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Roberta Leigh - No Time For Marriage

Page 11

by Roberta Leigh

  'Good idea.'

  Pete followed her to the long table which ran the length of the far side of the pool. It was laden with colourful food: huge lobsters and prawns; tangy pork, lamb and beef, and enormous platters of rice and vegetables.

  Plates piled high they returned to their table.

  'Would you like to change places with me?' Pete asked.

  'What for?'

  'You won't see Morgan from my side.'

  Heat rushed into Sharon's cheeks but she managed to keep her voice cool. 'What makes you think I mind seeing him?'

  'Intuition. It's not a feminine prerogative!'

  'It's not always accurate either!'

  He chuckled and she forced herself to look Kane's way, determined to show Pete he was wrong. To her alarm Kane and Tassy rose and came towards them, but Kane walked past them to the buffet, pausing only to murmur a curt 'Good evening', though Tassy, surprisingly, stopped.

  'Nice seeing you again Pete,' she purred. Jade-and- gold earrings swung wildly as she inclined her head, and a whiff of musky perfume wafted Sharon's way.

  'It's good to see you, too,' Pete replied, rising. 'Do you know Miss Kingston?'

  'We haven't actually met,' Tassy smiled at her. 'But I do remember seeing you before. In Bangkok, wasn't it?'

  'Yes. I work for the Avonmore Group.'

  'Of course.' Smiling at them both, the girl gracefully walked after Kane, and Pete sat down.

  'Trust Morgan not to miss an opportunity,' he grunted. 'Tassy has a helluva lot of influence with her father.'

  'Then how come you aren't out with her tonight?'

  'Because I wanted to be with you. I'm not a business machine like Morgan, you know. Now let's forget work and concentrate on ourselves. We're much nicer!'

  Sharon made a determined effort to do as Pete suggested, and though she was only play-acting, she must have succeeded in convincing him, for he behaved as if she were the sole reason he had flown here from Japan. Yet even had this been the case, it would have raised no flutter in her pulse, for he no longer mattered to her. Indeed she was hard pressed to figure out why he ever had!

  They were half-way through dinner when she saw Kane lead Tassy on to the dance floor. The way he held her suggested a deeper intimacy, and Sharon could hardly bear to watch them, remembering the last time—the only time—he had held her close. Thank heavens she hadn't given in to him; had refused to let passion rule her head. How demeaned she would now be feeling if she had! Yet her friends saw nothing wrong in sex without love; in going to bed with a man today, though they knew that come the morrow he would be intimate with someone else.

  'It's stupid to marry without having experience of other men,' they said. 'You'll regret it.'

  But she didn't, nor ever would. For her, sex without love was meaningless.

  'Care to dance?' Pete broke into her thoughts, 'Or would you rather tell me what you were thinking about? You seemed miles away.'

  'I was wondering why I can't treat sex lightly,' she said with a bluntness that took him by surprise. 'You think I'm stupidly old-fashioned don't you?'

  'Well ..He paused. 'Let's say I think you're different from most of your contemporaries. But I wouldn't say I disagree with you.'

  'That wasn't what you said a year ago.'

  'A year ago I hadn't lived in Japan. But I've seen a whole new way of life there, and I like it.'

  'The subservient virgin,' she teased. 'That's what you like!'

  Frowning, he pushed back his chair, and she followed him on to the floor. The music was slow, the kind that did not invite intricacy of steps, but served rather as an excuse for restrained lovemaking. As Pete's arms came around her, Sharon had to resist the urge to push them away. With an effort she made herself relax, putting one arm round his neck and trying to act as if she were enjoying every minute of it. She did not glance Kane's way, but was painfully aware of him, his bronzed cheek pressed against the shining mass of Tassy's black hair, his tall, lean body moulded against her slender one. There was nothing virginal or innocent about Tassy's movements, she thought, and was sick with jealousy as she saw the red- tipped fingers caress the downbent head.

  Sharon's nerves had reached breaking point when 1 he music stopped, and before it could resume she hurried back to the table, pretending she wanted a dessert, though how she was going to force it down, she had no idea! In the event there was no problem, tor she chose fruit salad, which she could push around her plate, while Pete was so preoccupied telling her about life in Japan, that she doubted he would have noticed if she had stuffed it into her shoes!

