Dividing Line

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Dividing Line Page 8

by Heather Atkinson

  “What the hell is going on?” demands Rachel.

  “Not told you have they? They murdered my Simmy. Hacked his face off with his own machete.”

  Rachel's stomach turns over. The horror must show on her face because Liz continues triumphantly.

  “You see what you're marrying into? The Maguires are a pack of wild animals.”

  “That's it,” snaps Martina. She tries to charge at Liz but is held back by Rachel and Beth. Cathy stands watching in the background, a smile on her face.

  Rachel's sympathy for Liz dissipates when she remembers what Simmy and his brother did to her husband-to be. Her face hardens and she walks right up to Liz, so they are face to face.

  “Your Simmy tried to have Danny killed and why? Because he fell in love with me. Why did we deserve that? What did we do that was so wrong?”

  Liz is lost for words.

  “Simmy tortured and murdered a sweet old man who never did anyone any harm because he was too much of a coward to go after Danny himself. He even got his own brother killed in the process.”

  Liz's eyes flicker to the ground.

  “So don't make him out to be some kind of martyr. He got what he deserved.”

  Liz draw backs her arm to hit Rachel but she blocks the blow and punches Liz hard in the face, who crumples to the floor. The other two women make a move but Beth and Martina rush to Rachel's side and they back off.

  “Go home Liz,” says Rachel coldly before walking away, leaving Liz bleeding on the ground.

  Gillian emerges from the restaurant and frowns when she sees Liz flailing about on the pavement. “What's up with her?”

  Rachel glances disinterestedly at Liz. “She's just drunk.”

  Liz's outburst puts a dampener on the whole evening, so they decide to call it a night. When Rachel arrives home she is surprised to find Danny already there.

  “What are you doing back so early?” she says.

  “To be honest I was bored.” He releases a snort laughter. “You should have seen your dad's face, it was hilarious. He nearly fell off his chair when that girl wiggled her arse in his face.”

  Rachel laughs, dumps her bag on the table and flops onto the sofa beside him. He hands her a large glass of white wine.

  “Did you have a nice night?“

  “I did, until Liz turned up.”


  “Simmy's wife.”


  “So, did you actually kill him?” She’s almost afraid to ask the question but knows she must if they are to have any sort of future.

  Danny knows honesty is always the best policy with Rachel. He looks directly in her eyes as he replies. “No but I did help torture him.”

  Rachel winces and looks at her hands, her engagement ring glinting in the lamplight. He wraps an arm around her and is surprised when she remains aloof and doesn't nuzzle into him as she normally would. He tilts her face towards his. “I admit I did him damage, a hell of a lot of damage, but I didn't kill him.”

  Rachel isn't fool enough to ask who did because it was either Frank or Alex, her future father or brother in law.

  “Liz said Simmy had his face hacked off and you lot have the cheek to call Mikey sick.”

  “We had no choice Rach, after what he did to Albert. We had to make an example of him. We have to show everyone we're not to be messed with.” He’s relieved she doesn't know about the knife up the arse, another of Alex‘s trademarks.

  “I understand that Danny, believe me I do. I'm not naïve, I grew up on the Montford. I've been around gang warfare all my life but what you did to Simmy was…” She lets the sentence tail off, the disgust on her face speaking for her. “I thought you were the legitimate side of the family business. I knew you weren't whiter than white but I didn't think you were in so deep.”

  “I wasn't but after I was stabbed I had no choice. It's a matter of survival.”

  She nods and gazes out of the window.

  He takes her face in both hands. “I can't change what I am or what my family is. The question is, can you live with it?”

  She knows it’s all about survival. If they hadn't taken Simmy out first then he would have done it to them. But knowing what he’s done does nothing to diminish her love for him and this worries her. She loves this man so deeply leaving him is out of the question, no matter what he’s capable of. Gently she runs her fingertips over his lips.

  “I can,” she says softly.

  He smiles with relief and kisses her hard. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.”

  He presses her back into the couch and she just loses herself in him. She has a feeling this love will be her undoing.

