The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory Page 20

by Bowser, Nancy

  "Maria just told you. I struck the men down with my Sword."

  "Si! Victor, he come at Miss Nicki after Eddie fall down, and Miss Nicki, she say, 'Stop in the name of Jesus!', but he do not stop." Maria's drama ended. She sat back down, shrugged, then casually said, "So Miss Nicki, she raise her Sword again and she strike Victor. He fall down too and they look dead, but they breathe. Miss Nicki say I come with her, so we go out the door, but the truck is not there. We run, then walk all night and come here."

  Maria was smiling with confidence as if what she had just explained made perfect sense.

  Sam leaned forward and looked intently at Nicole. "Ok, so let me get this straight. When Eddie and then Victor came at you, you pulled out a sword and struck them down?"

  She nodded, enjoying Sam's bewilderment.

  "Where is the sword now? And are you sure it was a sword and not a dagger? Swords are too big to be hidden in your clothes. Did you ditch the weapon? Because I've been monitoring the case and no sword or dagger was found. No bodies were found either, and I'll double check, but as of last night, there were no stabbing victims reported in any of the nearby hospitals."

  "You won't find a weapon or any stab wound victims," Nicole said. She decided it was time to intervene.

  "The Sword that Maria is talking about is not one that can be seen with physical eyes. It is the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. It is sharper than a physical two edged sword and is mighty and effective in pulling down strongholds of the enemy. I used the Truth of God's Word against those men, and they were slain under the power of the Holy Spirit."

  As Nicole vocalized what God had done, her perspective on the whole situation changed. The Holy Spirit had dealt with her perpetrators and had protected her because He loved her and had a plan for her life! Confidence and encouragement began to rise from her spirit and gave her hope.

  Before Sam could respond Nicole said, "The thing that I was wondering about is that it sounded to me like Eddie was planning on taking me to somebody else. He had said, 'He wouldn't mind a few bruises…' Who do you think he was referring to?"

  "Good question," Sam said. "That does confirm what I pretty much already thought. Most likely Eddie is just an independent hired hand. In your case, he was a delivery boy, assigned to kidnap you. In the case Maria told us about, he was a hit man, a hired assassin. I doubt if these two cases are related. He probably doesn't know anything about the person who hired him and wouldn't be able to lead us to him even if we do find him, which I doubt if we will. He isn't worth looking for. We've got bigger fish to catch, so to speak, but I'll double check on all this."

  As Sam stood up, he looked at Nicole and said, "You really took those guys down with an invisible sword?" But before she could answer, he shook his head and said, "They walked about 1000 miles in the course of one night. Why not an invisible Sword? Could there be anything crazier?"

  He turned and started toward the barn and Nicole called after him, "So Sam, do you still think that Maria is a spy?"

  Maria's face lit up with joy and she laughed like the joke had been on her. "He think Maria is spy? Like James Bond? Oh that is funny!"

  Sam turned back and gave Nicole a frustrated look while he waved his hand at her in dismissal. Then as he walked away, he heard Maria say in a rather serious tone, "Maybe we change my name and I be Jamie Bond now!" and both women burst into laughter.

  Nicole loved and welcomed the joy and peace that emanated from her new friend, and she knew Maria was right. She did need her.



  Nicole recognized that she had been a bit hard on Sam. As she watched him walk toward the barn, she decided that she had better go after him and try to build some bridges. She entered the building and waited a minute to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Not wanting to intrude unawares, Nicole called out, "Sam?"

  The hidden door at the back of the horse stall opened. He turned on a light so she could see and motioned for her to join him. As she stepped through the door and into the small room jammed full of stuff and dust, he smiled and in a surprisingly genuine manner he said, "Welcome to my world, Nicole."

  He opened a folding chair that had been sitting against the wall and dusted it off with his hand. "I'm really glad you came because I was just about to go back out to find you. I think we've had a difficult beginning and I'm hoping that we can call a truce and start over."

  Nicole quickly took stock of her surroundings. The room suited him. It was littered with what appeared to be different types of computers and machines. There was a mixture of chaos and order, of old and of new. She had the impression that Sam seemed different somehow here; more confident, in control.

  She smiled in return and sat down. "I was just coming to tell you the same thing. Please forgive me for being rude, accusing, difficult, and a pea brain. I am really very thankful that you are willing to help me. And by the way, why are you helping me?"

  He sat down behind his large, old, cluttered oak desk and held out a baggie with cookies, some crumbled, some whole. "Before I fill you in, let's break some bread together. Here's to our new start."

  Nicole didn't think they looked very appetizing and wondered how long they had been sitting in the stale air of the small dirty space, but decided that no matter how they tasted, she was going to give one-hundred percent to making this new start work. As she took a piece of what she thought might be an oatmeal cookie and put it in her mouth, Sam began.

  "Ok lady, I know that this may sound way out there to you, so please just refrain from judging what I'm about to tell you until I'm done ok?" He raised his eyebrows. "On the other hand, you have experienced some very unusual things as of late, so maybe this won't be as hard for you as I thought."

