And the Meek Shall Inherit (Harbinger of Change Book 2)

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And the Meek Shall Inherit (Harbinger of Change Book 2) Page 16

by Timothy Jon Reynolds

  First Petty Officer Oliver Price was bleary eyed, as this had been the hardest two days of his life. “Navy, live the adventure.” Yeah right, what a load of crap that was. I’ll be lucky to live the day. Fear in the lower ranks had started and guys were getting their affairs in order. One thing was for sure, he was sick and tired of looking at schools of fish.

  Suddenly, one of the schools did something very un-fish like. It created an unusual wave on the sonar and was continuing to do so. The control room was a madhouse currently, but he got through the cacophony and got the Captain’s attention. “Sir, I think I got something.”

  It took less than a minute to review the ripple that continued to move in their direction from four thousand yards out. There was something coming and Julius knew that it was no fish. It took another thirty seconds to put into play a move that would not shock the Russians, but might upset NATO, and in particular, Greenpeace.

  The Navy started the ASROC program in the sixties and graduated to the B62 during the Cold War. Nuclear depth charges were supposed to have been decommissioned per the SALT treaties, as were all low yield nuclear devices, but treaties and realities were two different subjects. So I guess the situation in Peru is going to be lessened with the true impact of what I’m about unleash, thought Captain Washington.

  Like the rest of the free world, Julius was certain that the nuke used in Peru was Russian-made. The B62 left the slide and there was no going back. The missile went out a mile and a half and plunged into the Pacific like a high diver trying to achieve a score of ten. There was very little in the way of splash or fanfare. That was until the charge detonated, the plume rising hundreds of feet high! Then the radioactive fog spread out.

  Julius had used a device intended for low yield in shallow water. Factoring in the winds, he decided that he would use the option, if awarded the opportunity off the port bow. And right when he didn’t want it, Jim Croce popped in his head singing about how it is not advised to spit into the wind.

  Captain Washington got the standing order from Admiral Bonnet before his escort plucked him off the Bush, thank God. Of course, the President seconded that permission on the video call shortly after his carrier group was destroyed.

  Once he’d actually launched it and it exploded, all gloves were off. He immediately ordered all his anti-aircraft weapons to open up on the perimeter blindly, focusing on just above the water line, same with their own electronic jamming devices. During this diversion, he started getting his birds into the air. I’m not taking this lying down anymore.

  Julius would send them to Panama, who had agreed to let them land. Once there, they could then coordinate with the Atlantic attack group forming. They weren’t going to send everything, of course, as he had to leave a little protection for the Bush, so two F-18s and his MH-60S anti-submarine helicopters stayed behind.

  * * *

  As Pablo and Vera turned from their positions, Matt observed the frantic scene on the screens over their turned shoulders. And only he knew what it meant. He was surprised that it took Pablo’s sycophants this long to die as he had pushed the button what seemed like ten minutes ago.

  Fortunately, it appeared the air up here came from another source; otherwise they all would be dead, too. Then he looked at Vera, and what he saw was not good.

  Vera blurted uncontrollably, “Matt! What the fuck are you doing?!”

  Matt looked at Pablo intently, “Tell her.”

  Pablo looked at her and after a very long pause he said, “Improbably, your Matt is a double agent who has betrayed us all. Unless you can come up with a better reason he’s holding a gun on us, my Dear.”

  Vera’s look of shock and bewilderment could not be conveyed by words, but she tried through pleading eyes, “Why Matt? You love me, I know you do.”

  “Yes, I do, deeply. But I can’t let you do this. It will kill so many innocent people, Vera. Old people, children, and the meek you’re supposed to be saving. You two are delusional.”

  She looked at the man holding a gun on her and had torn emotions. She was serving two masters and it was ripping her apart. Yet in a move that defiantly chose sides, Vera stepped in front of Pablo and said, “Check your back pocket, Matt.”

  “I know, Babe, I saw the sonogram.”

