SS Pacifica

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SS Pacifica Page 25

by Coleinger, Ronnie

  Becky had the girls making tacks back and forth within an hour. I checked the depth of the water below us and it was around two hundred feet deep, and the ocean bottom was sandy and flat. I spoke to Becky and she said, “I have decided that I am captain of the Pacifica for a few more hours and I would like to run submerged for awhile to test our diving skills.” I saw the smile leave Jill and Shelley’s faces, but they did not say a word as we turned the sails out of the wind and began taking them down. Once all the sails and rigging were stowed in the cupboards in the cabin, we telescoped the masts down into the pockets in the deck and pinned them in place.

  Once we were all down into the cabin, I locked the hatch door. As I turned the locking mechanism on the door, I heard the frightened voice of Shelley ask how deep we were going to submerge. I laughed and said, “Just a couple feet my dear. Relax, everything will be just fine.” As we started to dive, I realized that Shelley was wise to my couple of feet remark. She had looked at the display on the sonar unit and realized we were now at a depth of two hundred and six feet. I set the Pacifica down on the sandy bottom and explained how to level her out using the ballast tanks. After a few minutes, Becky and I blew some of the water out of the ballast tanks. As the Pacifica shifted sideways a little and lifted up off the sandy bottom, I heard a shrill scream come from Shelley’s mouth, but she quickly put her hands over her mouth and stifled any further outbursts. I heard the giggles from Becky, but she did not tease Shelley over the scream.

  When we had risen to a depth of around sixty feet, I turned on one of the propulsion motors and we began moving. Becky raised the antenna with the new float system so we could get the GPS operational, and then we showed the girls how to set the depth gauge alarms and the GPS alarms so they could get some sleep at night while running submerged. Once the diving lesson was over, we surfaced, but only set the foresail for the time being. We brought up the camp stove, perked coffee and then began preparing lunch. We dropped a fishing line, and within five minutes time, we had a rather large fish on the deck for supper. I took the fish to the stern, out of sight from the girls, filleted it and washed it in seawater. While I sat cooking the fish, I realized that Shelley could wait no longer and need to potty right now. I told her she would have to use the ocean to do her business. I turned my chair around so I faced the bow and continued preparing lunch.

  When Shelley finished taking care of business, she sat down beside me to help stir the beans, she said, “I kind of like this vessel. At first, I was concerned about the lack of a proper bathroom and the thought of diving scared the hell out of me. Now that we are out here on the open sea, I realize that things like storms will certainly frighten me, but you and Becky have survived nicely and I would like to spend a few weeks out here.” I looked at her and said, “Once you are bitten by the sea, you will want to be out here all the time. I am looking forward to Becky and me building another vessel to sail. I would like to pass through the Panama Canal, and sail up the east coast to New York. That would be an adventure to remember.”

  I heard a movement behind me and realized that Jill and Becky were standing behind us. Becky said, “I would like to join you on your adventure up the east coast if you will have me, unless you have decided to take Shelley with you.” I said, “If you will pass the plates so I can put some of this fish on them, I promise to include you in my dreams.” When Becky’s plate was full of food, she crossed her legs and then sat down on her feet. I laughed but said nothing. I watched Shelley stand up, cross her legs, and sit down on her feet just as Becky had done. Jill looked at me and said, “No way am I doing that, I will sit with Stanley, in a chair.”

  After we cleaned up the dishes from lunch, I said, “Do you girls need a swim before I dump the dishwater and clean up the deck?” I heard three girls all squeal with excitement and begin stripping off their clothes. Once they were all in the water, I went down into the cabin and found three large towels. There was little current and the girls had no difficulty swimming along side of the starboard swim ladder. When the girls were ready to climb the ladder and return to the deck, I offered each woman a hand back onto the deck and then handed them a towel to dry. Becky was the last to climb the ladder and I saw her smile as her eyes moved down to the front of my white shorts. Her eyes then rose up to mine and she snuggled her wet body against me. She giggled and said, “Are you enjoying this trip my love?” I whispered in her ear, “The new owners of the Pacifica are rather stunning, don’t you agree?” She whispered back, “Just think carefully about which of us you decide to sleep with tonight.” I whispered back, “I will make love to you, but I cannot control who slips into my dreams.” Jill walked up beside us and asked if we needed some privacy for a few minutes. Becky looked her in the eyes and said, “No. If I decide to fuck my man, I will do it right here on the deck while you watch.” I heard a giggle from Shelley, but Jill just turned and walked away.

