Master of My Body

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by Marissa Honeycutt

  Master of My Body

  Finding Sabrina, Part One


  Marissa Honeycutt

  Developmental Editor: Kristi Cramer

  Editor: Kim Young, Kim’s Editing Services

  Cover Designer: Laura Hidalgo

  Master of My Body: Finding Sabrina, Part One-Marissa Honeycutt

  © 2017 Marissa Honeycutt

  All Rights Reserved in accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher or author constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from this book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher. Thank you for your support of author’s rights.

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  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  Note from the Author

  I suppose this is a warning of sorts, though I don’t know if I should really call it a warning. Not after Anna...

  Anyways, please don’t read this book if you’re easily offended by dark, twisted, taboo subjects. Sexual slavery is a nasty business and I don’t pull punches in showing what characters captured into that life might go through. My bad guys are bad, meaning they’re not nice. Meaning they do things that might make you uncomfortable. Or puke. Or have nightmares.

  Please don’t read this book if the idea of having multiple sexual partners offends you. The subculture that this story revolves around does not allow for monogamy. While that doesn’t come up in the first book, it will in the following books.

  Please don’t read this book if you’re offended by men having sex with other men. Or women having sex with multiple men. Or men having sex with multiple women. Or multiple men and/or women having sex with multiple men and/or women.

  Please don’t read this book if you’re looking for a happy romance where boy and girl meet and live happily ever after. That might happen eventually, but it might not. (I haven’t written the ending yet!)

  This is the first of what will be one story spread out over three or four books. Master of My Body is a prologue of sorts, giving you background on the main characters and letting you get to know their history. The remaining books will be told solely from Sabrina’s point of view. At the end of this book is a sneak peek into the first few pages of the next book.

  Ten Years Ago

  Chapter One

  The ancient trees stood as silent witnesses of the horrific scene spread out in the middle of the grassy clearing. The birds and one unfortunate doe, entrapped in the golden ring of supernatural power, felt the horror and weight of the screams and bloodshed. But this was no random murder.

  This was an unholy sacrifice.

  Vamar Thilduri stood over the battered, bloody body of the young woman whose death had ensured his safe passage through the vortex between this world and the Dark Place he’d been exiled to for two thousand years.

  He breathed the clean, sweet air of his home world into his lungs and closed his eyes, a grim smile appearing on his face. How long had it been since he enjoyed the fresh scent of a pine forest? How long since he had felt the grass beneath his feet?

  Too long. Too long since he had been banished from his home and sent to the Dark Place where nothing grew and nothing flourished. He had simply existed.

  Until the return of one of his faithful helped him begin to thrive again.

  He had grown strong in the darkness, feeding off the knowledge that he would someday be able to return to power and have his revenge upon Kronos, the father of the Immortals.

  Damn Kronos and his minions! How dare they decide how much Immortality a human could imbibe! Who were they to judge what he had done? Of all the Nauragar who ruled the ancient cities, Vamar had dared to become greater, dared to not need the Ilfirin, the Immortals, anymore. His followers had encouraged him, and they loved him for it. They no longer needed the damn Immortals for anything. The humans were powerful on their own.

  And Kronos had decided it could not be.

  The memory brought a glimmer of life to the man’s eyes. Then he scoffed.


  The idea of being mortal once more disgusted him, but it was a necessary evil in order to complete his plan. He looked down at the diamond ring he wore on his little finger, gazing at the dancing gold flecks inside.

  Only a little while longer, then I’ll be able to release you...

  It was imperative that he keep his true identity safe and hidden; otherwise, the Nauragar would be able to sense him, though none of them would have a clue as to who he was. The only human who had an inkling of his true identity had recently gone insane and was locked in a tower in Russia, but even he didn’t fully know who Vamar was. He had to maintain his anonymity until the time was right. And then...

  Then he would have his revenge.

  Chapter Two

  The room was dark. Vamar liked it that way. He preferred the dark, even though it was cliché.

  He sat in his brown leather armchair and stared at the flames dancing in the fireplace, waiting for the knock on his door. The knock that would mean his new life was about to begin. The new life he’d been planning for two thousand years.

  The sacrifice had been made and he was on earth again. He was human, though his body was frail. It had been strong enough to transport through the vortex between worlds, Mary’s blood had ensured that, but it had taken its toll. He needed a new body to complete his plans. A young, virile body and mind that would take him to the pinnacle of success, all while appearing to be a normal human, escaping the watchful eyes of the Nauragar, or the Elders, as they now called themselves. He would slip into their world without them even realizing what was happening...until it was too late. He would have Sabrina and they would be unable to stop him.

  Devin had been his test to see how they would react. He now knew their weaknesses. And their strengths. Knowing everything about one’s enemy was the key to success.

  A knock startled him out of his thoughts. Neil, his butler, opened the door and ushered a young man into the living room where Vamar waited.

