The Bone Cup

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The Bone Cup Page 3

by L. J. LaBarthe

  “Sure, but that doesn’t mean you can be off with the stars.” Declan jutted his chin in the direction of Ondrass and Markus. “Watch them. Those Archdemons are bastards. They’ll turn on us all as soon as we fix this shit.”

  “Whether or not they do, that’s in the future. We’ve got enough crap to worry about in the present,” Liam said.

  Angelique marched into the room then, the rest of her pack following her, and made a beeline for them. Liam quirked an eyebrow as he watched Declan give her a slow once-over.

  “Dude, really? You’re having dirty thoughts after telling me off for thinking?”

  “Your thinking gives you nightmares,” Declan retorted. “My thinking gives me happy dreams.”

  “Dude, gross.” Liam wrinkled his nose.

  Declan lightly punched Liam’s shoulder. “Shut up.”

  Angelique drew up to them. “Brotherly love,” she drawled, a smirk on her face. “Ain’t it grand?”

  “Good to see you too, Angelique,” Liam said. He looked beyond her to Baxter, and he couldn’t stop the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips as he gazed at his lover. “Hey, Bax.”

  “Hey, Liam.” Baxter moved to him and hugged him, and Liam let out a happy sigh as he felt the solid warmth of Baxter’s body against his own.

  “It’s good to see you,” Liam said.

  “It was only a few days you two were apart,” Declan growled.

  “Shut up,” Liam said without looking at him. He pulled back from Baxter and smiled down at him. “How was your trip from Oregon?”

  “Bumpy.” Baxter laughed. “Asaf and Vel flew us back here. We got caught in some turbulence and Biggles over there threw up.”

  “Baxter!” Riley was blushing when Liam looked at him. “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone!”

  “I’m not telling anyone, Biggles,” Baxter said reasonably. “I’m telling Liam. He’s not just anyone.”

  Riley buried his face in his hands.

  “There, there,” Lily said, patting Riley’s shoulder. “At least he’s in a good mood.”

  Riley huffed and lowered his hands. “I suppose.”

  “So what’s the agenda for today?” Danny asked. He looked around the room, and Liam followed his gaze, taking in the polished oak table, the comfortable chairs, the chaise longue by the far wall, and the paneled teak bar stacked with expensive liquors. Present were the Archdemons: Ondrass, in his charcoal gray suit, Markus, in black as always, Lix Tetrax in a sheath dress patterned like lizard skin, and Melcherisa in jeans and black shirt open at the collar. Only Adramelek was missing. And, of course, the Archangels, Lyudmila, Piotr, and Eleanora, the French witch who was Lyudmila’s good friend.

  “I guess we won’t find out what we’re doing until Agrat and Lilith go to Purgatory,” Declan was saying. Liam pulled his gaze back to his brother. “I can’t see that we’ll have much to do in the way of intel gathering at this point.”

  “We might have some,” Liam corrected. “Now that the cemeteries are all being protected, I might be able to get more information from the dead. Wouldn’t it be useful to know what sort of creatures or weapons or whatever are in Purgatory?”

  “Sure, but how do you know human spirits would know that?” Declan demanded.

  “I don’t, Dec, that’s why I’d ask them,” Liam said patiently. “And I think you need to get laid. You’re as cross as a bear with a headache.”

  “Oh fuck you, little brother,” Declan replied. “I got laid last night.”

  “La, la, la, can’t hear you,” Baxter said, sticking his fingers in his ears. Liam laughed and gently tugged Baxter’s hands down from his head.

  “We could go out with Angelique’s pack and use it as a training routine as well,” Liam said.

  Declan shrugged. “Works for me. You?” He looked at Angelique.

  “Sure, if the boss man doesn’t have something else for us to do.”

  “And speak of the angel and he enters the room,” Lily said.

  They all turned to look at the door. Michael, with Gabriel beside him, had entered the boardroom. They were walking closely and, Liam saw, they were holding hands. Behind them came Uriel and Raziel, Haniel, Remiel and Ishtahar, Raphael and Israfel with Tabbris almost glued to Israfel’s side. Beyond them were Samael, Metatron, Tzadkiel with Brieus and Sophiel, and Camael, Asaf, Vel, Lyudmila, Piotr, and Eleanora bringing up the rear.