  As we set the sails again, we steered towards the north and worked our way up along the coast. When we were certain we had showed the girls everything we could think of, we wrote our cell phone numbers on the inside of one of the cupboard doors with a felt pen so they could call us if they ever needed to. Becky and I sat back in the deck chairs and allowed Jill and Shelley to sail the Pacifica back down the coast to where we had tied up the speedboat. Once there, Jill said, “I will lead the way back to my house with the speed boat if you three will follow so we can tie the Pacifica up in the deep water of the harbor.”

  We had no more than gotten under way when my cell phone began to ring. I answered it and talked to the nurse at the Men’s Health Clinic. The woman told me that my tests results showed that my vasectomy was successful. I thanked her for calling me and then put my cell phone back onto my belt. As we sailed, I avoided looking at Becky. Finally, she could stand it no more and said, “If you don’t tell me what the nurse told you, I am pushing you into the ocean to swim with the sharks.” I chuckled and said, “Your husband is sperm free.” I saw a smile cross her face and then watched as Jill and Shelley gave her high fives.

  When we anchored the Pacifica once again, I got out the diving masks and the swim fins and took Shelley underwater to see the rudders, propellers and drive shafts seals. When we returned to the deck, Becky got out one of the spare shaft seals and showed the girls how to change a seal if they should ever have to do it while out at sea.

  By the time we stepped onto the dock at Jill’s home, the sun was setting and we were again hungry. When we walked into the house, the smell of food was overpowering. When I walked into the kitchen, Chris was stirring a pot of vegetable soup and there were biscuits in the oven. When the girls walked into the kitchen, I watched Jill step up to Chris and whisper in her ear. “Thank you my friend. We are all starving. I hope you invited Billy to join us for supper.” Chris laughed and said, “The boy is on a fishing trip with his father for a couple of days. I am free until at least Tuesday night.”

  As we sat and ate the fabulous meal that Chris had prepared, Jill asked what time our flight was tomorrow. Becky said it was at twenty minutes after nine in the morning, but we needed to be there at least an hour early. Becky asked what time she should have a taxi pick us up. Shelley laughed and said, “No taxi for our friends. I will meet you here for breakfast and then we will leave around quarter past seven.” Jill laughed and said, “Did I mention that Shelley was a limo driver here on the island for a couple of years to help support herself while she attended college?” I smiled at Shelley and said, “There is a lot about you Shelley that we do not know.” She looked me in the eyes and said, “Divorce the gorgeous lady sitting beside you and I will tell you everything.” I saw Becky raise her head and stare into Shelley’s eyes. She finally said, “I am glad our flight is tomorrow. I fear I would have to fight to keep my man if we stayed much longer.” I heard Chris begin to laugh beside me. I turned to look at her and she had tears running down her cheeks. She looked at me and said, “I told you that whatever thoughts went flying through these gi
rls minds immediately came out their mouths.” Jill picked up a biscuit and tossed it at Chris over the comment.


  As we sat in the terminal waiting for our flight to California to board, Becky called home and told her niece Susanne that we were would be home later today. I heard Becky giggle and tell Susanne to get the men out of the house before Stanley got there. The girls talked for twenty minutes, right up until they called us to board the plane.

