The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory Page 31

by Bowser, Nancy

  Nicole looked at him. "Does this have anything to do with the mission we are already working on?"

  "Indirectly. I need some supplies and figured that you two could run out and get them for me before you head out to Chicago."

  "Well, I think that's a mission we could handle. What do you think Sam?" Nicole asked.

  Sam knew this was more than just a shopping trip, but he nodded. "I'm sure we can."

  "Fine! I've already ordered a car and it will be out front in…" he looked at his watch. "Five minutes."

  Nicole was glad she had already showered and styled her hair. She quickly ran to her room to get the hand bag she had borrowed from Abigail's provisions.

  Joel and Sam were standing at the front door waiting for her. "Now this is a very important mission," Joel said. He handed the list to Sam and the keys to Nicole. Sam understood the meaning…this was a test to see if Nicole's programming was still active or not, and if she was ready to face the giant.

  Surprised, Nicole stammered, "I can't drive sir. I don't have a license."

  "Oh, how could I have forgotten?" Joel asked as he pulled something out of his pocket. "I had this made up for you. Your pseudonym license," he said and handed it to her.

  She looked at it and giggled. "Breeze Golightly. Is this legal?"

  "If searched, it will show up in the data base as legal," he replied. "Ok. So off with you two." Then he added, "Nicole, even though you have the keys, Sam is in charge here. You must obey him. Understood?"

  "Oh man! Do I have to?" she asked smiling.

  When Sam stopped walking and looked at her with a fierce expression, she added, "Just kidding. Of course you're in charge, and I really would rather you drive, Sam." She held the keys out to him.

  "No, no. I don't really like driving in this city. You drive. I'll direct you," he said as he got in on the passenger side of the car.

  Joel smiled at the familial relationship between those two, then stepped back inside and closed the door. Nothing to do now but wait.

  Several minutes later, Nicole became aware of a black sedan on their tail. She watched it for a moment, and then suddenly made a quick turn to the right. Sam gripped the seat and yelled out, "What are you doing?!"

  "There's a car following us. I turned and it's still there," she replied calmly.

  As Sam looked behind them, Nicole ran a stop sign and made a sharp left hand turn. The other car did the same. "Ok." He said. "I want you to pull over and let me drive."

  "There's no time for that. He's got a gun." Nicole sped up and ran through the tail end of a yellow light. The car following ran the red light and continued to tail them. She turned into an alley and took another sharp left onto a side road, just barely avoiding a collision with a large truck. This put a little distance between the two cars and she immediately made a right hand turn.

  "Nicole, you've got to let me drive! Pull over. We'll switch places inside and we can do it quickly," Sam commanded.

  Nicole looked in the rearview mirror and saw the car turn onto the road behind them. "Don't worry Sam. I know what I'm doing."

  "Are you crazy? Joel told you to obey me. I’m in charge here, remember? Pull over!"

  Instead, Nicole turned a sharp right, then another quick sharp right, and another, then right again. "It's ok Sam. I told you, I know what I'm doing. Programming, Sam."

  "Oh great! Programming! I thought you were supposed to be integrated!"

  "I am. That doesn't mean that the girls are gone. It just means that now I'm aware of other experiences and abilities I didn't know I had before. See now we're behind the pursuer. The hunter has become the hunted. Write down their license number."

  He saw that she was right. They were now following the other car.

  "I hope you got it cause we're off!" Nicole said as she turned again to the left and made several more turns weaving in and out of the neighborhood they had entered. "We lost them!" she said victoriously as she looked over at Sam who was sitting as white as a ghost. "Now are you going to tell me how to get to the grocery store?"

  Sam looked straight ahead with a glazed look in his eyes. "I thought I was going to die. Pull over."

  She pulled up along side the curb. "But you didn't. I did a good job of driving. See we're safe now." Nicole herself was just beginning to realize what had happened and what she had done.

  "Yes, you did do a good job. That's partly what terrifies me! You didn't listen to my orders and a seven year old took control! You could have gotten us killed! Or worse, killed somebody else!" Now Sam was angry. "Get out of the car. I'm driving."