  Steve stares into the filthy mirror at his ruined face. Fortunately Danny’s done no real damage, the scar is just a bit redder than normal. Now the humiliation Steve experienced has worn off to be replaced by anger. Who the fuck does Danny Maguire think he is? But even in the cold light of day even thinking Danny's name is enough to cause his bowels to move violently. Every time he closes his eyes he sees that hot iron coming down on his face. His hands tremble and he takes a swig of whisky. He wants heavy retribution but he knows if he comes into contact with Danny again his bottle will go. He needs to hit him where it hurts most and like all cowards he’s going to get someone to help him do it.

  Superintendent Jarvis sits at his desk studying a piece of paper. It’s a list of names of the Maguire crew and the Law crew, people who need to be eliminated in order for The Coalition to achieve its ends. Three names are already crossed out - Jamie's, Albert's and Simmy's. Jarvis had been shocked by Albert getting hit, he'd been a sweet old bloke that even he had liked. Truth be told he would have been content to let him slip off the radar, he’d been too old to cause any real problems. He'd only put him on the list because he’d been so close to Frank Maguire but the Law brothers have always been cowards, common thugs who use bully boy tactics. All except Ryan Law, their leader, but he's banged up. They hadn't even the bottle to go after Danny Maguire outright. It’s the Maguires with the ruthless streak and that is why they are top dog and why it’s vital they’re eliminated. Without the brains of the outfit the Law crew are no better than football hooligans.

  Well he’s just seen to it that the brains is going to be released early, thanks to his friends in The Coalition. Ryan Law is a cold, conniving bastard with an IQ of one hundred and fifty three, making him practically a genius. Jarvis leans back in his chair and smiles. He is pleased with the way things are going. Three off the list already. Yes, things are going very well indeed. Now they are going to really hot up.


  The music is pounding in Martina's Bar, the most exclusive and profitable of Danny's nightclubs. Rachel sits on a stool at the bar and rubs her forehead, the beginnings of a headache nagging at her skull. She watches Danny laughing and chatting with the customers as he works. Every so often he looks over at her and winks, he enjoys working the bar. Alex, Frank, Terry and Jake are here as are Battler and Bruiser, the brothers who run the security for the nightclubs and pubs. They are two giants with arms the size of tree trunks and shaven heads sat atop thick necks. The Maguires run the security for all the pubs and clubs in the city, their name ensuring no one takes the piss or causes any trouble. Battler and Bruiser are in charge of the team of men used for this purpose. Battler - the eldest of the two - is the talker. He does all the threatening and negotiating while Bruiser stands by looking intimidating. They are a formidable team who together are considered to be invincible. Their reputations are immense in the city and they are feared by everyone. Intelligent and business-minded, they had the opportunity to set up on their own but their loyalty to the Maguire family is absolute, having been taken out of the gutter by Frank and given an education and a good living. They also act as Frank's personal bodyguards and are proud of the association.

  The family is sticking close together in case of trouble. The Laws haven't retaliated yet for Simmy's death but th
ey know it’s only a matter of time. Ever since her encounter with Liz, Rachel has been feeling edgy. She tries to put it down to wedding nerves, there’s only a couple of weeks to go, but she knows that isn't really it. She has made peace with what Danny is but she can't help but wonder whether he enjoyed torturing Simmy, if he got a kick out of it. Deep down she’s sure he wouldn't have but she can't help herself. After all, do we ever really know anyone?

  She’s snapped out of her reverie by Alex, who perches on the barstool beside her.

  “What can I get you mate?” says Danny cheerfully.

  “Bottle of lager please,” replies Alex politely.

  Rachel watches Danny fetch Alex’s order and Alex watches her. He likes Rachel, especially after his mum had told him how she'd handled Liz Law. He knows her feelings for his brother are real, she isn't just after him for his money or notoriety and she will never grass. He can see Simmy's death has been worrying her.

  “You know, he hated every minute of it,” he says quietly.

  “Sorry?” she replies, surprised and embarrassed that he’s divined her thoughts.

