One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers) Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  “You do that, and it’ll be the last call you make,” she threatened as she loomed over me.

  “Why’s that? You don’t want to go. You’re washing your hair.” I grabbed a piece and rubbed it between my fingers. “It is nice hair though,” I mused.

  “Micha.” She narrowed her eyes at me.

  “What?” I shrugged.

  “You know what.” She sighed again.

  “Say, ‘yes, Micha. I’d love to go to prom with you, and you are the sexiest man I know’.” I grinned up at her. She pressed her lips together, not wanting to give in. “Say it.” I chuckled.

  “Fine,” she grumbled. “I’ll go to prom with you.”

  “And?” I nodded, waiting for the rest.

  “And you are the…” She paused. “Luckiest man I know.” She shoved my shoulder before tossing my phone a few feet away from us.

  “I’ll take it.” I rolled to the side, pulling her into my arms and kissing her.

  We laid there for a few moments before she pulled away slightly. “Do you really have Brit’s number?” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and debated on whether I should tell her the truth. “Do you?” She started to sit up, but I tightened my hold on her.

  “Yes, but it’s not what you think. We had a group project together and we exchanged numbers so we could Facetime to work on it together. I really didn’t want her in my house.”

  “Why didn’t you delete it after that?”

  “Never thought about it. I’ll get rid of it tonight, ok?” I hugged her tighter.

  “Ok,” she muttered. I could tell by her tone that she wasn’t ok, but I didn’t want to fight about something so stupid. I had no interest in Brit, and I wasn’t going to ruin what I had with Savannah over a phone number.



  I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. It seems like only a few weeks ago I was walking into Dalton High as the new kid. Now I’m getting ready for prom. Most girls fantasize about prom night, and their date. I’ve had mixed emotions for days. I got my college acceptance letter three days ago, and that’s really all that’s been on my mind. I want to be happy, but I’m tearing apart on the inside. I haven’t told Micha yet, and I have no idea how he’ll take it when I do. All he’s talked about for the last week is prom. He asked me about getting a room at the hotel where the dance is being held. He asked if I could find a way to stay out all night. I want to, but not tonight. Tonight, I kinda want to come home when prom is finished. Micha might feel that way too, he just doesn’t know it yet.

  “You look beautiful.” My father’s voice comes from my bedroom door where he’s standing there, staring at me.

  “You think?” I grinned as I turned from side to side. The strapless purple dress I’d chosen for tonight fit me perfectly. It hugged every inch of my body and was going to drive Micha crazy.

  “I always think you look beautiful, but tonight you look so much like your mother.” There was a sadness in his voice, and I knew he was probably thinking about the fact that Mom was missing so much of my life. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He disappeared down the hallway. Within a few minutes he was back with a black velvet box. “I gave this to your mom when she told me about you. She wore it every day. She wanted you to have it when you were old enough. I can’t think of a better occasion.” I watched my dad’s hands tremble as he lifted the little gold angel on a simple chain from the cream satin in the box. It was a little girl, and on the bottom, it was engraved with my birthday.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered as he hung it around my neck. I reached up and lightly touched it with my fingertips, wondering how many times my mother did the exact same thing when she wore it.

  “Just like you.” Dad smiled in the mirror as he placed his hands on my shoulders. “Have fun with Micha tonight.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I turned and lifted up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. “Love you.”

  “Love you too, baby girl.” He hugged me one last time before escaping into his office.

  A few moments later, Micha arrived in his truck. Ryan had wanted to rent a limo again, but Micha put his foot down. We wanted to be alone, and I had no interest in spending prom night with Ryan and Brit.


  The prom committee went all out with decorations. Our theme was Midnight in Paris. The ballroom at the hotel looked like a park. Potted trees and flowers were placed around the edge of the room. The tables were draped in cloth to look like an outdoor café on the streets of Paris. The French Club had donated a bunch of props and the shop class built a replica of the Eiffel Tower. There are twinkle lights draped on the ceiling, and each table had a centerpiece themed after France.

  “This place looks amazing.” I glanced around, trying to take it all in. It was hard to look at anything other than Micha. He looked so handsome in his tux. He’d chosen a purple vest to match my dress.

  “They did do a good job, huh?” He smiled as he led us farther into the room. “Wanna find our table?”

  “Sure.” I linked my fingers with his as we meandered around the room, saying hi to friends on our way.

  Dinner was severed as a plated meal. There was chicken, some veggies, and a baked potato. I tried to eat, but my stomach wasn’t in agreement with me. Instead, I kinda picked at everything, taking a few bites here and there. Micha didn’t seem to notice. He kept one hand on my thigh under the table, rubbing lightly every few minutes.

  When dinner was removed from the tables, the DJ came on encouraging everyone to dance. Micha stood, offering me his hand, and leading us to the dance floor. I followed, like a good girlfriend, and let him wrap me in his arms. “You ok?” He leaned down next to my ear. “You seem really distracted.”

  “I’m fine,” I lied. I was anything but fine, but I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t want to ruin the night.

  “You wanna get out of here?” His brow furrowed. We hadn’t been here long, but he seemed to think that sex was the answer.