  Sam opened his door and came around to the driver side. As he opened her door she said, "Hey I'm not seven any more! I'm a grown up!" She got out of the car with a pout on her face, and as she stalked around to the passenger door, she suddenly smiled. "He said I did a good job!"

  They didn't go to the store. Sam drove them back to Joel's home. Nicole could tell that he was still upset, so she didn't say anything until they got inside and were standing in front of Joel who was looking at them with questions in his eyes.

  "Well, where are my supplies?"

  "We never made it, Sir. We were followed and Zero took over. She's not ready Sir," Sam reported.

  Nicole punched Sam on the arm. "It's Zera! Not Zero. You call me that again and I'll bust your nose!" Looking back at Joel she asked, "And I'm not ready for what?"

  "Both of you, sit down now and stop this bickering!" They looked like two little kids both coming to complain to their dad about the other. "Now first of all, Sam, you need to apologize to Nicole for calling her Zero. That was a low blow for someone who's just learning that they are valuable."

  Sam's eyes narrowed as he thought about that, then he took a deep breath and looked at Nicole. "He's right. I'm sorry for calling you Zero. Please forgive me for that."

  She looked at him, then said, "Ok. I forgive you, but only if you mean it."

  "I mean it!"

  "Ok then. Will you forgive me for saying that I'll bust your nose?"

  "Ok. But how about saying sorry for not obeying me?"

  "I'm not sorry about that. I did the right thing," she said.

  Sam stood up and was ready to argue. "Sit down Sam!" Joel commanded. When he complied, Joel said, "Now Sam, tell me what happened."

  "Nicole noticed that a black sedan was following us. I confirmed that this was the case and I told her to pull over and let me drive. She refused to obey my orders, Sir."

  "Did she immediately loose them? Maybe they weren't really after you."

  "They were definitely following, and one had a gun. She did a very good job of outwitting them and we ended up following them."

  "Did she seem out of control?"

  "No Sir, she was very calm."

  Nicole asked, "Did you get their license number Sam?"


  "MCZ186. D.C."

  Joel and Sam both looked at her. Sam dolefully said, "Wow."

  Joel began to smile like a proud papa. "She's right, Sam. She did exactly what she should have done."

  Sam looked at Joel incredulously! "Excuse me Sir? She didn't obey orders and I thought that was the test!"

  "Exactly. She examined the circumstances and thought for herself. She made a decision based upon the situation and her ability to handle it. She did not blindly follow as she would have if her programming had not been deactivated. She passed the test. She is ready," Joel said.

  Nicole asked, "What test? That was a test? You set that up? You manipulated me?" She closed her eyes against the pain. She didn't know if she was angry, hurt or disappointed.

  "Breeze. Look at me," Joel said. When she looked up he explained, "I had to know the condition of the programming and how you would respond to it for your own sake. I'm sorry that I set you up, but there was no other way to test it. There just isn't enough time. I believe that you need to accompany Sam to Chicago, but I was unwilling to allow that if I thought that there was a possibility that you would react in a
way that would compromise you, Sam or this mission. But I assure you that this will be the last time I manipulate circumstances in your life."

  He paused then said, "Well at least without your knowledge. Missions are planned out and certain things get manipulated and you will have to follow certain orders. But I want you to think things through. Even under orders there are times like today when you have hard decisions to make."

  Nicole was thoughtful. "I think I understand why you did that. I don't like it because it makes me feel…used rather than loved. But I do trust you and I believe that you mean what you say about not purposefully tricking me."

  "That being said," Joel added. "Sam has made a very good point and we must discuss obedience."

  Sam lifted his head a little higher at the acknowledgment. Finally!

  Joel continued. "You are in a rather unusual position Nicole. Zera was programmed and trained to do many things you have been unaware of until now, and she believes that she is wise. She may be that in certain areas, but she lacks maturity. Her training and immaturity coupled with the newness of integration can cause conflict within yourself, and as you know, with Sam. The two of you are going to have to work together. Nicole, you are going to have to stay in control of that part of you. And you, Zera included…especially Zera… needs to know that you must obey Sam from here on out.

