Fall with Me (Sixth Street Bands Book 2)

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Fall with Me (Sixth Street Bands Book 2) Page 7

by Jayne Frost

  What I did know is that I couldn’t go another minute without feeling her sweet pussy wrapped around my dick.

  “Damn, I can’t wait to get inside you,” I murmured, reaching for the box of condoms I’d stashed in her nightstand.

  Mel’s lids flew open, her mouth sliding from mine as I wrestled with the drawer.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, gripping my arm.


  She wiggled out from under me. “I’ll get it.”

  A ripple of suspicion worked its way from my chest, creeping up my throat as Mel tried to pry my hand from the knob. But I didn’t let go. If she thought I’d bolt if I saw her test kit or a needle, she was sadly mistaken.

  “You don’t have to hide things from me, Mel.”

  “I’m not hiding.”

  “Then let go of the knob,” I challenged, pinning her in place with a stone cold gaze.

  Reluctantly, she dropped her hand.

  Out of the corner of my eyes I saw her chewing her lip as I rifled through the compartment. She turned beet red when I picked up the tiny silver massager.

  Inspecting the toy, I couldn’t keep from smiling. This is what she was hiding.

  Smirking, I turned to face her. “Competition?”

  The crimson flush spread to her chest, her rose tinted nipples puckering under my scrutiny.

  “That’s not…I don’t…”

  She winced when I pushed the button on top of the gadget and it purred to life.

  “A do-it-yourselfer, huh?” I chuckled. “No wonder you haven’t called me in two days.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” She tipped her chin. “You know I’ve had problems with that in the past.”

  Swirling the little vibrator over her nipple, I arched a brow. “The past? I’m not so sure about that.” I dragged the toy down her body. “Did you use this last night?”

  Pressing her lips firmly together, Mel glared at me but said nothing. If this was a war of wills, she’d lose, considering what I had in my arsenal.

  She didn’t protest when I spread her legs.

  Rubbing the massager against her swollen clit, I waited until her eyes rolled back to pull it away.

  Mel made a frantic grab for my hand, her nails digging into my skin. “Why are you stopping?”

  “Because you didn’t answer me.” I tapped the massager against her tiny bud, never making contact for longer than a few seconds. “I can play this game all night. But I don’t think you can, so answer my question.”

  Squirming, her hips jutted every time I grazed her engorged nub with the purring toy.

  “I wonder if this thing has a higher setting,” I mused. A wicked smile spread across my lips as I hit the button on top and the gadget responded with a louder buzz. “Looks like it does.”

  Mel grabbed my hand before I delved between her thighs, glaring. “Yes, damn it. I used it last night,” she huffed. “Okay?”

  Locking our gazes, I pressed a kiss to her knee. “Did you think about me?” My lips trailed to her inner thigh. “Don’t lie.”

  My already pulsing cock throbbed painfully at the thought of her naked and writhing, the toy pressed to her drenched pussy as she called my name.


  Squeezing my denim-clad shaft as I crawled off her, I paused when Mel gripped the back of my t-shirt.

  “Where are you going?” Panic suffused her tone as she struggled to sit up.

  Circling her wrist, I brought her hand to my lips and then kissed her palm.

  “Anywhere you are, angel.”

  A pink flush stained her cheeks as I busied myself undressing.

  I nudged the drawer shut with my knee when Mel leaned over to stash her little gadget.

  “We’re not done with that.”

  Her brows drew together. “We’re not?”

  Shaking my head, I stepped out of my jeans and then snatched the silk scarf from the arm of her desk chair.

  Eyes darting from my rock hard cock to the scarf, she swallowed hard. “What are you going to do?”

  Straddling her slim hips, I ran the silk through my fingers. “Nothing you don’t want me to.” When storm clouds brewed in her eyes, I cupped the back of her neck, caressing her cheek. “You know that, right?”

  After a long moment she abandoned her grip on the toy and offer me her wrists. The girl never shut up, unless I really wanted her to speak. Then she was quiet as a church mouse.

