Throne of Secrets (Wicked Kingdoms Book 3)

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Throne of Secrets (Wicked Kingdoms Book 3) Page 19

by Graceley Knox

  “Put me under. I know they’ll find out what it is. I trust my team.” And just like that, a decision is made.

  One by one, Kirin, Axel, and Eryn step forward and talk softly with Doyle. Final good-byes just in case, and a few jokes between the guys. They step back and I look to Amren, who’s readying a needle full of a dark liquid.

  “I swear to the gods, D, if you don’t come back, I’ll haunt you for the rest of your lives. Don’t think I won’t. You come back. That’s an order.”

  He squeezes my hand and smiles. “I know. I wouldn’t dare disobey an order.”

  I wipe a tear from the corner of my eye and look to Amren. I nod once and he steps forward, breaking Doyle’s skin with the tip of the needle and injecting the dark liquid into his veins.

  Doyle’s chest stops moving and his hand relaxes around me. A sob escapes my lips and I wrap my arms around myself.

  “That’s supposed to happen, right?” Axel asks, his voice gruff.

  “Yes, that’s normal. He’s sleeping very deeply. Now it is up to you to find out what the poison was.”

  “How much time do we have?”

  “Two weeks tops before I can’t wake him up. I will keep trying everything I know to heal him in the meantime but I need to know exactly what the mixture was.”

  I nod and look to my crew. “We’ve got work to do. Let’s get to it.” I step down from the table and take a final look at Doyle. I won’t let him down. I’d die without him by my side. And he saved my life today. Yet again. It’s my turn to return the favor.


  We circle up by the door into the dungeons where they took the captives and I rack my brain for ideas on where to start.

  “First off, collect any of the weapons they left behind. Maybe Amren can figure it out if he has more of it. And tell everyone not to touch it.”

  “On it.” Eryn and Kirin head off to do what I asked and I look to Axel.

  “You’re with me to question the prisoners. You okay with that?”

  “He’s my brother too. I’m okay with whatever means necessary.”

  I nod and we head down the steps leading into the dank dungeon. Dare, Dagan, and Dax are standing around with King Teag and Tore. They stop talking as soon as they catch sight of Axel and me.

  “Don’t stop on our account.”

  “How’s Doyle?” Dare asks softly.

  “He’s in a deep sleep. We need to find out what poison they had on their blades. Until then, he rests and Amren works to fix it. Eryn and Kirin are collecting the weapons and telling everyone not to touch the blades.”

  “What are you doing down here?” Teag asks.

  “You know why we’re here. These captives are going to give us answers, one way or another. Is that a problem?” I’m almost hoping he’ll say that it is so I can argue with him and blow off some steam. The rational part of me knows that fighting amongst ourselves will do no good and only waste time.

  “No problem, we’d just like to have a guard in there with each of you for your protection,” Teag answers.

  “Done. Let’s go.”

  Dare grabs my arm and pulls me aside, holding up a finger to the group of men waiting. “Don’t you think you need to rest for a moment? Let the adrenaline of the battle wear off before you push forward?”

  I close my eyes, knowing that he’s only trying to help. He’s only looking out for me. “I’m fine, Dare. I need to be doing something or I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “You just killed Cashel, who’s been haunting you for almost a year. That’s a big deal. And now your best friend is lying in a coma upstairs. I think you need to take a minute.”

  “I did take one. When I promised Doyle I’d find out what this poison is and get him better. I promise I’m okay, Dare. I won’t push it too far. I know my limits.” At least I hope I do. With Doyle’s life on the line, I’m not sure how far I’ll go to save him.

  “I’ll be in there with—”

  “No you won’t. Send Dagan in there with me. If you’re watching me, I’ll be distracted. And I can’t afford to show any weakness right now. I love you, and thank you for the offer, but I can’t risk losing any ground.” Not when every minute that goes by counts against us.

  Dare nods, his mouth in a tight line. “I don’t like it, but I’ll respect your wishes.”