  “Then how can you call me ‘Babe’ and point a gun at me?!” She looked right through his soul with the next statement as she placed her hand on her stomach, “I mean at us!”

  He looked at her pleadingly to come to his side and stop this, “I can’t let you do this, Vera.” Pablo made a move toward the controller. Matt barked, “The next time you attempt to do that, I’ll blow your fingers off!”

  * * *

  Admiral Anders got off his personal line, “Captain Washington just used the B62 to defend the Bush. He also put his birds airborne and headed them to Panama.” After what had transpired over the last few years, weeks, days, and now hours, the people at the table had been getting accustomed to one new bar after another being set; yet one more horrifying piece of reality that unfolded and must become their collective new reality.

  As this had proceeded, pieces of information had affected each person at the table differently. But this piece of information affected everyone with the same gravity. “We loosed a nuclear bomb. It does not get any more serious than that.” Admiral Anders words were allowed to sink in, as did all the repercussions that went along with it, militarily, politically, and environmentally.

  President Caulfield spoke first, “Are we set up on the Phoenix?”

  “Yes, Sir,” was Anders’ response. “She’s in place.”

  “Then it’s time to call our Russian friends and get this done.”

  * * *

  Matt watched the screens over their shoulders and one by one he witnessed all the Ants die horrible deaths. There seemed to be a lot of disorientation and vomiting, and then death. He watched it play out in a weird “Ballet of Death” that for some reason he was attaching the “Nutcracker” to in his head. Why, he had no clue.

  Matt had Vera and Pablo facing him, and they could not see it happening. It was hard to focus on them while watching ten people die a ghastly death, but he was trying to keep this secret as long as he could, so he had to play poker once again.

  “Why, Matt?” Vera looked at him pleadingly, searching for some understanding to this new development.

  “What do you mean why, Vera? Pablo says, God ‘spoke to him’ after his family was murdered, and that’s enough? He convinced a dying James of this and you want me to accept this as a fact and let him destroy my country? My family? Haven’t you ever thought that they were just two people damaged by a harsh life and they ‘think’ they saw and talked to God? Isn’t it a possibility?”

  Vera was using a condescending tone with him, actually mocking him with her tone, “Matt, look around you, this isn’t James Bond here. This is real. God told Pablo to do this!”

  Matt resisted, “You can’t do this to the world; you have no right! He hides behind you, Vera. If he loves you as you say he does, he will not let my pregnant lover stand between us.”

  Vera turned to the TV monitor and turned up the volume. As she did, she saw the secret Pablo had yet to discover—of his dead Ants. She shook it off, trying to focus on the matter at hand and not confuse things even more, “Listen, Matt. Listen to what the world is saying.”

  At first she was right, the news was focused on the growing number of sheep supporters worldwide. It was almost too much to take, as he was already sitting on the fence, and seeing thousands agree with Pablo made it even harder to have the resolve he needed. Then the newscast changed to a “Special Report.”

  The reports were saying the U.S. used a nuclear device to protect the USS Bush in the waters off of Ecuador. The U.S. President was coming on now.

  “Good day, Citizens of the United States. I stand before you to exclaim we’re still the greatest nation on the planet, but today we are challenged to understand how we’ve suffered such extreme

  “We are challenged as a people who need to survive, but also as a people that need to have understanding as to why this has happened to us. Our enforcement agencies have been struggling to identify the people who have been attacking us for years. The answer as it turns out is very complicated.

  “It unweaves corporation after corporation and ultimately ends in a single person. That’s right, a single person is responsible for the break in at Conceptual Labs two years ago. He is also responsible for the attack on El Centro’s Navy Base, the unleashing of The Killer Satellite, and the attack and destruction of the Bush Carrier Group, as well as the attack on his own country’s military.

  “Now ultimately, our nuclear powered carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush, had to defend itself from destruction with a low yield nuclear option. The individual responsible for these attacks is a very young computer genius named Pablo Manuel. He’s an Ecuadorian National. His family was killed by the Shimmering Way Terrorists in retaliation for something despicable his uncle had done to them.