  The flight home was quite comfortable. There were first class seats available when we booked the flights and we chose to purchase them. Becky seemed nervous or worried about something, but she did not let me in on the problem. As the stewardess brought us a beer after our meal, Becky took hold of my hand and said, “I have something to tell you that I have kept a secret. I should have told you the moment you got off the plane in LAX, but I didn’t. It is now time that I explain something to you.” I watched Becky take a deep breath and gather her courage. She looked me in the eyes and said, “When we get to our home, there will be an eight year old boy there waiting for us. His father dropped him off a couple weeks ago and he has been staying at the house. I wish I had known he was there; I would have phoned and talked to him. His name is Charlie.” I waited for more information from Becky, assuming all the time that this boy was her child. Becky said, “Charlie is my nieces son, his mother and father never married, and Charlie quite often gets moved from home to home whenever his father is relocated. Susanne has had enough of her boy not having a permanent home, and the courts have stepped in to insure that Charlie remains with his mother until he is eighteen. Charlie’s Father really is a good man. He is well educated, and holds down good high paying jobs, but he lacks the common sense God gave a goose when it comes to caring for a child. When we get home, I believe that you will have a shadow hovering over you every moment. Charlie loves the sea, and he will ask you more questions than you will be able to find answers. I hope you are not angry with me for keeping this important information from you, but I have to be very careful to stay out of my nieces affairs. She and I are best of friends and I want to keep the lines of communication open to her.” I sat thinking a moment and then said, “Grand Nephew. That is what Charlie would be to you, am I correct?” Becky smiled and said, “Yes, how did you know that?” I reminded her that I was an author and had to create characters for my books.

  As we sat talking about Charlie and Susanne during the remainder of the flight, I watched Becky allow her nerves to calm. As the pilot lit the fasten seatbelt sign and told us to prepare for landing, I spoke to my wife and said, “You got yourself all worked up over having to tell me about Charlie. Would you from now on just look me in the eyes and say whatever needs saying.” I saw Becky’s eyes become shiny as if she was about to cry. I leaned over, kissed her on the cheek and said, “There will be hundreds of things that you will need to tell me over the next few years. Please, don’t get yourself all worked up in the future, just tell me how things are. I am your husband, not your father. I will not judge you, nor spank you.” I saw a tiny smile appear on Becky’s face and she said, “You can always turn me over your knee and give me a little spanking.” I looked her in the eyes and said, “Yea, and in return I would have a bruise on my shoulder that resembled the one I saw on Jill’s shoulder when she stripped down to go swimming.” Becky giggled and said, “The bitch was messing with my man, she deserved what she got and she knew it. Her only salvation was that she did not stop the truck so we could settle what she started.” I felt the urge to laugh, but contained myself, knowing that even the slightest smile on my face would piss my wife off all over again.

  As we gathered our luggage at the baggage claim, I could see a woman and a young boy looking in the windows. The boy had his hands around his eyes trying to cut the glare of the glass so he could more easily see inside the baggage claim area. I spoke to Becky and when she looked, she said, “That is Charlie and Susanne.” When we stepped out the sliding doors to the street, Charlie came running to Becky. She held out her arms, leaned over and hugged the stuffing out of him. I heard him say, “Aunt Becky, I can’t breathe.” As Becky hugged Susanne and began introducing her family to me, I held out my hand and shook Charlie’s hand. That was all it took and the questions began. I put my hand on his shoulder while we crossed the busy street, and pulled my luggage along beside me with the other hand. As we walked towards where Susanne had parked the vehicle, the questions never stopped.