  I squeeze his arm. “Thank you. I think Axel would do well with your help though. If you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course. I’ll do what I can.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips before we separate and head back toward the waiting group.

  “You ready, Axel?” I eye him closely, making sure he can handle this. He’s the quietest one in our group but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t feel just as deeply as the rest of us.

  “I’m good, Ev. I’ll see you in a bit.” He walks toward the end of the hall with Dare at his back. I watch as Dare unlocks the door and Axel steps inside. The door clangs closed behind them and I look to Dagan, ready to get this over with.

  “My turn.”



  Days and countless hours of interrogation and persuasive assault later, we’re no closer to finding out what the poison is. Doyle grows paler and they’re struggling to keep him warm. His lips turned blue about three days in and we still haven’t been able to figure out why.

  I stare at my hands on the scarred wooden table where Doyle lay bleeding only a few days ago and pray to any of the gods or goddesses that are listening. Just save Doyle. He didn’t ask for any of this.

  “Ever, what do you think?”

  “Sorry, what?” I force a smile and look around the table to see who asked me a question. It’s Dax. He’s been focusing on keeping our plans moving and stopping the Order once and for all.

  “I asked if you’d like to meet with the Winter Court?”

  Honestly, I want to crawl into a hole and sleep for a week. I don’t want to bullshit and watch my words while I try to figure out how to save my best friend and stop the Order from killing half of the Fae. “Sure. Why not. When?”

  “They’d like to speak with you this afternoon if you can?”

  “Eryn, are you good to sit with Doyle for me?” Since we moved him into the sanctuary with Amren, we’ve taken turns sitting and talking with Doyle so he knows he isn’t alone.

  “Of course.”

  “Okay, then let’s set up the meet.” I push back from the table and smile as encouragingly as I can at everyone. “Thanks, guys. I know the past few days haven’t been easy. Your support means the world to me.” I drum my fingers on the back of the chair before I step back and head toward Amren’s sanctuary.

  I’ve got to say good-bye before I go. Just in case. I can’t bear the thought of not getting my chance to say good-bye to Doyle each time I leave the castle.

  I walk into Amren’s workshop and watch as he stirs something with one hand and reads a book at the same time. His focus and willingness to try anything and everything hasn’t gone unnoticed.

  “Hey, Amren. Any change?” I ask the question almost out of habit. If anything had changed, he’d have told me. But asking brings me a small amount of hope in a sea of dread.

  “I’m afraid not, but I did want to speak with you about something else, lass.” He closes the book he was reading and meets my stare head on.

  “What is it?” I perch on the stool across from him and keep an eye on the slight rise and fall of Doyle’s chest as he sleeps.

  “With all of the events following the attack, your results fell to the wayside.”

  My stomach drops to my toes and I suck in a sharp breath. I’d completely forgotten about the possible pregnancy. I rub a hand across my forehead, pushing my hair back. “And? What were the results?” I swallow hard, wishing I had some water to wash down the panic rising in my throat.

  “You’re pregnant, lass.” He pauses and I try not to fall off of my stool. “About twelve weeks along if I had to guess.”

ve weeks? Y-You’re sure?” Maybe I peed on the paper wrong. Maybe his mixture was off. There’s got to be some mistake.

  “We did multiple tests, lass. I’m sure.”

  Shock renders me speechless and I sit there and stare at Amren like he’s got twelve heads. “There’s got to be some mistake. I can’t be pregnant. Not now. Not with everything going on.”

  “You are, lass. And you’ll be just fine.” Amren rounds the table and rests his hand over mine on my stomach.

  I didn’t notice that it was there until he put his hand on mine. I look down at my still-flat stomach and shake my head. “This changes everything.”

  “It’s not as bad as you think.” Amren speaks in a low tone, as if he’s trying not to startle a frightened child.

  “I’ve got a meeting with the Winter Court in a little bit. I came to talk to Doyle for luck before I leave. I can’t think about this right now.” I push away from Amren and crouch next to Doyle. “Hey, D. We’re going to meet with the Winter Court. Who knows, maybe we’ll get something tangible to use against the Order from them. I’m not holding my breath, but we could sure use some luck.”

