One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers) Page 3

by Heather D'Agostino

  I waited for a what felt like minutes before her whispered reply fell from her lips. “I feel it.”

  “And you’re ok with not doing anything?” I pushed as I lifted her chin with my index finger.

  Her eyes blinked as they met mine. “I just…”

  “I told myself a thousand times on the way here today that I wouldn’t leave without kissing you. If you don’t want me to, then you need to tell me now.” I leaned impossibly closer, the tip of my nose brushing hers. “Savannah?” I whispered as my palm cupped her cheek.

  “Yes.” Her breath blew across my lips right before she lifted up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to mine.

  It felt like a bolt of lightning zinging from her to me as our mouths met. She sighed as her body swayed into mine. I wrapped my arms around her, preventing us from both toppling over as my lips met hers with every movement. It was a sweet kiss, nothing like I’d thought about, but more than I imagined. I know it doesn’t make sense, but Savannah was different. She was the kinda girl that you knew would mean more. She was the type you married.

  Just as I was ready to take the kiss deeper, she lowered her heels and broke it. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled up at me. “Does that count as a good enough reward?”

  I chuckled. “I hope that was more than a reward.” I rubbed my hand across my chin before I turned back toward her. “Go on a date with me.” I stepped closer. “A real date.”

  “Ok.” She grinned.

  “Tomorrow night?” I began searching my brain for something to do on a Sunday, and then it dawned on me. “We can grab some food, and then go to the new haunted hayride.”

  “Yeah.” Her head bounced in excitement. “That sounds like fun.”

  “Ok. Let me find out what time they open, and I’ll call you later.” I started backing up toward my truck.

  “Ok. Thanks for the help.” She waved at the display as she watched me.

  “You’re welcome.” I climbed in my truck and cranked it up. As I pulled out of her driveway, I glanced in my mirror to see her doing a little happy dance. I’d keep that information to myself. I didn’t want to embarrass her, but it did feel good to know that she was just as excited as I was for tomorrow night.

  Chapter 3


  The hours today ticked by incredibly slow. It felt as if an entire week had gone by when in reality it had only been one afternoon. Micha had called me last night to let me know that he’d be by around six to pick me up. We were going to get some food, and then head to the other side of town for the hayride. He knew the family’s farm that was hosting the hayride, and promised it would be good. I really didn’t care what we did as long as I got to spend it with him. I had to admit, the idea of being snuggled next to him with a reason to bury myself in his side was appealing.

  When the sun started to set, I busied myself with getting ready. I’d selected a pair of dark jeans, and a flannel. It was my signature style. I grabbed a sweatshirt in case I got cold, and then went to tell my dad goodbye.

  “It’s a school night. You need to be home by ten,” he muttered as he hugged me. “I don’t know why you have to go out tonight anyway.”

  “I won’t be out late, Dad, and you’ll like Micha. Promise.” I laughed just as a knock at the door sounded. I grinned as I skipped over, and yelled through the wood. “What’s the password?”

  “You’re beautiful?” It sounded like a question, and made me giggle.

  I pulled open the door, and smiled. “Hey. Nice choice of words.”

  “I figured it was a good shot.” Micha shrugged as he handed me a bouquet of daisies. “You do look beautiful though.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled as I turned to take the flowers into the kitchen and search for a vase.

  “So what are the plans for tonight?” I could hear my dad’s voice as I rounded the corner.

  “We’re going to grab some burgers, and then head up to the Thompsons’ farm for their hayride, sir.” Micha sounded confident, and I gave a small fist pump. I’d dated guys before who seemed to cower away when my father questioned them. Dad always told me that wasn’t the type of man I wanted. I’d hoped that this was a good sign.

  “Make sure you get her home by ten.” Dad’s voice was stern. “It’s a school night, and Savannah needs a good night’s sleep.”

  “I will, sir.” When I stepped back into the family room, Micha was shaking my father’s hand.

