Rage Company

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Rage Company Page 40

by Daly, Thomas P.


  A cache of weapons brought to COP Rage by the scouts. A white suicide vest lies innocently in the foreground.

  Combat Outpost Falcon in southern Ramadi.

  A Bradley fighting vehicle escorts a Rage Company convoy toward COP Falcon in southern Ramadi.

  Rage 1, under fire, returns to COP Grant in two-man pairs.

  Lieutenants Andrew Grubb and James Thomas before Operation Harrison Creek I.

  Lance Corporal Joash Albin catches his breath during Operation Windmill Point.

  The intelligence cell inside COP Falcon minutes before Operation Windmill Point.

  Marines on the roof of COP Grant.

  An IED in concrete disguised as a piece of a wall.

  The northwest corner of checkpoint 295 on the southwestern edge of Qatana. Before November 2006 this intersection and beyond was controlled by al Qaeda.

  From right to left, Lance Corporal Joash Albin, Lance Corporal Benjamin Eakin, and Lieutenant Thomas Daly on the roof of building 17 following a firefight.

  Lieutenant Thomas Daly waking up on Christmas morning 2006.

  The sniper shot that nearly killed Lance Corporal Cooke on Christmas Day.

  Lieutenant Thomas Daly freezing in Qatana.

  Rage Company’s intelligence cell and one of the company’s interpreters, Marlo (third from left), in Qatana.

  Lieutenant Thomas Daly minutes before the clearing of the VBIED factory in Qatana.

  Lieutenant Thomas Daly inside COP Firecracker with a makeshift insurgent sniper rifle.

  Corporal Brian Holloway in Qatana.

  A group of fire extinguishers reconfigured as IEDs in Qatana.

  Lieutenant James Thomas smokes inside his platoon’s combat operations center in building 17, Qatana.

  A rudimentary insurgent target range found on the streets of Qatana.

  Corporal Jesus Davila in Qatana.

  First Sergeant Eric Carlson in Qatana.

  Captain John Smith in building 17, northern Qatana.

  IED found by Sergeant Adam Sempert a few hundred meters from building 17.

  Insurgent graffiti and accompanying instructions on how to target U.S. helicopters found on the streets of Qatana.

  Captain John Smith speaks with members of the scout-led militia during the Julayba uprising.

  From the left, Abu Tiba, Captain Smith, and Double A during a mission.

  Members of the scout-led militia wounded in a mortar attack on their makeshift command post during the Julayba uprising.

  Iraqi militia in an F-350 during the Julayba uprising.

  The militia’s version of Pathfinder. The Iraqi holding the shovel dug up the region’s IEDs. He was also the individual who put them in the ground.

  An Apache attack helicopter in action above Julayba.

  Lieutenants Thomas Daly (standing) and James Thomas with the leadership of the scouts.

  Lieutenant Thomas Daly outside COP Rage.

  Lieutenant Thomas Daly and the general.

  The citizens of Julayba protest the detention of a local on the northern edge of COP Rage.

  Sergeant Dimitrios Karras on patrol in Julayba.

  A 500lb JDAM air-strike silences an insurgent position along Red Road.

  Sergeant Clinton Ahlquist on patrol in Julayba.

  Captain Smith poses with Abu Ali and the general during the tactical questioning of detainees.

  A tactical cache found by Rage 2 in the Albu Bali tribal area.

  The militia gathers for the first Iraqi led operation in Julayba.

  Lieutenant Thomas and Captain Smith with two of the scouts outside COP Rage.

  An IED found by a patrol of Marines from Rage 2. Luckily the explosives weren’t connected to an initiation device yet.

  The cache found underneath fishing net in building 88 off Orchard Way.

  Lieutenant James Thomas inspects an RPG launcher found hanging in a tree.

  Lieutenant Thomas holds the empty tube to a SA-7 surface to air missile.

  Marines from Rage 1 stand over a cache of weapons delivered by the scout-led militia.

  Staff Sergeant Eagle and another Marine prepare to detonate a weapons cache.

  From the left, Lance Corporal Craig Jahner, Staff Sergeant Jerry Eagle, and Corporal Dustin Anderson in Julayba.

  The leadership of Rage 1. From the left, Staff Sergeant Todd Colwell, Lieutenant Cullen Shearburn, and Staff Sergeant Jerry Eagle.


  Page numbers in italic indicate maps or photographs.

