Property of Drex (Book 2) (Death Chasers MC Series)

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Property of Drex (Book 2) (Death Chasers MC Series) Page 6

by C. M. Owens

  “Eve,” I warn, taking a step toward her as my eyes narrow.

  She steps closer, putting us almost touching, and glares up at me. “What are you going to do, Drex? Hit me? End the charade and illusion that you truly care about me? Then fuck me when I’m begging you to stop touching me?”

  I stumble back, shaking my head in disgust as she battles to restrain the tears in her glossy eyes, refusing to let them drop.

  “Or are you going to promise me yet again that I won’t get hurt? That you’ll keep your father and his goons on a leash around me, then send me out to play bait at his request. Maybe next time I can run into someone who hates me because of my association with you and this fucking club, and they’ll slit my throat. That would just solve everyone’s problems, right?”

  She shakes as she wipes away another stray tear that has leaked out, and her voice breaks on a sob when she tries to speak again.

  “Eve,” I groan, pressing the heels of my palms into my eyes. “It’s been a shitty, overwhelming day. And you have a head injury. Lie down.”

  Sitting back down on the bed, she covers her mouth as one more tear slips free, and I sit down to wrap my arms around her. She shoves me off like I’m fire and burn her on contact.

  Gut punched again.

  “Day? An overwhelming day, Drex? It’s been an overwhelming month. Or two months. Or year. Or however long I’ve been here. No one can touch me, yet Jessie almost—”

  She swallows the words and gags like they’re acid, and my fists ball up. “I handled Jessie. I’ll fucking kill him if he even steps within a hundred feet of you.”

  “And then… then your friend has the intentions of getting rid of me. I’m pretty sure it didn’t involve me taking another breath.”

  “Dash was misled and completely out of fucking line. It’s been handled. He wouldn’t have killed you, either. You’re being—”

  “If you say I’m being dramatic or irrational or something like that, I will lose it.”

  Pretty sure she’s already lost it. Again, I don’t fucking point that out.

  “Then today, my best friend for years attacked me,” she whispers, wincing as though it’s painful to say the words.

  That one hurts. Not sure why, but that one really hurts.

  “And you were what? Just watching it happen until it got bad enough to stop it? Until you knew for sure I wasn’t the damn spy you all think I am? Gee, I’m a damn good master of manipulation, aren’t I? Went so far that I had him betray me after years of friendship. Had him hurt me after years of trust. Why? Because I told him I cared about you. Because I told him I wanted to be with you. Because I stupidly thought you cared about me too.”

  “I do,” I growl, wishing she’d go back to being the sane, calm, rational girl I’ve gotten used to.

  “Oh? Be honest. Did this club really have anything to do with my father’s death? Because I didn’t believe Ben when he said it. Then again, I trusted you at that moment.”

  My eyebrows go up, and I sit back on the bed a little better.

  “No, Eve. We didn’t. He killed himself. Ben is just a fucking jealous prick. And apparently he’s an abusive jealous prick.”

  She laughs humorlessly while running her hands through her hair. “I don’t know what to think or who to trust anymore. Every step I take is wrong or scrutinized to the point where I worry it is wrong no matter how right it is. All because you want your father’s approval. I’m the daughter of the man you all hate. The man you probably killed. And now you’ve fucked me up just for fun. Feel better? Think Daddy will be proud yet?”

  I explode off the bed, and my fist slams into the wall. She doesn’t even flinch as I pull my bloody knuckles out of the busted sheetrock and turn to glare at her. Fuck this.

  Spinning around, I walk through the door, slamming it behind as I try to get my temper under control. If I don’t, I’ll end up finding Ben Highland and killing him in the open instead of doing it the smart way that won’t land me behind bars.

  None of this would have happened if not for him. She’d be safe and happy with some new clothes. She could have kept the lie instead of hating the truth, while my father went on with the illusion I was abiding by his rules. Everyone would have been happy and oblivious, while I was secretly working with some of the others on a way to eliminate Benny and get in a new Prez we could all deal with. Even have actual peace.