  “Ready?” I glanced at Micha before giving my dad the look. I loved him, but sometimes he made me feel like a little kid. I was seventeen. I needed to have some freedom at times.



  “You do look beautiful tonight,” I stated once again as I held open the passenger door to my truck.

  “Thanks.” Savannah’s voice shook slightly. I could feel the nerves radiating off of her. I held out my hand for her as she climbed up and took a seat. After closing her door, I jogged around to my side. I wondered why she seemed so nervous. She wasn’t nervous yesterday when we were hanging out.

  “I thought we’d grab some burgers at The Little Oak Diner, and then head over to Thompson’s. Sound good?” I glanced over to see her picking at her nails. “Savannah?”

  Her head popped up, and shock covered her face. “I’m sorry, what?” She blinked a few times as if I’d caught her doing something wrong.

  “Burgers. At Little Oak,” I stated again.

  “Sure. That sounds great.” She smiled a tight smile before glancing back towards the window.

  I slowed at a red light. “You sure? We can go somewhere else? I mean, that was only a suggestion.” I reached across the seat, and touched her knee lightly. “You ok?”

  She flinched as if I’d burned her. “Yeah.”

  “What’s wrong?” I pulled into the parking lot of the diner and parked.

  “Nothing.” She turned, and our eyes met. She almost looked scared. “I’m just…” she paused and swallowed. “I don’t know.” It was mumbled, and she frowned slightly.

  “Yes, you do. What’s changed since yesterday?” I cut the engine, and turned to face her fully. “Did I come on too strong? Was it the flowers?” I drug my hands through my hair, and growled. My mother had told me to be a gentleman. I knew the flowers were too much, but she insisted that I take them.

  “No, it’s not that. I’m sorry. This is great. The flowers were great. Promise.” She offered a quick smile before reaching for the door handle, and climbing out.

  I shook my head in confusion. What the heck was going on, and where was the girl I spent yesterday afternoon with? I rushed after her, and grabbed the door just as she opened it. “Stop.” I reached for her hand. “Are you ok?”

  Her shoulders dropped. “I’m sorry. I’m wrecking this. It’s not you.” She sighed.

  “Then what is it?” I turned her, and pulled her over to the side. I wanted to figure this out before we got inside and ordered food. If this date was going down the tubes, I didn’t want to drag it out. I needed to fix whatever happened. Tonight was supposed to be fun. I’d been waiting for months to take this girl out, and now it seemed like we were circling the drain.

  I moved to stand in front of her. “What happened since yesterday?”

  She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. “It’s stupid,” she muttered.

  “What is?” I furrowed my brow. I was so confused.

  “I got a text last night from Ryan,” she whispered. “He asked how my pumpkin carving date went. He said you had a date to go to the game, and you blew her off to carve pumpkins.”

  My blood began to boil. Why was Ryan texting her? He’d been picking on me for weeks, and now that I actually had a real date, he was ruining it without even being here. “Listen.” I lifted her chin to look me in the eyes. “Ryan can be an ass at times. He’s trying to get to me through you. I didn’t want to go to the game Friday. I had stuff to do at home. I told him that. This has nothing to do with you. It’s me.” I squeezed her ha
nds. “Now. Stop letting him mess with your head. I’m here with you, and I plan to have a nice night. Deal?” I smiled.

  “Ok,” She nodded as her lips slowly turned up into a lopsided smile. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” I laughed lightly. “Now, come on. This place has the best burgers around.” I turned and led us toward the door. Savannah followed along behind me as I pulled us inside.



  Micha was right. The burgers were to die for. I had a bacon cheeseburger, and he got this double stacked burger that had pretty much every topping imaginable on it. We sat in a corner booth near the back, and enjoyed our food with conversations about the upcoming school breaks, and what we planned to do. The Stantons would be cutting the corn in their fields soon, and corn shocks along with fall gourds would be in the corner stand. Micha said it wouldn’t be long before they’d be selling Christmas wreaths, and lamented that he would freeze his ass off because the stand was so open. I’d asked why they didn’t have some sort of removeable front for the stand in the winter months to help with the cold, and he’d said he’d been telling his dad that for years. He claimed that he was hoping to take over the farm once he finished college, and that would be one of the first things he was planning to change. It seemed like he had his whole future planned out, and I wondered how he’d feel about my ‘up in the air’ plans.