  Vamar studied the newcomer. He was young, in his early thirties, with thick blond hair and icy blue eyes. Vamar saw the potential in him. He was highly intelligent and ambitious, but introverted. The last trait was adaptable.

  “You know why you are here, Damian?” Vamar asked, his deep voice resonating off the hardwood floors and bare walls.

  The young man nodded, fidgeting with the edge of his black t-shirt. “Y-yes, my lord,” he said in a quiet voice. “I am honored to be the chosen one, my lord.”

  “The chosen one for the sacrifice?” Vamar asked coldly, watching for any sign of hesitation. The other man flinched slightly, but Vamar didn’t think it was because of unwillingness. His face softened. “I assure you, most of the process can be quite pleasurable.”
  “Yes, my lord.” Damian swallowed. “I have studied and am aware of what will happen.”

  “Good.” Vamar nodded to Neil, who stood silently in the doorway. The muscular redhead nodded and disappeared into the bedroom to prepare the area. Vamar turned back to Damian. “Undress.”

  Damian dropped the leather bag he carried and pulled off his t-shirt, revealing a trim, defined upper body. His chest had a smattering of golden hair. He unbuttoned his jeans and his thick cock popped out, attracting an appreciative glance from Vamar. Damian’s lower body was similarly well-defined. Vamar was pleased.

  “You have never been with a woman?” Vamar asked.

  Damian shook his head.

  “Or a man?”

  Damian shook his head again. “No, my lord.”

  Vamar nodded. “Good.” He tilted his head, studying Damian as if he were a piece of art, which, in fact, he was. Sheer, masculine perfection standing proudly in the firelight. “Come here.”

  Damian padded silently across the room and stood in front of him, his dick twitching as he watched Vamar’s face. When Vamar reached out and caressed his stomach and hip, it began to swell. By the time he ran his hand down the length of Damian’s cock, it was rock hard.

  “Good boy,” Vamar whispered, leaning forward and licking the tip.

  Damian gasped, then moaned as Vamar took him into his mouth, grasping his hips. After only a few hard sucks, he pulled away, seeing Damian’s eyes were wide. Vamar smiled. “Fear not, my friend,” he murmured, caressing Damian’s balls. “You will come so many times tonight, your dick will be aching.”

  Neil appeared in the doorway and nodded to Vamar. Vamar stood and led Damian into the bedroom.

  “Please, lie down,” Neil said, motioning to the bed covered in white sheets. Damian glanced at Vamar, then did as he had been instructed. Neil cuffed his arms to the top corners of the bed, then propped up his head with pillows. “Are you comfortable?” he asked, his voice slightly gruff.

  Vamar frowned. He knew Neil was jealous of Damian, but it was unnecessary. Neil was a trusted ally whose devotion had earned him a permanent position. Khyan, the Immortal who had served Vamar since he was banished, had taught Neil how to help Vamar, and he had proven himself worthy. Neil would have plenty of enjoyment in the future. Plenty of girls to have his way with.

  Vamar sat down on the bed and caressed Damian’s balls again. Damian’s eyes closed slightly, making Vamar smile. “Do you know that you carry the essence of your very being in this delicate sac? Yes, there is the potential for a child here, but it is also the essence of yourself. With the right knowledge, tools, and patience, I can drain your body of it and take it into myself.”

  Damian swallowed. “Yes, my lord. I am familiar with the idea.”

  Vamar continued to play with Damian’s balls, eliciting moans of pleasure from the young man. “You are prepared to give me everything?” he asked in a husky voice.

  Damian’s eyes dilated. “Yes, my lord. I give of myself so you can become your greater self.”

  “Good boy,” Vamar whispered. “It will not be without pleasure. You will be returned to your body, but with me in control. You will feel all my pleasures, all my triumphs.” Vamar grinned. “You will have so much sex, it will make up for all you have sacrificed for me. It will be Damian Sinclair people worship, for I cannot reveal my true self until the very end.”

  Damian nodded. “Yes, my lord.”

  Vamar leaned down and kissed the tip of Damian’s cock. “Now, let us begin.”


  Vamar smiled as Damian groaned, another orgasm ripping through his body, causing his dick and balls to spasm. It had been two days of continuous stimulation. Damian’s dick was red and raw, his balls almost empty. Not once did he beg Vamar to stop, though, which pleased him to no end. Vamar stroked him gently. Damian hissed in pain, but didn’t complain. He’d been prepared well for this task.

  Damian was pale, his eyes glassy, his body weak and slick with sweat. His chest heaved as he breathed, his blond hair plastered to his face and neck. Vamar had released him from his cuffs this morning, but Damian hadn’t moved, except to stiffen when he came.

  Vamar had enjoyed getting to know Damian over the past two days. Every orgasm had increased Vamar’s knowledge of this man whose life he would take over. His own balls were heavy, his cock harder than it had been in a very long time. It was almost time to perform the final ritual. To take Damian’s body for himself.