  'Even though they believe in family tradition and heritage,' he concluded, 'it's a go-ahead country businesswise. Their industrial output is the best in the world, and so is the way they look after their employees.'

  'Do you think you'll settle there?' she asked.

  'I doubt it. The company want me to move around.' He gave her a meaningful look. 'I may end up back in London.'

  Three months ago Sharon would have been over the moon to hear this; now she could not care whether he went to San Francisco or Timbuctoo! Given time, maybe she would feel the same about Kane.

  'Had enough?' Pete asked as he saw her set down her spoon.

  'Yes, thanks.'

  She glanced at the dance floor, and seeing no sign of Kane and Tassy, turned towards their table. With a shock she saw the plates had been cleared away and the waiter was busy laying a fresh cloth. She looked towards the hotel, her eyes moving to the corner suite at the top. The lights were on, and as she watched, they dimmed and went out.

  Oh Lord, she cried silently. How can I bear this pain?


  Despite her late night, Sharon was up early next morning. Her sleep had been fraught with disturbing nightmares of Kane and Tassy, and it was a relief to wake up to bright sunshine pouring into her room.

  Throwing back the sheet, she padded across to the window. A gentle breeze waved the palms and ruffled the surface of the pool, making it shimmer like a sapphire in its mosaic setting. The cleaners had already cleared away all signs of the party, and the serenity of the scene made her wonder if her memory was playing her false and last night had also been a dream.

  The insistent buzz of the telephone made her turn from the window. It was the Head Housekeeper to say one of her assistants was ill and could Sharon supervise the maids on the top two floors. Fifty guests were arriving today, and their rooms had to be prepared.

  Promising to see it was done, Sharon hurriedly dressed. She got on well with all the employees, and found them far more amenable than some of the staff she had dealt with in England. However, most of the maids were untrained and had little idea of what had to be done, and the instant she set foot on the top floor, one of them rushed over to tell her the refrigerators weren't working in the two suites in the West wing.

  'Have you reported it to the engineer?' she asked.

  'He's out,' the maid replied, 'and they don't know when he'll be back.'

  Hiding her irritation, Sharon decided to look at the fridges herself, and was half-way along the corridor when she recollected Kane occupied one of the suites. Quickly she walked past it to the end one, and rang the buzzer.

  Almost instantly, an irate American opened the door.

  'What's kept you?' he scowled. 'I reported it an hour ago.'

  'I only just got the message,' she apologised, following him into the lounge. 'What's the trouble?'

  'It isn't making any ice.'

  She opened the fridge door and peered at the control knobs, wondering if it had mistakenly been put on 'Defrost'. No, that wasn't it. She poked and prodded, switched the buttons on and off, and came to the conclusion it was an electrical fault.

  'I'll get someone here as soon as possible,' she promised the disgruntled guest. 'Meanwhile I'll have a bucket of ice sent up.' She paused by the door. 'I think your neighbour's having the same trouble.'

  'Maybe that's why he left his room early,' the American muttere
d. 'I heard his door slam before eight.'

  'I'll check anyway,' Sharon said.

  Heart pounding against her ribs, she went to the next room. Thank goodness Kane was out. She could take a peek at the refrigerator without his being any the wiser. To make sure he wasn't there, she pressed the buzzer, waited a few seconds, then pressed again. Still no answer. Taking the master key from her pocket, she turned the lock and went in.

  The vast living room had not yet been tidied, and a brandy bottle and two glasses stood on the table beside the settee. Cushions were disarranged, and a crumpled shirt lay across a chair, where it had been flung, as if its owner had been too impatient to wait till he reached the bedroom. An image of Kane lying on the settee with Tassy came to torment her, and she almost ran to the little refrigerator that stood in the bar at the far end of the room.

  A brief glance told her it was working perfectly, and she was half-way to the hall when she heard the bedroom door open. With a gasp she turned.