  I knew I wanted to go to college, but after that I had no idea what I wanted to do. I once thought I’d move back home. Utah was still home to me. I lived there the longest, and still felt connected to my friends. It wasn’t that I didn’t like it here, but as I listened to Micha talk about his future here, I wondered if it was something I could be happy with. Could I live here, and run a farm? Was it even something I wanted?

  “Where’s your head?” Micha smiled as his foot nudged me under the table.

  “Nowhere.” I smiled back. The truth was, I was letting my nerves dictate this evening, and I needed to stop. This was a first date. Who said that anything would even come of this? Micha and I might not even make it to the end of the year, and I was already worrying about our future.

  “You ready to scream?” Micha laughed as he held the door for us to head back outside. “The Thompsons always have great decorations. I’m sure this will be worth the drive out there.”

  “I love haunted houses.” I grinned as I climbed into the truck. “I don’t scare easily.”

  “That’s a shame,” Micha teased as he closed my door.


  It didn’t take long to get to the Thompsons’ farm. The sun had set a few hours ago, and cars lined the driveway and filled the grassy area near their barn. Micha cut the engine, and came around to help me out. One thing about him; he was always a gentleman. “This way.” He reached for my hand, and began leading me toward the barn.

  Once we stepped inside, it was illuminated in a soft glow from strands of lights in the rafters. A tractor was attached to a trailer which was loaded with hay bales. Halloween décor was placed sporadically around the barn, and sound effects filtered through the air.

  “Hey, man!” Bryan Thompson stepped out of the shadows and fist bumped Micha. “Glad you decided to finally come out here.”

  “I had a good reason to.” Micha grinned before draping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. It was chilly out, and the warmth from him felt good.

  “We’re going to be pulling out in a few minutes. Have a seat.” Bryan motioned to the trailer before stepping back into the darkness.

  Micha led us around to the front. He climbed up on the trailer hitch, and swung one leg up into the trailer. He stood there, perched, before reaching a hand down toward me. “Here.” He motioned to his hand. “Let me help you up.” I grabbed his hand, and as I sprung up to do the same thing he did, he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me in the process. “It can get slippery.” He grinned as he stood there holding me.

  “Thanks.” I swallowed as I stared up at him. It was dim in the barn, and his eyes twinkled in the lights. I yearned to kiss him again, but our moment was broken when Bryan came in shouting that ‘all passengers needed to have a seat.’

  “I think we’re pulling out.” Micha grinned as he led us to hay bale near the back. He sat down, and patted the spot right next to him. “Don’t worry.” He chuckled as I snuggled into his side. “I’ll protect you.”

  I laughed. “I’m going to tell you I’m sorry now for any of the damage I may inflict over the next half hour.” I loved these things, but I had a bad habit of scratching, kicking, hitting, you name it when I was scared.

  As the tractor pulled out of the barn and into the dark night, sound effects of howling wolves and cackling witches filled the air. The trailer bumped along a narrow path that led between two large corn fields. Micha’s hand was on my back, slowly rubbing up and down, and I was just about ready to put my head on his shoulder when two scarecrows came rushing from the corn carrying chainsaws. I screamed as my fingers gripped his thigh, and tightened. “Shit! You weren’t kidding.” He rubbed his leg when I released it.

  “I warned you.” I shrugged before turning on high alert to search the area. Now that the scares were starting, I didn’t want to miss anything.

  The tractor bumped along the Thompsons’ property for another twenty minutes or so before pulling back into the barn. When the driver parked, he announced that there was hot cider and popcorn balls for anyone that would like one.

  “Wanna grab one of these to-go?” Micha lifted the cup of cider.

  “Sure.” I smiled. The truth was I was looking forward to some alone time with him since he picked me up.