  “I mean when we had Simmy. He hated what we did to him. He's not like me and Dad. I don't mean he's soft, not by a long way. Even I'd think twice about taking him on but he has more compassion than us, you know what I'm saying?”

  Rachel feels as though a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She sits up straight, her eyes bright. “Thank you.”

  He smiles, glad that he's been able to help. Danny hands him his drink.

  “Dad wants a meeting in five minutes. Your office,” Alex tells Danny before walking off.

  Rachel leans across the bar and kisses Danny full on the lips.

  “What was that for?” he smiles, seeing how much happier she looks.

  She gazes into his eyes, her doubts about the wedding gone. “Do I need a reason?”

  Up in Danny's office Frank paces the floor while Danny, Alex, Terry, Battler and Bruiser watch in silence, waiting for him to begin. When he finally does speak his voice is choked with anger.

  “Derek Jones has just pulled out of the property development. He was going to sign tomorrow. Now thanks to all this shit with the Laws he's got scared.”

  “Arsehole,” says Terry. “Want me to pay him a visit?”

  “No. I can't say I blame him, I'd probably do the same in his position. The problem is we now have a contract to build six detached luxury homes and no one to do the actual building.”

  “What about Gordon Woodhouse?” offers Alex.

  Frank shakes his huge head negatively. “He's a cowboy as well as a prick. Derek Jones is the best in the business, it has to be him. He'll come back on board if this war with the Laws is resolved.”

  “That's not going to happen anytime soon after what we did to Simmy,” says Danny.

  “Tell me about it,” sighs Frank, throwing his hands in the air. “This war's just cost us five fucking hundred grand. The question is, what are we going to do about it?”

  “We could set up a meet,” suggests Alex. “Try and negotiate a truce.”

  Terry looks incredulous. “With Adam Law? Because he’s the next brother in line now Simmy’s dead and he’s a complete moron. All he cares about is fighting and getting stoned.”

  Frank nods sagely. “I agree. There’s no way he’d go for it.”

  “We could take out Adam as well,” offers Battler.

  “Good idea,” says Terry.

  “No,” counters Frank. “Enough blood’s been shed.”

  “But this is our chance to get rid of the Laws once and for all,” argues Terry. “We’ve already got rid of two brothers, why not take out the rest?”

  “I said no,” says Frank. “Murder brings unwanted attention from the police. Jarvis is keeping his beady eye on us and I don’t want to give him an excuse to haul us in.”


  “I said no,” thunders Frank, slamming his fist down on the desk. Terry and Frank eyeball each other fiercely until Terry eventually nods his head in acquiescence.

  “Anyone else got a problem with that?” demands Frank of the rest of them.

  They all shake their heads negatively.

  “Good. I’ll go and pay Derek a friendly visit, try and convince him to come round to my way of thinking. I’ll offer him more money. If he refuses then we’ll have no choice but to find someone else.”

  Danny looks from his father to his uncle and notices the black look that passes between them. They used to be close but Danny’s noticed that Terry has been standing up to Frank more and more lately. He doesn’t like it.

  Steve is sat in Liz Law's squalid flat trying to fend off the unwanted attentions of a drooling boxer dog. The place stinks and he notices with disgust dog shit on the carpet. The central heating is turned up high despite the warm weather and Steve can feel the sweat pouring off him. However that could also be due to the presence of the man in front of him. Adam Law is one of the two remaining Law brothers on the outside, given that Ryan is still banged up, and since Simmy's death he’s been left in charge of business.

  “Why should I help you?” sneers Adam, petting the dog on the head. Although he’s in his late twenties he looks closer to his mid forties, a combination of a drug and drink addiction prematurely ageing him. His face is lined and craggy and his grey eyes watery and he looks as though he’s never had a happy day in his life. He lives to fight and cause trouble and after what the Maguires have done to his family he’s itching for revenge.

  “Because we have a mutual enemy. I know Rachel, I understand how her mind works. I can get you close to Danny Maguire.”