  Then… Then we’d have to deal with my father. But until then, I have a fucking part to play. Not that I can share that with Eve.

  I clutch the metal railing in front of me, staring blankly down below at the concrete as I play her words over in my head. Her father? Why would Ben toss out some random shit like that?

  An uneasy feeling prickles the back of my neck, and I turn to jog down the stairs. I’m not the only go-to guy to clean up a mess, and Pop knows my stand on that anyhow. I’ll kill any man who would pull the trigger on one of us. But I don’t ice a guy in cold blood if he doesn’t have it in him to attempt to kill one of us.

  I wanted Marks dead, don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t have been the one to kill him.

  Marks was a bitch, but not a killer. Pop would have known I’d refuse the job. But there’s another option.

  Rush is propped up against the wall of the game room, tossing a coin in the air and catching it before tossing it up again.

  “Marks? Was he a target?” I ask without any preamble.

  The coin gets dropped to the ground when he doesn’t make a move to catch it, and he cocks his head as confusion flashes. “As in Aaron? Your girl’s pops?”

  I nod, still clenching my fists.

  “Hell no. Guy deserved a few broken limbs but not death. Thought he overdosed and left a suicide note and all that. When we looked into your girl’s financials, we found out his insurance didn’t pay out because it was ruled a suicide.”

  I crack my neck to the side. “Ben Highland implied today that it wasn’t suicide. Actually, he did more than imply it. He told Eve we killed her father.”

  He frowns while staring at nothing, as though he’s thinking it over.

  “He swallowed pills?”

  “According to the coroner’s report.”

  “The report is legit?”

  I shrug, and he runs his hand through his hair.

  “It wasn’t me. I don’t end weasels; I just work them over. I only kill killers. I sure as hell don’t have the patience to watch them OD.”

  Eve’s right. We have fucked her up. I’m asking one of ours if he offed her dad. If this isn’t a recipe for a shit-storm, I don’t know what is. And she… She isn’t meant for this shit. She never was.

  Turning around, I stalk back out, trying to wrap my head around what I need to do versus the selfish shit I want to do.

  “Where the hell are you going? Herrin isn’t going to tell you anything if he hasn’t told you already.”

  “I’m not going to see Pop. I need to fuck something up that deserves it.”

  Chapter 9


  It’s after midnight when I hear the music downstairs start to roar. Numbly, I lift off the bed and walk to the door. I’ve spent most of the day getting all my crazy out, and I took out most of my meltdown on all of Drex’s shit. The only thing I didn’t touch was his Death Dealers things.

  I’m not actually suicidal, after all.

  He might not kill me, but someone would take enough offense to that to do something about it. They’re all just waiting for a reason. Hell, they’re all looking for a reason.

  Walking to the door, I take a deep breath then pull it open. It’s chaos downstairs. Absolute madness. Men, women, tons of alcohol, and angry music with singers screaming words I can’t understand over the large speakers that have been moved to the center of the floor. I stare from the doorway, not stepping onto the balcony.

  But I don’t have to search long before my eyes land on Drex. He’s sitting in a chair, feet propped up as he idly drinks a beer, seeming a thousand miles away a
s girls dance close to him, trying to seduce his attention.

  It sickens me when a pang of jealousy strikes. My feelings for Drex are so fucked up and complicated that I don’t even know what’s real and what’s fabricated for the sake of survival. But I do know it’s not healthy because he will never choose me when it matters. It will cost me my life one day, and falling for him is the stupidest shit I’ve ever done.

  Elise is one girl I recognize, and whistles erupt as she shimmies out of her skirt, wearing her thong and a set of chain-like necklaces designed to be a shirt. She struts directly toward Drex, turns, and drops her front half down to the ground while putting her ass right in his line of view. Then she starts dancing, moving with the music that doesn’t really have a beat.

  Drex doesn’t acknowledge her. He’s staring at his beer now instead of off in space. He looks a little lost to be honest, and a lump forms in my throat when that makes me feel sympathy.