  I rest my forehead against the back of his hand and take a deep breath. “You probably heard already, but I’m pregnant. I guess this prophecy is going to happen after all. So you better get better so you can help me protect this kid of mine. Either that or I’ll find you in the afterlife and kick your ass.” Please, please wake up and come back to us. Please. “I’ll be back soon, and we’ll keep searching for the poison. Hold tight, D. We’ve got you.”

  I stand up and look at him one more time before I turn to walk out.

  “Ever?” Amren calls.

  “Yeah?” I don’t turn around, afraid that if I look at him I’ll see pity in his eyes.

  “Be careful, lass. The Winter Court is known for their tricks and their poisons. Don’t touch, drink, or eat anything. I’d bring Puck with you if you can.”

  I nod. “Thanks for the heads-up.”


  We bundle up before heading to the Winter Court, Puck joining us just as we’re about to leave. He looks me over and before he can say anything I shake my head at him. He nods but doesn’t say anything. He must have spoken with Amren before coming.

  We all huddle around, waiting for Queen Mab of the Winter Court. She’s late, and with each passing second, my impatience grows.

  “What time did she say again, Dax? I’m freezing my ass off.”

  “She should be here any minute.”

  “She better be,” I gripe back.

  “Or what?” The silky voice sounds behind me and I turn to see her. Queen Mab is covered in a white fur coat, white lace gloves, and a crown of icicles. Her hair is white, and her eyes are a dark purple and white.

  “Or I was going to leave.” I raise a brow.

  “And risk losing an alliance with my court?”

  “Queen Mab, I meant no offense, but time is something that I’m in short supply of these days. I’m sure you heard about the attack in Goblin. And I’m sure you’re aware that we’ve allied with the Seelie and Unseelie Kingdoms.” I step forward. “Let’s not play any games and get right to it. What is it you want?”

  “Oh, Ever. I don’t think you understand how this works.” She tsks.

  “Enlighten me then.” I cock my head.

  “I’ve got something you want desperately, and you’ve already shown me all your cards.”

  I eye her closely, waiting for her to blink and give something away, but she doesn’t. “And what is it that I want?”

  “A cure for the poison that’s killing your friend.”

  I school my features, hoping she can’t see the hope in my eyes. “And how do you know what’s killing him?”

  “Because it was one of my knights who gave the Order the poison in the first place.”

  I tense. “And did you okay this?” I rest my hand on my hip, hoping she doesn’t notice that it’s next to my blade.

  “I did not. I did, however, find out after the fact. He’s been taken care of.” She waves a hand like it’s no big deal.

  “And how do I know that you’re not lying to me?”

  “I can’t lie, Ever. You know that.” She smirks.

  “No, I know that you can very selectively use your words to deceive though.” I look back to Kirin and Axel, both of whom are stock-still and staring at Queen Mab like they’re ready to launch themselves at her.

  “And why would I do that? I’m in the position of power. You’ll never know what it was without my help.”

  My pulse pounds in my ears and I weigh the pros and cons in my head. What is it that she could possibly want? Something other than an alliance or she’d have said that already. “What do you want? For the cure, and for an alliance?”

  “I’ll give you both, for a future favor from you.”

  I rock back on my heels. A favor is a huge ask from any one Fae to the other. It’s a carte blanche. What am I willing to risk to save Doyle’s life? Is it worth it? Of course it is. I open my mouth to respond when Puck steps forward.

  “That’s too broad, and you know it. Narrow it down, Queen Mab. Please.” He adds the request at the last moment almost as an afterthought. I watch as Mab’s jaw ticks when she looks at Puck. They must have some sort of history together.

  “That is my price. Take it or leave it.”

  “I will grant you a favor so long as it doesn’t harm any of me or mine, or any future generations of any of the involved parties, and will not break or bend any other agreements previously made with other courts and kingdoms,” I counter, waiting to see her response.