  “We believe the bomb in Peru was Manuel’s retaliation for his family. Where he got the bomb, time will tell. His fortress is inside an Ecuadorian mountain and his army is all robotic in nature—and deadly. The USS Bush had its entire escort group destroyed by this drone army. As far as we can tell, they have control of land, sea, and air currently around their sanctuary near Ibarra, Ecuador.

  “A few minutes ago, the Bush was attacked. The attack was retaliation for us trying to disable their Killer Satellite before it does more damage. The sobering fact of the matter is, in less than three hours from now, that satellite will have destroyed communications throughout the Western Hemisphere, which means unless it’s stopped, communications like these will be a memory for the foreseeable future.

  “For the first time in this country’s history, we are declaring war on a person within a sovereign nation, and not the nation itself. This satellite must be stopped now. Subsequently, it appears that the Ecuadorian Government has taken an unprecedented move and completely shut its government down as a protest to the conflicts that are taking place within its borders. Albeit the world is divided on what kind of person Pablo Manuel is, one thing is for sure, unless he stops the satellites course of action immediately, there will be no mistaking where the United States stands.

  “It’s apparent that there was unheard of evil done to Mr. Manuel and his family, but taking all communications from the Earth is not the solution. Neither was destroying our planes and ships. Unless there is an immediate surrender, there can be no other course of action for us but war. Ecuador’s neighbors are supporting us and will allow troop movement, and I’m authorizing the 5th Infantry division to set up on the Peruvian Border.

  “I realize that it’s a difficult realization to have to wrap our heads around this new way of thinking, as this is a new type of enemy, but the reality is, this is the future and it’s here now.

  “I’m not ordering any restrictions on life and liberties currently, as I don’t think the Continental U.S. is in any danger. America, listen to this and listen well: Anyone caught looting or price gouging will be dealt with in the harshest manner allowable by law. I’m authorizing a Task Force for both immediately. We need to stand together and pray that the person who has done this to us will stop before it’s too late.

  “It appears right now that millions of people are coming out in support of this movement, even within our own country. Of course, they have the right to do this, but those rights will cease the minute they start imposing their will on others or become uncivil.

  “America needs to remain calm. I will let you know what is happening, as I have throughout this whole madness. Unfortunately, we don’t even have time to count and mourn our losses; we need to act quickly to save our way of life.

  “Finally, I would appeal to Pablo Manuel to please stop now. You have no reason to hurt the United States or any other nation. Nations did not kill your family, terrorists did, and for the sake of many innocent people, I’m making a personal plea. Please stop this before countless more lives are lost. The world has seen enough war.

  “As promised, I will keep you all informed in the coming hours and days as to what is happening so we can all have a clearer picture of what really brought this all on. May God be with us all and goodnight.”

  Vera turned the TV volume back down as Matt said, “Are you sure you want me to listen to what is being said?” She looked at him and he saw a crack. Pablo was not the only one to get into her head. He did too, and now it was time to break her to join him.

  “Enough!” Pablo came around her into the open.

  “You did this, you Judas! Why did you do this, Matt?” He looked at Felipe’s crumpled body. If it weren’t for the pool of blood, he would look just like a little child sleeping, curled up so peacefully.

  Pablo said, “Do you realize what you’re doing? You’re standing in the way of God, Matt!”

  “No, I’m not!” screamed Matt. “You’re not God’s messenger and I didn’t do this! I’ve had no contact to the outside world to reveal you. They must have figured it out on their own.” Matt tried to rest his emotions, “Pablo, there’s got to be a better way than doing this. You heard the President of the United States; they declared war on you! There is no surviving this unless you stop all of it and surrender. This is Checkmate!?”

