Dating Dracula, Jr

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Dating Dracula, Jr Page 12

by Minda Webber

  “Zoe’s best friend moved away last year to Oklahoma City, so she’s kind of between good friends right now. Besides, Carol and Kim were picking on her earlier before the game started.”

  “Tell me it doesn’t mean what I think it means,” Debbs said, as she did a jump and then hopped back over to me, shaking her arms and doing the classic L shaped cheer.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked as I waved my pom-poms at Dagan.

  “I don’t want to hang out with Zoe Usher. She’s a freshman. Come on, she is too young for our group, and all the monster mashing and madness that happens to us. Besides, she’s quiet as a mouse and her house is creepy.”

  “Ha,” I said. “You’ve been to crypts much creepier than her house, so what’s bugging you really?”

  “She wouldn’t say “Boo” to a ghost and I don’t want her hanging around because you and Bea feel sorry for her.”

  I stopped shaking my pom-poms and really looked at Debbs. “Don’t be lame. She lives in the house of Usher. Of course she says “Boo” to ghosts and probably other stuff as well. She needs some friends. She’s nice, but quiet. Maybe because we make her nervous because we’re older than her and when she gets used to us she’ll talk more. It won’t hurt for her to hang with us sometimes. Come on, Debbs, it’s not like you to be this hard-nosed about a possible friend.”

  She stared hard at me and frowned. “I guess it won’t hurt if she’s not around all the time. But no way am I spending a night in that creepy house of hers in case you and Bea decide to do a sleepover.”

  “Since when are you afraid of ghosts? Ghouls maybe, but ghosts?”

  “Look, I get enough of creepy at work, I don’t need it when I’m off.”

  “All right,” I said as I scratched my head, trying to figure her out. Zoe didn’t have anybody else in her corner right now, so I couldn’t just leave her out alone in the cold, Debbs knew that. “You’re still upset about me hooking up with Dagan, and taking it out on Zoe.” Debbs could be like that sometimes when she was really annoyed. She would take something small and complain while she really was irritated with a different, bigger issue. Like the time she got mad at her oldest brother about eating her pizza, when she was really mad because he had broken her favorite stake.

  She rolled her eyes. “Really?” Her tone was sarcastic.

  “Bea and Zoe seem to like him just fine.” I pointed to where Bea was obviously telling Dagan something and the three were laughing. “And Hart thinks he’s great.”

  “Hart’s a pushover. He thinks everybody’s great.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Did you happen to notice where Jason is sitting?”

  I looked over at the stands and found Jason sitting on the second to the last row with two other seniors and Seth. “Yeah, so?”

  “He isn’t sitting with Bea.” She stared at me and nodded firmly. “He usually sits with Bea, Seth and some of the other seniors. But tonight he’s not. Do you want to know why?”

  “I know why.”

  “He doesn’t like Dagan and he doesn’t trust him.” She smiled when she said it. “And you know how smart Jason is. If he dislikes Dagan and I dislike Dagan, maybe he isn’t all that hot, all that sweet. Maybe he’s bad for you. Seth doesn’t like him either.”

  “Seth met him for maybe five minutes before the game started. Oh, that’s so bogus.” I knew Debbs had been bad- mouthing Dagan, along with Jason to Seth.

  “Jason’s probably just jealous of him,” I told my best friend who was beginning to really get on my nerves. “Oh, give me a break. I thought Bea was determined, but you just won’t quit about Dagan. I get it!” I almost yelled. “You don’t like him. You don’t trust him and you don’t want me with him.”

  We had to quit arguing then because our head cheerleader started another yell. I tried to put my annoyance with Debbs out of my mind while I did the cheer. Usually I watched the stands, never really focusing on one person, like Debbs did with Seth. This time I got to watch Dagan watch me doing my cheer.

  I must admit I was really good and the back flip ending in splits was one of my best moves. Dagan yelled out my name when I did it. When the cheer was finished we did two more then took a break. Dagan never took his eyes off me even when Bea was talking to him. During break, I met Dagan at the chain- link fence that separated the stands from the field, like Debbs was doing with Seth. Dagan brought me a hot tea. I thought that was sweet. It was cold and I was thirsty.