  She smiled and nodded her head in agreement without saying anything because the cookie in her mouth was so dry she was having a hard time swallowing it. She wished she had taken a smaller bite. A fleeting thought crossed her mind that she needed to bake this poor man some real cookies, but she was becoming more interested by the moment about what he was going to say, and the cookies became unimportant.

  Sam took a big bite of a cookie and to Nicole's amazement, continued talking with his mouth full. "Have you heard of the Illuminati?"

  Nicole swallowed the cookie as best she could and covered her mouth in an attempt to hide the dry remains, then said as clearly as possible, "I've heard of them."

  "They're an organization that has been around forever. Their beliefs and rituals can be traced at least as far back as ancient Egypt and Babylon. Their goal has always been to create a hybrid race of super humans and to form a one world government. This, of course, includes destroying anyone or anything that stands in their way. And they are as steeped in the occult as possible."

  Nicole nodded. Her mind flashed back to Anak and the Nephilim at the mention of super humans. Knowing she couldn't bring that up, she said, "That sounds like Hitler's agenda. Aren't they the ones who do all that experimenting on people's minds?"

  "That's a large part of it. Their methodology is to control people through what's known as trauma based mind control, where they take a human, break down their victim's psyche, their mind, will and emotions, and then control them physically as well as mentally. These victims or slaves, as they call them are so thoroughly brainwashed by sever abuse and trauma, that their will is broken and they are able to be programmed to obey orders in response to certain triggers which cause them to switch into a certain mode of operation. Then they are strategically placed in various positions throughout society.

  "The Illuminati have become so adept at creating alters within people's minds, that many are never aware of the duality of their own lives and won't have any conscious memory of the things they have done under the influence of the programmers or handlers. They get away with unspeakable things and their secret affairs are virtually undetectable and untraceable."

  "You're talking about DID, right?" Nicole asked. "What used to be c
alled MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder?"

  "Yep. It's now considered Dissociative Identity Disorder because even though it can appear that there are multiple personalities within one person, the identities are created through dissociation or the splitting of one mind into parts or alters which occurs under severe trauma or abuse. This disorder doesn't have to be connected with the Illuminati or SRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse. It can happen in people who undergo repeated severe trauma or abuse of any kind, and who have the genetic ability to dissociate."

  "This is all very interesting," Nicole said, "but what does it have to do with me? I'm not trying to be rude; I just want to get to the bottom of things so that I can go home as soon as possible."

  "I understand, but bear with me here." He popped another cookie in his mouth and began simultaneously chewing and talking. "I learned about the Illuminati when our task force was originally designed to research some questionable activities within some of the major government agencies. What we discovered is that many of the government officials are members of the Illuminati and certain government agencies were created as their fronts. I'm not talking conspiracy theory here. I'm talking real stuff. I have proof." He swallowed. "I don't believe for a moment that my buddies died of natural causes. I believe they died because we had discovered too much."

  Nicole asked, "Murdered? Then why aren't you dead too?" When Sam gave her a "thanks a lot" look, she hastily added, "I'm really glad your not, but why them and not you?"

  "It's complicated. There are still some officials involved who are not happy about the things that are going on. They are the ones who originally, although indirectly, set up my task force. If they were suspected as being involved in it in any way, I have no doubt that they would be terminated without question. When it got shut down and our team began dying, I believe they intervened, or God did. At any rate, one of them contacted me and asked me to secretly continue my research and investigation, and those who are in opposition to the task force were placated by my 'retirement.'"

  Nicole took note of Sam's reference to God's protection and began to wonder if she had possibly misjudged him in that area as well as others, but decided not to bring it up and risk another conflict.

  Instead she asked, "Wow, it sounds like you and several others are really going out on a limb here and risking your own lives in continuing. Why is it so important to you? What were your findings in regards to the Illuminati that have caused such an uproar?"

  He paused as if wondering how much he should say. "Ok lady, I want you to understand that the only reason I'm giving you this information is because you are already involved in it without understanding how." He looked her in the eyes and asked, "You aren't going to freak out and bail on me are you?"

  "Where would I go Sam? If what you say about me going home and putting my family and others in danger is true, then I'm here until it's safe for me to go."

  He studied her a moment longer, then began. "What I can tell you is that the Illuminati's goal is the same as it always has been, but everything has been stepped up and they are rapidly moving toward a strike of some kind.

  "Down through history, as I said earlier, we have seen them working to gain control over the planet and to usher in a one world government. We have uncovered things that would make your skin crawl if I told you about them, which I'm not going to. But we know that they have become very powerful in high places around the world, and especially so here in the unsuspecting, complacent, ignorant US. We believe that they are planning to make a bold move soon, and yet we don't know exactly what it is or how they're going to do it."

  The word strike stood out to Nicole. Why? "How do you know this?" she asked.

  Much to her relief, Sam pulled two bottles of water out from under his desk and handed one to her. They both took a swig of water.

  "I have some recordings of conversations that I was able to tap into among other things. One reason I began tracking you is that I came across a list of targets and your name was near the top of the list."