  “No.” I shook my head. “Just dance with me.”

  He nodded and we spent the next several songs on the dance floor. Some were fast, and some were slow, but it didn’t matter. They all blended together for me.

  The minutes turned into hours, and my stomach knotted more and more. There were only a few weeks of school left, and I’d been delaying something that I really couldn’t anymore. I hated myself, but I knew that the longer I waited, the worse it would be.

  “Something’s bothering you. Can we please go somewhere quiet and talk?” Micha pleaded. “I know you, Savannah, and this isn’t you.” I sighed, and slowly nodded my head. I didn’t want to do this now, but I guess I didn’t have a choice. Micha was forcing my hand.

  We walked outside the hotel, and Micha led me around to the pool area. It was quiet with no guests. Despite the fact that it was spring, it wasn’t warm enough to swim yet. “What is it?” Micha sat down on a lounger and pointed to one across from it.

  “Nothing.” I looked up at the sky. It was so pretty; clear with stars spattered all over.

  “I was going to wait until I dropped you off tonight, but I guess I can do this now.” Micha’s voice sounded strained, and my head lowered to meet his eyes. “I know we’re young. Seventeen isn’t really when I thought I’d meet you, but I did and I want to promise you that I’m not going anywhere. I know we have a lot of uncertainty in our future, but I’m certain that I love you.”

  My eyes went wide as he reached in his pocket, and produced a small diamond ring. “I saved all winter for this. It’s not an engagement ring. It’s a promise ring. It’s a promise that when we’re older, we’ll get married.” The knot in my stomach became the size of a baseball as I stared at the ring pinched between his fingers. “Say something,” he begged.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “No?” He scooted forward, and attempted to hold my hands between his. I pulled back, creating as much space as I could between us. “Why?”

I swallowed as tears sprang to my eyes. “I’m moving at the end of the school year. I got accepted to Willow Creek. I told them ‘yes’.”

  “When?” His face paled as he stared at me.

  “Last week,” I murmured, my eyes going from his face to look at the ground. “I didn’t want to ruin prom. I was going to tell you tomorrow.”

  “So that’s it? You’re leaving, and you didn’t think I’d want to know?” He stood up and began pacing. “We can make this work. Lots of people date long distance.” He tugged at his hair.

  “Micha.” I moved to stop his pacing. “Micha.” I shook him slightly. When his eyes met mine, I delivered the final blow. “I don’t want to make it work long distance. I plan to live in Utah. My dad’s moving back there too.”

  His eyes filled with fire. I saw the switch flip right before me. He went from the sweet boy I fell in love with to this cold, emotionless man. “Let’s go.” He turned and started walking toward the parking lot, leaving me to practically run after him.

  When we reached his truck he climbed in, leaving me to fend for myself. We drove in silence back to my house. When we stopped, he wouldn’t even look at me. “I still love you, Micha. That hasn’t changed.”

  “Goodbye, Savannah.” His voice was clipped, cold, angry. “Have a nice life.” His hands stayed glued to the steering wheel as I shoved open my door. As soon as I reached the porch, I heard him rev the engine and peel out of my driveway.

  Prom night was the last time Micha and I spoke before I left for college. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I don’t think my heart will ever stop loving him.

  Chapter 11

  Present Day


  “Hey.” Brittany’s too loud voice was coming from beside me as she poked my side.

  “Too loud,” I hissed as I turned away from her.

  “I have to go to work. You need to get up.” Brittany sighed as she shoved at my shoulder again.

  “Five more minutes,” I mumbled.

  “Don’t you have to work today too?” The mattress dipped as she got up.

  “I own the farm. I go in when I want,” I grumbled as I reached blindly for a pillow. I needed to go back to sleep before my stomach decided to revolt on me.

  “Well, I’m calling your brother if you don’t get your ass up,” she threatened.

  “Really? You’d do that?” I rolled onto my side and stared at her. She was standing in front of her dresser digging around. “What are you looking for?”

  “Clean underwear. Mine keep getting ripped for some reason.” There was a lilt in her voice as she smirked at me.

  “Who’s been doing that?” I sat up, forgetting about the fact that my head was pounding, and climbed out of bed. In all my naked glory, I shuffled over and stood behind her. “I don’t think you need underwear,” I mumbled as I rubbed my scruffy chin against her cheek. “I kinda like you without it.”

  “You do, huh?” She rubbed her bare ass against my dick, and we forgot all about how tired and hungover we were. Before I knew it, I had her bent over the bathroom counter and was slamming into her from behind. It was one of the best mornings I’d had in a while. Savannah didn’t enter my mind for a few hours, and I’d call it a win.

  “I’m heading out,” I called out as I pulled on my jeans from the night before. Brittany was in the shower at this point, and I was trying to escape before my brain had the chance to catch up and want to join her.

  “Maybe I can stop by the stand after work. We can grab dinner or something,” she called out.

  “Yeah. Ok. Or something sounds good.” I slipped my feet into my shoes. “I’ll see you later. Thanks for last night.” I shuffled toward the door of Brittany’s apartment. She said something else, but I couldn’t make it out. I didn’t really care either. I wasn’t dating Brittany. I’ve never wanted to date Brittany. She’s a warm, willing body who looks nothing like Savannah. She’s perfect.