  Pablo’s laugh was maniacal, “I will never surrender—and in a few minutes, one of the great tragedies of the world will unfold right before your eyes.” He looked admiringly over at his “Ants” on the screens. Pablo finally saw what Matt had been privy to, “What have you done, Matt?”

  “What I had to do. Just like right now,” and he leveled the gun at Pablo.

  Matt observed that for at least the third time, Pablo looked like he was in another place mentally and just like those other times he rebounded out of that fugue state with a purpose. This time he had a look that was part epiphany, part resignation, “I understand now how James felt that day I beat him at chess.” He looked at Vera with a look of mirth that was out of place, “Matt here actually beat me, Vera. He outsmarted me. He played his strategy better than mine and now he is in the winning position.”

  Vera stepped in front of Pablo again, “Do it, Pablito. He won’t shoot his unborn child!”

  Matt trained the gun on her, “I wouldn’t count on that.”

  * * *

  Sandy turned the TV set down as he was being summoned to the table for dinner. Well that confirms it, the boy lives and it was him! I wonder how they found him out? Tonight they were going to enjoy a wonderful acorn squash soup and he wasn’t about to ruin Claire’s dinner with this update of nuclear escalation. “Coming,” he yelled and looked at the basement hatch door. He installed a bomb shelter here as well, and he just hoped to God he was never going to need to use it.

  * * *

  Jan paused the TV, “Can you believe it, Don?”

  “No, I can’t! So that’s who took my boy. You asked me if I thought he would be okay, Jan. Well, my gut tells me it’s playing out right now, but only God knows the outcome.”

  “Oh my God, Don. Me too, I can feel it in my bones, Matt’s in peril right now.”

  They both hugged and suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream from the other room. Don looked at Jan with a smile and explained, “That was the microscopic-spider scream.”

  She asked the question of all questions next, “Do you really think that we’ll see him alive again?”

  He looked over to his movie case that sat in the living room (the man cave had overfilled long ago) and he saw the movie he was looking for, “Do you see this?”

  Jan focused on the title, “The Silencers,” one of many she didn’t recognize in Don’s collection, “What about it?”

  “The hero of these movies is Matt Helm, he’s an ex-war hero turned spy. I’ve never told this to anyone Jan, but I named Matt after this character of my favorite books. He’s been immersed in this stuff his whole life, a
nd if there’s anyone I know that can pull this off, it’s him.”

  Jan asked inquisitively in a way that reminded him of his son, “Does Sherry know that?”

  “No, and if you want to keep me alive, you’ll keep it that way. She waited until she was forty to have the boy, thanks to me chasing every war that could be found. She really thinks the name Matt was her idea, so now we are bound by the secret.”

  Jan kneeled by his chair and hugged him again. Although he no longer had his steel grey hair due to chemotherapy, a good degree of Don’s strength had returned, belying his outward appearance. Jan could feel it in his hug.

  * * *

  João sat in the rock walled lobby. What is taking Felipe so long? Is he playing some kind of game, trying to teach me a lesson? Sure enough, the trip up the stairs and all this stalling had killed a great high. He thought about going back for the half a joint he'd left in the stairwell, but realized the door was locked and the pencil that would have held it was still in his hand. No matter, he would need it later regardless.

  It had been ten minutes, so he assumed that Felipe wanted him to call and confess what he’d done. Felipe has really lost it if he thought he could change who he is. They were going to have to have a serious talk when this was over and they returned to their barrio. Then João had a thought, maybe Felipe wanted to stay. Well then, that would be the day they said goodbye to each other, João would never leave the Hill, it was his fucked up home after all, and he belonged there. He had a sense of purpose there and most of all he was importante there.

  He went over to the phone and lifted it off the cradle. There were only three buttons. He knew number one was Pablo’s control tower, two was Sergio, and the third went to Felipe’s desk in the warehouse. He hit the number one button just as the stairwell door flew open and Sergio stumbled through it. He looked like a zombie in some damn movie. He was foaming and crazed, yet he was trying to communicate something, but it came out as this terrifying gurgle.


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