  Lifting one hand to my lips, I kissed her wrist.

  “I’m not tying you up, baby” I eased on top of her, smiling. “Unless I have to. Now, close your eyes for me. I think you’re going to like this.”

  I ran my thumb over the crease on her forehead where all her tension centered.

  “Nothing you don’t want me to do,” I reminded her. “Not ever.”

  Without a word, Mel’s lids fluttered closed. So compliant—in the bedroom, at least.

  Warmed by the smile quirking her lips, I slipped the scarf over her eyes.

  Her hands immediately flew to her face. “Christian…”

  I tied the fabric so loosely, the silk nearly slid off the bridge of her nose.

  “I’m right here.”

  Lowering my mouth to hers, I coaxed her into a passionate kiss. She relaxed, her fingers exploring my back and my shoulders. When her hand came to rest on my cheek, I leaned into her touch.

  “Are you okay with this?” I asked, my voice a hoarse whisper. “Because if you’re not—”

  “I’m fine.” A tentative smile curved her lips. “I mean…I think I’m fine.”

  “Don’t think.” I kissed her again. “You think too much already.”

  My gaze stayed on her face, appraising her every reaction as I sucked her nipple into my mouth. After working the rosy pebble to a stiff peak, I settled between her thighs.

  If Mel had any reluctance at all, her body didn’t get the memo. She was soaked.

  “God, baby…you’re so wet.”

  My tongue delved between her folds, teasing her entrance. She got sweeter every time I tasted her. Before I lost myself and took her along for the ride, I felt around for the little massager.

  When the toy hummed to life, Mel’s hand shot between her legs.

  “No touching.” I scored my teeth across her knuckles. “Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, balling her fingers into fists at her sides. “Hurry, though.”

  For someone that spent her formative years watching mold grow, the girl had no patience.

  I thrust two fingers inside her drenched pussy and she stopped twitching.

  “You see, it all comes down to choices. Do you want this?” I swirled my tongue over her clit, flicking the tiny pearl. “Or this?”

  I rubbed the tip of the little massager over her swollen bud and she groaned in approval.

  Obviously, she trusted her battery-operated boyfriend more than she did me. But I was about to change that.

  “I guess we’ve got a winner.”

  Stroking her deeply, I searched for her g-spot while I circled her clit with the vibrator.

  “Oh, God…” she groaned loudly, “right there…don’t stop.”

  My own release threatened and all I was doing was watching. I had no intention of stopping until I was buried to the hilt inside her warmth.

  “Come for me,” I rasped as I applied a little more pressure to the tiny bundle of nerves. “If you want my cock, you better let go.” Trailing kisses to where my hand worked it’s magic, I murmured against her skin, “You want my cock, don’t you, baby?”

  Her fingers curled into my hair. “Christian!”

  I flattened the tip of the toy against her clit when I felt her inner walls tighten. The girl had a way of chasing away her own release if I didn’t hold her down, and right now both my hands were busy.

  As she rode out the second wave, moaning incoherently, I studied her.


  The word echoed in my head, drowning out anything that r
esembled a sane thought. Because it was insane, the draw I felt for Melody.

  When she went limp, I pulled my fingers away and then grabbed the condom from the tangled sheets. She tensed as I ripped the foil packet with my teeth.

  For a moment, I considered fucking her without removing the blindfold. But looking into those jade green eyes when she shattered wasn’t something I could resist.

  Settling on top of her, I slid the sash from her face.

  “There she is.” Gripping her thigh, I pulled her leg to my hip. “You ready for me, angel?”

  I wasn’t even sure what I was asking.

  She smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Slipping inside her with one fluid thrust, I stilled, allowing her to set the pace. When her moans grew louder, I began to move. Determined to reach the finish line together, I pressed my forehead to hers, increasing the depth of my strokes until I met the end of her.

  Crushing my mouth to hers, I cupped the back of her head to pull her closer as I spilled my release.

  I held her there, swallowing all her moans, long after my body went limp. Because as long as we were joined, I could almost believe this contentment would last. That it was something more than a chemical reaction.

