open the mockup file, I always wonder how on earth will I choose just one?

  Next up is someone I only recently began working with, my new editor Nicki Kuzn. You are a joy to work with Nicki, and such a talented, detail oriented, attentive editor! I appreciate every one of your suggestions, and I hope to work with you often in the future.

  And last but never ever least I want to thank my ARC readers, Wild Rose members, and fans. Without you, there is no Emerson Rose.


  For a limited time, we’re including Emerson’s dark romance saga, UNBROKEN, as a bonus read! UNBROKEN is the equivalent of three full-length books. We’ve merged the trilogy into one and broken them into three parts for continuous, easy reading. Enjoy!!


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