  “There’s one more place I’d like to take you before you have to be home.” He handed me a cider, then took my hand and led me back to his truck.


  Once we were back on the road, I noticed that Micha was heading toward his house. I’d only been there once, but I recognized the road. “My mom finished putting our stuff up today. I wanted to share it with you since you shared yours with me.” He smiled at me as he pulled into his driveway.

  A spotlight was illuminating the front yard. In the center was a huge set of gallows. A skeleton hung in the center surrounded by grave markers. Several carved pumpkins were set around the edge of the yard, some with happy smiling faces, and others with scary faces. “Are those all the leftovers?” I laughed.

  “Pretty much. Today’s it. We sell a few for Thanksgiving, but not as many as you would think.” Micha chuckled. “Mom’s real proud of her decorations every year. My brother used to torment our neighbor with them when she was younger.”

  “She?” My head turned at that.

  “Don’t worry,” Micha teased. “She’s getting married next summer. She and Max are away at college. He doesn’t come home much anymore.” He seemed sad.

  “You miss him,” I stated more than asked.

  “All the time, but that’s for another day. Come on. I want to show you something.” He sprang from the truck, and waited at the front for me. When I met him on the grass, he began following a well-worn path through the grass. “This spot has always been a favorite of mine, but Max and Hailey claimed it as theirs long before I was old enough to complain. It’s quiet back here, and we won’t be bothered.”

  We walked along the path with Micha leading us, and pulling branches and grass out of the way. It was dark, and hard to see where we were going. The trees blocked the moon, and I let Micha guide me since he seemed to know where we were going. When he stopped, a beautiful pond sparkled in front of us. The moon was reflecting on the water, and frogs were croaking.

  “It’s so pretty,” I whispered.

  “It really is,” he murmured. He turned me to face him. Nerves were clear across his face. “I’ve been waiting all night to do this,” he whispered before leaning down, and brushing his lips over mine. It was a soft, sweet kiss. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer, and as I s
wayed into him, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He groaned, and I ran my tongue along his lower lip. I’d had a few boyfriends at my last school who’d taught me a few things. I wasn’t easy by any means, but Micha always seemed so tentative around me. I wanted to let him know that it was ok to move things along. He must have gotten the message because he sprang into action like a fuse had been lit.

  A few steps, and I felt my back hit the trunk of a tree as his hips pressed forward, pinning me there. My fingers threaded through his soft hair, pulling lightly as his hands moved up my sides, pausing beside my breasts. He moved from my lips to my jaw, and then down my neck before pausing. “Tell me to stop,” he begged while panting next to my ear.

  I paused for a few seconds, not wanting what we were doing to end, but he was right. I wasn’t ready for this, and even if I was, I wouldn’t want to do it here. “Stop!” I pushed lightly against his chest.

  “I’m sorry.” He scrubbed his hands down his face before leaning forward and gripping his thighs.

  “Don’t be sorry.” I giggled. “I started it.”

  “You’re right.” His head swung to the side, and his eyes met mine full of laughter. “This is your fault.” He laughed.

  He stood there for a few minutes catching his breath before standing, and holding a hand out to me. “Come on. I’ll take you home.” He smiled.

  As we walked back to his truck, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder once again. “I really like you, Savannah Lucas.”

  “I really like you too, Micha Stanton.” I laughed.

  I wasn’t sure what would happen between us after tonight, but one thing I did know… this would go down as the best Halloween I’d ever had, and Micha was slowly burrowing his way into my heart.

  Chapter 4


  It’s been about three weeks now since Savannah and I had our first date. We’ve been hanging out pretty much every day. My dad told me the other day that he was going to have to give her job if she kept coming over and helping me. At first I thought he was kidding, but then he brought it up again, this time in front of her. Savannah laughed it off, but later that night when we were talking on the phone, she told me she thought it would be cool to work together. She didn’t have a job, and her dad was gone all the time with his. After some paperwork formalities, Dad hired her on the spot.


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