  "What kind of a list would I be on?" she asked in disbelief as she subconsciously screwed the lid back on her water bottle. "It just doesn't make any sense!"

  "It was a list of intercessors."

  Her head snapped up and she looked at Sam questioningly. "What? Why?"

  "Intercessory prayer is messing with their end time plans. And you Nicole, are an intercessor with connections to them. It makes sense from their perspective to start with one of their own."

  Nicole sat up straight in her chair, looking like she might attack. "Excuse me? I'm not one of theirs! What are you talking about?"

  Sam raised in hand in surrender. "You're right, lady. I phrased that wrong. Of course you aren't one of theirs now, but they had planned for you to be."

  She leaned back, her mind working hard, trying to make sense out of this new information. Was it possible? Were there still pieces of the puzzle of her life that remained out of place? There were things that she hadn't made sense of. She had come to terms with the not knowing and was glad that she didn't. She didn't want to accept what Sam was implying if it wasn't true. Yet, if it wasn't true, why was she here?

  Seeing her struggle, Sam asked, "Nicole, were you ever involved in any type of Satanic Ritual Abuse?"

  She looked up. "Yes. But that isn't the same as the Illuminati, is it?"

  "Not exactly. But they are connected. Let me give you a little background and then see if what I'm saying makes sense to you, ok?"

  She took another drink and tried to relax.

  "The Illuminati is known for their mind control, but what mainstream America doesn't know, is that along with tampering inside the human psyche, they are masters in demonology. They have been working with human DNA, strengthening it and improving its ability to physically be able to host the spiritual body of what some would say are aliens, but I believe are in fact what the Bible calls principalities and powers.

  "They begin by introducing demons, spirits of lesser rank and power in Satan's hierarchy, into the victim's body and soul through a process of layering them in with the alters that they create through splitting the victim's mind.

  "It is common for demons to be able to possess a person's body and soul without destructive side effects to the human's body. Some believe this is possible because demons were once part human themselves and are now disembodied spirits of what was known as the Nephilim, those who were half human being and half spiritual being."

  Nicole said, "I can't believe you brought that up. This reminds me of what was happening on earth before the flood when angels were marrying human women and producing super human offspring."

  "Yep," Sam replied. "I don't think that those angels were only lusting after sex with women, but were also lusting after power and control of the earth. I believe that their hope was in their children, the Nephilim or giants. You see, Satan knew that God had a plan to redeem His people and that it had something to do with blood. By corrupting human bloodlines, he would not only be able to control the earth, but he would stop God's plan of redemption."

  "That makes so much sense!" Nicole said.

  Sam nodded. "Demons have no bodies and are strictly spiritual beings. But the principalities are angels that have their own spiritual bodies. It is possible for them to enter into a human as we saw happen with Judas when Satan, a fallen angel with a spiritual body, entered into him. The problem is that humans were not created to be inhabited by these beings, and while there may be a momentary heightened strength and ability within the body upon first entry, if their stay is prolonged, the physical body will die. Not to mention the destructive effects on their soul."

  Sam continued, "And since the first plan using the Nephilim didn't work, Satan's been working on creating a super human race ever since. This is where the Illuminati come in. Their ultimate goal is to create people who will be able to host the principalities indefinitely that will allow them to function with super human capabilities and supernatural knowledge and power."
/>   Nicole asked, "You mean like what will happen with the anti-Christ?"

  "Exactly," Sam answered. "Free Masons and Satanists work together with the Illuminati as a part of the same network, or brotherhood, and they often overlap and interact with one another; however, the Illuminati see themselves as the elite, the top of the hierarchy, so to speak. They consider themselves keepers of The Great Plan which is to bring in the New World Order or one world government.

  "Free Masons share the same goal of establishing this Great Plan, and those within the top levels of Masonry can be considered for positions within the Illuminati. Neither of these groups see themselves as Satanists even though they worship Lucifer or Satan, but they are all a part of the occult. Satanism has a different history but they all use many of the same symbols, occult practices and rituals such as blood and human sacrifices, drugs, mind splitting trauma which creates alters to use for their own purposes, and demonic possession."

  Nicole nodded. "I'm just thinking back over my life. My Uncle Marcus was a Grand Master in the Free Masons and he was at the rituals. He had a very strong hold on me that was hidden deeply inside my mind until this last year, actually, when Jesus revealed the demonic strongman and broke the soul ties with him."

  "So, it is possible that your uncle was part of, or at least under, the orders of the Illuminati, which would position you as a potential target." Sam was aware of Marcus' role in Nicole's life, however he didn't know how much Nicole knew.

  "Maybe," Nicole consented. "But I thought that their MO was to do a bunch of experiments on kids in secret hospitals or centers."

  Sam affirmed, "It's true that their normal mode of operation, unfortunately, is to access parents who agree to allow their children to participate in what they think are "government" experiments, not knowing the ramifications for the individuals or society. But some are targeted through the passing of the baton, so to speak, through generational and ancestral bloodlines, along with the recognition of those who are naturally sensitive to the spiritual realm and who have an elevated ability to dissociate."


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