  There was a ballgame in the city. As Susanne navigated the busy bumper-to-bumper traffic, I realized that my new friend had fallen asleep. I saw Susanne look in the mirror and say, “Nice to meet you Stanley, we have not had a chance to talk since you monopolized my son’s life.” I chuckled and said, “Sorry, I was lonesome for male companionship.” Becky turned her head towards me and said, “We can put Charlie in your bed instead of me if you wish.” I patted Becky on the shoulder and said, “That is alright. Charlie and I will find plenty of time to bond. Charlie and I may have to go fishing tonight and catch supper to feed our pride.” I heard Susanne giggle, and then tell Becky that her man was awful good with words and he looked pretty dam good too. I warned Susanne that Becky had a habit of punching women who paid too much attention to her new husband. Susanne looked in the mirror and said, “You and I need to talk when we are out of earshot of Aunt Becky. I think there are some stories that need telling.” I heard Becky take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  As we pulled into the driveway of the beach house, the place looked awful good to me. The weather was extremely hot, but the sky was a beautiful blue and the ocean looked deceivingly peaceful. I opened the car door, picked up my young friend and carried him into the house. I put him down on the sofa and went out to help the girls bring the luggage into the house. We had little luggage since we had shipped much of what we had taken from the Pacifica on UPS from Oahu. We did not want Grandfather’s compass to get broken, we might need it on the next boat we created.

  Once we had settled in, Susanne said that she and Charlie needed to be on their way home, but they would come to visit this weekend if possible. I heard Becky tell her niece that she hoped they could come and stay for three days, since there was a holiday on Monday. Susanne hugged Becky and said, “Then Charlie and I might just do that. By the way, I did some shopping. There is fresh milk, eggs, butter and fruit in the refrigerator. Charlie and I will try to see you this weekend.”

  When Susanne drove out of the driveway, Becky said, “We need to check out the boat house and make certain everything is okay out there.” As we walked, I could tell that Becky’s pace was getting quicker the closer she got to the boathouse. When she punched in the security code and the door opened, she quickly turned on the lights and walked inside. When I had shut the door behind me, Becky took a deep breath and yelled, “We are home,” and then she turned to look at me and said, “Sorry, I got a little carried away.” Once we were certain the boathouse was secure, we headed into the house for the night. When we were inside and had locked the kitchen door, Becky headed straight for the poolroom. She tested the water to see if it was warm and then began stripping off her clothes. I joined her in the water for a few minutes, but then we dried off and headed to the bedroom to find clean clothes. As we dressed, Becky said, “I have something that I would like to talk to you about, how about a cold beer and a burger on the grill?”

  As we prepared supper, Becky began talking about Charlie and told me how much he loved spending time here at the beach house. As we sat down at the table, she said, “I need to ask if you are still in love with the sea and if you are prepared for another adventure?” I put my burger down on my plate and said, “I love the sea, I love you and would love another adventure. What do you have in mind? Woman, please quit pussy footing around and tell me your thoughts.” Becky sat her can of beer down on the table with a thud, looked me in the eyes, and said, “I would like to begin building the SS Pacifica-Two as soon as we have finished with the design and drawings. At one point, I
considered purchasing a sailing vessel and taking Charlie with us while we visited Tahiti, but now that we are home, I have an itch that needs scratching. Are you game for another build?”

  The sun was not even up yet when my bedroom door squeaked open and two blue eyes peeked around the edge to see if I was awake. I spoke to her and asked why she was up so early. As she crawled under the covers with me and cuddled up close, she said, “It is five o’clock. Don’t you realize that this is a workday? We have much to do?” I gently swatted her on the butt and said, “I forgot that your work day begins at five in the morning when you are in the build mode.” She rubbed the front of my shorts and said, “You need to pee before this thing explodes.” I began to laugh and decided she was correct in her reasoning. When I crawled out of bed and headed for the bathroom, she walked in behind me and turned on the shower. As the water got hot, she pulled the shower curtain back and said, “This time I will help you get showered and ready for breakfast. From now one, you need to be downstairs by quarter past five each morning, except for Sunday.” I got into the shower and mumbled some words over her constant nagging. She pulled the curtain back and got into the shower with me. I handed her the bar of soap and said, “Since you are determined to rush me this morning, you could wash my back, Captain.” I heard her giggle as she reached around in front of me with her soapy hands and began washing my body. I said, “I think you should refrain from what you are doing right now or we will be very late for breakfast, Captain.” I heard her giggle, but she did not stop washing me; breakfast was over an hour late that morning.


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