A Cowboy's Heart (Hitting Rocks Cowboys)

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A Cowboy's Heart (Hitting Rocks Cowboys) Page 10

by Rebecca Winters

  With a clicking sound, she took off like a shot. It was exhilarating to get into a full gallop. Liz wouldn’t have done it if Sunflower hadn’t already been warmed up. She reached the back of the trailer first, but that was only because Connor had decided not to make it a competition. She jumped down to open the doors.

  Moving quickly, she walked her horse into the stall and filled the bucket with fresh water for her. She patted her neck. “If you run that fast for me during the events, we’ll have nothing to worry about.”

  While Connor led his horse inside the other stall, she secured the lead rope and then left the stall. Before long he’d hitched the truck to the trailer and they took off.

  No one eyeing them would see a thing wrong this picture, but Liz knew it was flawed. “Connor,” she began. “I—”

  “Reva went back to Los Angeles yesterday,” he broke in before she could apologize.”

  So he wasn’t with her last night.

  “She won’t return until the last night of finals. But I want to get something clear right now. You’ve been more than a neighbor to me for a long time, and I’m not using you for substitute entertainment.”

  “I know that,” she whispered. “But I guess I’m overwhelmed by your attention. When Ralph asked you to drive me here and take good care of me, I never dreamed you would be so thorough about it. It makes me feel guilty, because I’ve done nothing to deserve it.

  “Though you warned me about Reva, when she walked in the trailer I could see what she was seeing, and it hurt me for her sake. She couldn’t have been happy that I was living in there with you. If your kindness to me, or your grandfather’s, has done anything to cause trouble between you and your ex-wife, I couldn’t handle that. I’d be happy to explain the way things really are to her.”

  “Have you finished?”

  She lowered her head. “Not yet. Jarod and Sadie almost didn’t get back together because of horrible misunderstandings. Look at them now! If I can be of any help to you where Reva is concerned, you know I’ll do whatever I can.”

  “Now are you through?”

  “No! I’m indebted to you and Ralph for getting me here. If I accept that job on the reservation, I’ll be indebted to Jarod. I guess I’m having a hard time accepting the incredible kindness you Bannocks have showered on me.”

  He cleared his throat. “Let’s get a few things straight. In the first place, the problems between me and Reva started a long time ago and resulted in a divorce. The fact that you’re using my trailer while we’re here has no bearing on my relationship with her because she and I no longer have a relationship. A miracle would have to happen for us to get together again.”

  Though Reva might have pursued him this time, she knew in the core of her he was still hoping for that miracle.

  “Second, you’re under the false impression that my grandfather asked me to drive you to finals with me. But you’re wrong. He had nothing to do with it. In fact, I know it shocked him when he found out. The truth is, I allowed you to make that assumption because I was afraid you wouldn’t come otherwise.”

  Liz knew he wasn’t a liar. Her body started to tremble from those stunning revelations. “Then why did you ask me to come?”

  “Frankly, it’s because I wish it hadn’t taken so long for me to get to know you, but because of Daniel I was forced to stay away. Years ago Grandpa made me promise I wouldn’t go near you. That’s why you and I never really connected though we’ve lived next door to each other our whole lives. At Daniel’s funeral I was determined to fix that problem, but our schedules have been hectic.

  “Last month I saw you out riding in the Pryors, working on your form. Your discipline and work ethic is absolutely phenomenal. It struck me how crazy it was that two people who love the sport like we do, and have given our lives to it, have never gotten to know each other better. That’s when I got the idea to invite you to drive to Las Vegas with me. But after you turned me down in Missoula, I’ll admit I was nervous to approach you again.”

  Her emotions were in chaos. “I can’t imagine you being nervous about that.”

  “Are you kidding? Grandpa’s little princess? Sadie’s best friend? Your parents’ pride and joy? Montana’s wonder woman?”

  “Okay, okay. Stop!” She laughed in spite of her shock.

  “I didn’t want to make a mistake with you. Have I made one now by asking you to spend the day with me?”

  “Of course not.”

  “That’s good. Now I’m going to stick my neck out once more and ask you another question. Have you ever wished I’d asked you to go out with me?”

  With her heart slamming into her rib cage, she lifted her head and eyed him directly. “You mean before you met Reva?”

  He nodded.

  “Sure.” She flashed him a smile. “Every girl in the county wanted a chance to be with Montana’s hot steer wrestling champion.”

  A shadow crossed over his features. “I’m talking about your wanting to be with the second son of the rancher next door.”

  What did he just say?

  “But now that I think about it, Bobby Felton and Ricky Jarvis always hung around you at school, so the thought to be with me probably never entered your mind.”

  He couldn’t be serious. But when she looked into his eyes, she could see that he was. Connor, Connor.

  The tension between them was palpable. “Do you think you can handle the truth?”

  “Try me.” His intensity shook her to the bone.

  “The times Sadie and I went out riding and Jarod just happened to show up though it was forbidden, I always hoped his younger brother would be with him, but it never happened.”

