Hanging on (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2)

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Hanging on (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2) Page 2

by K. F. Breene

  “Okay, here—” Ty abruptly stopped talking. His focus went just over my shoulder. To William who was in the rink walking toward us with a head full of thunder clouds. Ty’s smile faltered, a hint of fear peeking through.

  “Uh oh, Ty, papa bear looks mad,” I said with a smirk.

  “Jessica, no way. No way. Too dangerous. What are you guys thinking?” William exclaimed, not seeing the humor.

  Did I look like his child?

  “William, you are going to rile the ball-less bull up then I’ll really get killed. Go do your job and keep me safe.”

  “Jessica, this is too dangerous. You haven’t a clue what you are doing!”

  “I know exactly what I’m doing. I am going to hold my hand in the air, wiggle my body around, fall, and run like hell. Easy.”

  He got right up close to the fence, tilting his chin up to meet my eyes, which did not diminish his air of domination. My body tingled and my sexy-parts purred.

  “Jessica, I am not going to tell you again, get-off-of-the-bull. You are not doing this.”

  Arousal aside, I did not plan to take orders from my guy. I hated being talked to like a child. Especially in front of others.

  “William.” I hardened my gaze, no longer playing. I also reduced my volume so he knew this was just for him. “I am not going to tell you again. I am going to ride this steer because I want to. I am old enough to make my own stupid decisions. I made it. Either I can do this with your help to keep me out of harm, or I can go down the road to McKinley’s ranch and ride one there. That is the choice you have to make.”

  We stared at each other in a battle of wills. I wanted to kiss him. Rake down his chest with my fingers. Strap myself onto his body instead of this bull, and ride all night. But this wasn’t about sex. This was about principle, so I held my aching core in check and glared for all I was worth.

  Finally, seeing I wouldn’t bend, a smile tugging at the very corners of his lips, William sighed. “Fine. But don’t blame me if you break your fool neck.”

  “Deal,” I said. “Ty, give me some instructions.”

  Four guys exhaled, one, Ty, also laughed. Apparently, standing up to William was a touchy affair. Just wait until they eventually met Flem.

  “Okay Jess,” Ty said, leaning over the gate to help situate my body. “You want to hold on with all your mite. When the bull gets out of the chute, it will probably just hop in a straight line. This one is pretty docile. Keep your free hand in the air to try and help your balance. You won’t have form and technique, so just hold on until you start to fall. Then, and this is very important, let go. Let yourself fall and let go.”

  “Yeah, let go. I got it.”

  Ty should his head, deadly serious. “You’d be surprised. Many don’t remember that detail.”

  “Because they want to stay on. I won’t. I think I’ll remember.”

  “A rider that doesn’t want to stay on the bull. Huh," the guy leaning said with a smirk. This was probably more entertaining than anything else that evening so far.

  “Okay, after you let go…” Ty continued, giving me a lopsided look, into which I rolled my eyes, “get up and run for the fence. William and I will keep the bull away from you. It probably won’t care about you anyway, but if it does we will make sure you are out of harm’s way. Try to fall on your side or butt. Falling on your feet would be best, of course, but...doubtful. You don’t want to fall on your head or fall on anything that you can break. Trust me, I’ve been there and it sucks. Got it?”

  I nodded and smiled nervously. Ty hit me on the helmet. “Show all these young boys what’s what.”


  William reached through the fence and gave my leg a pat. “You’ll be fine. That bull won’t go near ya.” He winked.

  Ty jumped into the rink and Adam crawled up the fence, on the inside of the gate, and worked a clasp at the top. He looked down at me. “Ready?”

  “No. Okay. Yes. Just do it.”

  “Alright. Here goes.”

  Adam jerked the gate open, the door swinging wide. I heard a slap that sounded like hand on bull butt, and suddenly we were air born!

  The world rushed by in a stringy haze. I threw my hand up, feeling enormous pressure on the arm strapped in. The animal landed, jolting my body forward. I automatically leaned back, my whole body fighting inertia, not wanting to fall over the bull’s head.