  My eyes narrow on his knuckles when he takes another sip of beer, and I notice they look hurt, possibly even bloody. But my attention is back on Elise when she drops to his lap and spins to face him, grinding herself against him.

  Drex stands abruptly and she drops from his lap. Cackles break out across the room as Elise slowly gets up. I see his lips moving, but I can’t hear any words. Whatever he says has her backing away quickly and moving toward another guy instead.

  He looks up just in time to catch my eyes, and he tenses all over. I back into the room and close the door, sighing as my mind spins too fast for me to catch up. Catching up is bad anyway. It means facing all of this and what it’s doing to me.

  Drex isn’t Prince Charming and I’m not Cinderella. Drex isn’t a hero, and I’m not a damsel in distress. Well, not at the moment. I wasn’t in distress ever until this club.

  The door opens and he steps inside, leaning against the door as it shuts, and his eyes meet mine. I can’t tell if he’s drunk, stoned, or just tired.

  “You okay?” he asks quietly.

  I snort derisively, and he nods like he understands the stupidity of that question.

  “I meant physically,” he adds. “How’s your head?”

  He brings his beer up to his lips, sipping it casually as though his room isn’t trashed. I don’t think he even bothers to notice all the damage I caused during my momentary breakdown.

  “Headache is gone. Dizziness and nausea are gone.”

  “You were sick?” he asks, pulling his beer away from his mouth.

  “Are we just going to pretend we’re having a normal conversation after I accused you of being responsible for my father’s death, made it look like suicide, which kept his insurance from paying out and ultimately led to me landing my ass here?” I try not to sound angry, but it’s not possible.

  He shakes his head. “I was just checking on you.” He exhales harshly while walking toward me, and I sit down on the bed just as he does.

  No words are exchanged for several long minutes. He drinks his beer until it’s gone, and he tosses the empty bottle to the floor. It just clanks around but doesn’t break, and I absently watch it roll in an arched pattern, back and forth until it stills completely.

  “I don’t know if what Ben said is true or not, but I do know I had nothing to do with it, and I sure as hell wasn’t told about it.”

  At this point, I don’t even know what to believe, and I’m exhausted with trying. I feel like I’ve been here for years.

  My eyes fall down to his knuckles, and they are definitely scuffed like he got into a fight with a concrete wall. That damage wasn’t caused from that one punch to his wall. His other hand looks just as bad.

  “What happened?”

  I touch his hand, but he pulls it away like he doesn’t want me touching him.

  “I should get back down there. Some of the guys are riding out tomorrow for a few days. You should get some sleep.”

  It sort of pisses me off he’s just going to leave me up here after all the shit I’ve dealt with. But then I remind myself about this toxic relationship we’re in and how I brought it all on myself.

  He stands like he’s about to leave, but then he turns suddenly, bending over and shoving his hands into my hair before crushing his lips against mine. I’m a little stunned and startled, so I don’t react immediately. Not even sure if I should react.

  He kisses me anyway, tasting desperate and starved as he roughly devours me. But it’s over as abruptly as it started and he walks away before I can decide whether or not to kiss him back.

  The door shuts behind him, and I lie back, staring at the ceiling for hours, waiting on him to return and tell me what all that was about. It’s not like I can sleep right now.

  As much as I wish I could not care about Drex, the simple truth is that I do care about him. I also don’t even want to think about how he makes me feel things on a level I never even knew existed. I feel alive when I’m around him.

  Maybe it’s the danger or the excitement, or maybe it’s the fact I don’t just get overlooked by him. He sees me.

  Yeah… I’m stupid. Really stupid. I keep thinking Drex’s feelings are as strong as mine. And I keep falling harder for a guy who could very well be toying with me.

  When the sun starts to rise, there’s a knock on the door.

  Frowning, I glance at the clock, seeing it’s past six in the morning, and I get up to answer it, but it’s Axle on the other side. His expression is grim, and he’s holding the bag I came here with.

  “Drex asked me to come collect you.”

