Dividing Line

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Dividing Line Page 11

by Heather Atkinson

  Frank knows Terry and Alex consider his way of thinking old fashioned. There is a lot of money to be made out of women and heroin but Frank put his foot down firmly years ago and although they still mention it now and again, one look from him is enough to silence them on the matter. His only worry is that when he finally retires will they still respect his wishes? He doubts it, especially with Terry. His main love in life is money.

  Frank leans back in his chair and sighs. He has just imparted some disturbing news to Danny, Alex, Jake, Terry, Battler and Bruiser, who are gathered in his office. Terry paces the floor like a caged animal.

  “Ryan Law was released from prison three hours ago and we've only just found out and our source wants a drink for telling us. Can you believe the cheeky bastard? Well he'll get a damn sight more than a drink. I'll drown the fucker.”

  Frank scowls. “Cut it out Terry, you're not helping and it wasn't his fault. Those higher in the food chain did a good job of keeping it quiet. I don't like it at all. Someone's going to a lot of trouble to stir things up for us. Now Ryan Law's out all hell will break loose. He'll want retribution for his brothers.”

  “Shall I speak to our police contacts?” says Alex. “They might be able to shed some light on why he got out so soon.”

  “Good idea,” says Frank. “But steer well clear of any close to Jarvis. I've got a funny feeling about that bugger.”

  Danny frowns. “Something’s not right about all this. I don’t like it. It feels like there’s more to it.”

  “You're just being paranoid,” says Terry.

  “Paranoia's good. It keeps you on your toes,” replies Frank with a meaningful look at his brother.

  At the pub the festivities are in full swing. The surviving members of the Law family had been rather sedate because of all the recent losses they have suffered but the return of Ryan has revitalised them. Finally they have someone who will take control and show them what to do, someone who can even the score with the despised Maguires. He is showered with drinks, men shaking his hand and telling him how much they've missed him. Women vie for his attention and flirt outrageously. He already has his eye on three different women and is planning on spending some private time with each of them tonight, after all it’s a long time since he enjoyed any female company. But all the time he drinks and chats his mind whirls with plans. He will settle the score and hopefully expand his empire at the same time.

  It’s the day of the wedding and Rachel sits in front of the mirror in Danny’s old room in Frank and Martina's house. She is wrapped in a silky eggshell blue dressing gown watching the hairdresser carefully arrange the tiny white flowers in her hair. She has decided to wear her dark tresses long and curled into gentle ringlets. Her make-up is barely there, just enough to highlight her full lips and dark eyes. Her mum enters the room with two glasses of champagne and hands one to her.

  “Thought you might need this to settle your nerves love.”

  “Oh ta,” says Rachel, accepting the drink gratefully.

  “I remember when I married your father. I was so nervous I stuck the ring on his middle finger by accident. Problem was I jammed it on so tight it wouldn't come off. He had to leave the reception early to go to hospital and have it cut off.”

  Rachel and the hairdresser both laugh.

  “It was so ridiculous. I went with him and there we were, me in my dress and him in his suit with a big swollen purple finger. Everyone was staring at us. Not how you imagine spending your wedding night.”

  “It's lasted though. Thirty years next year.”

  “Yeah and I'm sure it'll be the same for you and Danny. You just need to look at you together to know that.”

  “Thanks Mum,” she smiles.

  “Right, all done,” interjects the hairdresser.

  Rachel turns back to the mirror. “Oh it's gorgeous Sally, thanks. It's just what I wanted.”

  Rachel holds a wad of notes out to her but Sally declines. “Martina's already paid me.”

  “How thoughtful,” says Gillian, her face flushed red from the champagne.

  As Sally leaves the room Frank enters, his considerable bulk making the large room seem small. “Ah there you are Gill. Martina needs you in the kitchen. Something about the cake. One of the flowers has fallen off or something.”

  Gillian leaps to her feet in a flat panic. “Don't worry love I'll sort it out. Your cake will be perfect.”

  She scuttles out of the room muttering to herself, Rachel and Frank smiling at her retreating back. Frank looks at his soon to be daughter-in-law and is astounded by her beauty. She is a gorgeous girl but usually downplays it with simple clothes and hardly any make-up but to see her all done up she really is something else and she isn't even wearing her dress yet. He can't wait to see Danny's face when he claps eyes on her. Frank is proud of his son, he’s chosen well.

  “Don't worry, the cake's fine. I just wanted to talk to you alone. I've got you a present.”

  He hands her a small black velvet box and she opens it and gasps. Inside is a beautiful antique gold heart necklace, the chain so fine it’s almost invisible.

  “It's lovely.”

  “It was my mother's. I want you to have it.”

  She takes off the necklace she’s wearing and puts it on instead and is pleased. It matches perfectly, better than the one she’d bought.

  “Frank, I don't know what to say,” she breathes, biting her lower lip to stop herself from crying.

  “I know we got off to a bad start, God when I think of how I treated you…”

  “It's okay. It's all in the past,” she hastens to assure him.

  Frank wraps her in a bear hug. “I'm so glad you're marrying Danny. I couldn't have picked better for him myself.”