  Kane stood on the threshold, his hair rumpled, his face flushed from sleep. Black silk pyjama trousers were tied loosely at his waist, but his chest was bare, showing shiny bronze skin, and a thick V of dark hair. Without a jacket, she saw that the width of his shoulders owed nothing to his tailor, and she hurriedly averted her eyes from the rippling muscles as he stretched tiredly.

  'What the hell are you doing here?' he demanded.

  'One of the m-maids said your fridge is out of order,' she stammered, 'I rang and got no reply, so I let myself in.'

  'I was asleep. I didn't get to bed till four.'

  'I'm sorry I disturbed you.' She still avoided looking at him. 'Anyway, I've checked it and it seems okay.'

  'How did you get in?'

  'I used the master key.'

  He frowned. 'I'm not sure I like the idea of people wandering in and out uninvited. I've a lot of confidential papers here.'

  'You should use the hotel safe,' Sharon replied.

  'I have my own safe.' He yawned again, then looked apologetic. 'Sorry, but I'm still jet-lagged, and my late night didn't help any.'

  'Obviously,' she said quietly.

  His look was sharp. 'You're the one who's behaving obviously, Sharon.'

  'Maybe it's infectious,' she retorted, and stalked out.

  She was near to tears. No one seeing her and Kane together would have guessed how it had been with them in Bangkok. Was it because Tassy had come back on the scene, or because he had seen Pete kiss her? Either way, the result was the same.

  Knowing work to be her best antidote, she remained supervising the chambermaids, and only after a late lunch at half-past three, did she shower and change and go into the village. The heat of the day had ebbed slightly, and she meandered through the old section, stopping to buy small items of copper and tin—the latter brightly polished to resemble silver—to take home as gifts.

  She was returning to the taxi rank when her eye was caught by a dressmaker's shop. The shelves were piled with material in every colour and design, while at the back of the store five girls sat sewing, three at electric machines and two at the old-fashioned pedal type. A curtain at the far end parted, and a woman in loose- fitting black trousers and high-necked cotton jacket came out. Seeing Sharon, she glided forward, smiling.

  'Yes?' she said in English. 'May I help you?' Her eyes were heavy-lidded, and her long black hair drawn back in a bun.

  Sharon hesitated. The shop looked considerably more expensive than the one she had frequented until now, but there was no doubt the choice of material was better. Deciding to be extravagant, she stepped inside.

  'I was wondering if you could make me something for evening?'

  'In silk or cotton?'

  'Cotton, please.'

  The woman heaved down several bolts of fabric and placed them on the counter. There was such a profusion of choice, Sharon could not decide, but eventually whittled it down to a blue-and-yellow print, which she asked to see in the daylight.

  The moment she did, she realised it was too garish for her, and shook her head. 'I think I'd better stick with something pastel.'

  'Choosing a dress?' a deep voice enquired.

  Even before she turned, Sharon knew it was Kane. It was their first encounter since she had gone into his suite, and he seemed a changed person, his expression almost friendly.

  'I haven't decided on the material yet,' she said.

  'You've come to the right place to find it, though. According to Tassy, Lala has the best selection.'

  'Then she must be good.' Why did he have to bring Tassy into the conversation?

  'I'm glad you vetoed the blue and yellow,' he went on. 'You need a smaller pattern.'

  'I don't like small patterns. They make me feel like Kate Greenaway.'

  'Never that—with your figure!' He stepped into the shop. 'What about those?' he asked, pointing to a shelf of fabric.

  'They're pure silk,' Lala said, 'and madam wished for cotton.'

  'What's wrong with silk?' Kane demanded, eyes probing Sharon's face.

  'I don't want to spend that kind of money,' she said, furious at his lack of tact.

  'Would you accept a length as a present?' he asked, then immediately added: 'Don't bother answering. I take back the question!'

  Resisting the urge to hit him, Sharon turned away.

  'I don't feel in the mood for looking at any more material,' she said to the dressmaker. 'I'll come back another time.' 'Sharon, don't go.' Kane's voice, authoritative and crisp, stopped her. 'I know you're annoyed with me, and I'm sorry, but don't let it spoil your afternoon. Please stay and choose something, and I'll go.'