  “Clever girl.” She smiles before reaching up and slicing her palm on the edge of an icicle. Blood trickles down the shard of sharp ice and she steps forward. “A deal is struck.”

  I slice my palm for the third time and press my hand into hers. “A deal is struck.”


  Keep Reading for an Excerpt from

  Kiss of Frost

  coming January 9th, 2018 in the Sirens and Scales Boxed Set!

  Fighting to save an ancient magic and awakening the dragons? Easy.

  When Ivy thwarted an intruder trying to break into her family’s antique shop, she never thought she’d end up stuck in the middle of a dangerous group of mages bent on harnessing the last bit of dragon magic.

  Frost dragon Beck has been freed from his prison only to learn that his brothers aren’t so lucky. With the help of Ivy, Beck works tirelessly to ensure the safety of his family as well as the safety of the woman helping him.

  Will Ivy’s hot temper put all of their plans in jeopardy? Or will Beck be able to cool her ire as he lights her desire for him into a blaze?



  Jem drops a box next to me, dust flying everywhere, dancing in the beams of sunlight through her sunroom. She pushes back her pin-straight chestnut hair and huffs.

  “Why did I agree to do this again, Ivy?” she asks.

  I sneeze. Once, twice, and a third time. “I’ve got no idea, but you didn’t tell me it would be this dusty.” I pull my curly black hair back into a messy bun and wipe dust bunnies off my yoga pants.

  “Sorry, I forgot about your allergies.” Jem cringes. “I thought it would be a few boxes, not half of her garage.”

  “It’s fine.” I’ll just be popping allergy pills like candy tonight trying not to lose my voice as I sneeze. “What exactly are we looking for again?”

  “Some old jewelry. My mom is frantic to find it.” She shrugs.

  Her mom is always frantic about something. Having to open her antique store on time. Having to get groceries or go to the next estate sale. She’s eccentric, but she’s always been there for Jem and me. When my mother abandoned me, she took me in. Adopting me as her own. I’m forever in her debt for keeping me out of the foster care system and for teaching me that I am wanted and I’ll always be loved.

  “Well, I’ll make more coffee and gra
b another box and we can get to work.” I make the coffee and grab two boxes, dropping them off in the sunroom. I shuffle into the kitchen, grab us two mugs, doctoring it exactly as we each like it, black for me, two scoops of sugar for Jem.

  The opening notes of an eighties rock ballad float through the house, and I settle myself into searching through these boxes, laughing with Jem as we sort through old photos, weird items, and some pretty incredible stuff.

  Hours later, I push my arms above my head, stretching my sore back and rubbing at my neck. “Are you sure that the box she’s looking for is here and not at the shop?” I ask, praying that’s the case.

  “She said it was here. Trust me, she already destroyed the storeroom looking for it.”

  “What’s the deal with this jewelry? Is it worth a million dollars?” It’s not like they need the money. Jem’s family comes from old southern money and her mom’s store has been featured all over as the best place to find what you’re looking for.

  “She just said it was important we find it in time.”

  “In time for what?”

  “Who the hell knows.” Jem closes up another box, blowing her bangs off of her forehead with an aggravated breath.

  “Want to call it a day?”

  “Sure. Might as well. We’ll pick it up tomorrow. I’ll bring doughnuts.”

  “With the—”

  “Yes, with the sprinkles.” Jem laughs.

  “You know me so well.” I grab my giant purse and head for the door, waving as I leave and heading to my little studio apartment above the shop.

  I throw my keys into the bowl Ann, Jem’s mom, insisted belonged in this space before I toe off my shoes, grab a water bottle, and flop on the couch.


  I wake with a start, a loud metallic clang echoing outside my windows. I jump up and look through the water drops decorating the glass. There’s a shadow just a bit farther down the alley behind the shop. Metal screeches against metal again and I grab the gun I keep locked up by the door in case of emergencies. I tiptoe down the wooden steps outside my apartment and stay as hidden as I can as I creep closer to the potential robber.


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