  1st Battalionh Marines (1/6)

  dysfunction of



  Operation Squeeze Play

  provincial government center protection

  in Qatana

  and SEALs

  taking credit for weapons cache find

  UAV use

  See also Operation Hue City; Operation Hue City II

  1st Battalionh Infantry (1/9 infantry). See also Julayba; Operation Churubusco

  1st Battalionh Armor (1-37 Armor)

  AO Bandit

  intelligence officer’s briefing


  Operation Squeeze Play

  SEALs use

  See also Operation Harrison Creek I (HC1); Operation Harrison Creek II (HC2); Operation Windmill Point

  1st Brigadet Armor Division

  2nd Battaliond Marines (2/3)

  2nd Battalionh Marines (2/4)

  2nd BrigadeAirborne Division

  3rd Battalionh Marines

  5.56mm rounds

  7.62mm ammo

  9mm pistols

  15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)

  AO Bull-Rush

  commanding officers’ visit and pep talk

  deployment extension

  deployment into Al Anbar Province


  24 (TV series)

  40mm grenades

  .50 caliber machine guns

  57mm IRLs (improvised rocket launchers)

  82mm mortars

  120mm cannons

  120mm mortars 122mm artillery rounds 240G machine gun

  Abdallah Ibn Al-Mubarak Brigade

  Abd-al Sala’am mosque

  Abizaid, General John

  Abrams tanks

  Abu Soda tribe

  Ahlquist, Sergeant Clinton

  death and sacrifice of

  enemy vehicle recovery mission and ambush

  Julayba patrol

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Hue City II,

  Risala Takedown

  AIF (Anti-Iraqi Forces)

  Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO)

  AK-47 and AK variant weapons

  AK fire

  Al Anbar Province

  Al Anbar University

  Al Andaloos

  Albin, Lance Corporal Joash

  Battle of Christmas Day

  and Brigade Reconnaissance Team

  competence of

  detainees supervised under

  Operation Harrison Creek I,

  Operation Harrison Creek II,

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Hue City II,

  Operation Windmill Point

  Team America graffiti

  Albu Bali tribe

  Albu Musa mosque

  Albu Musa tribe

  Albu Obaid IP

  Ali, Abu

  al-Masri, Abu Ayyub

  Alpha (objective)

  al Qaeda

  Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

  briefings on

  brutality of

  command-and-control network

  founding of

  Kasim kidnapping


  Operation Churubusco goals

  Operation Squeeze Play goals

  in Sijariah region

  and Sunni scouts

  al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab

  America, Iraqis’ view of

  ammunition. See also specifi
c types

  Anbar Awakening movement

  AQI’s brutality against members of


  campaign with 15th MEU

  context of

  founding of

  transition from militia to security force

  Anbar Salvation Council

  Anderson, Corporal Dustin

  Battle of Christmas Day

  COP Melia patrol

  Julayba patrol and ambush

  ANGLICO (Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company)

  Annapolis-Farm intersection

  Anti-Iraqi Forces (AIF)

  AO. See area of operation (AO)

  Apache 6,

  Apache Company

  Apache helicopters


  AQI. See Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

  Aranez, Corporal Ezekiel

  ARDF (Ar Ramadi Regional Detention Facility)

  area of operation (AO)







  Arias, Sergeant


  Ar Ramadi Regional Detention Facility (ARDF)

  Awakening movement. See Anbar Awakening movement


  Ba’ath Party


  Baker and Dog Company 1/9 INF

  Bandits. See 1st Battalionh Armor (1-37 Armor)

  Barnes, Corporal Chris


  Baseline-Graves intersection

  Baseline Street

  basic officer trainer


  Bastard (AO)

  battle-damage assessments (BDA)

  Bears Road

  Beaton, Doc


  BFT (Blue Force Tracker)

  BFVs (Bradley fighting vehicles)

  “Bird Dog,”

  Bishop, Gunnery Sergeant Edward

  and Iraqi scouts

  and Oliver North’s visit

  Operation Churubusco

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Hue City II,


  Blue Force Tracker (BFT)

  body bags

  bongo trucks

  booby traps

  Bradford, Corporal William

  Bradley fighting vehicles (BFVs)

  Bravo (objective)

  Brigade Reconnaissance Team (BRT)

  Brown, Corporal Adam

  BRT (Brigade Reconnaissance Team)

  Bull-Rush (AO)

  Bush, George W.