  “Hey,” I said smiling, up at him.

  “Hey back,” he said. “You’re really good. I’ve always seen the cheerleaders doing their yells and all but I’ve never really just focused on one cheerleader before. It’s nice.”

  “You mean you haven’t ever dated a cheerleader before?” I figured being royalty he’d dated the crème of the high school crop which probably had included cheerleaders and Homecoming queens.

  “Nope, and I find I’m liking it. I particularly like your skirt.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at my short skirt. “It shows off your legs.”

  I laughed as he took my hand which had been holding on to the top of the metal-linked fence and kissed it tenderly. “If you weren’t dating cheerleaders, who were you dating?” I asked curiously.

  “I dated just three girls my high school years. One was very popular but instead of cheerleading, she was a twirler. We dated two years, my sophomore and junior year.”

  That was surprising. As handsome as he was, I figured he’d been hanging with every pretty female in sight. He was also royalty and most girls might find that attractive. In a way I did too. But I liked Dagan for being Dagan. He liked to laugh and he thought I was funny. He was also gentle, yet strong, smart and courageous. And boy, could he kiss. He was pretty much perfect. “What happened?”

  He looked embarrassed.

  “Let me guess. She didn’t break up with you.”

  “No,” he said rather softly. “I um, broke up with her.”


  “I met somebody else. She was a sophomore, an older woman and I was crazy about her for about three months when she dumped me and started seeing a senior.”

  “If you were a senior and she was a sophomore, how could she be older?” I didn’t like the story he was telling. He had dumped one girl friend because he had found someone else new. Would he do the same to me? Did he feel what I was feeling? I felt like I could love him until the stars all burned away. I know, a little dramatic, but hey I’m in high school and one of aunts is a romance writer. I’m allowed.

  “She was a sophomore in college and I thought she was really great. She was pretty and really smart, basically a math genius.”

  A math genius. I really didn’t like her.

  “For a while, she was all I thought about, but then I learned later that she was just another girl,. Anyway for a while I was pretty crazy about her, until she left to climb Mt. Everest. Kara married a Sherpa.”

  “I see,” I said thoughtfully, staring off into the stands. He was two years older than me. Maybe he liked older woman. He’d certainly be introduced to lots of older women that looked young and were sexy, now that he was a vampire. They’d probably have loose morals. Or at least a lot looser than mine.

  He put his fingers under my chin and lifted it back to him. “I was crazy about her, but not the kind of crazy I am about you. You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met.”

  I wanted to believe. But so much was happening so fast, that I couldn’t help but wonder were our feelings real or just some strange magical thing that would vanish within the coming weeks?

  I guess I looked worried because he said, “I usually stay with my girlfriends longer than a few months. At the end of my seventh grade year, I met a really nice girl and liked her until my freshman year in high school. I moved away that year and we both decided to see other people. I was living in the United States and she was still living in London. So is it all okay?”

  Smiling, I replied, “Sure. I guess I’m just a little scared. I do
n’t really know you and yet I feel like I’ve known you forever. You’re a vampire and I’m human. You live in Europe part of the time and I live in Texas. We have a few problems working against us.” Not to mention ghouls, vampires and werewolves. I wondered where the vampire hunters were in this mix of who was out to kill us.

  He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, briefly and softly, and it made my toes curl in my shoes again. “I feel the same too. I know this sounds corny but the first time I saw you I felt the earth move.”

  “That’s because we had just opened up your grave.”

  He laughed and added, “The first time I talked with you it was like you had always been around. There was this bond, this connection.”

  I started to answer him when Carol and Robbie walked over. Normally Robbie didn’t show up for the games when she couldn’t cheerlead because it was too close to the full moon. Yet, tonight she was here, dressed in her uniform even though she wouldn’t come out on the field with us.

  “Who’s your friend?” Carol asked, as she inspected Dagan like he was a side of beef and she was an FDA Meat Inspector. I could just envision her tongue rolling out of her mouth as she stared at him like a nitwit.