  "What you did today was a test. But from now on, if Sam gives an order, you are to obey it even if you don't agree. If there is an opportunity to appeal, fine. But the decisions will be made by Sam and you will follow his lead. That is the only way this will work. Can you agree to this?"

  "Yes I can and I will. Sam?" Nicole turned to look at him. "I'm so sorry. I hadn't thought about how I undermined you and your leadership. If you will forgive me and give me another chance, I will submit to you. I can't promise that I'll do everything right, but even Zera understands that you need to be our boss and we will listen to you and do our best to obey you. Will you forgive us?"

  Sam was quiet a minute then said, "Well, I guess I have to. I don't want Zera to bust my nose."

  All three of them laughed together. It felt good to be on the same page with Sam again. Nicole suddenly had another question.

  "Joel, what other things do I know how to do that I don't know about?"

  "That my dear Breeze will have to be discovered or not. Jesus holds all those keys in His capable hands."

  "Not you?" she teased.

  "Most definitely not. I've handed over my key ring to the Master," Joel contentedly sighed.

  "Good!" Nicole agreed. "Now, that we've determined that I'm ready, what's the next step? I want to do this so that I can go home."

  "Well, our first objective is to identify the location of the clone center and see what we can do to shut it down," Sam said.

  "Yes, but bear in mind that the clones are to be treated as human beings, Sam," Joel interjected.

  "Right. I'm not sure what we'll find there. I'm thinking that if we can get a visual we'll be able to decide how best to terminate their function. I don't know if that will be as simple as a computer shut down or as complex as a militia takeover."

  Nicole asked, "Do we have an army that can help? How many of us are there?"

  Joel said, "I wouldn't exactly call it an army, but we have a sizable number of ops who can be sent into specific situations such as this." He looked at Sam. "How do you propose you gain the information on the center?" he asked.

  "I've had men on Daemon and Dorothy 24/7 since you identified them, Nicole," Sam explained. "We bugged Rosie's; we've been pulling phone records, bills, and looking into every customer we can trace. We've left no stone unturned and we've come up with nothing other than a possible name in two days. We can continue to hope and watch, but I do have two ideas. The first is plausible, but I believe that the second would be most likely to succeed."

  "Go on," Joel acknowledged.

  "Alias Peter Chavel is a legitimate front. He does have a clothing line that is a lucrative business in the fashion industry, but it is also a cover for the pornography, high end prostitution and sex trafficking trade. We can send Gus in as a prospective client and see how far he can get."

  "Who's Gus?" Nicole asked.

  "Gustav, or Gus as we call him, is our international op," Joel said. "That might work. With the Intel we did get from Rosie's, he would have a name to throw around."

  Sam took a deep intake of breath and let it out as he said, "There is a fashion show tonight in Chicago, and Gus is in Denver. I could meet him there and brief him on the flight to Chicago."

  Joel nodded. "The second proposal?"

  The uneasy expression that flickered across the left side of Sam's face along with the way he rubbed his right cheek with the palm of his hand made Nicole say, "Uh oh."

  "In a nutshell, I propose that we kidnap Megan, deactivate the bugs and her eyeball camera lenses, have Nicole impersonate Megan and send her back to Daemon…that is assuming that he's her handler. He'll most likely take her to the clone center and we'll follow."

  There was that expression again.

  Nobody said anything for a full minute as they contemplated what that would look like.

  Finally Nicole said, "Whoa that's creepy! So you basically want me to be the bait and to willingly walk into the lion's den."

  "Basically, yes. But you won't be in too much danger if all goes as planned. Once you're in place and we have eyes and ears, we'll be able to move in. You'll be wired and we'll be close by," Sam explained.

  "Uh huh. Like in the movies?"

  "Yeah, but this is real life. It's not scripted, so anything can happen."