  It bounded up, the power in the leap jerking me, my surroundings lost to the rocking. I had no idea what my hand was doing anymore. Either hand. All I knew was that gravity was pulling to the side, the bull was ungodly strong, and I was falling.

  “Shit!” I grunted between clenched teeth.

  I didn’t need to be told to let go. I hit the ground on my side, half not realizing I’d fallen at all, hopped up like I was on springs, and ran for my life, seeing a monstrous brute with horns, red eyes and steam chasing me down.

  I had a tendency to overreact.

  “Wrong way!”

  I twisted mid-stride, and kept running, now the opposite direction. I was pretty fast, and in my workout clothes, so I hit that gate and risked a glance back.

  The bull was hopping at the other end of the enclosure, by itself, completely unconcerned about its former rider. The boys were all bent over laughing.

  William came over, still chuckling, with a big smile. He hugged me tightly and walked me back to the other guys, now huddled around and mocking me.

  “How long was I on?” I panted.

  “Oh-hh, about three seconds.”

  “That’s hard.”

  “Yup. You did well, though. You moved well on it.”

  “How’r ya doin’?” Adam asked as we approached.

  “Good,” I said, nodding as I sucked air. “My arm feels like it was pulled out of my body, and I’ll probably be sore tomorrow, but other that it was fun.”

  “The first ride. I hope someone got a picture,” Ty said as an afterthought, looking around the smiling group of young guys and their fathers.

  “A’right everyone,” William said as Adam helped me take off my gear. “That is it for tonight. Next month we’ll do it again for all wanting practice.”

  There were nods and words of thanks. The young boy that helped me at the chute came up with some Ben Gay. “Here, you’ll need this. It’ll help with the soreness.”

  “Oh thanks. I’m Jessica by the way.”


  “Hi Hank. Thanks again.”

  “No sweat, girl. Takes some balls to get up on a bull. Not many girls do it.”

  “I heard only the dumb ones.”

  “That’d be ‘bout right, that would. Ha. That’d be ‘bout right.”

  He said good-bye and hurried away. Everyone was clearing out.

  Ty and Adam sauntered over with a big “I feel manly!” sign on their heads. They joined William, which was standing by me.

  “Night cap at Tommy’s?” Ty asked. It sounded like a ritual.

  William turned to me, his eyes smoldering in the dim light. I could see the promise emanating, sparking the anticipation.

  “Nah, probably not tonight. I gotta go see about a horse,” he said, turning back to the boys.

  “Jeez, Jessie, he ain’t all that flattering, huh?” Adam said with a smirk.

  Ty was chuckling as he turned away. “‘Nite,” was all he said.

  At the truck, William turned me toward him before opening my door. He slid his hands around my waist. “Sorry about that.”

  “You mean, about talking to me like a child in front of my peers?”


  “Apology accepted. Please don’t do it again. I am stubborn, but will be receptive if you address me like an adult.”

  “Understood. I was scared for you. Finally got you and didn’t want to lose you, you know?”

  I nodded. He pulled me tight against him. “Man, you have a temper on you, though.”

  “Can we go now?”

  He kissed my neck languidly be
fore saying, “Yeah, I just have to turn off the lights. I’ll meet you in the truck.”

  It was like my stomach had fallen asleep, and was now waking up. It felt like pins and needles with a background of washing machine. I was getting nervous about later on. I knew we would be getting down to business, but for some reason it felt as though I had never done it before. It felt like my first time. Maybe it was all the dreams and longing and wanting, but I was a little frightened that it wouldn’t live up to expectation. He was a good kisser, and gentle, and I really liked him, so signs pointed to it being great, but you never knew.

  Especially in anything where I was a participant.

  “How’s the arm?” he asked as he climbed in. The whole truck smelt like Ben Gay.

  “Hurts a little, but nothing serious.”

  “I remember being sore all the time when I was learning. Still get sore sometimes with a particularly rough bull.”

  “You are good.”

  “Thanks. I had to give it up to focus on business, but I had a good go of it for a time.”

  We got back to the ranch house. As we were getting out of the truck, he asked, “Do you want to go in the hot tub to try and relax your muscles?”