  My brow furrows in confusion. “What does that mean?”

  He blows out a breath, and I swear he looks a little sad. “It means you’re going home.”

  Chapter 10


  “You want to talk about what happened to Jessie last night?” Dash asks me as I sit on my bike, staring at the sweet little house across the street that is complete with the fucking white picket fence.

  A set of twin boys are playing tag in the front yard, laughing like their lives are perfect. It’s the kind of neighborhood that’s so fucking sweet it would give you a migraine to spend too much time here. It’s so bright and cheery that I haven’t taken my shades off.

  “Jessie got what he deserved. It also sent a message to anyone who gets any ideas now that’s she’s going home. No one will touch her. If I’d do that to one of our own guys, imagine what I’d do to someone else.”

  “What happens if Ben tries to come to her?”

  My jaw tenses. “If Ben comes anywhere near her, I’ll handle it. But I’m not worried about him right now. I roughed him up enough to send a warning. I’ll do more damage when the timing is right. Can’t strike against him too soon with Benny being such an issue.”

  “You sure you don’t want to at least say goodbye?” he asks me quietly, propping his elbows up on his handlebars.

  “Nope. It’s better I don’t. I’d rather not see how fucking thrilled she is to be returning home.”

  “Yet we’re waiting on her to return home,” he points out. Ass.

  “Can’t see the excitement in her eyes from here,” I grunt. “I just want to make sure my talk with her mother worked. I won’t leave until I know Eve will be taken back in. You didn’t hear how pissed her mom was that day Eve called her.”

  “Still can’t believe you told her the truth,” Dash groans. “What if the mom goes to the cops? The feds will be all over her the first chance they get as it is.”

  I shrug, wishing I could give a damn. “I trust Eve to handle it.”

  Blowing out another harsh breath, I lean up on my handlebars, matching his stance. But breathing becomes impossible when I see the black SUV riding by.

  I dip my head, trying not to be too recognizable as they pass, and I watch them pull into the short driveway. Axle steps out and opens the back door, grabbing a pretty pale pink bag.

  Eve walks around the front of the SUV, and I grow thankful we’re far enough away for me not to truly see into her eyes when
her gaze zeroes in on me like a magnet. Her footsteps pause, and she just stands and stares. I’m forced to look away when loud squeals of excitement ring out. The two boys race toward her, tackling her legs in death-grip hugs.

  She laughs while bending and hugging them back, and they almost knock her to the ground when she does. The front door opens as Axle places the bag on the porch. The mother eyes him, seeming pale and hesitant, but Axle just walks away without saying a word.

  As he backs out of the driveway, Eve’s eyes find mine again, but I crank up my ride, letting the engine roar to life. As soon as the mother embraces Eve and clings to her, shaking as she sobs, I drive away.

  If Eve cries with her, I don’t want to see it. In fact, I never want to fucking think about her ever again.

  Chapter 11


  He’s right across the street, watching me but not making any move to say goodbye. I can’t believe he’s sending me away without so much as a goodbye.

  It pisses me off and breaks my heart at the same time, and I’m still working on processing how I feel about any of this. Home. I’m supposed to be home. But it feels anything but like home.

  There’s a void in my chest, and it’s leaving me with an aching feeling that unsettles me.

  Mom’s arms are suddenly around me as Drex’s bike roars to life. My eyes stay on him as I hold her. She’s crying. Why is she crying?

  Drex drives away without so much as looking back, and the first tear falls from my eye and rolls down my cheek as finality sets in. This is really happening. I’ll never see him again, and he won’t even tell me bye.

  Mom sobs and speaks incoherently, but I don’t want my brothers seeing this.

  “Let’s go inside,” I whisper to her. I’m not even sure why she’s crying since she hated me the last time I spoke to her.

  She nods, and pulls back, wiping at her tears. Fortunately, neither of my brothers seem to take notice, and they go back to playing, chasing each other while giggling. Mom leads me inside, and I look back just in time to see Dash walking into the house across the street.


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