  "Wouldn't they know I wasn't Megan?" she asked. "I mean, I wouldn't have her bugs and cameras…would I?" She suddenly grew fearful that they would want to implant Megan's in her.

  Joel said, "Don't worry Breeze. We'll not implant anything in you." He paused as if thinking it through before reluctantly admitting, "That could actually work…. Timing would be everything. Jake would have to drug Megan, and we'd need a tech team standing by to cause an area wide technical shut down that would keep Daemon from suspecting that Megan was the target and unaware that there was problem. I'm assuming that she has the standard programming protocol for this type of error, which would be for her to make contact with her handler. We don't have that info, unless Rosie's Bar and Grill is the contact."

  Sam said, "Once we've deactivated the computer connections in Megan, we can interrogate her. She may give us that info."

  "Possibly," Joel said. "It would be worth a try. But we mustn't forget the spiritual ties. We'll need to make sure that the demons attaching her to her handler are shutdown. Nicole, do you think that your friends and intercessors would be able to help with that?"

  Nicole nodded thoughtfully. "I'm sure that they would be willing to help and that the Holy Spirit would show them exactly what to do."

  "Once Megan is down, we can copy the eye implants and make contact lenses for Nicole that will look like Megan's implants," Sam said. "That way when Daemon or Dorothy looks into her eyes, they'll see what they are expecting to see, at least at first glance."

  "Hey, aren't we assuming a lot here?" Nicole asked. "What if they know right away that I'm not Megan? Or what if they don't take me to the clone center? Then what?"

  "Well, that's why we needed to make sure that your old programming is as ineffective as possible before you come face to face with them. In case things go differently than we plan, we wanted to make sure that the old triggers won't work. We should be able to extract you before they begin to traumatize you, or worse.

  "Trauma. You really know how to entice a girl, Sam. It sounds so appealing, how could I refuse?" Nicole shook her head and buried it in her arms with a groan.

  "Nicole. You have been chosen and prepared for such a time and purpose as this." Her Savior's voice was like healing ointment and strength to her soul.

  "The time is now for you to face the human side of the enemy. You've done well battli
ng in the spiritual realm. But you must overcome the fear of your giant as well.

  "Fear not, for I am with you. I will strengthen and help you. I will hold you up with my righteous right hand. Remember….I am your Redeemer. I have not brought you here to leave you. I am with you always!"

  "Lord, You know that we don't want Nicole to have to do this. Please give us Your wisdom," Joel spoke in prayer and contemplation. "I know that we can hope for the best, but chances are that if Nicole goes in, she will be exposed to some degree of trauma. Before we make that decision, we need to know that that is God's design."

  Sam agreed. "I'm sorry if I was insensitive, Nicole. I do understand the risk involved and the personal cost for you, and I don't want you to suffer. It's just that I've been thinking about this for several days now, and I don't see any other way that would be as effective."

  Nicole suddenly understood a truth that changed her whole perspective. She sat up straight and looked at Sam as she said, "It's ok. I will never be traumatized again. If the worst happens, I would be tortured, but not traumatized. I never thought about the difference before, but to me trauma signifies breaking down to the point of submission. Torture is the inflicting of pain, but I now have the divine power to resist the devil and to stay clear of the breaking point."

  She jumped up and began walking back and forth in front of the couch as boldness and confidence grew within her. "Do you realize what that means? They might be able to hurt my body, but they can never touch my soul again! I've been redeemed! I can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me?' Ok, guys, it's going to be ok! I can do this!"

  Sam and Joel sat looking at her with their mouths open, watching this woman who was talking about torture with a look of excitement and contentment on her face.

  Joel closed his mouth and looked at Sam. "Now she's scaring me," he said. "I know she's right, but I'd rather not have to put her in that position."

  "There is one thing we will do," Sam said. "Once Megan is down, we can try to tap into her chips and see if we can get info out of them. But I'm assuming that there's a failsafe that deletes all information once disconnected from her body for this very reason…so that no one can use their own tech against them. However, if I'm wrong about that and it works, Nicole won't have to go in undercover."


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