  Did his voice quiver? Or was it just my ears that were quivering? Like the rest of my body.

  “That would be fantastic,” I breathed, pushing my thoughts aside.

  We walked into the house from the garage. It was well furnished with expensive paintings and other art, while still maintaining a country feel. Someone was an expert decorator. We went down a hallway into a large room.

  “This is where I stay when I'm here,” William declared, looking around.

  It was a big room with a king sized bed, a sitting chair with a lamp in the corner, and a fireplace.

  “Nice. It’s big.”

  “Most of the rooms here are big. Why not? One thing this ranch has is plenty of space. I’ll show you around tomorrow.”

  He went to his dresser. “Now, what do you want to wear in the hot tub? I’m afraid I don’t have any ladies swim suits lying around.”

  I scrunched up my face. “Are you expecting anyone else tonight?”

  “No, why?”

  “I’ll just go in my birthday suit.”

  “In the hot tub?”

  “Yeah. Why not? You’ve seen naked girls before. Not a big surprise. Except all my parts are real.”

  “Ha-ha- very funny. Uh...,” He surveyed his drawer, eyes unfocused, deciding. “Okay.”

  “Be a joiner, not an individual. Nobody likes individuals.”

  “Uh huh.” He got a couple towels. “Robes are out there. Do you need to call Gladis or anyone?”

  “No. She is in the hospital, remember? I’ll see her tomorrow.”

  “Uh huh.”

  It wasn’t the fault of my ears. He was as nervous as I was.

  We went out a sliding glass door connected to his room, around a corner and violet—hot tub. When we took of the cover it happily steamed away, beckoning us to enter. I was beckoning William the same thing.

  When he was over in the covered area away from the hot tub ten feet, putting away the cover, he said, “Do you want some champagne or anything? Do you want the light on?”

  “No to both. Thank you.”

  I quickly slipped out of my clothes, embarrassed and not sure why, and left a heap of fabric on a nearby chair. The Ben Gay burned slightly as the warm water lapped at it. I ignored it completely, sighing in delight as my bare butt found a built-in seat.

  “Feel good?” William asked, standing by the stair. His fingers worked at his shirt buttons.

  Chapter Two

  “Divine. I love hot tubs,” I answered as I watched William’s fingers work lower.

  “They are sure nice.” He shrugged out of his shirt, making me suck in my breath as my eyes feasted.

  His torso was a masterpiece! He had broad, well-muscled shoulders leading down to defined arms with popping biceps. He was leaner than a bodybuilder, with perfectly sculpted and deliciously defined muscles, including a full six-pack. His pecks were well proportioned, begging me to lick them. He had very little hair on his chest, which I liked.

  “Do you work out?” I asked, eyes sliding down his belly. I wanted to see more.

  He was taking off his pants. “No. Farm work and bull riding. Farm work is a hard day’s work. Keeps you in shape. I run, also.”

  “Your body is a slice of heaven.”

  “Uh...thanks. Rolls reversed—I am supposed to be looking at you like a piece of meat.”

  “You would be if I was getting undressed in front of you.”

  “You hurriedly got in, I saw. But I got a good look from where I was. You've been working out quite a lot, huh?”

  His pants apparently off—the dang hot tub was in the way—he stepped up and over, not hurrying as I did earlier. He didn’t care that I saw. Actually, with his eyes trained on mine, looking for a reaction, he was allowing me a good look. And judging by his growing phallus, he liked that I was.

  My nipples constricted and my groin squeezed. I needed that girth inside of me with a hunger I couldn’t remember its equal. I wanted it where it belonged, inside me, and I wanted to stay that way forever, milking his seed over and over until I spilled over.

  “Down girl,” he said quietly, settling slowly on the other side of the hot tub. A smile played around his lips, bobbing in and out of the water. His eyes watched me intently, in predator mood. Waiting out his prey.

  My stomach exploded, making my breath come in fast pants. A rush of air came tumbling out of my mouth with one word riding it. “Lusting.”

  He laughed, soaked in my desire. “I can tell. My God. Not that I want to know, but have you been good the whole time you’ve been in Texas?”