  Vamar looked over at Neil. “It is time. Clean and prepare him.”

  When Neil nodded, Vamar walked out of the room. He winced as his cock bobbed up and down, sighing in relief when he sat down, his dick resting between his legs. His balls felt as if they were three times their normal size. He’d performed this ritual before, but it had been over two millennia of blackness since then.

  An hour later, Neil walked in, indicating all was ready. Vamar followed him into the bedroom and found Damian, still pale and weak, lying on his side on the bed. The sheets had been changed and Neil had bathed Damian. A bottle of lube sat on the nightstand.

  “How are you feeling?” Vamar asked the young man.

  “Tired,” came the weak reply.

  Vamar reached for the lube, spread some on his fingers, and began caressing Damian’s virgin asshole. “You have done well, love. It is almost time for us to become one.”

  Damian gave a weak smile and moaned softly as Vamar slipped a finger inside his body. Normally, he wouldn’t bother to prepare any of his sex toys, but this was different. Damian’s body would soon be his and he didn’t want to be hurting when he woke up. No, he had cared for Damian as he drained him of life, worshiping the body that would soon be his. He would open his body, preparing it for intercourse slowly, gently. Damian would enjoy his first encounter, and Vamar would fly.

  When Damian was ready, Vamar pushed him onto his stomach gently. He positioned his cock at Damian’s hole and pressed forward slowly, closing his eyes, murmuring words of the ritual. Damian groaned. Vamar sighed as he slipped into the man’s body. When he was fully seated, Vamar wrapped his arms around Damian’s chest.

  “Are you ready, love?” Vamar whispered.

  Damian nodded, wiggling his hips slightly. Vamar chuckled and pulled out slowly. He whispered the ancient words and slammed back into Damian. The young man stiffened and screamed, but Vamar held tight. He repeated the motion several times until his head began to spin. The ritual was working!

  Vamar buried his face into Damian’s neck. “You are no longer your own, Damian Sinclair,” he growled and bit Damian’s neck. “I take control of you and your body. Your very existence is now mine!”

  He drove his dick hard and deep over and over again until his vision filled with golden sparkles and black spots. He felt nothing but ecstasy. He knew nothing but pleasure. The two souls danced and twisted, becoming one, united for eternity.

  Chapter Three

  The man groaned, his body aching, his mind a blur. He opened his eyes slowly, his vision clearing after several blinks.

  “My lord?” came a worried voice, a face appearing in front of him.

  The man stared hard at the face. “Neil?” he said after several seconds of intense thought.

  The other man smiled. “Yes, my lord.” He sounded relieved. “How are you feeling?”

  He stretched, taking a mental inventory of his body. It felt different, new...young. “It worked.” He sighed in satisfaction as he sat up and looked down at his new body, then behind him. A long pile of ashes lay on the bed. “When did that occur?”

  “As soon as I separated the two of you.”


  “What shall I do with it?”

  “They are ashes. The remnants of a dead body. There is no power in them. You may dispose of them as you wish.” Vamar stretched his hands in front of him. “I am a n
ew man. Newly reborn as Damian.” He looked down at his throbbing cock. “Is he here?”

  Neil nodded and motioned to the door. Vamar stood and walked out, heedless of his undressed state. In the front room sat Damian’s father and a young woman.

  “Damian?” the older man said softly, standing.

  Vamar frowned. “This is his body, but I am not Damian.”

  The man immediately dropped to his knees. “Forgive me, my lord.”

  Vamar walked across the room and dropped into the chair he had been sitting in earlier in the evening. “It is forgiven. You have given a great sacrifice in your son, Albert.” Vamar looked at the woman, who huddled on the floor near the couch. “And your daughter.”

  “It is an honor to have been chosen, my lord. Your name has never faded from our memories. We have carried on your work, even in the darkness of your banishment.” Albert paused. “We never stopped believing you would return, preparing one of our sons in each generation to be ready for you.”

  “You have done very well. I couldn’t have asked for a better sacrifice.” He glanced at the girl again. “But I am craving a woman. I have been limited in my available pleasures for far too long. The girl you found for me... She was excellent, but once she crossed the vortex to me, she stopped aging. She remained as a girl until the end.” Vamar frowned.

  “I’m sorry, my lord. We had no idea.”

  “I didn’t, either.” He waved his hand. “No matter now.”

  Albert hurried over to the girl. “This is Lia, my lord, and she is definitely a woman. She is twenty and ready for anything you ask of her.”

  Albert pulled her to her feet. Vamar smiled as the dress she wore pulled tight to accent her figure. She was slender, with full breasts that made his cock twitch. Her dark nipples teased him through the thin blue material, and he ached to remove it.

  “You are prepared to serve me and take care of my household?” Vamar asked.


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