  Bustamante, Sergeant

  Battle of Christmas Day

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Hue City II,


  caches. See weapons caches


  Camp Corregidor

  Camp Hurricane Point (HP)

  Camp Pendleton

  Camp Ramadi

  Camp Ranger

  Camp Taqqaddum

  Carlson, First Sergeant Eric

  1/6 taking credit for weapons cache find

  and Oliver North’s visit

  Operation Churubusco

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Windmill Point

  Carter, Lance Corporal Christopher

  Casey, General George


  at checkpoints

  Iraqi scouts

  Lance Cpl. Hadden from sniper fire

  Sgt. Ahlquist from IED

  shotgun accidents

  CH-53 helicopters

  Champion, Sergeant

  Charlie (objective)

  Chavez, Lance Corporal Steven


  checkpoint, definition of






  insurgents’ use of

  Marines’ experiences with

  Chontosh, Captain


  Christmas Day, Battle of

  Churubusco. See Operation Churubusco

  CINC U.S. Central Command

  Clark, Captain

  Clarkson, Kelly

  Clinton, Lance Corporal Jackie


  coalition forces

  and Awakening Movement

  in Haditha Triad

  in Julayba

  in Ramadi

  in Sijariah

  Cobra 6,

  COC (combat operations center)

  Collard, Corporal Seth

  Colt (street)

  Colwell, Staff Sergeant Todd

  Comanche Company

  combat operations center (COC)

  Combat Outposts (COPs)

  Eagles Nest









  command-and-control network

  command wire

  Company E

  Company F

  Company G

  Conley, Corporal Matthew

  Battle of Christmas Day

  Julayba patrol

  Operation Hue City II,

  Risala Takedown

  Convery, Private First Class Kevin

  Cooke, Lance Corporal

  COPs. See Combat Outposts (COPs)


  Craig, Corporal Robert

  Crippen, Staff Sergeant


  Cugliotta, Corporal Dean

  Dagger GPS

  Daly, Lieutenant Thomas

  college experience with Lt. Thomas

  dream about death


  wife of

  See also specific index entries

  Davidson, Corporal Clark

  Davila, Corporal Jesus

  egg breakfast preparation

  investigation of

  Iraqi scout missions

  Julayba patrols

  Operation Churubusco

  Operation Harrison Creek I,

  Operation Hue City II,

  Ramadi events around COP Grant

  Risala Takedown

  “Daytona 500,”

  Daytona Street

  Del Castillo, Doc


  Iraqi scout missions

  Julayba missions

  Operation Churubusco

  Operation Harrison Creek I,

  Operation Harrison Creek II,

  Operation Windmill Point


  Risala Takedown

  Diyala Province



  Downum, Corporal William

  dreams, about death

  DSU riverine patrol craft

  Duck Tales

  Duvall, Lance Corporal Adam

  Eagle, Staff Sergeant Jerry

  Battle of Christmas Day

  COP Melia patrol

  Julayba patrol and ambush

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Hue City II,

  Eakin, Lance Corporal Benjamin

  Battle of Christmas Day

  and Brigade Reconnaissance Team

  competence of

  Iraqi scout missions

  Operation Hue City

  Operation Hue City II,

  Operation Windmill Point

  Ramadi events around COP Grant

  Entry Control Point Eight (ECP 8)

  EOD engineers

  Euphrates River

  executive officer (XO)


  Fahadawi tribe


  Faris, General

  Farm-Annapolis intersection

  Farm Road

  Farouk Way


  Ferry, Lieutenant Colonel Chuck

  fire extinguishers

  Fire Station-Michigan intersection

  Fire Station Road

  First Ir
aqi Army Division

  forward observers (FO)

  Foy, Lance Corporal Jeffrey

  fragmentation grenades

  Galvan, Lance Corporal Couoh



  Give Me (street)

  Give Me-Racetrack intersection


  Gixxer-Nova intersection

  Gixxer-Rage intersection

  Glynn, Lieutenant Colonel Jim

  GMLRs (guided multiple launch rockets)

  government center


  Graves-Baseline intersection

  Graves Street

  grenades. See also specific types

  Grubb, Lieutenant Andrew enemy vehicle recovery mission and ambush

  Iraqi scout missions

  Julayba patrol and ambush

  Kasim kidnapping

  Maj. Mayberry’s briefing

  Operation Harrison Creek II,

  Operation Hue City

  photograph incident

  See also Rage Companyh Platoon (Rage 4)

  guided multiple launch rockets (GMLR)

  Guinn, Corporal Scott

  Julayba patrol and ambush

  OP Squirrel explosion


  Hadden, Lance Corporal Cody


  Haditha Triad


  Hall, Staff Sergeant Tyson

  Hamadi, Hamid Ali

  Hamid, Daham Hanush

  Hanush, Safa Daham

  Hanush, Umar Daham

  Hanush Network


  Harrison Creek I. See Operation Harrison Creek I (HC1)

  Harrison Creek II. See Operation Harrison Creek II (HC2)

  Hatim Hussain Ali Sa’id

  HEDP grenades

  Heidbreder, Lance Corporal Jason

  Ramadi events around COP Grant

  sniper ambush and hit

  HET (human exploitation team)

  high-value individuals (HVI)

  Holloway, Sergeant Brian


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