  Today was one of those days that I should have stayed home for. The tractor broke down… again, it was blistering hot out, and I had to deal with two different customers who wanted me to shuck their corn. My patience had run out a long time ago, and it was only lunchtime.

  “You plan on scaring off all the customers?” Hailey smiled from behind the register as she rang up yet another customer.

  “I’m not scaring anyone off.” I grunted as I lifted a bushel of peaches onto my shoulder. I followed Mrs. Henderson out to her truck, and shoved them in the back. After closing the tailgate, I went back inside.

  “You’ve been scowling at everyone.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s bad for business.”

  “Maybe I don’t feel like smiling,” I grumbled. “I had a shitty night.”

  “Language!” Hailey warned just as my niece, Nora, came bouncing around the corner.

  “Whoops.” I cringed. “Hey, squirt. I thought you were helping Grandma today.”

  “I am.” Nora grinned. “Brought you some refreshments.” She thrust her hand toward me. “I made them.” There was a container with what looked like cookies, and then a Thermos of something.

  “Are those double chocolate chip?” Hailey mused.

  “Yes, Mama. I know they’re your favorite.” Nora grinned as she turned away from me and more towards her mama. Hailey opened the container, and took a giant bite.

  “So good.” She sighed as Nora stood there smiling.

  Just as she was starting to grab a second, Nora piped up. “Grandma says you gots to save some for Daddy. Yous might hurt his feelings if you don’t.”

  “Well, Daddy needs to hurry up and get some then.” Hailey grinned as she housed another cookie.

  “You think I could have one, Mommy?” I smiled at Hailey as I attempted to reach into the container.

  “Get your own cookies.” She smacked my hand.

  “I’m trying to.” I reached out again.

  “You wash those?” She eyed my hands.

  “Oh for fucks sake, you too?” I tossed my hands in the air.

  “Language!” Hailey glared at me once again as she held the cookie container to her chest.

  “S’ok Uncle Micha. Daddy says that word alls the time.” She rocked back on her heels and rolled her eyes in exaggeration. “Bye.” She giggled before darting out the stand and running back toward Hailey’s parents’ house.

  “She’s right. He does,” Hailey mused as she popped another cookie into her mouth.

  “You aren’t going to share, are you?” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted like a ten-year-old.

  “Nope.” Hailey polished off the cookie. “My mom, my cookies.”

  “What’s this I hear about snacks?” Max, my brother, comes striding around the corner.

  “Finally. Someone who will be on my side. Make her share.” I pointed at Hailey as Max’s eyes searched for what was left of the cookies.

  “If she’s sharing, it’s with me.” He pointed at his chest with his thumb. “What cha got babe?” He moved closer, and Hailey hugged the container tighter.

  “I’ll give you one, but you can’t take them with you.” She slowly opened the container.

  “Your mom’s cookies always were the best.” He picked one up and shoved the entire thing in his mouth. “Mmm.” His eyes closed as he savored it.

  “You two need to get back to work,” I grumbled as I stepped outside. I was melting in there, and it was obvious that I wasn’t getting any cookies. “Jerks,” I grumbled as I started walking away toward the barn. I was in a bad mood, and being around my brother and his happy life was making it worse.


  The tractor was right where I’d left it, still half taken apart. I know I should hire a mechanic to do these repairs, but something about doing it myself made me feel better. The farm was doing well this year, and I could afford to hire more staff, but I didn’t want to. Everyone seemed happy with the hours they were working, and aside from the heat, I wasn’t getting any complaints.

  I grabbed my tool box, and started tinkering with what I thought was the problem. By the time I finally started to get somewhere, the day was ending. It wasn’t quite sunset, but workers were coming in from the fields and clocking out for the day. I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings since nothing was out of the ordinary. I guess I’ll call it a lesson learned.

  “I’m looking for the owner,” a female voice called out from behind me. “I was told I could find him down here.”

  “You found him.” I released a deep breath. This crap happened all the time. Women would stop by wanting to use the farm for one thing or another. Wedding venue, backdrop for photos, or to try and date me. It was amusing at first, now it’s just annoying. “Whatever it is you’re selling, I don’t need.” I turned around, and my stomach bottomed out.

  “I’m not selling anything.” Her smile was tentative, “but I do remember you using that line on me before.”

  As if seeing her two days ago wasn’t bad enough, now she’s stalking me. “Last I heard Utah was your home. You get lost or something?” I grabbed a rag and wiped my hands. I was covered in grease.

  “Dalton’s my home now.” Her lips pressed together as she gave a slight nod.

  “Guess it’s a good thing that I don’t leave this farm much then, huh?” I tossed the rag on my tool box, and shuffled around to the other side of the tractor.

  “Can we talk, Micha?” Savannah’s head dipped to the side. Her expression held an uncertainty and it gave me a small amount of pleasure that she was unsure of herself. She’d left me like I meant nothing, and I wasn’t going to give her an inch at the moment.


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