  “And here’s Adramelek,” Danny said.

  Liam turned away to see a dark cloud coalescing into shape and form, and there, in the middle of the boardroom, in the midst of that darkness, appeared Adramelek. He looked calm and serene, and Liam wondered why that should surprise him. After all, the Archdemons rarely looked anything else, except smug.

  “Where’s Agrat and Lilith?” Liam wondered.

  “And Shateiel?” Declan added.

  “Maybe they’re getting ready for the Purgatory mission,” Angelique said.

  “Or maybe they could be walking into the room right now,” Baxter said.

  As one, the little group swung their heads to look at the door. Liam was amused—they were already behaving as a pack, which was strange for him and most likely for Declan, for they were used to working as a pair, a team of two. Working in larger numbers was an adjustment, but it was a good one.

  Watching, Liam saw that Lilith was as beautiful as the art depicting her suggested. She had waist-length wavy auburn hair and very pale skin that emphasized the bright green of her eyes. She wore a pair of plain blue jeans and a tight-fitting black T-shirt that bore the logo of the Triumph motorcycle company. A dozen slender gold bracelets clinked on her right wrist and a curiously designed bracelet like a serpent winding up her arm was on her left. She wore a leather weapons belt around her hips, and hanging from the sheaths were three daggers and one pistol. Around her neck, she wore a large tooth hanging on a golden chain.

  Beside her was Agrat, smiling and lovely. She wore jeans and a gray T-shirt, and the only piece of jewelry she wore was a simple wedding band on her left ring finger. She and Shateiel were holding hands, and Liam immediately recognized the boundless love the two angels had for each other. He was suddenly humbled by the pair of them and felt almost included in the warm affection they shared.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Agrat said. “I had to drag Lilitu out of the markets.”

  Lilith rolled her eyes. “Oh you did not. I was quite finished.”

  “Really? Then why did you complain the whole trip here?” Agrat asked, laughing.

  Lilith shook her head. “I like to shop. I don’t often get to stores on Earth, so I’m taking advantage of it.”

  “And I bet Lucifer will really enjoy the bills when he gets them,” Agrat laughed.

  Lilith smirked. “He loves me. He’ll be delighted.”

  Adramelek snorted at that. “Love or no, I don’t think Lucifer is going to be thrilled to receive dozens of shopping bills at this time of crisis, Lilitu.”

  “Hush,” Lilith scolded. Then she smiled warmly at him. The expression made her even more beautiful. “You look well, Adry.”

  “I am.” Adramelek crossed the room and embraced her. “Lightbringer sends his love.”

  Lilith kissed each of Adramelek’s cheeks. “I’m glad you went to see him. So, are we all here, then?”

  “Indeed.” Michael’s voice, interrupting the two of them, was cool. “Shall we get down to business?”

  “What a marvelous idea,” Ondrass said. “I have Markus here ready to take the minutes. We must keep these things official, after all. Considering our Lord wants records, I would imagine that yours does too.”

  “As you say,” Michael said.

  “Do you have any idea what they’re on about?” Angelique whispered to Liam and Declan.

  “I think they have to let Lucifer and God know everything that’s going on here,” Liam murmured.

  “Damn,” Angelique said. “That isn’t a report I’d want to deliver. Either one.”

  “Got t
hat right,” Declan agreed.

  “If I may have your attention, please,” Michael said. Liam saw that he had moved into the center of the boardroom. All conversation ceased as Michael looked around and nodded once.

  “What’s the plan, then?” Melcherisa asked.

  “It is simple,” Michael began, “and I feel it will be effective. After the tragedies in Congo and North Korea, I feel we must move swiftly, yet we cannot do much until we receive the signal from Lilith and Agrat. They will alert us when they are ready to let us into Purgatory. I cannot say how long that will take, for time moves differently in Purgatory than it does on Earth. While we are waiting, we will keep in touch with each other while we take care of other things.