  “Dagan.” I gave the gruesome twosome a dirty look. Notice I didn’t introduce them. I still remember my freshman boyfriend and Robbie.

  “I’m Carol and this is Robbie. Are you new to school?” Carol asked hopefully as she smiled at him.

  “No. He’s not in high school anymore,” I replied curtly before Dagan did. “He’s in college, or will be next year after he’s taken the year off to travel.” The two greedy girls couldn’t keep their eyes off my boyfriend!

  “Oh. What are you doing here” Robbie asked as she leaned closer to him, fluttering her eyelashes. I personally thought she resembled a demented butterfly. “As you can see, I’m a cheerleader too, but couldn’t join in tonight for paranormal reasons. I’m a werewolf,” Robbie explained as I watched her flash her pearly white teeth. I imagined she was wondering what Dagan would taste like.

  “My, what big teeth you have,” I replied snottily and heard Dagan stifle a chuckle.

  Before Robbie could snap back at me, Dagan answered. “I came to watch my girlfriend cheerlead,” Dagan squeezed my hand, ignoring Robbie’s fluttering and flirting.

  “Oh,” Carol said, frowning as she posed with her hands on her hips, trying to look sexy. I snorted.

  “You’re actually dating somebody?” Robbie asked as she curled her lip derisively. Then she looked back at Dagan and smiled. “It’s too bad you didn’t meet other people first. You know, you look like a guy that would have really good taste. Remember, it’s never too late to change your mind.”

  I wanted to hop over the fence and pull her hair out. She was implying that if Dagan had met her first that he wouldn’t be here watching me cheerlead. What utter rubbish! Hang with Robbie and you’d get fleas...hopefully.

  “I’m a great believer in fate. I wouldn’t change why I’m here for the world,” Dagan said. Then he leaned over the fence and kissed me, ignoring my arch enemies.

  I wanted to open my eyes and see them turning green with envy, but I got caught up in the kiss so that by the time it was over, the two vampire-stealing trouble makers were gone. Right now I felt like the joyous feeling inside me would last until the end of time or at least until the game ended.

  “Now, that was neatly done,” I said. “Most impressive. I might have to keep you around.”

  “I take it that you don’t care much for them or them for you.”

  “See, I knew I had picked just the right boyfriend.”

  “Oh,” he leaned over and put his finger near my mouth caressing the side of my face. “How am I the right boyfriend?”

  “Well, you’re obliviously very intelligent since you chose me to hang with, and you definitely have good taste. Robbie was right about that.”

  He laughed and I thanked him for putting down my foes. Just then, Debbs shouted that we were due to do our half-time dance routine. “Got to go.” I kissed him quickly on the lips. “See you after the game.”

  I turned to leave and caught Jason, who was standing over by Seth and Debbs in front of the fence, glaring at Dagan, a look of intense anger filling Jason’s face. He caught me staring and glared back at me. Oh yeah, Jason didn’t like me being with Dagan one bit. I felt sorry for him somewhat. We had been a couple until his bad temper had broken us up. At the time I was a little sad about it because I had always thought that Jason was really cute and smart. But we just never would have worked out in the long run.

  Still, he was my friend and I hated to see him upset. Yet the way things were going, it had to happen sooner or later. I sure wasn’t going to go through my high school years without dating, just so Jason wouldn’t have to get jealous. Besides, he’d get over me, although I admit it probably wouldn’t be easy. Just kidding.


  Dagan was holding my hand after the football game as we stood talking with Bea, Zoe and Hart. Rapidly, Seth and Jason ran up to us. Their faces were filled with dread.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “They’ve got Debbs.” Seth handed me a note written in red.

  Dagan lifted the note from my hand and sniffed it. “It’s blood.”

  My hands were shaking as he handed me the note back. “It’s a ransom note.” I took a deep breath and read. “Bring Dagan Dracula to MacArthur Park at the stroke of midnight and we will exchange your friend, the Van Helsing for the Prince of Darkness’ grandson. If you are a minute late or bring in the authorities we will tear out the Van Helsing’s throat. But not before we torture her and she begs for death.”