  A long silence stretched between them. “When we get back from finals, plan on my showing up. If I see you with Kyle or any of your other favorites, I’ll lie low until I can catch you alone.”


  * * *

  “SEE YOU TOMORROW at the Mack Center, Wade. Liz and I will be taking our horses over after lunch.”

  He nodded. “That was a good workout tonight.”

  “Yup. Firebrand’s never performed better.”

  “I’m talking about you.”


  “Yeah.” His gaze played over Connor without saying anything more.

  After Wade left the barn, Connor took care of the horses. While he made certain they were watered and fed for the night, his cell phone rang.


  He’d been waiting for this call the whole time he and Liz had ridden in Red Rock Canyon. With certain misunderstandings cleared up, their outing had been quite perfect.

  “Hey, bro—I thought you’d forgotten me. How are you and Sadie doing?” He was waiting to hear the excitement about the baby.

  “I just got back from the reservation. She’s so sick, she can’t lift her head off the pillow.”

  Connor grinned. “Must be the flu. It’s going around.”

  “It’s not that. She’s pregnant, and I’m terrified.”

  He blinked. “Those two statements don’t go together. How could you possibly be terrified over news that has to have made you a new man?”

  “You don’t know how sick she is, Connor. I’ve never seen her like this in my life.”

  “If it’s that bad, then she should be in the hospital where the doctor can reduce the nausea with medication.”

  “I’ve already talked to her OB. He’d ordered medicine for her and I just gave it to her. But what if—”

  “It isn’t!” Connor interrupted him. “The doctor said her heart operation fixed the problem for good. Some women get really sick. Grandpa told us our mom had terrible morning sickness for a few weeks with Avery. Remember Prince William’s wife? They had to put her in the hospital for a few days. Now they have baby George. Have y
ou got any ideas for your baby’s name?”

  “I can’t think right now.”

  “I don’t think I could, either, if I’d just been told I’m going to be a dad. Congratulations, bro! This is the good news we’ve all been waiting for.”

  “You really think this is going to pass?”

  “I think you need a good talk with your uncle Charlo.”

  “He’ll tell me I’m a mess.”

  “That’s your right as a new father. Have you told Grandpa or Avery?”

  “No. You’re the first.”

  Afraid not. Liz had gotten there before anyone else. Connor loved it.

  “Did you find her in bed when you got back?”

  “No. I found a flat-board cradle on my side. She was in the bathroom throwing up.”

  Connor tried not to burst out laughing. This was one situation his big brother, who was always in control, wasn’t prepared for. “I’m sorry she’s sick, but you know it won’t last long. Give her my love and cling to the Crow courage that led you to the light during your fast.”

  He thought his brother might have hung up when he suddenly said, “How are you? How’s it going with Liz?”

  “Sometime I’ll tell you, but not tonight. Go take care of your wife. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Liz was already in bed when he returned to the trailer. He looked down at her. “I just got off the phone with the father of Little Sits in the Center.”

  She sat up. “I love that name you made up! Is Jarod thrilled out of his mind?”

  “Not yet. Sadie has bad morning sickness. He’s so in love with that woman he can’t handle anything being wrong with her.”

  “Sadie’s tough.”

  Connor had needed to hear that himself from the one person who knew Sadie better than anyone else. “I told him we’ll call him tomorrow. We’ll both talk to him. Since I’m too excited to sleep yet, how about some poker after I’ve showered?”

  “I’ve got another idea. Have you ever played Boggle?”

  “Can’t say that I have.”

  “I’ll set it up. You’re going to love it!”

  He had news for her. He loved whatever he did when they were together. In truth, he didn’t want the finals to end....

  * * *

  AFTER HER WORKOUT at the Mack Center the next day, Liz took care of her horse, then left the temporary tented barn provided for the horses and headed for Connor’s rig. They’d parked on the lot of the university’s soccer field. That was where she would wait for him. To her surprise, she saw a cowboy lounging against their truck with his arms folded. When he saw her coming, he waved and started walking toward her.

  “Dr. Henson?”

  “Oh—you’re one of the famous Porter brothers I met in St. George.”

  “Derrick.” He smiled. “I’m glad you remembered that much. I was hoping to catch up with you. Are you finished for the evening?”

  “Absolutely. I put Sunflower through her paces today. We both need a rest.”

  “With tomorrow being our first official event, I think we’ve all had a tiring workout.” He shoved his hat back. “I saw Connor’s rig, so I’ll come right out and ask if you and he are an item before I go any further.”

  He was nice. Rather cute. Probably her age. Maybe a little younger. “I’m his neighbor. He was kind enough to give me and my horse transportation here. I’m using his trailer as a hotel during the events.”

  Derrick was a friend of Wade’s. It was important she made her relationship with Connor perfectly clear with Derrick because it would get back to Connor at some point.

  His eyes flared in response. “One question down. One more to go. If you don’t have any plans for this evening, would you care to have dinner with me?”

  Though Liz was flattered by Derrick’s interest in her, she didn’t want to encourage him when Kyle would be coming the last night of finals. On the other hand, maybe it wouldn’t hurt this one time in order to give Connor some space. He’d mentioned that they’d get together after they got back to the ranch, but she had no idea how serious he’d been about it. Since they’d left Montana, they’d been together constantly. What to do?