  'I have some lovely pink silk,' Lala intervened quickly. 'There are only a few metres left and I give you special price.'

  Not giving Sharon a chance to say no, the woman brought out a small roll of shimmering silk and unwound a metre to hold against Sharon's body.

  'Great,' Kane said. 'It goes with your colouring.'

  Sharon pulled a face. 'Blondes in pink are too chocolate boxy.'

  'It depends on the blonde.' His eyes narrowed appraisingly. 'Besides, your hair is honey gold and pink looks great on you. Take my word for it.'


  'Because I've an eye for colour.'

  'You're not short on conceit!'

  'And you're not short of a sharp answer.'

  'It's part of my charm.'

  'You may be right—which means I must be a masochist!' Head to one side, he continued studying her. 'Let's choose a style for this and get out of here. I want to talk to you.'

  Mutely, Sharon nodded. There was much she could read into what he had said, but she was scared of letting herself.

  'How about this?' he asked, waving a pattern book at her.

  With an effort she concentrated on the picture he was pointing to.

  'The neckline's rather low,' she demurred.

  'Why? You've beautiful breasts.'

  'I don't need to show them to the world!'

  'For once we're in agreement! So we'll get Lala to raise the front a little. Apart from that, the design is perfect for you.'

  Suddenly Sharon was struck by the humour of the situation. A few hours ago Kane had practically bitten her head off; now he was deciding how to dress her! If this was his way of making amends, she gave him full marks.

  'Very well,' she said softly. 'I'll have the style and the material you like.'

  Accepting his victory with a nonchalant shrug, he strolled out of the shop as measurements were taken. But he stayed near the entrance, clearly waiting, and Sharon kept check on her impatience as Lala jotted down all the figures and gave her a date for her first fitting.

  'Any more shopping to do?' he asked as she finally joined him.

  'Not with you! You've done enough persuading for one afternoon.'

  'Then how about a swim? I've given myself the afternoon off. I worked all night with Mark.'

  So he hadn't been with Tassy! Hiding her pleasure, Sharon followed him to a taxi, sit
ting silently in the corner as they careered out of the village.

  'You seem to be on friendly terms with Wilburg,' he stated into the silence.

  'I knew him in London.'

  'Why didn't you tell me?'

  'I didn't know you knew him.'

  With a shrug Kane acknowledged the truth of this. 'Did you know he was coming here to bid for the contract?'

  'No. I haven't seen or heard from him since he went to Japan nearly a year ago.'

  There was another silence, and Sharon looked at

  Kane from the corner of her eyes. But his expression was impassive.

  'I apologise for my off-handedness at dinner last night,' he said abruptly. 'Also for my temper when you came to check the refrigerator.'

  'Apology accepted,' she said airily, as if his attitude had not bothered her. 'I expect you're on edge about the contract.'

  'That had nothing to do with it.'

  Sharon did not pursue the subject, and neither did he until the taxi stopped to let them out.

  'I'd like to talk to you alone,' he said as he paid off the driver. 'Let's find somewhere quiet.'

  'I thought you wanted to swim?'

  'I want to settle things between us first. There's—— '

  he broke off as Pete suddenly came towards them and put his arm round Sharon's shoulder.

  'What happened to you, honey?' he demanded. 'You promised to come with me to the Islands.'

  'I never said any such thing,' Sharon protested.

  'We arranged it last night when we were having a nightcap,' Pete insisted, and glanced at Kane. 'Sorry to barge in on you like this, but Sharon and l——————————————- '

  'I was going to my room anyway,' Kane cut in, and with a cool nod to both of them, turned on his heel.

  'What on earth are you playing at?' Sharon rounded on Pete the instant they were alone. 'You know we didn't make any arrangements for today!'

  'I thought you'd like to make Morgan jealous.'

  'If I did, I'd have told you,' she cried furiously. 'When I need your help I'll ask for it.' She went to push past him but he stayed her with his hand.

  'I'm sorry, Sharon. I wouldn't upset you for the world.'

  'Well, you have,' she retorted. 'It was a stupid thing to do.' Pushing his hand away, she stormed up to her room.


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