  Logically, I knew it wasn’t true. And I suspected Mel did as well. Hell, she even sported a tattoo that attested to the fact. Euler’s Identity was a zero sum game.

  There was no way around it. No manipulation that yielded a different result.

  When you added all the numbers, the sum was always zero.

  Reluctantly, I climbed off her and went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

  Finding her curled on her side when I returned, the equation on her neck peaking from the curtain of her silky hair, I thought about leaving.

  Then Melody twisted to look at me, her eyes soft and dreamy as she pulled the covers back so I could join her. Without thinking, I scooted beside her. Tucking her against my chest, I didn’t think anymore about Euler’s Identity or the future.

  Tomorrow I’d wake up with Mel in my arms, and that’s all that mattered.

  Chapter Ten

  I pushed the food around my plate, mixing the stuffing and the corn into a neat pile. The pre-game coverage of the Cowboys matchup blared from the television in the adjoining room, replacing the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade broadcast.

  Logan kicked my leg under the table. “Why aren’t you eating, dude?” He asked, his mouth full of potatoes. “You miss your boyfriend?”

  I shot him a glare and then mumbled an incoherent threat before dismissing him and returning to my food.

  The dumbass hit a nerve, and he didn’t even intend to.

  I’d been trying to get Mel to spend Thanksgiving with me for the last week. She wasn’t exactly forthcoming with the details, only telling me she had “plans.”

  Lily laid a plate of hot rolls on the table in front of me.

  “Wow, Christian,” she said, a wide smile curving her mouth. “I didn’t know you were still seeing that girl from the college. You should’ve invited her for dinner.”

  I turned my scowl on Cameron.

  He quit slathering butter onto his bread long enough to lift a shoulder. “What? I didn’t think your dating habits were national security.”

  “They aren’t.” My glower melted to a tight smile as I addressed Lily. “Mel had plans tonight.”


  I took a bite of lukewarm mashed potatoes to keep from answering any more questions.

  “Well, it is Thanksgiving,” Lily said, sinking into her chair with a frown. “People usually spend time with their families.”

  Taking her hand, Cameron brushed a kiss to her knuckles. “We are family, baby. Blood don’t mean anything.”

  Lily gave Cam an indulgent smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  I suspected the reason we were dining at this table instead of eating off TV trays in the game room had something to do with Lily. Growing up in one of the most prominent families in the country, she was used to grand traditions. Like sharing Thanksgiving with the governor and his wife at the Tennison’s mansion in Dallas.

  Lily never talked much about her estrangement from her parent’s, but it was clear they weren’t happy with her life choices.

  Quitting business school in favor of completing her degree in fine arts was enough for the Tennison’s to cut Lily off—financially, at least. But after Lily graduated and moved to Austin to “shack up” with her rockstar boyfriend, the shit really hit the fan.

  According to Cameron, Lily hadn’t spoken a word to her mother, and her father’s communication was spotty, at best.

  I could totally relate. If my mom didn’t put her foot down and insist I make the drive to College Station at least twice a year, I might never speak to my father again.

  As if she could read my thoughts, Lily’s eyes met mine over the table.

  “You didn’t want to spend Thanksgiving in College Station, Christian?”

  With your family? She left that part out.

  It was like the girl had telepathy or something.

  “Cameron’s right,” I said, giving her a wink. “Family doesn’t always mean blood. Besides, you’re a much better cook than my mother.”

  Lily bit her lip, as if she wanted to say more. But she let me off the hook, steering the conversation to the Christmas tree lots that had sprung up overnight within a few miles of the house.

  “We can’t go get the Christmas tree right now, baby,” Cameron whined, looking at his girl like she’d grown a third head. “The Cowboys are about to play.”

  Lily snorted. “Like that makes a difference. I’ve got a better chance of getting to the Super Bowl than Tony Romo.”

  Cameron’s face paled at Lily’s blasphemy. “We’re nine and one,” he choked. “Romo’s not even playing. We’ve got to watch the game.”