  “Declan and Liam, you will go with Angelique’s pack to the cemeteries again. Now that they are being protected, I hope that the dead will be more agreeable about speaking to you. Raphael, Israfel, and Tabbris will go with you. Metatron, Haniel, Raziel, and Uriel, you will go to the Grigori who are working with us. I suggest that Metatron and Haniel go to Baraqiel and Kokabiel, and Raziel and Uriel go to Penemuel. You will seek out any and all information about Purgatory, particularly any cracks between the walls of realities. We will, after all, need points to exploit to enter the realm when the time comes. Samael, you, Remiel, and Ishtahar, please go to Brazil and speak with the Nephilim. They are in tune with the seasons and the stars, and their input will be invaluable. Ondrass, please speak to your contacts in the underworld communities. Seek out any groups who have been hired to work with the paid assassins or those who have been charged with thefts of antiques. I wish to pin down exactly what Naamah may have in her possession. Then I will require Melcherisa and Lix Tetrax to work with Tzadkiel, Brieus, and Sophiel in deciphering and connecting those artifacts and antiques to legends and history.”

  “What about us?” Lyudmila asked.

  “Your majesty, I ask that you, Piotr, and Eleanora speak with the shifters here and around the world. Find out if any of them have had members of packs or clans that have lost people either to assassination or situations like the one that the shifter Arkady is in now. And finally, Camael, Asaf, and Vel, I wish you three to provide backup and assistance whenever it is required. Adramelek, you will, of course, assist Ondrass,” Michael said.

  There was a murmur of voices as Michael finished. Then Gabriel stepped up to stand beside him and cleared his throat.

  “Shateiel,” Gabriel said, “I need you to put together a force of elite Seraphim. Twenty of them should do it. Bring them here when you’ve made your selections. I trust your judgment on this.”

  Shateiel saluted smartly. “I will not let you down, sir.”

  Agrat looked at the two Archangels in the center of the room. “So now, I guess all that’s left is for Lilitu and me to go to Purgatory.”

  Michael gave her a deep bow. “It is as you say.”

  “Okay. Well, we’re ready as we’ll ever be, right?” She looked at Lilith.

  “Yes. Though I imagine the shopping will be dreadful.”

  Agrat laughed. “I think it’ll be nonexistent.”

  “Excuse me,” Liam began, feeling a little nervous at interrupting, “but why can’t we all go down into Purgatory by the same route that Agrat and Lilith are going to use? Why do we all have to wait until someone finds another way?”

  “A good question,” Tzadkiel said. “Happily, we have the Archangel with the giant brain here to answer it.” He grinned at Raziel, and Raziel laughed.

  “It’s not so difficult to understand,” Raziel said. “Agrat and Lilith will be using one of the doors—portals, if you will—that are official entrances and exits from Purgatory to Earth. There is a sort of holding area, where they wait while they speak to Naamah and entreat her for entrance. These portals between dimensions all have holding areas, like a lobby, where those who are not strong enough or who are not native to those areas must wait for admittance. Now we could, in the past, blast our way into Purgatory, but no longer. Naamah has strengthened the walls of the entire reality so that our power simply slides off them.

  “Therefore, we cannot enter by sheer force alone. It is unlikely that Naamah will willingly allow us to enter via one of the portals. She may yet not allow Lilith and Agrat to enter, but we must try. And while they are there, Lilith and Agrat will, among other things they must do, seek out places where there are cracks so that our force may be able to enter the dimension despite Naamah’s protections. I do not imagine those cracks will be easy to find, nor do I imagine there will be many of them. But no single one of us is strong enough to cast magic powerful enough to shield such a large area, so there will be spots that are less protected than others. I am certain of it.”

  “Oh.” Liam rubbed the back of his neck. “That makes sense, I guess. So this is why we all wait while Agrat and Lilith do their thing?”

  “Precisely,” Raziel said.

  Michael coughed a little diffidently, and Raziel stepped back, gesturing with one hand to indicate that Michael should step forward and speak. Michael inclined his head politely, cleared his throat, and began.

  “Gabriel and I will go and speak with our people in Australia, and the witch called No Hands Minnie and her partner, Max. We will meet here as soon as we receive the first message from Agrat and Lilith.”

  “What message is this?” Ondrass asked.

  “We’ll be sending out messages, carefully hidden from Naamah,” Lilith said. “Agrat is bonded to Shateiel and they have a strong link that they can use even when they’re in different realities. So, that’s how the angels will keep up to speed. I, of course, have my connection to Lucifer, and he will inform Adry, so that’s how you will know what’s going on. If things are particularly grave or urgent or both, we will arrange to contact you and the others directly. It may well prove that is the best choice under as yet unknown circumstances.”