  “Well, that’s certainly brief and to the point,” Bea said shakily. “I can’t believe it!”

  “We’ve got to do something!” Seth snapped. His dark brown eyes were watering and I could tell he was holding back the tears. “We’ve got to save her!”

  “What happened?” I asked. “How did they get Debbs?”

  “She went to her car to put up her pom-poms and megaphone,” Seth replied, his voice cracking at the end. Jason finished for him. “Debbs was going to go out and eat with us before Seth has to get home for his curfew.” His parents had let Seth come to the football games and he could eat out afterward, but then he had to go straight home due to his being grounded. “When she didn’t come back we went looking for her. The note was attached to her megaphone by her Jeep. They got her from the parking lot!” Jason spat out angrily and turned and glared at Dagan.

  “Who has her?” Bea asked.

  “Vampires!” Jason said and pointed a finger at Dagan. “It’s all his fault! They couldn’t get to him without creating a scene so they got Debbs instead. Her Jeep was at the back of the parking lot and she was easy pickings.”

  Dagan nodded, his blue eyes filled with pain. “I know. Debbs wouldn’t be in trouble now if it weren’t for me.”

  “You got that right,” Jason snapped. “They could be torturing her right now.”

  “Why’d you have to show up here?” Seth asked, his sorrow quickly turning into anger against Dagan.

  “Surely they aren’t torturing her yet,” Bea said. “They said they wouldn’t hurt her unless we don’t bring Dagan to them. But once we bring him then Debbs will be let go.”

  “You’re dealing with vampires,” Jason said hotly as he scowled. “You can’t trust them.”

  “No you can’t!” Seth clinched his fists and I was afraid he was going to go after Dagan.

  “Hey,” I said as I put my arm around Seth. “We’ll go and rescue Debbs. But fighting among ourselves won’t help.”

  “V.J.’s right. We need to do something to help Debbs. Not accuse each other,” Hart stated, his voice filled with fear. He really loved Debbs and I imagine he was terrified for her.

  “Maybe you won’t even go…” Seth began, but Dagan cut him off. “Of course, I’ll go. I’ll make the trade.”

  He looked
down at me and I nodded. “Yeah, you have to for Debbs.”

  “Yes.” Dagan looked sad, very sad. I knew part of that sadness was because he had brought trouble to our door, but I also felt that his feelings were hurt because I would trade his life for Debbs.

  “They’ll probably torture and kill you,” Jason said with relish.

  “I know.”

  “And you’ll still go?” Seth asked anxiously.

  “Yes.” He looked at me to gauge my reaction, I think.

  I didn’t want him to die, but there was no other way to rescue Debbs. Still, I wasn’t willing to sacrifice him either. I just had to think.

  And think fast! Me, coming up with one of my brilliant Frankenstein plans to save everybody. Yet, things were going way too fast. I was really scared for my best friend Debbs. I was also feeling guilty. She had wanted us to walk away from Dagan, but I had resisted. Now my falling in love with a vampire seemed tawdry and ugly with Debbs’ life hanging in the balance. On the other hand, I didn’t like Dagan just handing himself over to a bunch of vampire thugs. I didn’t want him hurt either. “Maybe it won’t come to that. We can’t just let Dagan go in alone and expect the vampires to return Debbs to us unharmed. We also can’t just leave Dagan for them to torment and kill either.”

  Jason sneered at me. “I’m not sticking my neck out for him or any other vampire! You’ve got the hots for him, so you’d sacrifice one of us for him! That’s what will happen if we go in fighting. They’ll probably outnumber us and even if they don’t, they’re supernaturally strong. We’ll be dead meat!”

  “That’s not true and you know it!” I dropped my arm from around Seth and stepped in front of Jason, glaring at him, hands on my hips. “We get that you don’t like Dagan. You don’t care what happens to him, but I do. I also care about Debbs.”

  “Look, we’ve got less than two hours.” Zoe pointed to her watch. “Arguing about this is only taking up time we need to spend on other things like defenses.”

  I was surprised she’d spoken out since Zoe had been so quiet around us.


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