  “That’s okay, Liz.” His smile said it was, but her lack of a quick response wasn’t kind. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to go with him this once. They were all competing, and he was anxious as everyone else underneath. Theirs was a unique fraternity.

  “No, no. I’d like to go. It will be relaxing. The errand I’d planned to do can wait. Thanks, Derrick. Give me a minute to go inside the trailer and I’ll be right back out.”

  “Take your time.”

  Once inside she freshened up and changed into a clean blouse and jeans. After brushing her hair and putting on lipstick, she wrote a message for Connor and left it on the counter.


  Have made plans for this evening. Will see you back at the RV park later tonight. Liz.

  Dispensing with her cowboy hat, she walked out and locked the door. Derrick was waiting for her in his white truck. As he was helping her in the passenger side of the cab he said, “I like your new hairdo.”

  “I’m flattered you even noticed. Thank you.”

  “You’re impossible not to notice, if you know what I mean.” After Connor’s reaction, she’d decided she should have cut her hair sooner. Derrick shut the door and walked around to get behind the wheel. “I thought we’d go for my favorite meal, if you don’t have a preference.”

  “I’m so hungry I could eat anything.”

  “Even breakfast?”

  “Maybe you’re psychic. If I had to choose to eat the same meal every day of life, it would be bacon, eggs and cinnamon toast.”

  “Even if I’m not psychic, I’m superstitious and always eat breakfast the night before an event the next day.”

  “With two gold buckles in your possession, your system must be working. Maybe it’ll work for me.”

  He drove them through the park to the main street. “I watched a couple of barrel racers earlier. Then I spotted you. The control over your horse is superb.”

  “Are you trying to sweeten me up, cowboy?” she teased.

  “Nope. I call it as I see it.”

  “You know how to make a gal feel good.”

  “Just being with you makes me feel good.”

  Hopefully he said that to all the girls. Liz ended up having a nice evening. Derrick worked on his father’s sheep ranch in Rock Springs and was still single and enjoying the rodeo circuit with his brother. They mostly talked shop.

  At ten-thirty they drove into the RV park. Connor had brought his rig back from the center. The truck was there, too. He might be inside or with Wade, but it didn’t matter. Just the thought of him sent a minor quake through her body.

  “Tomorrow night a few of us are going to attend a party at the Bellagio, but we’ll go to the South Point Hotel first to see the gold buckles given out.” She knew all about the Wrangler NFR–hosted event. It was held in the ballroom of the main casino every night. “Would you like to go with me?”

  She was ready for him this time. “I can’t make plans that far ahead. Why don’t we wait until tomorrow night to see what it brings?”

  “Fair enough. I’ll look for you after your event is over.”

  Liz gave a nod without actually committing herself. “Good luck to you and your brother.”

  “The same to you. See you tomorrow night.”

  Maybe, but she wouldn’t be going out with him again. “Thanks for dinner. Don’t get out.” She opened the door and jumped down.

  Liz felt his gaze on her as she approached the trailer and reached inside her purse for the keys. But before she could get it in the lock, Connor opened the door.

  “Hey, Connor.” With a smile, Derrick waved his h
at to him before driving off.

  There was no answering smile from her host. He locked the door behind her, looking the way her father had in her teens when he didn’t know where she’d been and was worried. But her heart knocked against her ribs over the lack of animation on his face. “Is Sadie worse?”

  For a few seconds he didn’t say anything.


  “Sorry. What did you ask?”

  “You look so upset, I thought you must have had bad news about Sadie.”

  “I’m sure she’s all right or I would have heard from Jarod,” he mumbled.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  He shot her a piercing glance. “Derrick’s a player. I thought you’d already figured that out.”

  Was Connor jealous? Was it possible? She sat down in one of the chairs. “It was just one dinner with another competitor to talk shop.”

  “So that’s what you were doing?”

  “He approached me at the rodeo grounds and I didn’t want to be rude, knowing he’s a friend of Wade’s and a little uptight waiting for tomorrow.” It was the truth.

  “Wade said he has a girlfriend back in Rock Springs, but I wager Derrick didn’t mention her.” His brows lifted. “Has he asked you out again?”

  “For tomorrow night, but I told him I couldn’t make plans.”

  “That was smart.”

  She couldn’t believe this had come out of him. For Connor to be upset over Derrick thrilled her to the heels of her cowboy boots.

  “I don’t know what will happen in my event,” she said. “But I want to see you get your buckle. For five seasons in a row you’ve had the winning time the first night of every competition. It’s unheard of. That’s why you’re a legend already.”

  No compliment could nudge him out of his foul mood.

  “Connor? Have you eaten yet?”

  “No.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I wasn’t hungry.”

  “Ah. So this is what happens to you the night before an event. You need food. That’s why you’re a grump. I’ll fix you some eggs. They taste good anytime.”

  She put her purse on the couch and got out the eggs and bacon from the fridge. In a jiffy she found the frying pan and started cooking.


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