  “I vote we get a tree,” Logan piped up, shoveling stuffing onto his already teaming fork. “We can watch the Cowgirls anytime.”

  “You don’t have a vote, asshat,” Cameron growled, his hazel eyes narrowing.

  “Yes, he does,” Lily interjected, inching her way to Logan’s side for moral support. “It’s his Christmas tree, too.”

  Lily took Cameron’s statement to heart about us being family. And from the looks of it she was determined to make our holidays as traditional as she could, given the band of misfits she had to work with.

  Sean, quiet until now because he was too busy stuffing his face, tossed his napkin on the table and said to Lily, “Damn that was awesome, girl. You sure can cook.”

  A deep crevice etched her brow as she stared at the few small bones on his plate.

  Sean’s appetite was legendary. All you could eat buffets had been known to shutter their windows when they saw him walk through the door.

  “Was the turkey dry?” Lily asked, wringing her hands. Before Sean could answer, she swung an accusing gaze at Cameron. “It was dry. I knew you left that damn bird in for too long.”

  “I did not,” Cameron protested. “It’s got a little button thing. I took it out as soon as it popped.”

  Logan snickered. “That’s what she said.”

  In a flash, Cameron’s hand shot out to slap the back of Logan’s head. Logan responded by tossing his half eaten roll at Cameron’s face.

  Hunched over my plate, I hoped the impending melee would spare what was left of my dinner. Not that I was hungry anyway.

  “The turkey was perfect,” Sean cut in, prying Cameron’s hand from Logan’s collar. “I’ve got to save some room for supper at Aunt Melissa’s.” His smile widened. “But I’ve got time to help y’all pick out a tree before I go.”

  A satisfied smile curved Lily’s mouth. “I’m going to get you a slice of my famous pumpkin pie for that, Sean.”

  Since Cameron wasn’t through sulking, Lily leaned in to drop a kiss on his cheek on her way to the kitchen. When he captured her mouth instead, two minutes
of smacking noises ensued, which did nothing for my queasy stomach.

  Releasing Lily, Cameron waited until she was safely tucked in the kitchen before turning his white-hot gaze on Sean. “Way to have my back, asshole.”

  Sean barked out a laugh. “You know you’re going to get the girl a tree.” He smiled around his next swig of beer. “You’re so fucking whipped, you can’t deny her a thing. Don’t even front.”

  Cameron shrugged, because really, what else could he do? Sean was only speaking the truth.

  I managed to choke down a few more bites before excusing myself from the table.

  Dropping onto the sofa, I turned my phone over in my hand as I watched the coverage of the Cowboys game.

  Sighing in frustration, I gave in and tapped out a text to Mel.

  Happy Thanksgiving.

  After waiting a few minutes for a reply that never came, I shoved the device in the pocket of my jeans so I wouldn’t be tempted to send another message. As I retracted my hand from the worn denim, my fingers brushed against the metal fob with the single key attached.

  I’d cajoled Mel into giving me her key a couple days ago under the guise of making her dinner. Not that I didn’t intend to give it back. I wasn’t turning into a stalker or anything.

  Running my thumb over the metal grooves, I had my doubts.

  “Game started yet?” Logan called as he entered the room. Joining me on the couch, he cast a suspicious eye in my direction. “What’s that look about?

  Ignoring his query, I pocketed Mel’s key, smiling wide as Lily glided through the door with Cameron close behind.

  “Did we decide on where to get that tree?” I said, shoving to my feet. “I’m ready whenever y’all are.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Standing at the foot of the stairs leading to Mel’s apartment, the five foot Douglas fir Christmas tree balanced on my shoulder, I cursed my stupidity. The lot had a delivery service, but made it clear they wouldn’t be making any runs tonight. So I decided to go it on my own, telling the attendant to wrap it up and put it in the bed of my truck.

  The guys didn’t bat an eyelash, because of course, they’d assumed I was buying the tree for myself. Only Lily picked up on the obvious.


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