  “Oh yeah, how?”

  “I've got a plan.”

  “Whoopie frigging do, Freddie Krueger has a plan. Let's all get down on our knees and bow down before the big man,” says Adam sarcastically, anger showing in his eyes.

  Steve's stomach churns nervously but he continues undaunted. “We need to wait until Rachel's alone in the flat with Danny, then we create a distraction to draw Danny outside, along with Alex and the others who live in the Henley.”

  Adam's eyes narrow with interest. “What kind of distraction?”

  “I was thinking a riot. Everyone on the Montford tries to storm the Henley. They'll all come out to fight. Danny won’t want Rachel anywhere near so he'll tell her to stay inside.”

  “Then what?”

  Steve sighs inwardly. Adam has never been known for his brains but he is known for his viciousness so he keeps his annoyance to himself. “We take Rachel.”

  Adam frowns and Steve shuffles uncomfortably in his seat.

  “This is about you getting revenge on Rachel for fucking up your face, isn't it? You're trying to use us to do your dirty work.” Adam gets to his feet, his face purple and fists clenched and Steve swallows nervously. “I’m not a dirty little coward like you. I don't attack women. She's nothing to do with our feud against the Maguires. In fact, I should beat the living shit out of you for even suggesting it.”

  Steve holds up his hands. “I don't mean we should hurt her, just keep her for a while. Danny will come running to her rescue without even thinking it through, then you can nail him. Rachel can be released unharmed.”

  Adam frowns at him thoughtfully. “You want revenge against Danny don't you? What's he done to you?”

  Steve looks tense but doesn’t reply.

  “Maybe you do have some balls after all.” Adam pauses to think, chewing his lip thoughtfully. “Alright, I'm in.”

  Rachel has invited Mikey back to the flat for dinner, to Danny's chagrin. She and Mikey are getting along like a house on fire. Once she'd managed to break through the shy exterior she found him to be clever, sweet and funny. They enjoy each other's company and are forming a bond but Danny has no worries, theirs is more a brother-sister relationship rather than anything romantic. Danny has reluctantly agreed to his visit mainly to please Rachel but he is also curious to see the change in him that Rachel so vehemently insists has o

  They’ve just finished eating and Danny and Mikey are sat in the lounge watching TV while Rachel clears up in the kitchen. Begrudgingly Danny has to admit that Rachel’s right. He's having quite a good laugh with Mikey and he’s unrecognisable from the boy who came out of the asylum. Even Danny is starting to wonder if Mikey's protestations of innocence have some substance to them.

  In the kitchen Rachel pauses washing up to listen when she hears yelling outside. She peers out of the kitchen window but can't see anything, given that it looks over the side of the building so she walks into the lounge.

  “What's that noise?”

  They all peer out of the huge front window to the ground below, which is swarming with angry residents of the Montford estate, including the majority of the Law family, at least thirty of them in total. All brandish crude weapons from hammers to baseball bats with nails hammered into the wood. They stop on the other side of the mesh fence dividing the two estates. For a moment there is absolute silence then the crowd releases a collective roar and starts tearing down the fence

  “Stay here,” Danny tells Rachel and Mikey firmly. Before they have a chance to object he’s gone.

  Danny alerts Alex, Terry, Jake and the rest of their crew who happen to be in. There’s twenty of them in total, outnumbered but this doesn’t deter them. They too carry makeshift weapons and as the fence tumbles down the two groups rush to meet each other, weapons raised. In the chaos no one notices three figures sneak through the main door of the Henley just before it closes.

  Mikey and Rachel watch anxiously from the window. It’s growing dark and they struggle to make out what’s going on below. It’s practically impossible to discern who’s who. They both freeze when they hear the lift doors ping open and footsteps stomp heavily down the corridor towards them.

  “I don't think that's Danny,” whispers Rachel.

  They both rush to lock the door but before they can reach it the door bursts open and Adam Law rushes in followed by one of the Law’s heavies then Steve, his twisted face grinning maliciously. Mikey stands before Rachel protectively.


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