  She smiles up at him with genuine warmth and he beams down at her. He’s telling her that she is now a part of his family in more than name only. She’s been accepted and all past animosity is forgotten.

  Rachel is now in her full regalia and the effect is stunning. Frank has left to return to his son leaving Rachel with Martina, Rick, Beth and Auntie Sharon - Mikey's mum. It’s the first time Rachel has met Sharon and she dislikes her instantly. Loud, brash and opinionated with limited intelligence she has none of her brother's charm or humour. She has badly dyed blond hair, the dark roots showing through and overly plucked eyebrows. Her face is a mask of thick, gaudy make-up and her clothes are even louder than her voice. She is an older version of Cathy and Rachel doesn't even want to consider the psychological complexities of Alex's choice of girlfriend. However the main reason Rachel doesn't like her is that this is the first time she has bothered to visit Mikey since he was released and she has shown no interest in him whatsoever. She also irritates Martina no end and an irritated Martina is a force to be reckoned with. Martina is already agitated because the car that was supposed to pick them up is fifteen minutes late. Luckily they have allowed extra time in case of any hiccups but another twenty minutes and they will definitely be late. Terry has been dispatched to the limo headquarters to find out what’s happening, which is luckily just around the corner.

  “It's your own fault for using an unreliable company,” announces Sharon loudly.

  Martina rounds on her angrily. “We've used Jenson's for years. They've provided the transport for every do this family's had and they've never let us down before. If I remember rightly they laid on the limo for your own wedding, you daft moo.”

  “Yeah and a right old banger it was too. Just like the groom,” mutters Sharon, pouring the last of the champagne into her own glass and drinking it down greedily.

  “That was Rachel's champagne, not yours,” says Martina, so furious she could throttle her.

  “It's okay Martina,” says Rachel, trying to keep the peace. “If I have anymore I won’t be walking up the aisle, I'll be staggering up it.”

  “There you go,” Sharon tells Martina. “Stop making a fuss. You know Rachel, I'm glad you're marrying Danny. You seem such a nice girl but don't l
et him take the piss. Mind you if he does you can always hit him in the face with an iron.”

  The room goes silent and they all glare at Sharon, who continues drinking her champagne, oblivious to their stares. Rachel however releases a loud snort of laughter, her tension and nerves threatening to bubble over into hysteria. But she doesn't want to ruin her make-up so she takes a deep breath, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a smile.

  Martina is red-faced with rage, which she is about to unleash on Sharon when her mobile phone rings. She jumps to answer it and she turns from red to pale in an instant, giving Rachel a flutter of fear.

  Martina rings off and forces a smile. “They've had a breakdown. The limo's totally out of commission but Terry said not to worry, he's found a substitute. He'll be here in a few minutes.”

  Rachel can see Martina isn't telling her the whole truth but she pushes it to the back of her mind for now. She has more important things to think about.

  “I'll ring Frank and let him know what's going on, they'll be thinking you've changed your mind.” Martina presses the handset to her ear then throws the phone on the couch in irritation. “The idiot's turned his mobile off. What's he done that for?”

  “He'll be in the church, won’t he?” says Sharon loudly. She doesn't like it when Martina insults her brother, even though she is the only person on earth who can get away with it.

  “I'll try Alex. Oh shit, I don't have his new number,” says Martina.

  “I do,” chimes in Beth, holding up her phone. She looks uncomfortable as they all look at her questioningly. “We're just friends,” she blushes.

  “Course you are love but I must say you're a vast improvement on the last one,” smiles Martina.

  Beth smiles, pleased with this praise from the Maguire matriarch.

  “You're just his type too,” says Sharon. “Blond with big tits.”

  Rachel, Rick, Gillian and Beth gape at her in astonishment. Luckily for Sharon, Martina is on the phone so she doesn't hear.

  Martina tuts in annoyance. “Alex has switched his off too.” The same goes for Danny's phone. “Bloody men,” says an annoyed Martina. “No offence Rick.”

  “None taken,” he smiles. He likes Martina, he admires her outspoken ways, so different to his wife. Mind you, he'd much rather live with his sweet Gill than a livewire like Martina. She even scares Frank Maguire. A noise outside catches his attention. “Terry‘s here. Oh my.”

  “What is it Dad?” says Rachel apprehensively.

  “You'll see.”

  Danny, Alex and Frank are sat in the church, Mikey and Jake in the pew behind them. Danny keeps glancing at his watch anxiously. The church is full and he can feel everyone's eyes burning into his back. Where the hell is she? She should have been here ten minutes ago. What if she's changed her mind and decided she can't live with what he is after all? Or what if the Law's have got to her?

  “I'll phone your mother,” says Frank, giving his son a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

  “I'm sure she'll be here,” says Alex and Danny nods at him uncertainly.

  Mikey notices Jake is grinning like an idiot and his normally impassive face frowns.

  Rachel steps out the front door and gasps. A carriage pulled by two magnificent white horses stands at the kerb.

  “I hope you like it,” says Terry.

  Rachel beams and kisses him on the cheek. “It's perfect. Thank you.”