  “Yes!” I said indignantly. “Gladis talked it up like I would be a painted lady, whatever the hell that is. I was so worried to take off my clothes that I stayed clear of the temptation. Not happy news.”

  “Happy for me, but no, I guess you’re right. It's easy to forget that women crave, too.”

  “It won’t be easy to forget soon. I am needy in that department. Not easily satisfied.”

  “Not easily satisfied... like, you don’t get there easily, or that you need it a lot.”


  “Hmmm. I shall have to work extra hard.”

  “Yes please,” I whispered.

  He swam to me slowly, his chin barely above water, eyes holding me. The hunted.

  When he reached me he put a hand on each knee. As he slowly got closer, he gently slid his palms up the inside of my legs, opening them as he did so. He slid his body between, closer, my widening legs making room. Hands preceding his body, eyes locked on mine, his fingers danced up my inner thighs, playfully skirting around my bikini line. The blunt tip of his penis followed, fully hard now, butting along my skin and skimming up my hip, large and heavy.

  I let my eyes close, savoring that contact, focused on his touch.

  “Do you like this? Slow and playful?” His breath splashed my face. He was in complete control, letting me ride along and reaping the rewards as I did so.

  My yes was more a sigh than a word.

  Light fingers tickled up my belly, causing a shiver even though I was hot. They dusted the base of each breast, then around, feeling, tickling, making me angle my hips up to try and capture that erection and trap it inside me.

  “Patience.” He laughed softly, enjoying my lust.

  One thumb each skimmed my hard nipples. A shot of pure heat rocked through my core, clenching my inner muscles and making my eyes flutter. “Please William.”

  Full lips touched the base of my neck, followed by the tip of a hot tongue. “Please what, Jessica?”

  I could feel that sucking mouth curl up into a smile. He pushed forward slightly, running his length further up my hip.

  “Please make love to me.”

  “Patience,” he said again, a chuckle riding the word.r />
  Lips so soft it should be illegal glided across my jaw. Large hands covered my breasts, kneading. His hips moved, running his cock along my body.

  I leant back, giving him more access. Letting him do as he pleased. Letting him call the shots, knowing I’d do anything if he asked. Hoping he would let me prove it!

  His mouth left my neck and found my lips. I opened to him immediately, taking in his tongue and sucking gently, running my hands along his rippled back and down to a muscular butt. I flexed my arms, bringing him closer.

  He groaned, losing control.

  Mouth back down to my neck, he sucked harder, nearly painful, and bit lightly. One hand went to each side of me, bracing against the hot tube. He pushed his body back so he could look down on me with barely contained primal hunger burning in his eyes.

  “This is that point," he said softly, inches from my face. "That teetering point where we hold back and take it slow, or jump.” His eyes delved mine, turning the power over to me. “Are you sure you want to go one step further? We can wait, if you want. I don’t want to rush you.”

  “I think you missed the part where I was begging. Shall I return to that point? Because I’m liking you doing all the work. I can be on top another time.”

  Fire danced in his eyes. Full lips curled up into a devilish smirk. “I’ve found my match, it seems. I will not leave her wanting.”

  He slowly dropped his body back to mine, his arms bulging beside me. “Oh, and yes,” his eyes dropped to my breasts, “I would like to return to that point, if you don’t mind.”

  I smiled as I let my head drop. Eyes closed, feeling his hot breath on my neck, I said, “Lick my nipples, William.”

  A trail of heat moved from my neck over my chest. It fanned an aching nipple. “That is more command than begging, and I like it just as much.”

  I laughed, then couldn’t, because a scorching mouth sucked in my tight bud, sending a shot of pleasure through my core. His body moved slightly, dragging his erection over sensitive skin and down, feeling along my public region. Somehow, he was in no hurry.

  I was frantic.

  I leaned my body back, making him follow to stay attached to my nipple. My hips thrust forward, searching, wanting purchase, needing to be filled. Slick wetness found his shaft and I strained higher, trying to align. Just as that velvety skin brushed my opening, he pulled back ever so slightly. Just out of reach.


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