  “Are you sure that Naamah will not detect either of you doing this?” Ondrass asked.

  “Lucifer says that she will not.” Adramelek shrugged. “Apparently, the link between him and Lilith and the angelic bonding between Agrat and Shateiel is more powerful and more subtle than regular telepathy. Naamah would know about the bond and that Lilitu is Lucifer’s consort, but she wouldn’t know that they can communicate with each other through dimensions that way.”

  “Astounding,” Ondrass murmured. “Are you sure this will work?”

  “It has not been tested in some time, so… no. It is a risk. But there is no other way. This entire mission is full of risk,” Michael said.

  “It will be fine,” Lilith said. “If the worst comes to the worst, we’ll just grab one of Naamah’s pet demons and use it as a means of getting a message to Hell.” She looked at Michael full in the face. “And you don’t want to know how I’ll do that, do you.” It wasn’t a question.

  Michael’s expression was one of distaste. “No,” he said.

  “Thought not,” Lilith said.

  “Well, I think that’s about everything.” Agrat moved to hug her husband. “Don’t work too hard,” she said to him.

  “I will not. Be safe, beloved wife.”

  “I will.” Agrat touched his cheek once and then moved to stand beside Lilith. “Shall we?”

  “Yes,” Lilith said. “We’ll go to Denmark, then move to Purgatory from there.”

  “Right.” Agrat took Lilith’s hand in hers. The two women faced each other, and then they shimmered and vanished.

  “I have a question,” Lily said, somewhat shyly.

  “Yes, Lily?” Michael asked.

  “Why is Lilith also called Lilitu?”

  Adramelek chuckled. “It’s one of her many names. Lilitu is her Akkadian name.”

  “Oh. Right. Of course.” Lily shook her head, amusement on her face. “I guess I’ll look it up in the books back home.”

  Adramelek laughed loudly. “I could give you a long history lesson, young Lily, but I think time is of the essence. If you wish to know more when we are fi
nished with this situation, I would be happy to tell you the stories of the early days of Hell.”

  Michael frowned. “Adramelek….”

  “Hush, Michael.” Adramelek didn’t look at him. “Lily here has been to Hell. You know it, her pack knows it, every angel and demon here knows it. If she wants to know, then I will tell her. I’m not going to tempt her away from the Venatores, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “You were in Hell?” Declan asked.

  Lily shrugged. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you while we’re doing cemetery tourism.” She looked at Adramelek again. “I might take you up on that, Archdemon. My husband will be with me, though.”

  “Got that right,” Danny growled.

  “And her alpha,” Angelique said.

  Adramelek shrugged. “It matters little to me who you wish to bring. Have Michael assign an angel to sit in too, if you want.”

  Michael snorted. “We will discuss this later,” he said. “For the moment, we have tasks to attend to, so let us do them.”

  A chorus of “yes, sir” echoed around the room, and Liam pushed himself off the windowsill and stood beside his brother and Baxter, ready to get to work.

  “So,” Angelique turned to Liam, “where do you want to start?”

  Liam thought about it. “Why don’t we go back to Canada and the Notre Dame des Neiges? That’s where I got the original intel from, and those graves date back centuries.”

  Baxter grinned. “So long as there’s no island of creepy dolls, I’m good.”

  Liam laughed. “Hell no. You couldn’t pay me to go there.”

  Angelique shuddered. “I was trying to forget that place existed, Sugar-puff.”

  “Stop calling me that,” Baxter said.

  “Sugar-puff?” Declan guffawed. “That’s awesome.”

  “See what you’ve done?” Baxter glared at Angelique. “He hates me anyway, now you’ve made it worse.”

  “I don’t hate you,” Declan said. “I just think you’re an idiot, and if you hurt my brother, you’re going to be a wolf without his fur, because I will fucking skin you and make myself a new coat.”

  “God, so much testosterone around here, I think I’m going to throw up,” Angelique said. “Baxter, man up. Declan, don’t threaten my pack. Liam, let’s go talk to Raph, Iss, and Tabby. Lily, don’t gag on the scents around. Danny, get us bottles of water from the rich Archdemon’s bar.”


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