  He grins proudly. “But there's only room for five so someone's going to have to take a cab.”

  They all look at Sharon, who appears distinctly put out.

  “I've already called a taxi. It'll be along in a minute,” calls Terry as they all clamber into the carriage excitedly. As they progress down the street the neighbours come out to watch and wave.

  “Terry, you're a godsend,” smiles Martina.

  Back inside the church the doors burst open and everyone turns expectantly but it’s only Frank and they all look disappointed. Danny's heart lightens as he notices his Dad is smiling.

  “Don't worry son, they'll be here in five minutes.”

  Danny sighs with relief. “What happened?”

  “Car trouble. The limo broke down but Terry found a replacement. Apparently they've been trying to get hold of us but of course we all turned our phones off. I've really copped it in the neck from your mother.”

  Danny is so relieved he doesn't spot the deception in his father's eyes but Alex does. Frank has never been any good at lying to his sons. Mikey glances sideways at Jake and notices his smile has gone.

  The wedding march starts up and everyone gets to their feet. The doors open as Rachel enters on her father's arm and Danny is stunned by how incredible she looks. It reminds him of the very first time he saw her, the same sense of awe. He feels privileged she has chosen him and he bristles with pride. Rachel’s nerves disappear and everyone recedes into the background when she sees Danny. He looks so handsome in his suit and she swells with happiness.


  Despite everyone’s fears the ceremony goes off without a hitch. As he watches the happy couple posing for their photos Frank feels uneasy, troubled by the nagging thought that the limo incident isn't the end of the trouble today. He pulls Alex to one side.

  “What's going on Dad?”

  “The limo didn't break down. Someone went round to the depot and bashed the driver's head in. He was the only one working today so it was Terry who found him. He's in intensive care.”

  “Jesus,” whispers Alex then cringes when he remembers he's on hallowed ground. Despite what everyone thinks Alex is religious. He needs a forgiving God after the terrible things he's done.

  “So be on your guard,” continues Frank. “Keep your eyes open for any trouble. Let the rest of the lads know too.”

  Alex nods. They both look at Danny and Rachel locked in an embrace.

  “They both think the limo broke down and I want it kept that way. I’m not having them worrying about anything today,” says Frank determinedly.

  “You think it's the Laws?”

  “I'm not sure. Whoever did it knew we'd hired that firm, that means it was either one of our own or we have a rat.”

  Despite the warmth of the day Alex feels a chill creep up his spine. He watches Beth pose for her picture with Rachel, the two friends all smiles and he feels the warmth return, especially to one particular region. He's been on a charm offensive with her for the past few weeks and tonight he hopes all his hard work will pay off. His cool countenance betrays none of these thoughts.

  The wedding party moves round to the front of the church where the carriage waits to take them to the reception.

  “What the hell is that?” exclaims Danny, indicating the carriage.

  “That’s the replacement for the car,” smiles Rachel, amused by his reaction. “Terry found it.”


  “I wouldn’t like to say for certain but it looks suspiciously like the one used by the undertakers down the road.”

  “Oh nice,” he says sarcastically. “That’s got to be bad luck.”

  “We make our own luck,” she replies as they pose for the photographer at the top of the church steps.

  Everyone's attention is on them so no one notices Ryan Law stood at the bottom of the steps watching Rachel Maguire in fascination. The awkward gangly girl he remembered has certainly grown up. My God she's gorgeous, he thinks to himself. He can now see why a war has been started over her. He is almost disappointed she's married Danny, he would have liked a shot at her himself. When the photographer stands to one side Rachel is the first to notice Ryan. As their eyes meet he flashes her a charismatic smile.

  “Jesus,” she says softly.

  “What is it?” replies Danny.

  “At the bottom of the steps.”

  Danny follows her line of sight and his smile drops. “I don't believe it. The cheeky bastard.”

  Alex is the next to notice. He approaches Ryan and hisses in his ear: “I recommen
d you leave. Right now.”

  By now everyone has noticed Ryan's presence however he’s completely undeterred by the fact that he’s alone and surrounded by enemies.

  “Now now Alex don't get worked up. I just want to give the happy couple my best.”

  Danny stomps down the steps towards him, quickly followed by Rachel.

  “It's okay Danny, I'm sorting it,” says Alex firmly.

  “What do you think you're doing here?” demands Danny.

  Ryan ignores Danny, his eyes riveted on Rachel who looks at him curiously. He feels his breath catch in his throat.

  “I knew Rachel when she was younger. I want to give her this.” He hands her a white envelope. She looks at it uncertainly before accepting it and pulls out a cheque for ten grand.

  “I can't accept this. It's too much,” she says.

  “Don't be silly. I want you to have it.”

  “We don't want or need your money Ryan,” growls Danny.

  “It's not for you it's for Rachel. An apology for Adam's ridiculous behaviour. I want you to know I did not sanction his attack on you and there will be no retribution for his death. He deserved everything he got.”

  Danny is about to open his mouth again when Rachel puts a gentle hand on his arm. “Thank you,” she says warmly. “We appreciate this.”


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